Chapter 16
Chapter 16: Saving the Damsels in Distress
August, 17, 1898
Beomgyu's POV
We are already here on the island, where they are supposed to be, but we haven't found them, yet. We have been searching here for like an hour already, and we haven't seen them or any clues at all!
And that's when we decided to get to higher ground so we can see any signs of life and activity in this island. While going up, I saw bags, that were most likely were abandoned here, I was intrigued in it, so I went closer, and then, I saw blood. I was quickly called the others and they immediately came, just because I screamed like a girl.
They said, they thought it was the two, but, when they saw me, it was just the 'Idiotic Prince'. I didn't mind them and that stupid nickname, and just pointed to where the things are, and the blood stains. They quickly looked into the things, and verified it it's really theirs, but, since we don't really know the stuff, it was mostly Taehyun going through the stuff. After a while, it was verified, that it was really, theirs.
We quickly grabbed their things, and went down the island and put it into the ship. After that, we quickly climbed up, to look for them. While looking for them, I encountered a guy who looks drunken.
When he saw me, he quickly withdrew his sword and pointed at me, luckily, Yeonjun hyung was there to save me, and quickly slashed the enemy. Just as I was about to say that we were okay to go, when somebody quickly shot an arrow we quickly dodged it.
'Man and I thought I don't have to fight anybody today...' I thought, and mentally sighed.
I quickly got ready to fight, when more arrows came in, the picture. We were all hiding behind things, because to be honest, we can't get near them, because it's raining arrows here. I quickly went over somewhere near the enemies and attacked the ones near me.
I was getting ready attack when, I heard Taehyun scream. I quickly looked over at his direction, and saw what he was looking at.
"Guys! Somebody is escaping!" Taehyun shouted which I quickly looked and saw a man who's getting in the mansion.
I quickly ran towards him, to follow him, in case they are the ones who took the girls. But, since was on my side, more back up came and surrounded me, and started pointing their swords at me.
'Lucky me...' I thought sarcastically.
I got ready to fight them, when somebody joined me. I looked over it, and it was Yeonjun hyung, I quickly smirked.
'This will be easy...' I thought, and then we started attacking them.
Ryujin's POV
We are currently being held as hostages, like what the, what can they get for us? A run away Princess who everybody thinks she's dead and A normal villager. They're literally are some dumb people, shouldn't they attack like higher ranked families, instead of us? As if somebody would care for us, and give them the money. Tsk. They're wasting their time for us.
I was busy sawing the rope on the wall, just like Chaeryeong, and I can tell our wrists might be swollen later. I suddenly heard footsteps, it was like the person was in a hurry, and I quickly lifted my head to see one of their people.
"Sir! Somebody is here and is currently attacking us!" He said.
The mastermind suddenly looked at him, as if he was going to kill, his own people.
"Well? What are you still doing here?! Go out there with your comrades, and fight!" The mastermind shouted, at his own people.
I looked at Chaeryeong, to make sure if she was okay or not. And by the looks of it, she may have an idea who it is. But, instead of asking her who she thinks the person who is here attacking them.
I decided to continue to saw the rope, on the wall. I don't want to depend on anybody anymore. I want to be independent, and not to be the one needing help.
I was busy sawing the rope away, when the same guy earlier came back. I quickly stopped sawing, and listened to their talk.
"Sir. Their unbelievable! They already took out half of our men!" He said, making me wonder, who they are.
It took a bit while before the mastermind responded.
"What?!" He shouted, which you can hear across the room. Although I couldn't read his expressions I could tell he was not and will not be satisfied. In short, he is mad.
"Just how many are they?!" He shouted at the poor guy.
"Four sir. Three Males and One Female." He said.
"What?! There are only four of them and they managed to get half of our people out?!" He shouted, and sounded to be fuming with anger.
"Well, sir you see, they are very skilled with using swords." He said.
'Are they swordsman?' I thought.
"Go! Go out! Leave me alone! Fight them!" He shouted at the guy.
I quickly went back to sawing the rope, beside Chaeryeong.
"Who do you think is it, Ryujin?" She asked me.
"Well, the guy said, there were four of them, three males and a female." I said, to her continuing to saw the rope tied on my wrist.
"Doesn't that sound like the others?" She asked. I admit that made me think it kind does.
Three males, Yeonjun oppa, Beomgyu, Taehyun, and a Female Yeji eonni.
"Maybe it is them..." I muttered, while still sawing the rope away.
I was lost in sawing the rope, that I didn't notice it was already broken. And I was sawing my own wrists on the wall.
"Ryujin!" Chaeryeong shouted, I quickly looked at her.
"What?" I asked her.
"Look, at your hands." She said, continuing to saw her rope.
"What about it..." I said, and saw my rope was already gone, and my wrists are a bit swollen now.
Once, I got out of shock, I quickly went over to Chaeryeong and untied hers. We then, conducted a plan.
I'm currently looking for something that can help Chaeryeong break out from that rope, but it was literally pitch black here. Plus, my wrists hurt, from the rope.
I was literally like touching the surface as if my eyes are bad, but in general, they're just normal. I was busy looking for something sharp, when I heard footsteps and I quickly went back to my place, because we don't know what they can do to us.
"Sir! We are going to lose! We are losing our ground cover!" The guy from before said.
"Shut up! And leave me alone! Fight them! Leave these two with me; they can't do anything to me." The so-called 'mastermind' of this super nothingness plan, said.
'Well, then. Did you just underestimate me?' I thought.
"Are you sure, sir?" The other guy asked.
"Of course, I am! Now go! And stop them!" He shouted.
I quickly looked at Chaeryeong, and it looked like she was happy that the others are here. But, for me, I'm not really. Not, after that incident.
I was busy with my thoughts, when I heard the door opening. I quickly got the rope that I got out off, and quickly tied it. But not literally that can secure me. I just tied it that it looks like that I wasn't free or anything.
When, the door opened I quickly looked, and acted scared. I moved back to Chaeryeong, he quickly smiled evilly and quickly pulled me and Chaeryeong out of that dusty and old room, and into a new room?
It had two chairs and he quickly threw us over those two chairs, and he quickly went over to Chaeryeong, I quickly looked over to see what he was doing. And when I saw what he was doing, he was tying her to the chair.
I quickly untied my wrists once again, and he didn't even notice that I was free. I quickly stood up and got the chair, I was sitting on, and hit it over his head, which caused him to lose consciousness.
I look at the surroundings and saw swords, I quickly went over them and got one, I looked at it, and went over to Chaeryeong.
"Okay, Chaeryeong. Don't move no matter what, I don't want you to get a cut." I said, and looked at her, which she only nodded at.
I put the other edge of the sword on the rope and started cutting it. Once, it was done, she stood up and stretched her muscles cause we've been sitting on that dusty old room for the past two days already. I threw her the sword, which caused her to jump at my action.
"Yah! Why did you do that?!" She exclaimed.
"Well, we both need something to protect ourselves with. In case, we get separated from each other, we can at least protect ourselves." I said, and grabbed another sword.
"Come on. Let's go. We have to move, if we ever want to meet up with the others." I said and went over the door, and peeked out to see if anybody is there, once I made sure nobody was there, that they were busy attacking the others, or is it defending? I don't know.
I gave her a signal that means we can move. We quickly got out of that stink old room and ran away from this place. Along the way we fought enemies, or should I say, I fought the enemies?
We were still running when we saw the door that covered with people, I immediately gave Chaeryeong a look, and saw her shaking, in fear. I mentally sigh, she isn't the type to fight, and she prefers a calm and peaceful approach rather than this. I quickly tapped her shoulder, and gave her a look. Then an idea popped in my mind.
"Hey, Chaeryeong, once we reach the end, I want you to run and find the guys." I said and smiled, she looked at me terrified.
"How about you?! I can't just leave you here?!" She exclaimed.
"And that's why you're going to call the others." I said, arguing with her. She quickly looked down and apologized. I quickly sighed and shocked my head.
"No need to apologize, Chae. It's just I want you to be safe, because you-." I said and got cut off by her.
"Remind you of your younger sister?" She asked and looked at me, which I quickly looked away.
I took a deep breath and looked at her once again. "Yeah, and the promise I told your sister. That I'll keep you safe." I said and smiled. I stood up and held a hand for her.
"Now, come on. Do you still really want to get out or what?" I asked her, which she quickly smiled at and took my hand.
"Yeah..." I heard her say.
I quickly looked at the place, where all the people were standing, they were all gone now.
'Maybe, they went outside?' I thought.
I quickly signaled Chaeryeong that the coast is clear. We ran towards the door, and we reached the outside world, we quickly saw the people that we're just standing on the door way were fighting with Beomgyu and the others.
I quickly saw somebody trying to attack Chaeryeong but, I quickly blocked his attack, and I looked for an open area and attacked him there.
I looked over to where Beomgyu and the others were, they were literally frozen to the ground. I looked at Chaeryeong, and signaled her to go with Taehyun and leave us here.
Which she quickly nod at and threw her sword on the ground before running over where Taehyun was standing and dragged him to who knows where.
I went over the others to help them, once I reached the place where they were all standing; they just looked at me in disbelief, which I kind of found disturbing.
"Since when did you even learn to use a sword, Ryujin?!" Yeonjun oppa asked, well more like shouted.
"It was just self taught nothing more, nothing less." I said, and fixed my stance.
Truth be told, I only told them those so that they won't be judging me, and keep on asking questions. I looked at them, and they quickly fixed their stances as well and we started to attack the enemy.
Something tells me this will be a long fight.
I was literally exhausted after all the fighting, because there were so many of them, I think I can sleep for two years.
But, for now, never mind that, we only have like ten enemies, and just like what Beomgyu said, earlier, we will leave one alive for investigation, which I doubt will be any helpful, because looking at them, they look like they'd rather be killed rather to talk.
Since there weren't that many we just decided to attack the closer ones and just leave the farthest alive.
We finally finished them off, and decided to take the one who is a scaredy cat, in short the one who flirted with me and Yeji eonni. This made Yeonjun oppa and Beomgyu furious.
Which I understand from Yeonjun oppa, but Beomgyu? I don't think I understand him. He already is in a relationship and yet, he is showing such sides of him, he is such a playboy of a prince.
Once, they were done, scolding the person, I decided to leave them, and go to Chaeryeong and Taehyun. But, I thought I was alone but I heard somebody walking as well, I turned around and pointed the sword at the person, which to my surprise was Yeji eonni. She was also surprised to see me holding my sword like that. I quickly put my sword back.
"Oh, it's just you, Yeji eonni." I said, and sighed.
"Yeah, it's me." She said, while walking towards me.
"Can I join you, come down this island?" She asked me.
"It's just going down with you, right?" I asked, which she just nod at.
She started walking towards me, and we started walking down the island, to reach the docking place. Where Chaeryeong and Taehyun are, currently.
Hopefully, they aren't awkward anymore or mad at each other. That's my original plan, making them friends then after that in a relationship.
I turned around to ask her, if we're getting near or what, but when I saw her, she was just standing and was looking at me, her eyes were telling me something's bothering her.
I called her name to get her attention. "Yeji eonni!" I shouted, which seemed to grab her attention. She walked down, to reach me and when she did reached me, and she asked me something.
"Do you know who kidnapped you?" She asked which cause me to look at her, I then shook my head, meaning no.
We went back to silence, it wasn't normal silence or good silence, and it was awkward silence. I looked at her, and it kind of looked like she was having problems, just looking at her eyes.
"You know, you can tell me everything and I won't judge you." I said, trying to break the silence.
She looked at me, with eyes that I couldn't really read. She looked as if she was glad somebody noticed it, but then again it also looked like she was afraid, scared, and worried about it as well.
"Promise me, you won't tell anybody else, this secret will only be known by the two of us." She said, while holding my arm, which I admit scared me a little bit.
I took a deep breath, before saying anything. "I won't tell anybody about this. I won't tell a single soul about it." I said, and raised my pinky finger toward her.
She looked at me, as if I was crazy, I just shrugged it off, and raised it even more. She sighed and quickly took it.
"Okay, now tell me." I demanded, which surprised her, well that is according to her reaction.
She sighed and looked at me before telling me. "You see, I just don't understand these kinds of things, it's just... it's been bothering me ever since... I met him..." She started.
I was shocked upon hearing those words. But, I was more shocked upon, hearing a word referring to a boy or man. "Him?" I asked her, tilting my head.
She nodded, before continuing to tell me what happened. "Yeonjun. He confessed to me, back then. But, I don't know what to think of it. He knows that I'm a princess of my own kingdom, and yet he wants to marry me?" She said, before taking a break.
"At first I was happy, but then I quickly remembered our statuses I'm a royalty and him, I don't even know. We have such a gap. I admit, I do also like him, but, due to the fact our statuses are so far, I'm afraid of what may happen. I'm happy that the guy I like, likes me back, but, I'm also sad thinking of what may happen to us in the future." She said, with tears threatening to fall off her eyes.
"I'm just so confused now. I don't want us to be separated from him; I also don't want him to get hurt also." She said, and tears suddenly start flowing out of her eyes. I tried my best to comfort her, but no matter what I did, she would end up crying some more. And so, in the end, I decided to just tell her my opinion and let her cry on my shoulder.
"I think, if I were you, I would do what my heart says, because you might never know. It might bring you eternal happiness." I said, and was still comforting her.
Once, she stopped crying, we quickly walked towards the ship. And when we reached it everybody was already there. They all looked at us, but, mostly Yeji eonni because her eyes were, red from crying, and Yeonjun oppa.
Being himself, he quickly went over to Yeji eonni, but I stopped him. I quickly shook my head meaning no, and I quickly sent a signal that let Yeji eonni go inside the ship. When, I turned around I saw a very angry Yeonjun oppa.
"Explain." He said, looking very angry.
"She needs some alone time." I said and shrugged my shoulders, then left to go to Chaeryeong and Taehyun. We were pretty much just talking about random stuff. I can feel Beomgyu's stare, but I just brushed it off. We then, saw the captain, go give a signal to Beomgyu, and he just sent another signal to the captain, and after that we sailed back to the docks in the town.
We already arrived in the Castle. We all quickly went to the infirmary because of all the injuries we got, from battling those pirates, we quickly got treated by Mia eonni, and she didn't ask anything because she felt like it had she nothing to do with it.
Once I was good to go, I left the infirmary because first of all, it was crowded, second I don't want to see him, and third I had nothing else to do there.
I went to the rooftop where there was a garden, and stayed there for quite some time, before I heard footsteps and quickly turned around, because it might be the first prince, and I don't to get in more trouble than it is, right now. Once, a figure was building up, it seemed like it was a female's figure.
After seeing the person's figure, I quickly released a deep breath so, I wasn't as nervous as earlier. But, I was still looking at the gateway, where we can enter to get here. Since the person was literally taking so long, I went over and looked to see who it is, in my surprise it was Yeji eonni.
She had crutches, which was the reason why she had trouble walking plus also the reason why she hadn't reached me yet. Seeing her state, I quickly helped her go up, once we are already up, we sat down by one of the benches up here. It was quiet at first, but after a few minutes she quickly strikes a conversation with me.
"You know, you remind me of somebody who I only met one time, but, if I met her more in the past, we may be friends now." She said, while looking at the distance.
"Hmm, really?" I asked which she just nodded at.
"Who is it?" I asked her.
"The first princess of Roselia. Princess Shin Ryujin of Roselia." She said which shocked me.
'So that's why she felt super familiar.' I thought.
"Really? When did you meet her?" I said, trying to play that I don't know her.
"At the ball, the ball that was held for Beomgyu because he recovered, from his sudden illness, we met at the comfort room, she bumped into me, causing both of us, to lose balance and fall to the ground. After that I never met her again." She said, remembering what happened back then.
Just like what she said, that really did happen.
"But, according to my brother she has a cold aura around her always and is hard to get along with her. But, he still tries to court her." She said, while looking at her hands.
"What's your brother's name?" I asked her, she looked hesitant to answering my question.
She never mentioned her brother to us yet. And according to her, he is one of my suitors, but I only had one suitor in my royal life time, and that's Hwang Hyunjin.
"It's-." She started.
"Prince Hwang Hyunjin." I said, she looked at me as if I was reading her mind.
"How did you know my brother's name? I know I never told anyone, especially you guys." She said, and looked at me suspiciously.
I was thinking maybe I should tell her. After all, somebody else already knew my secret; it wouldn't hurt if Yeji eonni knew as well.
"Eonni. Promise me you won't tell a single soul about this." I said, and looked at her in her eyes. Telling her, 'I'm dead serious right now, mess with me and you'll die.'
She just nodded as the answer to my question and placed her pinky finger in front of my face. I quickly took it, and took a deep breath before telling her, my biggest secret.
"Yeji eonni, I'm the First Princess of Roselia." I said looking at her reaction she was surprised that's for sure.
"Wait? What? How? Why?" She asked.
"Okay, eonni. I know you have so many questions, but please don't tell anybody." I said which she just simply nodded at.
"Okay, you can ask questions now, and I'll be answering them the best that I could." I said.
She basically started throwing questions at my face. Before I even knew it, it was already night time, and we were still talking about royal stuff, that never got our interest. And before I even knew it, we became friends.
We decided that we should stay here for now, before going down because the guards might point their swords at us and start slashing us to death. We were waiting for the perfect time to go down, when I suddenly felt a head on my shoulder. I looked over to it, and saw Yeji eonni sleeping.
I smiled knowing that, she really did become my friend. Before I even knew it, I also fell asleep. But, before I even closed my eyes, I heard somebody sigh and felt that somebody carried. Without knowing who that person is, I just tell asleep on that person's arm, as it was so comfortable.
Beomgyu's POV
I and Yeonjun hyung were busy looking for Ryujin and Yeji noona. They've been missing ever since they both left the infirmary. We already checked everywhere except the rooftop garden.
Because everybody in the kingdom knows how much I hate that place, because that was my Mother's favorite place. They all know I wouldn't even dare to visit that place. Except, when I'm with my friends, because somehow I feel safe, and I'm with the people I trust the most.
I carefully have thought this through, because if we really want to see them, we should look every where even in the places where I despise the most.
"Hyung? How about we check the Rooftop Garden?" I suggested.
"Aren't you-." I cut him off.
"For Ryujin, I'm done being afraid of that place." I said, and started to walk towards the place.
I heard the quick footsteps of hyung.
"You're really whipped for her, huh?" He asked, more like tease, I began to blush, because of what he said.
I quickly thought of a comeback.
"How about you to Yeji noona?" I teased him back. And it was his turn to blush.
We started laughing while walking towards the main castle. But, then a thought suddenly came in my mind.
"Hyung... Aren't you going to tell Yeji noona?" I asked him, which startled him.
"Tell her what, exactly?" He asked, while pointing his arms over his head. I looked at him unbelievable.
"You know your real status in life? Instead of letting her know the fake one?" I asked him.
"You know what, we should hurry up. If we really want to see them." He said, trying to change the subject.
'And there goes a Choi Yeonjun, go. I wonder what Yeji noona saw in him...' I thought.
We finally reached the place, and we did reach it we saw two sleeping female teenagers, they were sleeping on each other.
'Yeji noona and Ryujin?' I thought and quickly ran up to them.
I sighed when I saw them; I quickly got Ryujin while Yeonjun hyung got Yeji noona. We walked down to the level where the sleeping quarters are and in that floor we split up as these two don't stay in the same place.
Yeji noona has her sleeping quarters on the right side, while Ryujin and Chaeryeong have their sleeping quarters on the left side.
While walking I heard Ryujin mumbling some stuff, but to decided to shrug it off.
Once, I reached their sleeping quarters, I quickly knocked and it was answered almost immediately by Chaeryeong. I signaled her to be quiet as Ryujin is asleep, when she saw that, she just nodded and moved to the side so I can get in and lay Ryujin on her bed.
I was busy starring at her, when I heard somebody cough, it was Chaeryeong, and she was just at the door holding it. And I know what that means; I stood up and looked at Ryujin one last time before saying goodbye to Chaeryeong and leaving the room.
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I'll be skipping all the sword fighting, as I'm not really good at writing it.
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