Shadow's P.O.V.
"Get up, Handsome." Rouge shook me awake and I almost punched her.
"I'm up." I sighed and sat up. "Go wake him up." I stretched and stood up then started getting my stuff ready.
Rouge nodded and left then I heard her gasp when she did. I walked to her confused. She was inside Fakers tent. I walked in and saw blood.
Sonic's P.O.V.
'Damn it! It hurts! Where are you going?!' I yelled at Dark as I tried to take control again.
"I am just trying to see where we are at. Stop whining, I barely hurt you." He growled lowly and annoyingly.
'Yeah, barely, just because if I die, you die.' I groaned and watched where he was going. 'I swear if you hurt some-' I was cut off.
"Yeah, yeah, you'll do THAT again. I know. I won't. That thing hurts though." Dark said. We have been actually getting along ever since Tails almost killed him with a shot he made. After that, Dark promised he will only hurt when it was necessary.
'Good.' I scoffed. 'They are going to get-' I was cut off when Shadow chaos controlled in front of us. Dark let me take control and I fell, panting heavily from the cuts Dark had left on me.
"What the-" Shadow looked at me shocked and i could tell he was a little afraid. He walked to me and helped me up. "What the hell was that?" He asked confused and Rouge landed beside us.
"That was... Dark..." I panted and tried to pull away. I needed to sit down.
Rouge took me from Shadows arms and helped me sit down. "We can't keep up until these wounds heal. Why did he hurt you? We thought someone kidnapped you."
"Because I wouldn't let him. He thinks this is a trap, doesn't trust you two so he wondered around trying to find out where we are at." I explained and they slowly nodded.
"Did you end up figuring out where we are at, Hedgehog?" Shadow asked sternly. I shook my head and he sighed in relief.
"Don't take it wrong, Blue. But the commander said if you see the map or the way without us guiding you, we will get punished for that." Rouge explained and I nodded understanding why they were so worried.
"Don't worry, I'll keep Dark under control from now on." I rubbed ny face and rested back in the tree as I tried to calm down and ignore the pain.
"Well, I need to go get our stuff. Shadow, stay here with him." Rouge ordered Shadow and then left.
Shadow simply crossed his arms and sat down. I looked at his hand and saw his glove was covered in blood from when he helped me. I stretched my hand towards his. He immediately looked at me confused.
"Give me your hand." I said and he shook his head in bith disgust and confussion. "Come on, I am not asking you to marry me, I am just trying to help with something. Give me your hand." I insisted and he sighed then gave in.
I tugged lightly on his glove making him tensed up as I took it off. I grabbed one from my backpack, which I had brought with me, and put it on him.
"You could had told me and I would had done it myself." He scoffed.
I shrugged and rested back in the tree again. "I was also trying to see how far you are letting me go about the whole 'being my friend' thing." I said and he chuckled at me then shook his head. I looked up at the sky and sighed.
"What's the matter?" He asked a bit concerned but not so much.
"I feel like ive been here before. I usually have these feeling but it's usually a good, happy, one but not this time. This time I feel like if I keep walking, we are going to end up somewhere I don't want to be at." I rubbed my face. "I just can't put it where it is. There are a few places I have in mind but I cant say much since I haven't really been paying attention where we've been going."
"What's the worst place you'll never go back to again?" He seemed hesitant to ask but he did so either way.
"The castle." I immediately responded. He gave me a look for me to explain why. "I love my family but if I go back, I will end up getting married to a girl who I don't even like."
"You mentioned earlier you arent even into girls. Is that true?" He asked and I blushed. "I suppose that answers my question." He said calmly. "Do you like someone?"
"Straight to that question, huh?" I shook my head. "Yes. I like someone but it will never happen."
"Why not?" He raised a brow.
"You wouldn't understand Shadow."
"Because I am not meant for love?" He answered back irritated and clearly mad.
"I didn't say that." I responded.
"Everyone at least thinks about that." He scoffed.
"Well I didn't." I rubbed my face then brushed my quills back and stood up.
"You're still weak. Sit down." He grabbed my arm and tugged down so I fell and tripped.
I landed on top of him. I groaned and he groaned since we both hit our heads. I looked up, I was close to his chest fur, my face was in his torso. I blushed when I moved my hand and felt his abs. I quickly looked up and saw him glaring down at me. Our noses touch and I saw him calm down.
He wasnt glaring, nor growling. We were just looking straight into each others eyes. I swear I saw him blush.
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