Castlevania OC
(Good show on Netflix! I recommend watching it.)
Name: Clare Bellhaven
Age: 25yrs old
Gender: Female
Skin Tone: Ivory
Height: 5'5/5'6
Weight: 135lbs
Eye Color: Green
Hair Color: Brunette with light blue streak
Hairstyle: Short and curly at the ends
Piercing(s): None
Tattoo(s): Red heart on lower right hip,
Scar(s): One across her nose, across her left shoulder, a long one going from upper right side to left hip and one on her back, right shoulder
•Primary: Silver cutlass
•Secondary: Whip that was blessed and doused in holy water
▪Small holy water bombs
▪Six throwing knives
▪Salt pouch
▪Coin pouch
Accessories:Only those that come with her actual outfit.
House Of: Bellhaven
Affiliation: Monster hunter/scholar of magic (sort of, not entirely).
House History: N/A
Personality: Once an energetic child, Clare had grown up and endured both training and events that seemed to sap away what feelings she had, though not all had left. She still has feelings, with the exception of love and sadness, and seems to have loads of anger, thanks to the lycanthropy.
Background: Clare grew up as the youngest child of the Bellhavens, and was the youngest of five daughters. She was taught her family history at a young age, 8, and would often solicit herself within the house library, immersed in the bestiary. She would often practice and recite knowledge with her elder siblings and grew into a young, intelligent woman. When The monsters reigned over the lands and murdered half her siblings, Clare decided to leave home and put a stop to it all. Her departure both benefit and had a negative impact upon her family.
No one really knew as to why she left, other than to avenge her siblings, but the true reason was because of a deep, dark secret that would have her family shun her for all eternity: she was a werewolf.
Her lycanthropy is rather unique--being able to turn without the presence of the moon as well as able to have some control over both her beastly sides. She has yet to find a cure, yet it also seems as though she never wants to find one. Clare roams the lands, doing whatever she possibly can to assist folks and whatever labor that'll ensure her coin.
-Crinos: The Crinos is the war-form, fusing the deadliest aspects of human and beast into one body whose sole purpose is to kill and shred all enemies. Height is between eight and ten feet tall whilst weighing four-hundred to eight-hundred pounds. This form is solely for the purpose of killing anything and/or everything around it, unless there is full control of this form.
-Hispo: A werewolf in Hispo form looks like a prehistoric dire wolf. The head and jaws are massive, even more so than the Crinos, and the bite of a Hispo inflicts an extra die of damage. The Hispo can stand on its hind legs, if necessary, but it is much more comfortable on all fours. The Hispo form weighs nearly as much as form, but its four-legged stance allows it to run faster. Height is between four and six feet, at the shoulder, whilst the weight is between three-hundred and fifty and eight-hundred pounds.
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