Reviewed by: ChristineAcedon
Book Title: Laxita- The Mage's Awakening
Author's Name: Dreamersb23
Cover: 10/10
I absolutely love the cover. The color scheme is beautiful and the title is bold, front and center and easy to read.
Title: 10/10
The title fits the story well. It isn't too long or difficult to remember. It clues the reader in to what type of story they'll be delving into.
Blurb/Description: 9/10
The blurb for this story does a good job of telling the readers the type of story they're picking up, and introducing the character, but it just felt that is was missing something. Possibly condensing the second and third paragraph into one? They seem a little too broken up.
Creativity and originality: 10/10
You are so in depth with the world you've created with the story. From the descriptions, the world history, and even the images you include in your chapters, everything adds to the story. You've really let your imagination run wild, while adding in little pieces of history throughout as well.
Plot and Flow: 20/20
Given the age of your main character, I think you remain true to her maturity level and the importance of her feelings. The story isn't hard to follow and it is easy to glide through the series of events right alongside Laxita and her schoolmates. You are setting up the complexities and intricacies of all of their different relationships between one another through her eyes and you do it very well.
Writing style: 9/10
There are moments within the story where time passes by and you do well by indicating how much time, but it may be worth considering placing some sort of page break between large time lapses. The way you write in two languages, but always include a translation for those of us (*cough* ME *cough*) who aren't fortunate enough to be bilingual. I really like this aspect of your story telling. It's almost like it allows us to immerse ourselves in a different culture.
Grammar, spelling, etc.: 9/10
There are a few mistakes here and there, but nothing that a quick and focused read-through can't fix.
Overall: 97/100
I love everything from the cover to the world map and the pictures you include to allow us to imagine the school and the setting. Laxita is a very likable, optimistic, maybe a little sheltered, main character. Knowing what we know from the story description, it is easy to see all the little bits and pieces of the story that set it up for bigger things in the future.
You keep decent pacing throughout your chapters, giving just enough insight into Laxita's school life without allowing it to take up too much time and drag on. It moves quickly without feeling rushed. You do an amazing job of keeping your readers invested with breadcrumbs throughout while we wait to find out what secrets her mother is hiding, what her fiance's problem is, etc. I definitely look forward to reading more. Thank you for allowing me the opportunity to check out your work!
Please get in touch with your reviewer if you have any questions! Thank you for working with us! We hope these comments will help you improve your story and give you a sense of achievement for writing such a wonderful story.
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