Chapter 10
Chapter 10: Run Away
March, 13, 1894
Ryujin's POV
It's almost time, by the time that my clock, strikes 10 o'clock. I'll run away from this place, with the help of Mel. I haven't thought, what I will do, if this plan fails, but I'm sure that, I'm going to do this for my sister's sake.
I looked at the clock it was almost, 10! I quickly got ready and changed my clothes, put some pillows. To cover me up, if Mother or Father, decides to check on me.
Once, I made sure, that the pillows, make it look like, I was sleeping. I waited for Mel's signal, in my bedroom. I was actually super anxious, waiting for her signal.
I was getting sleepy, but then, I heard somebody knock. I was super anxious, that I quickly went over my window and looked down, and there I saw Mel, going to throw a rock, right on my window! I quickly signaled her to not do it. As, somebody was knocking on my door.
I quickly opened the window, and got some pillows, for me to land safely. Once, I was okay, to land, I ran back towards the other side of the room, and ran towards my room, but then somebody said my name.
"Ryujin? Are you still awake?" That voice, it was most definitely mother's.
I quickly closed my window, and lay down on my Bed just to pretend to be asleep. I then heard, my door open, I'm pretty sure it's mother.
"Oh. She's already asleep..." I can hear my mother's voice.
"Oh, Well. It was a good try, I guess." She said, and I felt that she sat down on my bed, and slowly caressed my hair.
I was trying hard, not to let my tears fall.
"You know? If you were still awake, now. I would apologize, because of what happened. I didn't want our family to be like this... If I can just turn back time, I will just for you guys..." She said, while having trouble breathing.
'I'm guessing, mother's crying.' I thought, as I can hear her sniffles. If, I ever opened my eyes, I think, I'll also be crying with her right now. A few minutes after that, I can hear her breathing, stabilizing.
"I just want you to know, that your Father and I, will always be here for you. I hope you understand, that we will still love you both, you and your sister. Both of you means, the world to us." She said, while a tear suddenly dropped on my face.
Then, I feel, that she stood up from sitting down on my bedroom. I then, heard creaking, meaning my door, is being opened. I opened my eyes, and saw Mother leaving the room, with her red puffy eyes, and I admit that it hurt me. A lot.
Before I even knew it, there were tears that were starting to fall off my eyes. It just keeps on coming. They wouldn't want me to feel bad, but, what they're doing right now and it actually says otherwise.
I quickly wiped it off, and was going over the window, when part of my window suddenly shattered into pieces! I quickly went over it and opened it! It revealed Mel, who looked so pissed off.
I quickly looked at the door, and ran to it just to lock it. Once again, I ran to the opposite side of the room, and gave a signal to Mel, then; I heard the Royal Guards and Mother, either knocking on my door or maybe breaking it down.
I looked at the window, and thought that I should stay, after hearing what mother said. I stood frozen on my spot, not moving a muscle. Until, I heard the door being broken. Then and there I know I have to get my mind straight.
Nayeon's POV
I just got out of my Daughter's Bedroom, while I was walking I was thinking, of a way that I can make up to her.
'Knowing her she herself doesn't like stuff or anything that is an object. She prefers stuff that actually comes from the heart.' I thought, while I was walking towards our Bedroom.
I wasn't really that far from her bedroom, as I was literally stopping from time to time. I was going to our bedroom, when I heard a glass shattered, since the only place that can have glass here is Ryujin's bedroom, I quickly went over to her bedroom, to see it locked!
'But, when I left. It wasn't locked!? How is that even possible?! She was sleeping, so it's impossible for her to be awake, right?' I thought.
I called the guards to help me open her bedroom, some of them were opening it with brute force, while some of them, were opening using the keys.
I was just standing at the back, watching them do their thing. When, suddenly Yoongi came.
"What's happening?! Why are you guys, breaking down, my little girl's, door?!" He asked, more like shouted.
"Yoongi, we think that an assassin is in there with her, we heard a glass shattering here." I said, explaining what's happening here.
"What?!" He shouted, in shock.
"Okay, forget about what I said, earlier. Break that damn Door!" He said, commanding the guards.
The guards quickly took his order, and put it took action. After waiting for a bit, we finally got through the door, the guards quickly cleaned the path, and let us come in.
Once, we did, I regret it, I regret that I did those things to her, without even apologizing to her, and fixing the problem with her.
I regret that I left her, earlier. I should've stayed. Then, maybe this won't happen.
I guess, Yoongi noticed my uneasiness. And hugged me as a way to comfort me, and then and there, I broke down, I don't really care if anybody sees me crying, or gossips about me.
I mean, who wouldn't cry?! When, your daughter's gone?!
My, baby Ryujin, she's gone.
Cause, we were too late. Ryujin's gone; there was also blood on the floor, that scared me, as we didn't see her body or the weapon that the person used.
March, 13, 1894
Ryujin's POV
I was still, running away, from the Castle. My Castle, My Home, and the place where I grew up, and knew about every single thing I practically know. I never thought that I will be running away from my own Castle.
I would've reached somewhere further, with my pace but, I got myself an injury, that I didn't even notice that I got this in my bedroom, I guess it was from the glass, that Mel broke earlier.
Speaking of Mel, she already left me, she went back to the Castle, once she made sure that I was already in town, I have my luggage which to be exact a Bag, filled with clothes.
But, then I suddenly tripped, and bumped into somebody. We both fell onto the ground.
"I'm sorry!" I said, to the person that I bumped into.
"No, no! I'm the one who should be sorry, I bumped into you, and I've always been clumsy." The person said, judging from the tone of the person's voice, it a girl.
I saw her stand up, and she looked shocked. I just realized that my hood, it's down!
"P-Princess Ryujin?!" She shouted, while having her eyes popped out.
"Please don't!" I quickly stood up and covered her mouth, although I'm injured, I still have to stop her from gaining attention.
I think she noticed my injury. Once, I was sure that she noticed it, she quickly grabbed my bag and hand then ran.
"Wait! Please Wait!" I said, calling her attention.
She finally stopped, once I got her attention.
"Why are you doing this?" I asked her, because I was getting much more curious.
"Isn't it obvious? I'm helping you!" She said, trying to explain to me the situation.
"But, why?" I asked her.
"Well, you look like you needed help, and my parents said, to help everybody who needs it." She said, while smiling until it dropped into a frown.
"Oh! I'm sorry, I haven't introduced myself yet. My name is, Lee Chaeryeong." She said, smiling.
"I think you already know me?" I said, and smiled a bit.
"Of course! Who wouldn't?" She exclaimed.
"Why?" I asked her.
"Everybody says, that you're a very cold Princess, and that you don't have your parents attitude, and you're the literally opposite of the Second Princess." She explained to me.
"Anyway, we should go now. That, injury of yours might get infected if we stay here for more." She said, and pulled me, and we started to walk away.
I was walking peacefully, with Chaeryeong helping me to walk. Because of this stupid injury. I was actually going start a conversation with her, when she actually strikes one first.
"So... mind telling me what happened, up there?" She asked me, while pointing at the direction if the castle.
I quickly thought if I should answer her or not. I guess, she noticed that I was quiet.
"If you don't feel comfortable talking about, it. It's fine with me, if you don't tell me." She said, while giving me a small smile.
"No... Its fine, it's just.... I wasn't really expecting to bump into somebody who would help me." I said to her.
"I'll tell you everything, but, I'll only summarize it, for you. Plus, please don't ever tell this to anybody else." I said, while having a dark aura around me.
She only gave me a, 'Yes' sign.
"Well, you see, the truth is I'm running away, from them. The reason is because, they want my sister, to get married at a young age, I told them, that I didn't like that, and requested that I should be the one whose getting married in her place, but they disagreed with me. Then, we fought, and they gave me no choice, I had to do this in order to save her." I said, summarizing what actually happened back there.
"So, that's basically it..." I said, And shrugged.
I looked at her, and it seems like she was shocked to hear that.
"What do you mean; our second princess will get married?" She asked, clarifying things up.
"I mean arrange marriage..." I said, and looked down.
"Oh my... poor girl.... so that's the reason you ran away?" She asked, and I just nodded.
"You must love your little sister so much then?" She asked me.
"Very. She's been my only best friend ever since we were kids. Well, except for my Pen Pal. But, other than that. No." I said.
Then, after that total silence took over us.
"Okay, it's getting late. Let's pick up the pace, to get to my house okay?" She asked, and I only nodded.
We continued to walk to her house in silence, but, this time, it was a good silence, it wasn't awkward and all. It was all good.
March, 14, 1894
Chaeryeong said, that we were getting closer to her house, and it just a few more steps, until we reach the house.
We finally, reached Chaeryeong's house, and I must say, it is small, but it looks so lively and comfortable. We quickly got in, as most likely the guards will be searching for me.
Once, we got in, she quickly turned on the lights, and left me, in their living room, I also noticed that she had books about herbs and plants. I wanted to get one, so I stood up, but then, she saw me and stopped me from standing up.
"Don't you, dare stand up. Ryujin!" She said, well more like commanding me.
She quickly took out a first aid kid, and took out the tools that are needed. Based, on her looks, she knows how to do medication. I was just watching her, do her thing, and once she was done, I quickly asked her how she knew those things.
"Well, for starters, I'm an Herbalist, well Herbalist in training that is." She said, smiling.
"Really?!" I asked while smiling, thinking that she could help me then.
"Yeah, but, can you please lower your voice? It's already the middle of the night, so I'm pretty sure, everybody is asleep by now." She said, shushing me.
I quickly shut my mouth up. As, she was right for sure everybody in the Kingdom is already asleep.
"Say, you don't have anywhere to stay in right, Ryujin?" She asked, while putting the tools back, but then she suddenly stopped.
"Oh! I'm sorry! I didn't mean to call you, Ryujin. Princess." She said, while bowing.
"No, its fine, you should actually probably call me, Ryujin now." I said.
"And as for your first Question, no. I don't." I said, while thinking where I should stay.
"Okay. Then, you should stay here with me, then. My sister just left, and won't be back after a month." She said, continuing to fix the tools
"R-Really? You would do that for me?" I asked her.
"Yeah, who wouldn't?" She said, and stood up.
"Okay, you should definitely, go and wash up, then, while, I'll get your things settled in one of our guest rooms." She said, and left with the box, as well as my bag, but left a comfortable sleepwear.
She went over the shelf then upstairs, and I think, she'll really fix my things. I quickly looked around, and saw books either about plants or herbs, but, it's more on herbs.
Pictures of her family, I saw a Person who really looked like her, her parents, two dogs, and I guess a younger sister. I was really engrossed, in knowing who
'Are they twins, or something? They really look a like...' I thought.
"Hey, Ryujin. Are you done?" I heard Chaeryeong say.
"Umm, no... I don't know where the comfort room is." I said, while looking around.
"Oh! It's just second door, in the Kitchen." She said.
"Okay..." I replied and went to the Comfort room, to change.
I quickly entered the comfort room, and changed. After that I went upstairs, and looked for Chaeryeong. When I saw, her, she was fixing the bed I was going to be sleeping in. She quickly turned around; she was shocked when she saw me.
"Okay, now that you're here, this is your bedroom, I'm sorry, if it's small." She said and moved aside to let me inside.
Once, I was inside, she told me to sleep, and left. I quickly went over to the bed, and lay down.
'Today is really a long day. I wonder what's happening in the Castle." I thought, before falling asleep.
October, 13, 1896
Ryujin's POV
I'm currently waiting for a Hair Dresser, to cut and dye my hair. So, I won't be recognized easily, and I can practically go outside, with wearing a cloak or something.
And, I'm happy to tell, that I've improved, I also know how to make medicine now!
I was so, happy when Chaeryeong and I, finally made the medicine that we worked so hard for.
I was so excited, that I was literally, in my own dreamland. That, I didn't hear that the hair dresser was calling me, Chaeryeong was actually tapping me.
I quickly went over and sat down the chair. Not going to lie, I was actually scared. But, Chaeryeong said, that this Hair Dresser right here, is a professional one, and is very well known.
So, I had nothing to be worried about, right?
And right, before I knew it. She already started, while she was shampooing my hair, She asked what hair color do I want.
"Pink, please." I said, while closing my eyes.
I just let her; do her thing, because Chae, said I should just trust her.
After a few hours, it was already 8:00 PM. I haven't had dinner yet. But, Chae, already went home, to make dinner so I can eat it, once we're done here.
She was only cutting my Long Hair, so, I think we'll be done here before curfew passes, around here. The only thing I can hear right now, is her scissors snapping on my hair, and the ceiling fan, just doing its thing. I was super duper, sleepy, I think I can sleep for a whole decade, and never ever regret it.
I was in my own dreamland, once again, and the hair dresser was telling me she was done; I quickly stood up and looked at the mirror to look at myself. And wow, I look so different.
After that, I quickly thanked her, and left after paying.
I quickly got home, and went to the dining room, to see Chae. Fixing our dinner, it was Ramyeon, as she knows I'd rather eat Ramyeon, than anything else.
Once she saw me her eyes were big, she was super shocked knowing her.
"Ryu! You really look so different, from before!" She said, while placing the Ramyeon on the table.
"Yeah, that's the whole point of doing this Chae." I said, sarcastically.
"I know, that's the reason, but, what I mean is it's really different." She said, and sat down.
"I mean, I didn't even recognize you at first glance...." She said, while still looking at me.
I sat down as well, and got some Ramyeon, and started to eat with Chae, while talking to each other, smiling and laughing.
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