Anti and I have been traveling through the beautiful town of the Marina Kingdom, also known as my best friends kingdom. She was quite ecstatic about me coming to visit her. They already had a small village home prepared for us when we got there. It was perfect looking to me, although Anti thought it was a little small. In my own case, I would think the smaller and secluded the better.
We traded in our nice fancy clothing, for commoner clothing, among other items that would make us look a lot like fellow villagers, and merchants. Today my friend got a letter in the mail stating that there were knights from my kingdom coming to look fort me. Also, that they will be ending the search due to family reasons. When she told me I knew I had to speak to Anti.
I am currently on the way to Anti and I's humble abode. I must speak with him at once. As I make it to the little house, I see through the window that Anti is cooking. I don't know what it is but it smells absolutely luxurious. This is a first, I did not know he cooked like this.
I open the door and close it a little loudly and he spins around. "You're home! What was it that she wanted to speak to you about so urgently?" He ushers the sentences, then engulfs me in a warm loving hug. I smile and chuckle at his anxious state.
"My kingdom has sent knights, but for some reason, they will no longer be searching after this trip." As I finish my statement, and I walk past him to look at the old pot on the stove, there is some kind of concoction inside of it. I smile as I think about being able to just sit and eat with him, like a normal couple would.
"What are you making? It smells wonderful." I state as I smell the steamy pot of cooking soup. He comes up behind me and answers. "It is a chicken soup of sorts." I become very happy as I think about us being together.
Its awhile later and we are getting ready for bed. The more I think about the soldiers coming from my home, the more nervous I get about the whole thing. I wish they would leave me alone.
Earlier I was cleaning up the table, and could have sworn I saw something bright and neon blue glow. It reminded me of something, but I am not sure what. I've also been getting more flashes, as I like to call them. I also have the feeling Dark and Mark aren't my real brothers. Ever since I have been getting so close to Anti. Every time I see a flash, it's like puzzle pieces falling into place. More parts of my dreams and flashes make sense, they connect. I;m so confused is there something I am missing. I want to sleep, this is a lot to think about. Anti is always in my dreams and there is Dark and Mark, but there are even more people that look like them, and people who look like Anti.
Anti and I climb into bed and he pulls me close and holds me tight. "I love you, you know that?" He says laying a butterfly kiss on my forehead. I smile and look at him.
"I love you too, you know that?" We both smile and I peck his lips and snuggle into his chest, as cuddles me as close as possible.
I enter my dream land and see more people. There are two guys they look like Mark and Dark, but they both have blue and red eyes. One appears to be moving weirdly while the other one moves like a robot, I wonder if he is one. I then see myself enter the picture. The one who moves weirdly is holding me. My arms are behind my back. I appear to be thrashing around and screaming and crying. What is going on? What are they doing to me? They struggle to move me over to a shiny table in the middle of the room. The robot looking one appears to be getting frustrated and hit my head with something. I stop moving and he sighs, then continues and places me on the table. Upon taking a closer look there are four more tables, five in total. I see Anti and Dark, then Mark and Jack, I am next to Anti. Anti opens his eyes slightly, and they begin to inject a colored serum into their arms. Anti grabs my hand holds it, he doesn't speak. They move onto him and inject the serum into his arm, then they do the same to me. I cringe in pain as they do it, as if I can feel the pain my dream self is feeling.
I shoot up in bed and look around to see that the sun is beginning to rise in the sky. My mind begins to race and all the thoughts come into mind about my dream. Why was I on a table, why were they there. Who are the guys with the red and blue eyes. I try to calm myself down, but I prove unsuccessful and just sit there rocking slightly.
Anti eventually wakes up and looks at me shocked at my messed up state. "Hey, hey. Relax, you're fine, nothing is going to happen." I continue to shake a little as he engulfs me in a bear hug. The close contact helps me calm down.
My breathing regulates, and I go back to normal, slowly but shortly. Not caring about anything else, I ask Anti a question. "Who were all those people in my dream?"
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