Chapter 07
Chapter 07: Party for you
December, 4, 1893
Beomgyu's POV
It's already been two years, and I'm already twelve, tomorrow, will be my big brother's birthday. And I'm still not getting any better, than before.
Maybe, I should just give up. Nothing, can save me now. It's been years, and nothing, we still have nothing, about this disease. If, only, I can know more about my disease, I can still be saved. But, that isn't possible.
I looked at the clock on my wall, it's already 10:45 PM, and I'm still not asleep.
If my Parents, knew about this, or maybe Yeonjun hyung, they'll surely scold me. Well, It's better to sleep I guess?
I fixed myself in a position for sleeping, before sleeping and going to dreamland.
This is weird? I was standing, near the place where, a house that has moss and vines covered it. It also looks like there's nobody who lives here anymore.
I started walking towards the house, when I heard an explosion. I quickly looked around and saw, somebody jumping from the window on the second floor.
Nailing, the landing, this person is a professional, in these stuff. When, I saw the person who did that, it was the girl! That girl I saw before, it looks like, she's running away. I want to help her, but how?
The last time I attracted her attention to me, didn't end too good. I was too distracted, in thinking that she was already running away. I quickly followed her, but then, suddenly the ground began to shake and opened a ravine underneath me. And ending my dream there.
I quickly opened my eyes, looking around; I saw our doctor, Yeonjun hyung and my family. I looked at the time; it was already 3:00 PM?! How long did I even sleep?!
They looked surprised, I wonder why? Then, my mother started crying and hugged me. While my mother was hugging me, I looked at the rest, asking for an explanation, for this monstrosity. They just silent smiled, as if something happened.
So, if nobody wanted to answer my question. I'm just going to ask mom.
"Mom? What's happening?" I asked her.
"You're alive! You're really alive!" She said, while still crying.
"What do you mean, 'Alive'?" I asked her, tilting my head to the side.
"You weren't breathing earlier... so we thought, you died." She said, explaining the current situation.
"What?" I was literally shocked with the news I just got.
"Did, I just literally, die?" I asked them, which they answered with a nod.
"Actually, this isn't the first time..." Father said.
"What do you mean?" I asked him.
"You almost died, when you were born." He said, and it took a little bit for me to digest that.
"What?!" I shouted, in shock.
I noticed how the doctor was super quiet, and when I looked at him, he was checking me, and he looked surprised.
"What's wrong, Doctor?" I asked, the Doctor.
He was literally shocked; you can read it all over his face. I wonder, what is he so shocked about? Is it because I'm alive? Or the fact that I was dead, but then rose from it?
Okay, this is getting weird.
"Umm, I'm sorry to disrupt, your highness, but, something is really odd. Can we just conduct our tests on him?" The Doctor said, while still looking at me.
"Okay." My Mother said.
I looked at her in disbelief, but she just reassured me, with a smile, while going to Dad, and go outside. I looked at the doctor; he looked like he has a million questions, for me. Which, in a case I don't know how to answer some of them, if that happens.
"Okay, I only have five tests for you, which is five questions." He said, while writing in on his clipboard.
"Okay..." I said, with an uncertain voice.
"First, how do you feel?" The Doctor said, while looking at me.
I quickly thought about it, and I wasn't feeling anything. As of the moment. I don't feel like I need to sneeze, to cough, to cold, to hot, or itchiness.
"Nothing, I don't feel anything bad." I said, while looking at him.
"Okay, Second. What were you thinking about before sleeping?" He asked, doing the same thing as before.
"About Death." I said in reply, losing interest, in this test.
"Okay... that's about on the touchy side, don't you think?" He asked.
"Nah, I don't think so." I said, while shrugging away.
"Okay, Third. What do you usually think of, when you're alone in your bedroom?" He asked.
"Hmm, I guess, about this disease and my Pen Pal?" I said, remembering all the letters we sent to each other.
"Okay, Fourth, What were you dreaming about?" The Doctor asked, while taking down notes.
I had a hard time to; comprehend what he said, what does he mean?
"Umm, Doc? What do you mean?" I asked him.
"Well, as first, we didn't technically think you were dead, as you were squirming around a lot, but then you stopped. So, we came to check up on you, but, you weren't breathing anymore." He said, explaining the situation.
"Well, I practically, had this Dream about a girl, who had Pink short hair, she looks like she'll be the one to save me, but maybe I was wrong." I said.
"Okay, Fifth, and last question, what did She look like?" He asked.
"She actually looked like she was an Angel, who came to save me." I said, while holding my blanket.
"You have the same thing as the Past King..." He said, while writing it down.
"Hmm, so I guess you know that I'm not from this kingdom right?" He said.
"Wait, what? You're not from here?" I asked him.
"Yeah, I'm from the Kingdom of Roselia, I'm a court herbalist there. One of the most trusted ones." He said, while smiling.
"Really?" I said.
"Yeah, I was also the one, who helped his majesty to cure, from the same ailment. But up 'til now, there is still no cure, for it." He said.
"He also had the same symptoms, and the same cure. He also dreamed of a woman that had a huge impact on him." He said.
"I'd say, you got it easy, as he had it until he was twenty, and you're only twelve. You should be thankful." He said and smiled.
"Well, I'll be going now... Bye, your highness." He said and bowed.
"Umm, wait!" I said, making him halt.
"Yes, your highness?" He asked.
"Can I ask you a Question?" I asked him, he quickly laughed.
"Well, you technically are, asking me a question." He said, while laughing.
"Okay, that's not funny!" I said.
"Fine, fine. I'll stop." He said, while trying to stop himself from laughing.
"What is it?" He asked.
"Do you know the Princesses there? And am I good to go?" I asked him.
"Of course, I know the First Princess, but the Second Princess, I have never encountered her before. But, the First Princess has been in the Royal Infirmary, every single day back then." He said.
"What was she doing there?" I asked, getting more curious.
"Well, she was always there to study About herbs and plants." He said.
"What, why would she study those things? She already has everything; she could ever want and need, as a royalty." I said to him.
"Well, for one, she said, that she wants to become an Herbalist or a Court Herbalist, and two, she said, she's so intrigued by it." He said.
"Well, okay. How about my second Question?" I asked him.
"Well, what do you think?" He asked me.
"I guess, I'm doing fine then?" I said more like asked him.
"You're right once again." He said.
"I'll be the one, who'll break the news to them, you should ready for now." He said, and Left my room.
'Does that mean, I'm allowed to go outside again?' I thought.
I was so excited to break the news to my Pen Pal Friend that I quickly ran towards my desk and looked for Paper and Pen. I quickly wrote the things that I wanted to tell her.
Dear: Secret Pen Pal
Hi, it's me! I missed you! I'm sorry for being noisy. I was just dying to tell you this. I'M FINALLY CURED! AFTER TWO YEARS OF SUFFERING I WAS OKAY TO GO OUTSIDE AND TALK TO PEOPLE AGAIN!! I really want to see you, but, I can't do that, until I'm eighteen.
Your Secret
Pen Pal
When I finished writing that letter, I quickly looked for an envelope, and put it inside and put a stamp on it. And put it on my desk, after that I quickly went towards my Bed and lay down again, knowing that Yeonjun hyung. Knows what to do with that letter. He'll send it for me.
With being laid down, I continued to read the book that my father told me to read.
December, 5, 1893
Beomgyu's POV
Finally! I'm allowed to eat with my Family! Well, without Soobin hyung. I miss him, I'm already good, but why isn't he returning yet? Today is his, birthday. I want to celebrate it with him, but, since he isn't here. I can't.
We're currently in our Dinner Room, eating breakfast. This is the first time I ate with my family. After, being stuck in my bedroom for two years and some months. It sure it getting a bit on the odd side. I haven't been with them for two years! And they're just literally doing things as if, it's normal!
I was in deep thoughts that, I didn't notice that my Father called me three times already.
"Beomgyu!" Father said, for the fourth time, fully capturing my attention.
"Hmm?" I hummed in reply.
"What were thinking about, sweetie?" Mother asked me, while looking concerned.
"Umm, well, you know. About Soobin hyung, and his birthday being today..." I said, while picking on my food.
"Well, we can perhaps do you guys like a Birthday Ball, and your recovery ball, together?" Mother asked.
"Really?" I asked her.
"Of course, if that's what you guys want." She said, continuing eating.
"I want that! It's been so long, since I've seen him!" I said, getting pumped up.
"Sure, we'll plan it. For now, you should rest more..." Father said, while eating some eggs and bacon.
"Okay..." I said, and continued to eat.
After eating, I went in my bedroom and went in, and lay down. Well not before, I talked to Yeonjun hyung.
"Yeonjun hyung?" I called him.
"Yes?" He said, while suddenly popping up from my walk in closet.
"Umm, what are you doing, in my Closet?" I asked him.
"Well, I saw something go in here, earlier so I followed it. But, it turns out to be a Rat." He said, and held a dead rat, which is super disgusting.
"Eek! Get that thing away from me!" I said, and ran towards the other end of my bedroom.
"Yeah, yeah." He said, and went outside meaning he threw it the dead rat outside.
Once, he came back, he looked at me and handed books about the Kingdom of Roselia, alongside some other books, that might help me, more. To manage this kingdom.
"Thank you, Yeonjun hyung." I said, and smiled.
After that, I continued to read those books.
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