Chapter 01
Chapter 01: Introduction
January, 12, 1882
Author's POV
There are four major kingdoms.
The four are:
Roselia: The Kingdom of Flowers and Farming
Clarines: The Kingdom of Herbs and Trade or Shipping
Asterin: The Kingdom of Aquatic Resources
Alynthi: The Kingdom of Underground Resources
Those are the four kingdoms.
You can say, they all have their uniqueness, in their own kingdoms. No one is alike. Not even, their children are alike.
They are things they are good at, but also they are bad at. All of them actually have been wanting to have alliance's with each other.
The Kingdom of Roselia, is a beautiful, Kingdom. Always surrounded with flowers, and farms. They specialize, in things that rely, on the soil. They are the 2nd most powerful, family out of the four of them.
The Kingdom of Clarines, is a Lively Kingdom. The streets of this kingdom are always busy. Always surrounded with medicinal herbs. They specialize, in herbs and Trading, with other kingdoms. They are the most influential and powerful, family out of the four of them.
The Kingdom of Asterin, is on the odd side of things. This kingdom is partially busy. They specialize, in things like Fishing and anything related to water works. They may be the fourth powerful Kingdom, but, don't underestimate them. Some says, they have secret weapon.
The Kingdom of Alynthi, is a bit in the solo side. This kingdom, is managed by a family, who has a runaway daughter. From the people of this Kingdom, it looks like that. But, in the other kingdom's, it's for a stronger bond. They specialize, in Mining. They have the most resourceful underground mining. They are the third, powerful family.
But, of course there's a price to pay. Let's see, how will they continue, to dodge those obstacles. Join us, in unfolding the secrets, of their world.
March, 13, 1882
Author's POV
It was in this moment, that another Prince was born. They will name the newly born Prince, Choi Beomgyu. He is the Second Prince, his older brother, is two years older than him.
After, the Queen, gave birth to him, she was already, relieved from all the pain. She wanted to hold him, to touch him, or at least see him, but things don't always go to the way you wanted to happen.
The thing was he wasn't crying or anything, it was getting a bit sad. Thinking that the Second Prince of this Kingdom. Would just die, after giving birth to him.
After a few minutes, they heard something, the baby started crying. Meaning he is alive, all of the staff and the royal highnesses, let out a sigh of relieve.
The staff then cleaned the baby, from all the blood that covered it, before giving it to the Queen. They looked at each other with happiness in their eyes. They quickly looked at the baby, and smiled at him, while he was asleep.
April, 17, 1882
It has been months, of waiting, for this kingdom, to have an heir to the throne. They are expecting a Girl, as they have well the queen, has a feeling that this is a girl, as she isn't that kind of active, unlike boys.
Although, they wanted a Boy, well, the King wants a boy. But, of course not everything you want could be yours.
After, a few minutes. They waited, for the baby to be given to them. As they saw her, they quickly named her.
"Ryujin..." The Queen said, and looked at the King who was right beside her.
"I think that name would fit, our little Angel." The King said, as he said that, the baby laughed.
As the baby, laughed, they smiled and looked at each other, then lean each other's head, together. They were already happy. Even, though they don't know what will happen in the future? They know that they will conquer it.
With their Daughter, by their side.
Or will she?
November, 22, 1889
As of the moment, we currently have two Princesses, playing with each other, with dolls and tea party.
"Eonni!" The Younger princess called out, the older one.
"What it is?" The Older Princess asked, while still fixing the playroom, so they won't be scolded, by their parents, or in other words the King and Queen.
"Eonni..." The Younger Princess said, making the Older Princess worried, the Older Princess, quickly looked at the Younger one.
'What happened to her?!' The Older one, thought.
"Eonni... Look at my stuffed toy, it's broken..." The Younger Princess said, while holding a broken bunny doll, whose right ear is slowly being ripped off.
The Older Princess was really worried, if something happened to the Younger one, because of her, she wouldn't forgive herself. But, when she looked at the Younger Princess, she was that she was almost going to cry, and with that she quickly comforted the Younger one.
'She made me worried, for nothing.... Well at least she's safe.' The Older one thought.
"Okay, give it to me; I'll fix it, for you. So you can sleep tonight." The Older Princess said, and took the bunny doll, from her Younger Sister.
"Come on, I'm already done, fixing here. I'll fix her in my bedroom." The Older one said, while standing up and grabbing the Younger ones, hands and held it tight.
They walked through the halls of their castle, to go to the older sister's bedroom.
Once, they reached the Older, she quickly opened the doors and entered. The Older Princess, quickly gave the Younger one another Doll, to play with while, she's fixing the bunny. So, she would have company, and wouldn't disturb.
Once, she was sure the Younger, is completely distracted, with the doll, in her hands. She quickly looked for the sewing box.
Once, she found it, she quickly went to her window, and opened its curtain. And went to her work bench, and quickly opened the sewing box, to look for the correct things to be used.
She quickly, started on fixing the doll, and sometimes looking at her Younger Sister, finding her to be asleep, on the couch. She quickly let down the doll, and the needle.
The Older Princess went to her Sister, who's asleep. And carried the Younger one to her bed, to sleep much more comfortably.
"I guess, that doll, means so much to you, huh?" The Older Princess said, while kissing her little sister's forehead.
She went over her work bench and too the doll and needle, but accidentally pricking herself. The prick was painful, and it was bleeding, she quickly went in her bathroom and washed it.
After, making sure that the prick was no longer bleeding, she quickly slips out of her own bathroom, and bedroom. And went to the infirmary, and asked them for treatment.
After a few minutes, she was good as new. She quickly thanks the workers, and was going to leave. When she was going to leave, The Eldest Princess said something.
"Oh and please do refrain this matter from getting out, or in short please keep this a secret, from my parents and my sister." She said, to the workers and left.
After that, little trip. She continued fixing the doll. Not looking at the time it was already evening, and she was only halfway done. She decided she, should finish this, before her Younger Sister, wakes up. Because, she might throw a tantrum at her.
It's been a couple of minutes, and she was already done, just in time. Because, her Younger Sister, was waking up.
"Eonni?" The Younger Princess asked.
"Yeah?" The Older Princess asked.
"Is she done? Is she fixed? Is Miss Hoppin, okay?" The Younger Princess asked, while holding back her tears.
"Yep! Here, you can have her. She's good as new." The Older Princess said, while giving the doll back to the Younger Princess.
The Younger Princess noticed the prick on the Older Princess' finger.
"Eonni, what happened to you?" The Younger Princess asked, while pointing at the older princess' finger.
"What do you mean?" The Older Princess asked, while tilting her head to the side, pretending to not know what the younger princess was talking about.
"I mean the thing on your finger! I think something happened to it!" The Younger Princess, argued.
"Alright, alright. You got me." The Older Princess said, and sighed in defeat.
"So, mind telling what happened, Eonni?" The Younger Princess asked, and crossed her arms.
Being the smarter one, in the two of them, she knew, this was going to happen. So she had to make up, a fake excuse.
"I went in the bathroom, earlier today, while I was fixing Miss Hoppin. But, when I was opening the door, I encountered, a small piece of a wood. And that's what happened to me." She said, while fixing her sewing box, and put it back to where it belongs.
"Oh. Okie! Anyway, what time is it, Eonni?" The Younger Princess asked.
"Hmm... Let me take a look." The Older Princess said, while looking at the clock.
"It's already, 5:38 PM! It's almost, dinner time! Come on, we have to go now! Leave Miss Hoppin, here for a moment, you can get her later, after we eat dinner okay?" The Older Princess said, and grabbing the Younger ones hand.
They quickly ran towards the dinner room, and went inside, to eat, with their parents. Their Mother quickly asked, what took them so long; the two girls just look at each other and laughed. They told them, they were just playing in the playroom, and that they lost track of time.
After that little Questioning, they suddenly called the maid for dinner to be served. And the family talked about what happened today. And that's how the evening ends for them.
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