Dark POV
Mom and Dad are no longer staying with us. I sent a letter to (Y/N) and Anti, letting them know they need to come back. I am hoping to speak with them about having them and stay with us for a little while, just on a low key basis.
"Hey, you doing alright dear?" My future wife puts her hands on my shoulders and looks at me. I sigh and put my head down. I hate this game, they had to bring my girlfriend into this. She doesn't deserve this. Let alone everyone else. Glitch, Google, you two will pay dearly for this when I get back home!
"Yeah, I am just having a hard time wrapping my head around everything going on." She nods her head and kisses my cheek. She smiles kindly and I engulf her in a hug.
"What would I do with out you?" I ask they beautiful girl standing in front of me. She giggles and rests her head on my chest.
"You might call me crazy after hearing this, but I have been seeing things lately." I look at her confused, but I am secretly hoping that she might have caught on.
"Oh, really? What have you seen?" She nods and bites her lip nervously, reluctant to tell me.
"I've been seeing weirdly out place colors. they are bright and blue. I also have been hearing people talking and footsteps behind me." She now has me trapped in a hug, she seems really scared.
"Babe, you're not crazy I need you to tell me, have you been having dreams about... the future lets say that?" She nods I continue
"Alright, well can you think hard for me. Does anything seem familiar, as if we've been through there, or if something is yours?" She closes her eyes and I can see how hard she is trying to think. All the sudden she looks up and shouts.
"Oh My Gosh! Dark! What is going on, why are we here? What am I wearing?" She finally came to her senses and calmed down. I decided to explain everything to her. I am just hoping (Y/N) can figure it out soon.
Currently we are in disguise riding through the castle town in my home kingdom. Dark said he needed to see Anti and I urgently. I came straight away, you never know what can happen in such a short amount of time. My hood is up, likewise with Anti. I am wearing my commoner clothing. Dark was standing outside the gates leading to the very front of the castle. The guards saw the speed we were heading towards them at. They began to close the gates. I held up my hand with Anti, but we kept our heads down so they couldn't see. Dar told them to leave them open. they did, we rushed through Dark then had them close the gates as Anti and I rode our horses to the castle doors. I hop off grabbing my bag, I take off my hood and Dark comes up behind us.
"It's safe to go inside, they aren't here anymore." He says I fill to the brim with concern as we walk through the hallway to the throne room. Where my sister in law should be waiting to meet me properly, and hopefully have a decent conversation with.
Anti and I walk hand in hand into the throne room. I place my hand the smooth, tall, wooden doors that lead you straight into the throne room. The first thing I see entering the room is that the windows are shattered. They would show Dark with his fiance, Mark with his wife, Anti and I as well as Jack and his wife. I sank to my knees, astounded. Anti tried talking to me but the one thing i notice is that, the glass piece that represents me is the only one left untouched. Everything else is gone.
"Dark, what happened to the stained glass windows?" I ask the approaching Dark. He gives me a solemn look. I look at him questioningly, and walk over to him.
"It was shattered, all but yours. We have an idea, but I need you to think, okay?" I nod my head and he continues on. He puts both of his hands on my shoulders and looks me in the eye.
"Have you had any of those dreams?" I nod my head. He grins slightly, once again continuing on.
"Okay, I need you to try to make connections in your dreams. Try to remember them all and see what you might remember." I do so, I am thinking about them all. Since most are connected to Anti and Dark I can connect those easily. Not to mention, All the ones where Anti and I are together. It's like putting together a completely white puzzle, there are a few pieces coming together. I have the edges to everything, now it is time to fill it in.
It all comes together, I'm not from this time I finally open my eyes. I feel like I've been in a dream like state for a long time. I look up at Dark. "I remember! We're not from here! Nor are we from this time! We were all kidnapped! Most importantly! THIS IS A GAME! TO BE SPECIFIC IT'S THE GAME I MADE!"
As I finish my session, we all hear a slow clap. I turn around and see Glitch and Google. "Good job, you figured it out! You figuring it out though, doesn't help your current situation. Glitch." After he says his name, Glitch forms into a black shadow like creature. He screeches and the last glass figure shattered to the ground. Dark runs over to his wife and holds her Anti goes to run over to me, but is stopped abruptly by Glitch.
Anti is thrown against the wall and falls to the ground I presume unconscious. "Anti!" I scream and go to run over, but I am grabbed and thrown over Glitch's shoulder. He and Google cackle with a sinister laugh. Upon looking around, I see that Glitch had already taken out Dark's wife. He was so concerned about her. He looks up and starts to run over to me, and goes to tackle Glitch. Google goes to stop him, but Anti wakes up and jumps on his back. While he is distracted, Dark comes over to me and tries to get me away from Glitch. I try to struggle out of his grip, Glitch flies up slightly, since he is not in his human form, and practically crushes me with his arms. I stop moving and he puts one arm around my neck, cutting off my breathing. I try pulling his arm off, I just make myself weaker. Everything begins to get blurry, all I hear is Glitch laughing and Dark screaming my name. My vision grows darker and I fall asleep in the enemies hands.
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