Chapter 08
Chapter 08: The Meeting for Royalties
December, 8, 1893
Ryujin's POV
It's already December, meaning, it's almost Christmas, and New Year! To add, tomorrow is my Sister's Birthday! I can already see, how happy she is and I can also, see how many gifts, she'll receive, she always receives two thousand, gifts, no more and no less.
What can I say? She's super popular. Especially to Boys, they always want to Court her, but, I always say, they'll have to get through me first, before they'll get my Sister's hand, for marriage.
Actually, were already eating breakfast, and It's abnormally, quiet. I looked at Mel, and she also looked at me, with a worried expression. I decided to break the atmosphere. But, when I did, the Royal messenger came.
If, you guys want to know what the Royal Messenger, does. It's simple; they carry out the important and royal messages and letters. Unlike mine, and my Pen Pal, those messages and letters, are so valuable, that if you lose one of them, you'll either end up in the prison, or dead.
"Your Royal Highness! I'm sorry, for disturbing your time with your family. But, a letter, from Clarines, came in just now, and they said, it's an urgent one, so I had no choice but to disturb you." The Royal messenger said, and bowed down.
"Okay, please give it to me." Father said, while having a hand gesture that tells you to give it to him.
"You can leave now." Father said, while opening, the letter.
He was now, reading the letter, while me and my sister, are just continuing to eat, as if nothing is happening right now. And continuing as if nothing is happening is now a rule here, and other royal families.
I was eating, and I was almost done, when I heard a sound, that Father makes, when he is mad. I quickly looked at him, what I saw couldn't prepare me, he was smirking! Right in front of me and my sister.
"Tsk. That, troublemaker, made another wrong call." He said.
"What do you mean, Father?" I asked him.
"The letter, isn't really a letter, it's just an invitation, for a ball, in their Kingdom." He said, while handing me the Invitation.
I took the Invitation, and read it.
Dear: King Shin Yoongi
Or should I say Suga hyung? Anyway, just to tell you, Tzuyu, wants to invite you guys, to a recovery party, for our son, Beomgyu. You guys, have to come, okay? Tzuyu misses Nayeon noona.
the Most Handsome
and Cutest Bunny
in the World
'Wait, what?' I thought, confused.
I quickly looked at my dad, asking, if he is for real, while he just shrugged his, shoulders.
I looked at the Invitation, once again. 'Maybe, just maybe, I can make friends there?' I thought, and made some other more thoughts.
After, that. I went to finish eating, and Left the room. I was going to my Bedroom, as I was feeling a bit under the weather. I was about to lay down, when I noticed that there was a letter on my desk, I quickly went over my desk and took it, and went back to my Bed and lay down. While opening the envelope, once I opened it, I took out the letter and read it.
Dear: Secret Pen Pal
Hi, it's me! I missed you! I'm sorry for being noisy. I was just dying to tell you this. I'M FINALLY CURED! AFTER TWO YEARS OF SUFFERING I WAS OKAY TO GO OUTSIDE AND TALK TO PEOPLE AGAIN!! I really want to see you, but, I can't do that, until I'm eighteen.
Your Secret
Pen Pal
I laughed, at the letter. Because imagining his face while writing this is probably one of the most funniest ones, I told myself, that I'll just write him a letter when, I'm finally good to go.
December, 18 1893
Beomgyu's POV
The day of the ball, is coming near, and with that there are also royal guests, that are going to stay in the Royal castle.
I was walking with, Yeonjun hyung, earlier, but he had something else to do. Then, left me, I was thinking when I bumped into somebody, making the both of us end up on the ground, with our butts, right into the ground.
"I'm so sorry!" The other person said, the other person voice, is kind of a female's.
"No, no. I'm the one who should be sorry." I said, and quickly stand up, to help her, get back on her feet.
But, I was surprised, when I saw her dusting off her gown. I was surprised that, I was practically a wooden stick who is just standing.
"Umm, are you okay?" She asked me, I was taken back.
I quickly scanned her, she had, Cat like eyes, she also is tall, but not as tall as me, she also has a sharp jaw line.
"Umm, yes... how about you?" I asked her.
"I'm fine, say, I'm lost, and can you help please me?" She said, while smiling shyly.
"Yeah, sure." I said, while smiling.
I don't know why, But I feel like, she'll be close to me as well.
"Where do you want to go?" I asked her.
"Umm, do you know where, Prince Soobin, is? I'm pretty sure, you know him, as he is your brother?" She asked me.
"Wait, how do you know that, I'm his brother?" I asked her, with suspicion.
"Well, did he ever tell you, that he had, a Pen Pal that lives in the Kingdom of Alynthi? If he ever did, that was me." She said, and smiled.
Oh. So, she was the one. Who befriended my brother?
"I'm sorry to inform this, you But, my Big Brother isn't here." I said while, looking down.
"Why? What do you, he's not here?" She asked me.
"He left, two years ago... He hasn't comeback yet." I said, while tears are threatening to fall.
"Oh my, I'm sorry to hear that! Don't worry! Once, I see him; I'll give him a beating for leaving you." She said, while smiling and tried comforting me.
She is obviously trying to lift the mood up. So, I smiled.
"Thank you." I said, while still smiling.
"You know, what's funny? We've been talking here for minutes already, and we still haven't gotten each other's names." She said, and laughed.
'She's right. We should at least to start introducing each other.' I mentally scolded myself.
"How about we start, then?" I asked, while laughing.
"Yeah, I guess so." She said, while also laughing.
"How about you start then? Ladies first?" I asked her.
"Okay." She said, and fixed her posture, as she did that, I also fixed mine.
"I'm Princess Hwang Yeji. First Princess of the Kingdom Alynthi." She said, while curtisied to me.
"I'm Prince Choi Beomgyu. Second Prince of this fine Kingdom, Clarines." I said, with pride and then bowed.
She laughed and then suddenly somebody had to call her. It must her Personal maid, we quickly said our "Goodbye's" and then she left, with her Personal maid.
While, I continue to walk, towards, well no where. I was minding my own business when, somebody bumped into me, again.
'Okay, seriously, what is it, with me and bumping into somebody today?' I thought.
Again, we ended on our butts. Instead of standing up, or saying "sorry", or asking how I was. It was, crying, I looked at the other party, and it turns out to be a little Princess!
I quickly got up, and was trying to help her, stand up, but then she started shouting "Eonni". Does, she have an older sister?
"Hey, I'm sorry, please stand up." I said, trying to comfort the little girl.
"Eonni! Eonni!" She keeps on shouting, again and again.
It's already irritating me. I was about to call guards to assist her to the Castle Infirmary, when a girl, about my Age, came.
"There you are! Don't you dare, do that ever again!" She said, to the little girl.
Then, the little girl did an unexpected thing. She hugged the girl, who just came, and just kept on saying "Eonni", again and again, and pointed at me. The older girl then looked at me.
"Umm, please forgive my little sister's attitude. She tends to be like that, at times. But, she means no harm." She said, while bowing.
"No, it's okay." I said, and was busy studying the two of them.
"Really?" She asked me.
"Yeah. Why, does it kind of sound that it's, unbelievable?" I asked her, while smiling.
"Well, it's because some Princes, have their prides that reaches the sky." She said, with an attitude voice.
Wait, aren't Princesses, supposed to be nice and all? Is this? I was literally thinking, I just bumped into the First Princess of Roselia.
"Oh! I haven't introduced myself yet! I'm so sorry. Please forgive me." She said.
"No, it's fine." I said, while smiling.
"So, if you don't want to be the first one to be introduced, I'll introduce myself, first then." She said, while I just nodded as a response.
"I'm Princess Shin Ryujin. First Princess of the Kingdom Roselia." She said, while she curtsied.
Is, She really the Princess?! And Did, She just say, Roselia?! As in the Kingdom?!
While, I was doing that, I didn't notice that she was waiting for me to introduce myself.
"I'm-." I was about to introduce myself, when she cut me off.
She really is different, like really different. No, Princess, who dare cut somebody off, their sentence.
"I know who you are. Do you think that I didn't do a research about your kingdom, before I even came here?" She asked me.
I was about to answer when somebody called her, it was the Queen; I quickly bowed to her, while she curtsied to me.
"I'm sorry, for the intrusion, but can I take my Daughters now? Their Father, is about to explode, from anger, just by looking for them." She asked me, while I just nodded.
After that, they quickly left, for the King.
I was star struck, I met the Princess of Roselia! The first, Princess! Not everybody, meets her, as from what I know, because either of these, reasons, she isn't allowed to go out, of their castle, she's super busy, you'll have to beat her in smartness, or she's studying.
So nobody really knows her. She's a mystery that is yet to be solved.
December, 29, 1893
Author's POV
It is now the time of the ball. Every single maid, in the Kingdom is now busy either preparing the Royalty or the Ballroom.
Every single Royalty is said to be in their own Bedrooms, getting ready.
But, two Princesses were in the same room, as the Younger one, wants to see her Sister.
Since, this is a Ball; the Ball had a theme, a masquerade ball. The Queen thought of this as a way of making friends but secret, for Beomgyu, who missed out two years of making friends.
The ball was finally starting, and all the Royalties, are going down from the stairs. Either, being Admired or Judged, by the other royalties.
You would notice that the Second Prince was not sitting next to his parents, as the reason to that; he is sitting next to a Girl, his age, neatly dressed.
After, a while His, Father, the King, went to the stage, and announced that the Ball has begun.
Suddenly, that music turned into a lovely melody that is for ballroom dancing. Since, his Mother told him, that this ball is for him, to attend to, he can do whatever he wants to do, and this is also a perfect time to make friends.
He decided, if he wanted to make friends, he should start simple. Then, he thought why not the girl beside him?
"Umm, Hello. Can I dance with you?" He asked, the Princess who is beside him, lending out his hand, which she gladly took.
He then, danced with her, until the fifth song. It was actually amazing; that she can hold as long as he can, she was wearing heels, for crying out loud, that kind of hurts, while dancing. Not to mention, she is also A good dancer.
After a few minutes, the King requested their attention, as it was already 9:50 PM. Meaning, they would have to take their masks off, in ten minutes.
While waiting, Beomgyu, suddenly got tapped on his shoulder, he looked at that direction. Meeting a pair of eyes, of the girl he danced with earlier.
"Umm, sorry, to disturb you but, do you know where, the comfort room is? I'm not quite familiar, in this place." The Girl explained.
"Oh. Umm, yeah. Go there, then turn left, in the first corner, then straight, then you'll find it." Beomgyu said, while pointing.
"Okay, thank you." The girl said, and Left.
"You should be back before 10, okay?" Beomgyu said to the Girl.
While, the girl just nodded, in response.
A couple of minutes later. The King said that there is only two minutes left. And the Girl still hasn't returned. The King was saying his speech, before; they all take off their masks.
The little prince was genuinely worried for the girl. Thinking that she might get lost, in this big castle of theirs. Without thinking he quickly stood up, and was about to go there, when somebody held his hand.
"Where are you going?" The Person who held him, said.
"The girl, I danced with still isn't here..." Beomgyu said in reply, and looked down.
"Oh. Isn't that her?" The person said, while pointing at somebody.
The little prince quickly looked, and saw, the girl he danced with talking to somebody. Once, she was done, talking to them, she quickly made her way towards their table. When, he saw this, he quickly panicked, and went back to his seat, lucky for him, she didn't saw that.
After a couple of minutes, the King ordered everybody to stand up, in the center of the Ballroom. And take of their masks.
The girl, looked at the boy, and then took her mask off, revealing, that princess of Roselia! Princess Shin Ryujin, the Little Prince was so happy, he danced with the First Princess of Roselia.
He took off his too. Once he did, the Princess was surprised, and then laughed.
"Oh my, aren't you the Prince? I just danced with the Prince of this Kingdom." Ryujin said, while laughing.
"Yeah, why are laughing though?" Beomgyu asking her Ryujin.
"Well, I can't believe that I danced with you. As you're the Prince here, so if my dancing was a bit out of place, my parents would scold me." Ryujin said, while still laughing.
The Prince smiled and ended up laughing with the Princess, and that's how the night ended for the both of them.
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