"I want to eat chicken fajita pizza, zinger burger with loaded fries, Tikka malai boti, chicken wings, mutton curry with rogni naan, fried rice, Cheese burst sandwichs, biryani is a must you remember right........" She was going on and on and Zay was just looking as shocked as he was 4 months back. Each time he wonders can she really eat this much? But every time his Haya proves him wrong by eating all of food.
"Are you even listening Zay"? Came her angry voice. One of the side effects of the pregnancy from Zay is definitely very fearful. Her angry little wife.
"Of course Haya. I will get the food asap" He said and she shooed him away gesturing him to the door and laid comfortably closing her eyes. This was also not something new, she always does it ignoring him. He sighed looking at his Haya's angelic face before making his way out.
When he got back home, she was asleep. Should he wake her up? And the answer was yes because last time he didn't wake her up after getting the food and she literally ignored his existence for 2 whole days. Can you imagine 2 days without her attention towards him. It was hell.
"Haya! My Jaan. Wake up, i got the food you asked" He softly shooked her, she stirred a bit in her sleep mumbling 'Allah' knows what.
He again shooked her lightly earning a smack on his hand with her angry voice "Go to hell! Let me sleep for a while"
He looked at her in disbelief but said nothing. He properly covered her with the blanket and went to take shower. After that he started doing some work on his laptop as he wasn't going to office for months now because of Haya's pregnancy.
After 3 hours she woke up rubbing her knuckles on her eyes cutely. "My food"? That was the first thing she asked after waking up.
He smiled looking at her and stood up making his way towards her. Ruffling her hairs he gestured towards the table which was full from different kinds of food.
She smiled and a frown appeared on her beautiful face. "For how many hours i was asleep"? Her frown deepened. "3" He replied shrugging his shoulders and she gasped from shock.
"You lair! I can't sleep this much in afternoon. You are clearly lying on my face" She accusingly pointed at him. He just gave her 'You Done' look.
She threw the pillow at him and Zay perfectly catched it as this was His Haya's regular stunt.
"Fine I am lying. Now please can you eat. You didn't even had breakfast properly" He accepted his non-existed mistake. Passing her a smile he asked again "Want to sit on the sofa or will eat on the bed"?
"On sofa" She replied happily because he accepted his so called lie. He held both her hands and slowly made her sit on the sofa.
"Let's start with pizza" she said excitedly and he smiled in return. He heated the pizza in the oven in their room and made her eat with his hands.
In between she put the morsels in his mouth. They both fed eachother with their hands. Angels were sending blessings and were also smiling looking at the lovely couple down here on earth.
They were coming back from the hospital after a detailed checkup of Haya. Alhumdulila the babies and the mother herself was healthy, safe and sound.
They were stopped at the signal. Haya was looking outside or i say she was looking specially at something but didn't said anything. Zay smiled looking at her and shooked his head slowly still smiling.
After 2 to 3 minutes of the drive, Zay parked the car beside the road. Haya arched her one eyebrow asking him. "Just a minute" He said and got out of the car.
Minutes later he came holding many gajras in his hands. She immediately gasped. "How did you...."? She trailed off as she got emotional. Side effects of pregnancy. He sighed and softly cleaned her tears from her face.
"Haya! You know na what i hate most in the world"? He asked and she innocently nodded her head and mumbled "My tears"
"So, No more crying Jaan" She nodded her head again like a child. He smiled and lightly kissed her forehead.
He made her wore the gajras and softly kissed her hands one by one. Then kissed her button nose which was red. Her giggles filled the car. Shyly she hided herself in his chest. Kissing her head lovingly he hugged her back not to ever let her go.
Zaydan woke up in the middle of night from the whimpering of someone. He slowly opened his eyes to see his Haya crying.
He panicked. "What happened Haya? Are you in pain? Where tell me? Why didn't you wake me up"? He bombarded her with the questions but in return she started crying more loudly.
"Haya you are scaring me. Tell me Jaan why are you crying"? He asked as softly as he can cupping her face with his hands. She looked at him with her teary face and mumbled slowly hiccuping "I-I don't k-know"
She don't know? He frowned but immediately got the answer. Hormones of her pregnancy.
"It's Okay! You want to eat anything"? He asked cleaning her teary face. She shooked her head negatively.
"You want to sleep then"? He asked asked putting her hair strands behind her ear.
"I w-want to but c-can't sleep" She stuttered. Her voice came out hoarse from all the crying.
"It's Okay! Come I will help you to sleep" He said and slowly made her lay on the bed and her head on his lap and slowly stroked her hairs until she was asleep.
Her forehead was creased but when he placed a heartwarming kiss on her forehead, She relaxed under his touch. He smiled and stealed a peck from her lips. After that he don't know when he also fell asleep in that sitting position.
"It's all because of you" Haya was putting all the blame of pain on Zay and as usual he was taking the blame.
"Yes! Yes! All because of me".
With that she was taken in the labour room. After what felt like hours they heard the first cries of their baby.
All were present there.
The nurse came holding the infant in her arms securely and asked "Congratulations. It's a Son. His father"? Zay was shooked to the core hearing the word father. Right now beside everything he wanted to ask about Haya. He wanted to see their babies together. He wanted to capture her each and every reaction in his eyes.
"How's my wife"? He asked worriedly and Rehman took the new born from the nurse. MashaAllah slipped from everyone's mouth.
"Still in labour" You got it right, they were having twins. They were unknown to the gender of their babies. Replying to him the nurse went in again.
After 9 mins they again heard the cries of the baby. Same nurse came out holding the baby "Congratulations. It's a daughter" This time Rahim took the baby princess from her.
"My wife"? Zay asked worriedly. The nurse smiled and said "Don't worry. The mother is fine. She passed out right after giving birth to her. You can meet her as we are going to shift her in the ward" saying this she went in.
Zay took a sigh of relief and Thanked Allah! Thousands of time. He turned towards everyone. He smiled looking at the babies. Although he didn't saw their faces but he bet Their son was like him and their daughter like his Haya.
After she was shifted to the ward, he sat their for hours holding her hand and finally she woke up.
He made her sit comfortably against the headboard and fed her water.
"Our babies" Haya asked and Zay nodded his head. Rehman put the baby boy in Haya's arms and Rahim put the baby girl in Zaydan's arm.
"Congratulations Zaid, Jaan. You both are Alhumdulila blessed with a baby boy and a baby girl" All congratulated them. Everyone kissed Haya's forehead and lovingly stroked Zay's hairs. After that they left them alone.
Silence was spread across the room but their smiles illuminated the room futher with light.
"Congratulations Begum" Zay was the first to broke the silence congratulating his wife.
"Congratulations to you too My Zay" Came Haya's congrats with a wide smile.
"She/ He is just like you" They both said at the same time and smiled at each other. He sat beside her on the bed and They both looked at the babies in their laps.
"Her nose is ditto like your button nose" Zay pointed lovingly kissing his daughter's nose.
"Our son is ditto like you. Each and every feature is like your little version" she smiled and kissed her son's forehead. Smile never leaving both of their faces.
"Any names Haya"? Zay asked looking at her baby princess. She nodded her head and asked "Any names on your side" He smiled and nodded.
"Okay on the count of three we will say the names" Said Zay and Haya nodded.
"1 . 2 . 3" Zay counted and after that they both uttered the names. Haya of her little prince and Zay of his little princess.
"Zayyan" / "Hayfa" They both passed eachother a big wide smile. And uttered in Union "MashaAllah"
Zay kissed Haya's forehead. His lips lingered there more than needed and uttered with utter most love and care. "Thank you Haya! Thank you so much for giving these precious gems to me. I Love you" Haya closed her eyes in pure pleasure. Her heart felt picking it's pace up. This was pure bliss. He, She and their babies in between.
"I Love You too My Zay"
A loving husband, Caring family, both babies. This was literally heaven on earth. May Allah keep the evil eyes off them. Ameen sumameen.
Against all the odds, against all the misunderstandings, against everything, Their Love still stood out to pull down the every barrier between them, pushing them away, separating them to make the world know their unconditional love for eachother.
Assalam-O-Alaikum My Lovely Peeps!
So, Here it is the Epilogue of RÚẞÂRÚ - Î$H¶.
Honestly speaking I didn't imagined i will get this much love on this novel. This novel is very close to my heart as this plot was the very first one that was on my mind when i first decided to write something but i was so nervous that i didn't know how to put my thoughts in my writings.
I started my other works but deep down i was regretting that why i didn't wrote this novel.
I have a very tough routine to balance my study and novels. I was like stuck in between.
So when i got a break from my semester. I decided to start writing but never in my dreams i thought to get this much love from you all.
Thank you so much for all of your support that i completed this novel. It was my dream work, which finally got completed today. Your love, support, votes, comments, each and everything matters to me alot. It means to me alot.
A heartwarming request for the votes and comments from my silent readers. Thank You! ❣️
Back to the EPILOGUE. I would like to ask for the feedback from each one of my readers.
If I missed something in the novel then please without any hesitation you can point it out or just tell me here.
Here's some questions i would like to ask you all. It's just for fun Lovelies but I would like to get answers from each individual.
№.1 "Who was your favourite character in the novel and why„?
№.2 "One particular scene in the novel that you like the most„?
№.3 "At which point you hated Zaydan and why„?
№.4 "Who would you miss the most? Zaydan/Hayat or Both„?
№.5 "Did you like the names of babies? If not then please drop some suggestions„
Thank You My Lovely Peeps once again. Lots of love. ❤️🥰
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