Anti and I are currently riding the horses. We already stopped by his castle and got the stuff we needed. We are planning on stopping just outside of his neighboring kingdom. he said there was a an old treehouse there, that his dad had built for Jack and him. I cant wait to get there and be able to take a break from riding.
Time Skip
As we pull up I see it, this is not a tree house this a full on cabin. Definitely big enough for the two of us, I love it. I jump off my horse and tie her to a tree, there is a nice area with plenty of grazing space. Anti does the same. After that he picks me up, squealing a little from the suddenness of the action, giggling after I get a good grip on his shoulders. He looks me in the eye and kisses me. I smiled and kissed back. After that endeavor, he carries me into the little cabin I now call home. I look around as he puts me down. Upon hearing Anti walk out the door I follow, deciding help him get the stuff and bring it in. I drop our clothing packs onto the bed, while doing so I hear someone come in the room behind me, I am hugged from behind and I hear the familiar voice of my lover. "Hey Love, what are you doing?" I turnaround and reply with. "Just putting things away, we are going to be staying here for a week. Are we not?" He sighs. "We are, I was just wondering." I giggle and give him a small smooch on the cheek. I walk back out of the room and grab an apple, it was filled to the brim with fruits and bread and other food items. I look into it a little more, realizing there is a glass bottle in the bottom, with the name of a fancy wine on it. "Anti?" He was in the other room. "Yeah?" I pick up the bottle and hold it as he walks in. I give him a look of questioning. "What is this for?" I ask, confusion intertwining every word. "Oh my mother packed the food for us, so... I think she thought something might happen between us." I blush and put the bottle down, there by covering my face. "Oh, okay." I go and sit down. He sighs and hugs me. "Babe, we don't have to do anything you don't want to so don't worry!" Nothing but love and reassurance in the air around us. "I hope we can stay together until we get back. If anything happens to you, I don't know what I would do." He says and he tears up slightly. "Don't worry, I love you too much to leave you." He is close to crushing me in the embrace we have wrapped ourselves into. After a bit I decide to let go, I walk into our bedroom and take off my flats and lay on the bed. Anti came in a little bit later doing the same with his boot and gloves. He pulls me back into his chest, rolling over I hug him and lay my head on his chest. He kisses my forehead, soon enough we begin to drift off to sleep. I enter the dream world, and dream about the good times.
Mother POV
I walk down the hallway towards my daughters room. I must get to the bottom of why she was acting like that. The guards standing by her door were gone. "Where are the guards they are supposed to be here all the time. Looking around I see no one. I open the door and walk in. She is not in here right now, she is probably in the garden. I begin to search through her dresser, looking for anything suspicious. I continue to snoop around and see nothing, finally deciding to look under the bed. I drop down on my hands and knees. "Aha!" I reach under and grab the diary Mark gave her. It was worn and filled with stories and secrets. I look in it, reading the first thing I see. <There is something suspicious about this castle. I don't know what though, I don't trust my parents. Mark and Dark told me to trust no one. I didn't understand why, until now. I was in the basement of the castle last night. I saw someone down there and I don't who they are, but I don't trust them.> Some one was in the basement of the castle. A look of complete horror makes its way onto my face as I think of some one or something unknown threatening my husband and I's lives. I put the book back and I walk out of the room trying to make it seem I don't know anything. I go to the throne room and continue on. I make the mistake of looking behind me as I walk and end up running into someone. I look up as I hit the ground and see one of the guards. He looks down at me and I see his eyes, they are solid black. I begin to crawl back wards away from him when he unsheathes his sword holding towards me. He continues to walk for ward. He lifts his sword to kill me, and I reach my hand out and close my eyes. I don't feel the blow, I just hear the sound of something hitting the floor, something that sounds almost like water running. I open my eyes and see my husband with his sword and the guard's body on the floor, his head a couple feet away. "Dear what happened?" My husband asks me looking at me with concern. "I don't know I was walking and I ran into him. when I fell I looked up at him and his eyes were solid black." I begin to shake in fear as I see a terrifying shadow come out of the guards body, as it flies into the shadows of the hallways, it screeches and I cover my ears lie my husband. The screech causes the prophecy windows behind us to shatter leaving two shapes, but before I can look I pass out.
Dark POV
I was on my way to the throne room, when I heard a ear piercing screech, causing the windows around me shattered. I looked around and saw something black fly away from the corner of my eye. I get up glad that I had my full outfit on as I walk though the broken colored glass. The glass crunches as I walk through it, but before I make it through I see a book on the ground. (Y/N)'s diary, this is the one Mark gave her as a gift, next to it I see the heart shaped locket I gave her. I pick them both up carefully and pause to wipe off the glass, ripping my glove slightly. "What just happened?" I thought she took these with her.
A/N Hey guys! I might not be able to update as often through out June. I am home schooled, I have my evaluation coming up. Which means for the next month I will be putting together my portfolio for my evaluator to look at, he determines whether or not I pass this year. Wish me luck! Enjoy!
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