Chapter Seventy-seven
The Dream-Master frowned at In-Yeon's companions and they stepped back enough not to eavesdrop but still kept in sight. "You brought guards?" the old man asked sadly.
"Intruder last night." In-Yeon did not offer more.
"And your dreams?"
"Confusing. Some past, some soon, some unclear. Is it always like this?" In-Yeon rubbed his temples to ease the headache sifting through all the images caused.
"Often, at first. Many do not learn the discipline but you have your own guides if you let them in."
"Not temple teaching?" In-Yeon blurted and the old man just laughed.
"The temples have forgotten much. The Morning Temple might help and you may yet find your way there."
"Actually, I was wondering if all my old battle dreams with warrior monks in them is telling me to go train with one. I haven't heard about any warrior monks lately but..." In-Yeon's voice faded and he shrugged.
"You are on the right path studying with Master Wu's students and learning what you can from the past lives you see."
"And the invasion. Did you see it too?" In-Yeon shivered as he remembered the images.
"It is one of many possibilities. Remember there is a difference between will be and may be with far seeing. In time it will be clearer so don't worry at it." The Dream-Master then taught In-Yeon a new mantra to use when he wanted a quiet night before dismissing him.
"Thank you." In-Yeon bowed deeply three time before leaving.
San Jin gave In-Yeon a curious look but the boy shook his head. He was still trying to soak in what he just learned. When In-Yeon turned back to wave to the Dream-Master one more time he could not shake the feeling it was the last time he would see the man.
Two of San Jin's guards were waiting at the gate. The other, they explained, was still with General Tan. "Right. Well let's take our luggage to the stable. We can check on the horses and decide where to go next," San Jin nodded to himself.
"Yes, to the horses but after that you and I are touring a couple of dojos and stopping by the Tinker's Hall. Not all candidates can afford to the provincial schools," Scout Jia said.
"And I can stay being a groom, right?" In-Yeon asked.
"A well guarded groom," San Jin replied looking at each of his companions until he got a curt nod from one of his guards.
The group had surprises waiting for them at the stable. Junseo had come to inquire about leasing a horse for his return trip to the Capital but their reunion was interrupted. A Protocol Officer demanded to know the source of the warning the boys sent to the General.
"The Governor is claiming the explosive trap must have been a set up otherwise how could it be disarmed so easily. He demands to know why the General knew to look." The man in the red robes studied their party closely as he said, "I saw the message come in and recognized the code on the outside. Its one we believe has been compromised but the General assured me the message was from his nephew."
"I am glad our warning was effective," San Jin said.
"You were seen in the company of a well-known rebel a couple of days ago. Was that the source of your information? The Governor is certain only someone who set the trap could disarm it so easily."
"And you would rather listen to him and suspect my friends? After everything we know about the Governor and his wife. Wow!" Junseo stepped forward. Scout Jia put his arm out to stop the young man from getting any closer to the Protocol Officer.
"Just who are you?" the Protocol Officer asked.
"Probably one of the few living witnesses to how the first explosions got set off. The powder barrels were stored too close to the detonators and the men who moved them were not nearly careful enough. I am only here to tell you about it because my friends risked their lives to pull me out of the cave-in." As Junseo folded his arms his right sleeve slipped back. Traces of a silver scar caught the light. The Protocol Officer paled and bowed to the degree expected for royalty.
"I look forward to your full statement young master but it still does not answer where the information in the message sent today came from." The Protocol Officer bowed again.
"What did my Uncle tell you? I trust you asked him before coming all the way here." San Jin stepped forward.
"He said he trusted you because the training yard was uniquely qualified to understand such devices. Something about a special contract."
"A confidential arrangement," Scout Jia confirmed.
"Still, how could you know about the trap?" The Protocol Officer persisted.
"You know we sent the message from the Moon Temple?" San Jin replied with his own question. The Protocol Officer nodded reluctantly. "You know there is a highly esteemed Dream-Master there. So much so, members of the conclave come to consult him." He left the man to work out the implication.
"Highly irregular," he huffed.
"No doubt," Junseo snickered at the Protocol Officer's discomfort. "I will give you this. The detonators had the same resonance as the one used to attack me in the palace. If you want to actually investigate instead of covering for the Council-of-Five, I suggest you look into a Northern Priestess and her connections here abouts. You may even find one of her associates trying to intimidate witnesses by masquerading as an investigator so I will make my full statement in the capital where I know more of the members of your office." Junseo turned on his heal and walked into the stable block. In-Yeon followed him without a glance to the others.
San Jin stood awkwardly, looking from Scout Jia to the Protocol Officer. Both men frowned as they watched the two boys walking away. "Tell Knight-Master Lei if that is the way his boy is going to keep acting, no matter which family he is trying to protect, he best register their true relationship," the Protocol Officer said as he shook his head.
"I will be sure mention it." Scout Jia said before bidding the court official a polite farewell.
"Wait. Do you really believe Junseo is the Knight-Master's unclaimed bastard son?" San Jin whispered in shock.
"Manager Doak and I have discussed the possibility. There is a certain resemblance, and the dragon obviously favors the boy. Knight-Master Lei also let Junseo ride his favorite horse. Not many get that privilege." Scout Jia shrugged. "Can you think of a better explanation?"
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