Chapter 11: Broken wedding
Danny knew he was in deep shit if he didn't rescue his girlfriend soon. You don't need to be Einstein to figure this out. Moreover, the scandal would follow and their entire relationship would be at stake. He was going to finish Aragon's pathetic existence. Phantom didn't waste a single second, speeding up towards his house, bulleting through the skies. He didn't have a single piece of doubt about who was behind the entire mess. Danny also had one serious conversation with Dora coming.
On the other hand, it was the perfect opportunity he waited for so long. Aragon violated the law, and even the local rulers were obliged to follow them. There wasn't much, for the full set of laws was not a matter of several weeks. The Prince went after humans, and any form of crime was a valid reason to get rid of him. However, Danny suspected it wasn't that simple. Nothing seemed simple those days.
The half ghost knew that Fentons were currently busy and out of the house. It was a relief. However, once the teen made it to the lab, he found the portal closed. Cursing, Phantom went to the terminal. So they decided to put protection now of all times. Danny looked into it, feeling relieved that all it needed was the scan of the fingerprint. His own counted as well. But as Phantom prepared to open the gates, he heard the blaster whirring. He glanced to the side and saw Tucker pointing a gun at him.
"Hello, Mr.Foley. What do I owe a pleasure?" Danny smirked.
"What are YOU doing here?"
"Trying to get to my domain, you know?" Phantom asked sarcastically, not at all bothered by the weapon.
"Try as long as you want, you won't be able to..."
Tucker heard a crash behind. One glance to the side caused by telekinesis was enough distraction for Danny to put his finger on the scan. As the dark skinned teen looked back he was wide eyed at the scene of the portal opening and Phantom looking smugly at him.
"I may be a King in a feudal society, but I am not in any way backwards," he smirked. "Now, if you excuse me..."
"You are not going anywhere, I want to know where you took my friend."
Danny blinked. "I beg your pardon?"
"You ghosts kidnapped her, don't pretend like you don't know."
Phantom narrowed his eyes. "I'd appreciate it if you enlighten me."
He kept the act. And Tucker was kind enough to explain the situation Danny knew already. Phantom put a hand on his chin.
"Now that's interesting," he mumbled. "I shall look into this. From the sound of it, Aragon is in deep problem now."
"By the time you do it she will be a goner."
"I don't think that two hours is that long. I'm going there immediately."
"I will go with you."
Phantom's eyes widened in shock. Was he really going to go to the world he feared so much? Tucker was a really wonderful friend. Too sad that the events turned out that way.
"You are growing in my eyes, human," Danny chuckled. "Be my guest," he made an inviting gesture towards the portal. "If you are ready to spend twenty hours to go there and back. In an environment you fear so much."
"Fine. But we are taking speeder."
Tucker pointed at the metal vehicle standing nearby. "It can be much faster."
"I don't have a single piece of trust towards Fentons' techs," Danny grumbled. "But it's not like I have any other option. But listen here," Danny pointed a finger at him. "You don't speak unless spoken to. You don't shoot at everything you see. If you say something which can ruin everything, I'll stuff you down the Fenton Thermos personally, even if humans don't go there like we do."
Tucker huffed, but Phantom grabbed his clothes and lifted him, making the human drop his blaster.
"I'm serious, Foley," his eyes glowed brighter. "You don't know a thing about our world. If you don't follow the instructions, you die. Better trust me on this than go blind."
Tucker wondered about this for a moment, and he grudgingly found himself agreeing with the Ghost King of all people. Tucker was firm in his wish to help, but he truly didn't know what the Ghost Zone was like. Or where Sam was taken. Phantom seemed to know. For some suspicious reason. There weren't many options for the human.
"Fine, 'Your Majesty', lead the way."
They situated inside the transport. Tucker took the wheel, looking as though he knew how to control it. Turned out he could do that. The transport floated in the air with a rumble and flew through the gateway. Danny calmly leaned back in his seat, crossing his hands. He looked to the side, and saw that Tucker was eyeing the black and green sky of the realm of the lost souls.
"Stop ogling," Phantom said in authoritative tone. "We have to move out."
"Fine," Tucker snapped. "Where to?"
"Well, my dear chauffeur, off to the north. For that you should turn left."
Meanwhile, several hundred miles away, Sam was currently too occupied. She was being picked up a dress for the wedding to the arrogant prince.
"Oh, cheer up, girl," Dora said, now in her ghost form, fixing the corset. "It's not every day when you are wed to the prince."
She didn't recognize her, Sam deduced. Amazing how a change of eyes, clothes and more combed hair could change her appearance, at least to the public's eyes. Yet again, Sam had seen Dora only once, and it was more than a month ago.
The teen could only imagine a ton of jokes her boyfriend was going to come up with after this. Mostly based about the fairytale image of the princess in distress.
"Why all this facade?" The girl asked in annoyance.
"You mean the pageant? My brother came up with this plan. He wanted to get married, so he wanted something even the King doesn't have - a human bride."
The girl was in two minds about telling her about what she really was. On one hand, she would PROBABLY be released. On the other, her father could eventually find out. Danny was probably on the way, she knew it. But it didn't mean she was going to just sit back and wait.
Sam got out from the grasp of the ghostly princess. "I'm not staying here, nor am I going to wear this filthy pink dress!"
She stomped to the opened door. Suddenly her tiara, impossible to take off, glowed. Sam hit the green energy obstacle in the doorway, receiving a zap, not very painful, but enough to remain unignored. The teen staggered backwards, rubbing her forehead.
"Looks like for now we will have to simply change the outfit," Sam said dryly, blowing the hair from her eyes.
The speeder was flying through the abyss, on the high speed. Both teens were quiet on their way, although Danny was giving directions from time to time. Tucker obeyed, although he was fearful, Danny sensed as such. Phantom tried to relieve the tension somehow by starting the conversation.
"You know, after spending some time here, you start to find a special kind of beauty in this world."
"It is a barren wasteland."
"So you think. These lands aren't inhabited much, really. I don't think you will understand."
"Why? You are dead, so is the world around you, what's there to understand?"
"There is more to that..." Danny mumbled.
"How does it feel?"
"How does it feel to be a ghost?"
Phantom was glad that the conversation began. "It depends. Imagine, as a human I was nobody, unneeded and neglected. And who am I now? I rule the entire world. However...I sometimes miss such simple things as warmth."
"Yeah, several centuries speak for themselves," Tucker shrugged.
Danny grunted. could get his friend away from guessing his identity. "I saw Rome being burned down, Mr. Foley."
It was not a lie, technically. He did see it. Tucker eyed him in shock.
"It happened in sixty third year!"
"Exactly. It was not Nero, I assure you. For all his sins, the guy actually used his own money to organize rescue operations. It was a ghost guilty of this. I admit, our fight got a little nasty. The ghost set a house on fire, and it quickly got to other buildings."
Tucker whistled. "You are way too old."
"Watch your language, young man," Phantom said in a cranky voice.
They both laughed. Then the human realized what he had just done. Here he was, exchanging jokes with the Ghost King. He was supposed to be a bad guy. But he looked so...lively. During their past encounters he always acted smug, with a note of noble arrogance. Now he looked so casual. As if there wasn't an entire line of life and death between them. His ability of pretending was obviously too good.
Tucker flinched once he saw a green scroll appearing in the air near the King. Danny took it and glanced at the human.
"I really need to teach Fright how to use phones," Phantom commented calmly, reading the contents.
"He serves you now."
"Yep," Danny responded, not taking his eyes off from the scroll. "He is the Lord General of the King's guard - my personal army."
Phantom casually made a small piece of ice, much to Tucker's surprise. It was reminiscent of a pencil, the tip was glowing with a green light. Danny left his signature on the list, along with some notes. The scroll disappeared.
They finally got to the place. Or rather crashlanded. The second the edge of the chunk of land was beneath them, the transport shut down. Thankfully it didn't take any serious damage. Phantom calmly dusted his clothes, standing near the speeder. Tucker climbed out and started to pant. He had just received a ground for PTSD.
"What the hell?!" He exclaimed.
"In Aragon's kingdom everything modern shuts down," Danny explained calmly. "In each domain, the Lords set their rules."
"What a wonderful governance system."
"Why do you think so many people live outside of them?" Phantom raised his eyebrow. "It's a massive headache for me as well. Now move it or remain inside this flying coffin."
Honestly, he would have preferred Tucker to remain there, but the teen was having none of it. Danny sighed once he climbed out of the speeder. Apparently, it was going to cause some trouble, but there was nothing he could do...wait. Phantom smirked.
"You know, I don't need any trouble by bringing a human along. The dislike goes both sides."
"You are a King. What would they do?"
"You are not a politician, Foley, that much is obvious. Stay. Here. I need you to drive back quickly once I return."
"I'm coming with you there as well."
"Not likely," the King responded. Suddenly binds appeared around Tucker's legs and hands. "Sorry, pal. But you being burned by a dragon fire is not a part of my plan."
"Untie me! Where are you going!" Tucker shouted after Phantom, who walked off.
Yes, Danny felt guilty for doing so, but he really was worried about his friend's safety. He went in direction of the city, it wasn't far. The tall walls were a good indication. Suddenly on his path he saw a notification list pinned to the tree. Curious, he approached it and pulled it off. At seeing what was written there, his eyes flashed brighter and the list of parchment burned in his hand and was reduced to ashes.
"I'm going to kill him again."
On his way there were some small farming estates, and their owners and the passers-by on the horse pulled carts, watched with wide eyes as the stark haired man flew by. No one had expected the royal visit. And without any fancy processions or guards. And speaking of which.
"Halt, who is there?!" The armored guards came in front of him.
"Seriously?" Phantom landed and crossed his hands. "Common guys, do I still need to identify myself?"
"Y-your Majesty! Of course you don't, it's just you were too quick for us to notice. Are you here on official visit?"
"Yes," Danny said after a certain pause. "I came to attend the wedding."
"Then we won't stop you. Have fun, sire."
"Oh, I will," Phantom smirked and continued his path.
At the castle Sam was still going through the torture. Dora was still dressing her up, and the girl was extremely exhausted. Of course, so was the princess. The younger ghost was wearing a horrific pink dress and yellow pointy hat. At the moment Dora was trying to pull a pair of glass shoes on the girl.
"You don't have to do this, you know?" Sam asked.
"No, I must do what my brother says. It has been like that for many years."
"He is using you, can't you see that?"
"There isn't anything I can do. I'm no match for Aragon's power. I can't understand why you are even talking to me. Humans are usually too fearful."
"Hey, you are a being no matter what, and if your brother doesn't get that than he is too much of an idiot."
Dora couldn't help but chuckle. Suddenly the shoes simply cracked as they were too small for Sam.
"If he has been the one to come up with glass shoes?" The princess asked sarcastically, before taking a broom and sighing. "But he always get what he wants. Even force me to go against what the King wants."
"I would have never betrayed King Phantom on my own volition," Dora looked away in shame. "He has done so much for me, he saw me as a friend. And I just did what he would most probably hate me for."
"Then don't do it," Sam smiled. "I'm sure that he will forgive you if you tell him the reason. Just help me and fix the things."
"How do you offer to do that? He wants a bride and he won't stop until then."
Sam suddenly noticed an inkwell on the table and smirked. "Oh, I have an idea."
A little while after, downstairs, Prince Aragon was sitting in the middle of the feast, completely bored out of his mind. He should have changed the jester and the minstrel long ago. The table in front of him was full, but none of the present nobles touched it until the prince started doing so. Finally the ghost got out of patience.
"Enough!" He exclaimed loudly and jumped from his seat. "Bring forth the bride!"
Danny was led through the halls of the castle, while he tried to keep his cool. No one needed the outburst of anger. He was not a master of intrigues, but it was obvious that if he let his emotions take control, that entire situation could be misinterpreted. And he would have even more problems on his hands. Suddenly Phantom heard crashes behind the walls. The ghost raised his eyebrow, the party must have been a crash.
Finally he reached the big doors, before widely opening them with a swing of his palm. After a loud slam the silence settled in the room.
"What in the blazes is going on here?!" Danny exclaimed.
It was a pure chaos. The food and silverware were scattered around the room, several people were on the floor. Was that Sam on the chandelier? Phantom blinked. She looked...unusual, with all that ink grime and dark outfit. Just what had she done?
"Your Majesty," Aragon hissed. "You've picked not the best moment to visit."
"On the contrary. It seems fun," The King narrowed his eyes.
Sam meanwhile stopped swinging on the chandelier. She smiled slightly at seeing her boyfriend. Suddenly the thing started to shake. With a yelp, the girl flew down, along with the chandelier, but stuck in midair, surrounded by the green glow. Phantom held her, before gently putting his girl on the ground. Danny's burning neon eyes turned to the prince himself.
"Mind telling what a human is doing here?" Phantom asked coldly.
"The marriage," Aragon said curtly, approaching the teen. "Something I'm about to end here and now."
Danny raised his eyebrow.
"I have no need for this brat. The marriage is revoked," the prince growled, looking at Sam in disgust.
"But honey, what about our honeymoon?" Sam asked, making Danny choke back a laughter. Alright, she was in her role. "This tiara holds us together forever, right?"
"Enough! You do not deserve this!" Aragon pulled the golden tiara off Sam's head, releasing her from the curse.
To say that Phantom was impressed would be an understatement. She actually managed to piss off that annoying prince so much that he basically surrendered. If only he had that power. Danny smirked slightly, but it quickly disappeared behind an angry expression.
"This does not free you from all accusations, Aragon. Although it does soften your sentence."
"For what? This human was given by you, Your Majesty," Aragon grinned.
Danny froze. That little piece of...So that's why he was assigned to be a judge, so that the Dragon prince could bypass the laws of the Ghost Zone. Attacking humans, and kidnapping fit that category as well, was strictly forbidden, except if the King ordered to. That loophole was created in case of humans attacking the ghosts, in case of emergencies and attacks on the Realm. But Aragon had used this to justify his actions. It basically turned Sam into a gift of the King to his subject. The mere term disgusted him. Sam resisted glaring at that bastard.
"Are you insulting me, Aragon? I surely would have not chosen such a gift."
"Weak claim," the prince said. "Not many know you entirely. You could be lying for all I care about."
"Many will support it. You know that our laws dictate the principle of innocence until proven guilty. There are proofs against you, and none against me," Danny smiled innocently. "You do have a document?"
"It was a gift, why would we need documents?"
"Because it is a crime to traffic the sentient beings. You are basically accusing me of the crime you are actually involved in as well. Not only that, you are violating the law of slander against the royalty."
"You first have to prove it is a lie."
Danny grinned evilly. "So you agree to face the judge and bring forth your proofs?"
Now that was a move. Sam whistled. Aragon was at loss. Curses, the kid was smarter than he seemed to be. His interpretation of laws got the prince into a trap. If he disagreed, he would be put on trial for his lies and kidnapping. If he agreed, what could he give to prove Phantom's involvement in the crime? Aragon clenched his fists in a fit of anger. No, no, it would not end that way.
"Well, expect the inspection, Your Highness," Danny said, turning around. "Unless you want to prolong your sentence by attacking me?"
Somehow he expected the following reaction. The second he heard a roar behind him, Phantom spun around and a green shield materialized in front of him. The torrent of fire engulfed it, but Phantom just stood there with crossed hands. His expression showed calmness as the shield flickered away into nothingness at the king's volition.
"So you want to challenge me. Interesting choice, but you know the consequences of your loss." (Damn, I wanted to put it here. Whoever made this picture is talented.)
Aragon roared, and his body started to change. Scales appeared on his skin, and the prince was growing in size quickly, towering over them, assuming his beast form. Sam jumped away from the suddenly emerged tail, noticing that the nobles didn't wait to get out of the room. But she was not going to leave Danny alone with that monster, discreetness be damned. At the same time she knew that it was supposed to be the duel one on one, otherwise it would bring shame upon the King. So, by all means, she was in two minds about how to proceed.
Phantom immediately blasted the emerged dragon with the green energy, but despite the hit, Aragon shook off the daze quickly, before lunging at the opponent. The towering black scaled dragon was a sight to behold, as he was ten times bigger than his opponent. But size matters not, one green master once said. And Phantom was going to prove it. Danny swiftly ducked under the slash of the long yellow claws, before jumping high, above the upcoming torrent of fire. Deciding that that would be the best opportunity for a counterattack, Phantom got to the dragon's spiky back. He grasped one of the bone spike for support, the ghost managed to remain where he was, despite the enemy's attempts to get rid of the extra weight on his back.
"Get off, you little brat!" Aragon yelled, thrashing around.
"Not when it is so easy, you overgrown lizard," Phantom taunted, firing a blast right below him.
The dragon screamed in pain, as his opponent was not holding back the power of the shots like he did with humans. Phantom knew that it was going to only sting the gigantic beast, even if badly, whilst the humans could be all but vaporized with that thing. It was the prince's fault, as he had challenged the King for the throne, and he was the only one to blame. Sam wondered if she really needed to help, Danny seemed to be doing just fine...and just as she thought that, the fighting caused the wall to break, as the beast just broke through it just to get the nuisance off his back.
The ghost girl was about to run outside as well, before seeing a reluctant princess not so far.
"Are you going or not?" Sam asked loudly over the sounds of destruction.
"I-I'm not sure if we should...i-it's their fight, not ours."
"Yeah? And you think that your brother is going to fight as the rules dictate?"
Dorothea was silent, her expression became thoughtful, and her red eyes held both fear and resentment for her relative. She shook her head, and the golden braid jumped from side to side.
"He won't," she said confidently.
Danny grunted, getting back on his legs. Aragon could easily shake off the destroyed wall thanks to his sheer size. He could not, and phasing through the debris in that plane of existence was pointless. So here he was, damaged by the rocks hitting him in different places. His clothes also saw better days, an armor could have helped, but it was unavailable at the moment. Curses, he sometimes was stupid. Going to confront a dragon and probably piss him off dressed in robes only.
Quickly regaining his sense of surroundings, Phantom saw yet another gust of flames coming towards him. Unwilling to waste his energy on constant, yet effective, blocking, he instead leaped behind a tree, the fire passing mere inches from him. Although the edge of his cloak did get burned off. He noticed that his attire played to his disadvantage, so the ghost unclasped the white piece of clothing and let it fall on the ground. Then he grinned and vanished from the view. Hopefully the dragon wasn't going to rely on the other senses, obviously quite keen, more so than his own.
Aragon waited for a few seconds for any actions of his opponent, prepared to lunge any second. But nothing came. The prince could see the cloak on the ground, but its owner was yet to appear. Immediately he understood what was going on. The little king was hiding somewhere, waiting for the proper moment to strike. The dragon sniffed the air quietly, seeking his target all around, as he couldn't be far. The smell led him to the target too late. The second his slit eyes neared one of the dead trees' branches, the invisibility was dropped, showing one smug-looking stark haired teen.
Without dropping a word, and that was a rare occasion, Phantom ignited his hands yet again, and they sparkled with bright green energy. Before the giant reptile could respond, the young man's hands collided and one powerful charge was unleashed right into Aragon's face.
The dragon screamed in pain and stumbled back. The left part of his face was burned off, and his reptilian eye was red from the damage. While Aragon was trying to recover from the attack Phantom jumped off the tree and prepared to finish the job. But then all of a sudden Danny screamed from pain, feeling an object in his hand. Panting, he looked at his wound and saw an arrow right above the elbow, ectoplasm was leaking down his clothes. Phantom saw that duo of ghosts floating nearby. He growled.
"Honorable fights are uncommon here, eh?" He said. The bow was aimed at him again, while the axeman shifted his weapon.
Aragon rumbled and got on his feet again. "No one is going to know about this petty assistance."
"So those were your goons, after all. Walker will have fun with them. After I'm done with you."
The dragon laughed. "You are pathetic."
Danny noticed the vines slowly creeping around the henchmen ghosts' legs, so lightly that they weren't even feeling it. He smirked. Aragon violated the rules first, which meant that Phantom could use a help of his own to even the chances of winning. Phantom's eyes went from side to side, looking for his girlfriend. Sam winked to him from the top of one of the trees, still in that gothic dress, making Danny smirk even more. Damn, he loved that girl. Then she made a swiping motion, the ghost were pinned to the ground.
"What the..."
Aragon received another blast into his face, his sentence cut off by a green beam. His head snapped in direction of the young king, whose healthy hand flickered with green smoke. Phantom pulled out the arrow, his face showing extreme pain, but there wasn't a single sound. He snapped it in half, and all of that happened in a few seconds. A grin climbed up his face again.
"Now, where were we? Ah, yes, I was about to finish you off."
As the two engaged in a fight again, two ghosts tried to get out of the grip of pesky plants. They seemed out of place on the dead ground. The axeman was stronger, and managed to rip away from their hold, the axe flew into his hand. He was about to release his comrade, but the vines gripped the axe as well, turning it into a tug-of-war. Sam grunted on her place, before she moved her palm again. Even more vines emerged from behind, pulling on the giant ghost's spectral tail. Sam made a tugging motion, finally pulling the two of them apart. The axe pinned into the tree, while its owner was smashed into the ground. The girl put a hand on her hip smugly.
Then she felt that the other one managed to get out, he used the arrow as a damn knife. She looked at where he was, but had to quickly hide behind a tree, dodging the projectile. Cursing under her breath, Sam tried to come up with a plan. The plants were taking her power, as it wasn't a place for them to grow. Be it a forest she would have been unstoppable. Here her options were limited. Sam took off that stupid pieces of metal from her hand, they were limiting her movements. Maybe acid would do. Smirking, she made a slight move with her slim hand.
The archer pulled the string of the bow, waiting for the girl to show a mere inch of her body. Suddenly he felt something rustling near his leg. Looking down he saw a small bush. He snorted. The girl was out of tricks. Suddenly the bush swung against his leg. Immediately a yell escaped his hidden mouth. That damn leaves were poisonous. It was like he was burned with acid and shocked with electricity at the same time. Even pants didn't save him. Sam snorted a laugh, but then she felt someone pin her to the tree. Damn it, she had forgotten the guy with the axe.
Danny had been holding the shield for several seconds, as the fire was not stopping. His legs were pinned to the ground, because Aragon kept pounding on it.
"You cannot hold it forever, boy!" He shouted.
Phantom grunted, seeing the dragon preparing for another shot. Suddenly he got an idea. His eyes glowed bright blue. In a split second the shield was dropped, the huge claws missed their target, and a blue beam came out of the functioning hand, right into the beast's widely opened mouth. Aragon did not expect that move and his fire breath hit an ice barrier. The damage done by this was massive. Danny specifically made it thin. So it would break right in his mouth. It was a harsh move. Yet again Phantom was nearly done, when he heard a scream.
"Let me go, you idiot!"
Danny froze. He looked to the side, seeing Sam in a grip of the axeman, he was holding his weapon near her throat. She wasn't touching the ground, she needed it, why else would she walk around bare footed? Aragon saw that and chuckled.
"This wretched girl is full of surprises," he commented, droplets of ectoplasm coming from his bleeding mouth. He had spewed the chunks of ice. "She is a ghost, which makes everything even more pointless. Now, surrender, Your Majesty, or the girl is going to lose her head."
"No one is going to follow you, lizard. You have broken every rule imaginable. In the end you will get the punishment you deserve nevertheless. You are weakened. It will take no time to finish you."
Sam noticed that her captor was distracted. She decided to do a sneaky move and bit the ghost's arm which held her. Despite being a vegetarian from birth, her canines were as sharp as any ghost's. The axeman yelped and had to let her go. He then roared and was about to swing his weapon, before something hard hit the back of his head. The ghost fell on the ground, revealing Dora with a metal rod she had taken god knows where.
"Dorathea, what do you think you are doing?!" Aragon yelled.
"What I must," the princess responded, glaring at her brother. "I'm fed up with you, you arrogant brat!" She shouted.
Danny blinked, while Sam smiled from the ground.
"How. Dare..."
A punch in the jaw stopped him.
"It's time we end this, Aragon," Phantom spat.
The dragon roared, trying to bite him, but constantly missing the flying and agile target. Meanwhile Dora helped Sam get up.
"I'm glad you came around, Dora," The plant ghost smiled. "We got to help him."
"Aragon has hidden my amulet when he sent me to His Majesty's service. I can't rival him yet."
Sam hummed. "Then I'll do it."
She outstretched her palms and vines came out from below the dragon. In the sky Danny noticed this and came up with an idea. He flew even higher, where the jaws couldn't get him. Aragon was about to swing his wings, but then he felt that he couldn't, and his legs were pinned to the ground. Then, using all his strength, Danny descended on the enemy's head, kicking it hard. With a loud rumble Aragon's head fell on the ground, together with a neck. Then the body started shrinking, until it reseted to the humanoid shape. Danny kneeled and pulled off the glowing amulet, before standing up. He looked to the side, but then immediately was engulfed in a hug.
"Oh, Ancients, are you alright, Danny?" Sam asked in concern.
"Yes. Despite my hand, disabled for a couple of days, maybe, thank god I'm left-handed. And my clothes...and maybe some bones."
"Oh, shut up," the girl said, before hugging him again.
"We make a nice team, huh?" Danny smirked, stroking her hair.
"Yes!" Sam grinned.
"Uhm, excuse me...Your Majesty."
Danny looked at Dora and sighed.
"Do you...know each other?"
"Yes. A lot. But this is not to leave out of this wasteland, am I clear?" Phantom asked sternly, making the princess nod rapidly. Then Danny remembered something.
"Sam, we've got a problem. Your father is on his way to your home."
"What?" Sam asked with wide eyes.
"Yes, we've got to get you there as soon as possible. The transport is on the outside of the territory. I'll get you there quicker, my flight has a higher speed. Dora."
"You are in charge for the time being. Order to put Aragon in prison until Walker's men come."
" are trusting me with this? Even after what I've done?"
Danny smiled. "You've saved someone I care about. In my book it counts as a redemption. Okay, time to move out, hopefully Tucker didn't get out."
"Tucker is here?"
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