Chapter 3
Lindsay sat in her room wondering if she should ask her father about going to the country side because he had always supported her and kept faith in her when her mother didn't. She quietly made her way to her parent's suite and knocked softly on their door. A servant opened it for her as she went inside to see her parents seated on two armchairs. Lindsay bowed slightly as her father said "What is it Lindsay? You don't come to us until you have to ask for something. I can tell by the look on your face that you want something." She grinned sheepishly and took a seat beside her parents. She knew what she was going to say will take them by surprise and her mother would probably disown her but, she wanted her own life too. She put her thoughts into words as she said "Father and mother, I know you might disagree for what I'm about to ask you about but, I'm sure once you know the reason, you will rethink."
She took a deep breath and continued as her parents looked at her eagerly "I want to go to the country side to pursue my writing career." Her mother's eyes widened and she said "I told you earlier, I'm telling you now, this is not going to happen, my dear." "But, mother I want a life of my own. I have good writing and storytelling skills. I know I have them and I'm confident that I can make people like my books because my books will have a fresh idea and show many sides of the Royal society to the people who think that living as a Princess is all about luxuries and ballroom dancing. Please give it a thought."-she stated hoping that this would convince them.
Her mother still had an unhappy expression on her face while her father looked like he was in deep thoughts. He finally broke the silence "I understand that you want a life of your own and I even like the idea of your book but, why do need to go the county side, why can't you just write your book here? I'll get it published. A friend of mine owns a publishing house and we can give your book all the promotion it needs. So, can't you write your book while living in the palace? "Father, leaving the palace is the whole point of it. I have it all now- money, house and luxuries but, I want to do it on my own. I want to rediscover myself and see what happens when I start building things from the scratch. I will have my own identity and I won't be simply a Princess, I would be more than just it. I would have earned it on my own then."-her words brought a smile on her father's face because none of the other Royal children ever thought like her. Other Royal children just used up all the privileges given to them and yet, they couldn't be satisfied and weren't grateful for it but, all she was asking for was a simple, self-made, happy life.
"It's getting dark and I think I need my rest, can't we just talk about this in the morning?"-Lindsay's mother murmured as she faked a yawn. Her father placed his hands on her shoulder and smiled encouragingly at her as he said "I see where you're coming from. I would let you go but, only on one condition." "What?"-Lindsay asked impatiently. "I know you want to start everything from the bottom and you won't take a single thing I give you but, I want you to have some money and a few valuables because for starting something, you need money for building the base and before working you won't have money. So, it would be difficult for you to settle, use the money I gave you and you can return it to me if you want. But, have some of it, for now."-her father explained. "Okay."-she agreed and hugged her father as she said "Thank you so much, I knew you would understand." "You always have your way, my Princess; now tell when do you want me to arrange a ride for you to go to the country side?"-he asked. "Tomorrow! I can't wait!" He ordered his servants to arrange a ride for the next morning. His wife argued with him but, it was pointless. He had already made up his mind as it was the only way he could see his daughter happy.
Sunlight washed over the Princess' bed as she shielded her eyes with her hand. She began rustling under the bed sheets as she heard a knock on her door "Princess, you must wake up. You have a journey today." She sat up with a jolt as she suddenly remembered about going to country side. "The day is finally here! Wohoo!"-she exclaimed with happiness. She wore a pink gown and twirled in front of the mirror happily. She grabbed her hat and her handbag as she walked downstairs to where her ride, a horse driven chariot, was standing. She bid goodbye to all and all of them said either "Happy journey and take care." or "Don't loiter around or go out alone after dark at night." As she was about sit in the chariot her father said "Do you want me to arrange a shelter for you? Are you sure you would do that on your own?" "I would. Don't worry"-she reassured her father as he smiled at her.
As the chariot started to move and gain speed, she turned back and waved at her family until they became smaller and smaller and then, finally, disappeared. She closed her eyes and rested her head against the headboard as she always does that while traveling, she has never liked long rides so, she sleeps away her time. After some time, their chariot shook a bit as it had hit a road with uneven surface. The sudden jerk woke up Lindsay from her short nap. She turned her attention towards her surroundings. They were slowly entering a valley, leaving their kingdom behind. Trees laiden with ripe and juicy fruits outlined the valley and their leaves danced along with the breeze. The sound of water of coming with great force and then falling from a cliff could be heard so, she asked the man in control of the chariot "Is there a waterfall nearby?" He simply stated "Yes Princess there is. Do you want me to stop our journey there? We are already in the country side and we need to go just a little bit more further." "Okay, stop it near the waterfall."-Lindsay wanted to splash cold and fresh water on her face and take a break from the journey.
As the sound of water flowing came closer, Lindsay grew excited. She had never been to this side of the country, she hardly got out of her palace. When the chariot came to stop, she got out of it and went near the waterfall which further led to the river. She sat on a stone amidst rushing water which was cold despite the day being hot and sunny. She was shaded from the sun's ray by the branches of a thick tree over her head. She dipped her legs in the water and washed her face. The place was beautiful as clean and cold water came flowing from the edge of the cliff. She sat thinking calmly as the cold wind blew the strands of her brown hair. "Wow, this place is very soothing and I should come here more often to think as it gives me more ideas about poems and stories that I should write."-she thought joyfully. "Princess, pardon me for bothering you but, we have to find a shelter for you before it gets dark. We must go at once."-the man who led the chariot said in a concerned tone." She got up without another word, put on her ballet flats and followed him to the chariot.
When the ride came to halt, she looked outside. They were finally in the country side. She got down from the chariot and excitedly looked around. "This is it. I'm going to live my dream. Get ready Lindsay Wilton."-she thought to herself." "We are going to the part where people reside. I'm sure we will find a shelter for you."- he said as he led Lindsay to a lane of houses.
My twitter- ria17sep
Harry will come in the next chapter. ;)
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