This chapter is dedicated to ReaderGal2k17 for her idea I read in the comments
Gronkle123, DragonTrainer, IAmVeryAnnoying, and DESTRUCTION are online
Gronkle123: HICCUP!
Gronkle123: HICCUP!
Gronkle123: HICCUP!
DragonTrainer: What is it Fishlegs?
Gronkle123: YOU NEED TO SEE THIS!!!
DESTRUCTION: What's going on?
DragonTrainer: Apparently Fishlegs has something he wants to show me
IAmVeryAnnoying: Probably something to do with that dumb Dragon Eye you people are obsessed with🙄
Gronkle123: First off, the Dragon Eye is not dumb. It contains a ton of valuable information
Gronkle123: Second, it's much different
DragonTrainer: Fishlegs! Just it show me whatever it is you want to show me
Gronkle123: Okay okay!
Gronkle123: READ IT! READ IT ALL!
IAmVeryAnnoying: NO! THIS IS A LIE!
Gronkle123: No it isn't! This is real! And it's from only a week ago!
DragonTrainer: O-Oh my Thor...
DragonTrainer: Wait... Doesn't that mean that you were spying on the girls?
Gronkle123: NO!
Gronkle123: Okay technically it is, but that's not the point
IAmVeryAnnoying: There is no way that Astrid would have feelings for Hiccup. The loves me!
DESTRUCTION: I really have no idea how you convinced yourself to believe that
Gronkle123: Face it Snotlout. Astrid chose Hiccup. She just confessed to having a crush on him and I've got the proof
DragonTrainer: 😳
Gronkle123: 👏
IAmVeryAnnoying: 😭
DragonTrainer: Huh?
Gronkle123: What are you gonna do now that you know that Astrid returns your feelings?
DragonTrainer: Wait, how did you know that I liked her?
DESTRUCTION: Hiccup my friend, it's way to obvious. You may be a wizard, but this is something your magic can't help you conceal
DragonTrainer: What is he talking about?
Gronkle123: Does anyone ever know what he's talking about?
DragonTrainer: True
Gronkle123: Do you have any ideas about what you're going to do about this newfound information? Maybe a plan?
DragonTrainer: Of course!
DragonTrainer: ...Not
Gronkle123: That may be a problem
DESTRUCTION: Well, I've got a few ideas
DragonTrainer: Nothing that guarantees either a fight or fire
DESTRUCTION: I have one idea
DragonTrainer: Okay, let's hear it
DESTRUCTION: Three words. Eleven letters. 'Truth or Dare.'
Gronkle123: ...This could actually work. If you had us help you out and we play our cards right
DESTRUCTION: I can see it so clearly
IAmVeryAnnoying: You guys do what you want, but don't count on me to help
IAmVeryAnnoying is offline
Gronkle123: Well, we're down a Jorgenson
DESTRUCTION: What did you expect? Now. Truth or Dare. What say you Hiccup?
DragonTrainer: 🤔
DragonTrainer: Let's do it
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