Chapter 12
Chapter 12: Court Herbalists
May, 22, 1898
Ryujin's POV
It has been two whole days, and we're still currently looking for a job, as for the place that we've been staying in, as of the moment. We are currently staying at Chaeryeong's parent's house, with her Younger sister, that is.
We're currently inside a Pharmacy we were waiting, when a boy, suddenly came in and went over the counter, to get something. Looking at the herbs, more like examining them, before giving them a nod. The herbalist quickly told the assistant to pack it, and hand it over to him. I was still busy looking at the boy, when somebody tapped me. It was Chaeryeong, she looked at me, while smiling.
"Eonni. They're already calling us." She said, while still getting my attention. I quickly snapped out of it, and went towards the counter, with Chaeryeong. We quickly gave out application forms to him, and he quickly looked at us.
"Hmm, the both of you are literally skilled enough to pass, but the bad news is, we aren't hiring anymore." He said, while looking down and then frowned.
'What the? If, they weren't hiring anymore, then, why did still want to entertain us? And look at our application? He is really weird, and weirder than Beomgyu, being a total mess of being after being total crazy pants.' I thought, and raised an eyebrow at him.
"Oh. If, that's the case, then, can you please at least, recommend us, a bit few places to work in?" Chaeryeong asked, while smiling.
"Well, there is one. But, you have to pass the exams just to get in that one." He said, while looking at his assistant.
"And, that is?" I asked him, boredly.
"Being one of the Court Herbalist of Clarines. You guys saw that guy earlier?" He said which we only nod at.
"Well, you guys see he is one of the most successful Court Herbalist of Clarines. He has achieved such achievements, and at such a young age as well." He said.
"And? What's that gotta do with us?" I asked him.
"Well, you can take the Court Herbalist test. And become a Court Herbalist, but of course there will be an exam. You two need to pass the exams before you guys even get to be Court Herbalists. But, be aware that the number of Herbalists, that pass are only limited, the maximum would two, while the minimum would be none." He said, explaining the Exam, but we were more on the surprised side when he said, in the exam there would be none to pass.
"Oh. Well, thank you for telling us about the Exam, sir." Chaeryeong said, and bowed.
"We got to go now, so we can study everything that the exam will include." She said, and walked over the door. I quickly bowed, and followed her.
And that's when I noticed that she wasn't alone anymore.
When, I walked out of the Pharmacy. I saw that Chaeryeong, was no longer alone. She was talking to somebody. And it's the most annoying person in the world.
The Second Prince of Clarines Choi Beomgyu. The guy I danced with when I was young. I told Chaeryeong about him, but, we didn't know that we will be meeting him. If, I didn't make it a bit on the obvious side, he might be conducting a background check on us.
Plus, the reason why, I know all this is because when, we came here, two days ago, everybody started saying, 'He is back! The Prince is back!'. I and Chaeryeong were left so utterly confused back then, and then, they told us, that this Choi Beomgyu, is actually the Second Prince of Clarines.
When, I looked at him, I was surprised. He was ALONE?! Why is he alone?! Shouldn't he be with Yeonjun oppa and Yeji eonni?
I walked straight up to them, and we made eye contact. I quickly took Chaeryeong's hand and dragged her away, from that possessed evil boy.
"Wait! Ryujin! I was just asking him about the exam!" She said, trying to explain the current situation.
"And why would you do that?" I asked her, as I stopped from dragging the poor girl.
"I mean, who would make it, where we will take it, and such." She said.
"You do know that, I'm a royal too right?" I asked her, which she just nod at.
"And you know that I also know about these things, you know?" I said which she only shook her head at. I mentally face palmed, because this is a common thing about Royals, that we have all the knowledge in the world, within our castles.
"Okay, so, Basically-." I was starting to explain to her, when somebody cut me off. Can anybody guess? Two words. Choi. Beomgyu.
"There you guys are! Next time, if you two run away, I'll have the guards take you guys to me. Saying 'Those two stole something from me, find them and bring them to me immediately!' Okay?" He said, while catching his breath.
"Fine, whatever." I said, and looked away.
"Anyway, what brings you here, without your 'bodyguards'?" I asked him, which he only answered in a brief moment.
"Those two, are dating. I don't want to disturb them." He said, and shrugged.
'Something sounds odd about that... I just don't know what...' I thought, and scanned him.
"Anyway about the Exam. The first Question you asked me about is who would make it. From what I know, it's one of the staff, but often it would the guy, that doesn't really talk. From what I know, he makes it like hard, and he is often cold." He said which we only nod at.
"And the other one, would be where, it will be held. From, what I know it will be at the Castle. You guys are lucky, that I have a flyer about the event. Here, you can have." He said, and gave us a flyer, that has details about the exam.
"Thanks Beomgyu!" Chaeryeong said, and quickly looked at the flyer.
After scanning him, I was really super, convinced that, he was running away from his work. Until what he said, earlier, about Yeonjun oppa, and Yeji eonni dating. Cause Yeji eonni said, that she'll focus on her career first, before things like those.
I was busy looking at Beomgyu, judging him, if he really run away from his work load, because if I were him, I would to, doing paperwork, is so boring! I don't even think that I'll survive another day of it back then.
When, I was convinced that he didn't run away. I saw Yeonjun oppa and Yeji eonni, running towards us. Telling Beomgyu, to go with them, but, instead he ran away, while also taking me with him. Unbelievable! Just what kind of Prince is he?!
"Hey! What the! What do you think you're doing?!" I shouted at him, while trying to stop him.
"Shoot! I'm sorry Ryujin! But, I need to go!" He said, while still running.
"I get that! But, why do you have to take me with you?!" I asked him, more like shouting at him.
"You're a hostage!" He said, while smirking.
"What!?" I said, and stopped from running.
Meaning, he also stopped, but, of course something happened. I fell over him, making me on top, and him on the bottom. We are so awkward after this. I can assure myself that. Then, I heard footsteps; I quickly stood up, and cleaned myself.
I saw Yeji eonni with Yeonjun oppa, looking at the two of us, because Beomgyu was still literally on the ground. Laying down, as if he is frozen. They were smirking, at the both of us.
"Welp. I gotta get going now. I still have to get ready for an exam." I said, and left, but I can hear them laughing, and my race getting heated up.
Once, I reached Chaeryeong's place, I quickly went in and greeted her parents, with her Younger sister, and went up, Chaeryeong's room.
Once, I got in, I quickly laid down the bed, and covered myself with the bed sheets and pillows. Once, I got over the thing that happened earlier. I went over the shelf and started reading to prepare myself foe the exam.
May, 25, 1898
I and Chaeryeong are currently waiting for the results of the exams. It has been a day, after we took the exam, and I must say it is really hard. No wonder nobody got in, last time. I was getting bored so, I decided to read a book about herbs, that I brought with me, when I ran away.
I was reading when, all the other exam takers, suddenly ran to the, notice board. We quickly followed them, and when we saw them, it was super crowded, so me and Chaeryeong, decided to let them, see it first, so we don't actually want to squeeze in the crowd.
Once, all of them left, I noticed that all of them were either whispering to each other, or sad, maybe depressed? I looked at Chaeryeong, and I think she also noticed it. But, we actually, were conscious about our results, as the reason to it, would be because everybody had long faces while going home.
We quickly went over the board and looked at the rank list, we started at the bottom. While, going up the top 50, we haven't seen our names yet, and before I even knew it. We were already looking at the top 10, and we weren't even mentioned yet.
As time, flew by, we were so anxious that we were only at the top 3, then after that the top two, who almost got in, but needs to improve more, in short the ones that lack of experience.
We were, reaching the top two, and we weren't mentioned, we both looked at each other, and started looking at the list where the people who passed were written in, and when we saw it, we were supposed to see our names on it.
In our excitement, we hugged each other, and then we looked at the letter once again for the day and time we will start, it said:
Congratulations to:
Shin Ryujin & Lee Chaeryeong
For passing the Court Herbalist exam.
We look forward to work with you, in the future.
You will start on,
May, 26, 1898
8:00 AM
Signed by:
Superior Court Herbalist
Han Eunji.
When, we saw the date, we were shocked, because it's tomorrow!? We quickly ran towards Chaeryeong's house and got ready for tomorrow.
???'s POV
I was walking towards the Castle, when I saw two female teenager's, that are around my age running towards my way, so in instinct, I quickly moved away, before the both of them ran over me. I was busy judging them, when I saw the one with the pink hair, had a book, about herbs, that had a royal border.
Without, thinking so much about it, I left to go to the Castle Infirmary.
May, 26, 1898
Ryujin's POV
Me and Chaeryeong, decided to here earlier, than the time agreed. Cause we both want to have good expressions from them, on our first day.
While we were waiting, the two of us, were just practically reading more books, about herbs. Cause some of the herbs here, are rare, and can only be found in selected places.
We were reading, until somebody, called our attention, it was a lady, who I think is in her early-twenties.
"Hello there! Are you two perhaps, Shin Ryujin and Lee Chaeryeong?" She asked us, which we nod at.
"Ah! There you two are! I've been looking everywhere for the two you! Come. I need to introduce you to the persons you'll be working with." She said, and went over the infirmary door, opening it. While me and Chaeryeong just followed her.
"Come, come. Hurry up. You'll miss him!" She said, and walked faster than before.
'I'm actually confused. Who will we miss, exactly?' I asked myself, and looked at Chaeryeong, she also looked confused.
Once, we reached a room, we went in, without knocking. Once, we got in, and saw a guy who was reading a book, covering his face.
"Taehyun-ah! Stop reading that book, and focus on the girls who passed your exams!" She said, and he looked up, but, ended up hiding his face on the book once again, he must be really shy or something.
"Taehyun... can you at least introduce yourself to them?" She asked him.
He once, again looked at us, and when I say 'us' I mean, Chaeryeong. I quickly looked at Chaeryeong who was also, looking away. Did, something happened to the two of them, and it ended up being awkward between the two of them?
'Since, nobody wants to introduce themselves, and then I'll just introduce myself then.' I thought.
"Hi, nice to meet you, I'm Shin Ryujin. This is my friend, Lee Chaeryeong." I said, while smiling, and bowed to him.
"Umm, hello. I'm Kang Taehyun." He said, and hid his face on the book he's been reading ever since we got here. Once, that was done, it became super awkward.
"Anyway, my name is Han Eunji you can also call me Mia." She said, and went over the door.
"Come on, I'll tour you guys around." She said, and left.
We finally finished the tour! My feet hurt because of that tour! This castle is really big! I hate it! Sure, our castle was big, but this one is bigger than ours!
I and Chaeryeong were getting ready to rest from that very tiring tour. When, somebody called me.
"Ryujin." Somebody said, making me look at that person, it was Taehyun.
"Hmm? What is it, Taehyun?" I asked, and stood up
"Can I talk with you?" He asked, and eyed Chaeryeong, before looking back at me.
"Privately?" He asked, which I only nod at.
He quickly went in his 'Office'. Leaving me behind, I looked Chaeryeong, and she had a confused look, as well. I then, walked towards the door and knocked, and then a sudden thought popped in my head.
'Am I in trouble? And in my first day?!' I thought, and said my prayers silently.
August, 4, 1898
Ryujin's Pov
It has almost been three months. And I must say that our relationship with Taehyun, is gradually getting better. He is starting to talk to us more. Plus, he also made friends with Beomgyu and the others. But, on the contrary, something happened between us, I just swear, I think it is getting out of hand.
But, I think that I will be fine, I guess?
After all, it was just an accident, that we did that. But, what if he does something related to that matter? I just hope he won't.
It's been a while since all of us, hung out. And we have been planning for it, for quite some time already. And today's the day, all of us agreed to just hang out in town, then after that, go to the rooftop of the castle, to watch the sunset.
But, since Beomgyu's a Prince that has an illness before we had to get ready for the worst. And that's if his illness attacks, he said, that it started attacking him ever since he met me and Chaeryeong.
And so, we have to get everything we need for that. Everybody in the Herbalist team knows about his illness, but me and Chaeryeong. So, we found about it the hard way. And let me say, even if he is annoying, I was touched that he survived that illness after two years.
I'll admit, I did cry and he saw me as he was literally spying on me! But, after that moment I saw a whole new side of Beomgyu that I never knew of. Besides, the fact that I danced with him back then, I knew things about his personal life, and same for him. I don't think that somebody else other than, my sister, my secret pen pal, and Chaeryeong. Somebody else will be close to me, once again.
Other than that, I want to know how my Secret Pen Pal is doing, well; I broke one of our many rules. But, I just hope that my identity didn't really disappoint him. I was literally in my own dreamland, that Beomgyu had to shake me just to get my attention.
"Hey, you okay?" He asked, looking worried.
"Yeah, why wouldn't I be?" I asked him back, while smiling.
I guess, he sensed something was off. But, decided not to push it.
"Okay, let's go. The others are probably waiting for us." He said, and stood up, while giving me a hand up.
Then, we walked towards the Castle, to go to the rooftop. While we were walking we were talking as well, laughing on the sidelines.
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