Chapter 18
“Deva how are you?” Elle asked in full sister mode.
Deva sighed. “Surviving.”
She went and sat next to Izzy and Julia on the bed. The girls somehow found themselves huddled in Izzy’s room relaxing and talking about their men.
“So Elle how are you and Lucian doing?” Julia asked in a cheery voice.
Elle flushed cheeks gave her away. There was no denying the chemistry she felt with Lucian. His kindness and willingness to nurture her through the vampire process was more than just kindred affection.
“He’s teaching me a lot of things. I’m grateful for his guidance.”
It had been so long since Deva actually got to sit down and talk to them and she found herself missing Marcus at the thought. The duties of a queen were now occupying most of her time.
“Julia,” Deva glanced at her friend.
“Yea Dev.”
“When is Marcus turning you into a vampire? I’m not expecting him to keep you human much longer. We don’t want any wrinkles on that pretty little face of yours.”
Julia rolled her eyes dramatically. “We were going to wait until your official crowning. We don’t want to cause anymore inconveniences.”
Deva nodded and suddenly felt guilty. Every bad thing happening around them all seemed to be caused by her. She hated that.
“I understand but honestly you don’t have to wait. I’d be so happy to have you a part of the vampire family.”
Julia laughed. “Yeah I’ll be part of the kingdom too. Does that mean I have to call you Queen from now on?”
“No please don’t; at least when we’re not in public. It’s hard getting used to the title.”
“Alright Dev.”
The girls stretched out over the bed and began talking about random things. It was refreshing to have something take her mind off of the kingdom.
“Oh Deva I almost forgot,” Elle shifted to her left while digging into her pocket.
Deva raised her brow. “Elle hun you kinda already missed my birthday.”
Elle ignored her and pulled out the object handing it to Deva. “When I thought you were dead I started wearing your favorite necklace. It’s yours; you should wear it. Grandmother gave it to you.”
Deva took the delicately detailed black gold locket into her hands and almost cried. She used to wear the necklace everywhere and was surprised she didn’t wear it the day Marcus kidnapped her. She ran her fingertips over the tiny pictures engraved on both sides.
“Thank you.”
Elle smiled.
“Iz, how is your mother doing?” Deva found a way to take the attention off her.
“She’s fine. She’s actually planning on leaving today.”
Deva frantically got to her feet. “Leaving? Going where?” Why would she leave?
“Mother always wanted to travel but she had her responsibilities here at the kingdom. I think it will be good for her to get out and away from all the memories of my father.”
Of course it would. Traveling was always a good option. Deva just wished she could do it too. Hiding or running away felt like a good release.
“Am I interrupting anything?” Emma’s voice echoed behind the door.
All the girls frolicked to their feet as the former Queen entered the room. Her sweet aroma replaced that of her demanding queenly role.
“I just came to say goodbye to you.” Her lovely eyes landed on Deva.
Deva took a few steps forward and opened her arms to give her a hug. “You’re leaving so soon.”
“Yes I’m afraid so.”
“Where will you go?”
They pulled away. “The human world. I haven’t seen Paris in years.”
“I’ll miss you,” Deva whispered.
“You’re going to be a wonderful Queen Deva. You were born for this.”
She wasn’t too sure about that. It felt like everyone was telling her this but why didn’t she feel it. Why was the decision and sacrifice so hard?
“If you’ll excuse me; I have a few more things to do before I go.” Emma was gone and once again the girls were alone.
“Deva you’re not alone. You have us to help you,” Izzy tried to reassure her.
“I know.” But the one person who knew what she was going through was leaving.
“Deva have you chosen who will be your king yet?” Elle asked with all curiousness.
Deva ran her hands through her hair with rough intent. Again the unwanted subject was brought up. In all honesty she had no idea who she would choose.
“Which one do you love?” Julia butted in.
Deva groaned because she didn’t want to answer the question and have them think her a slut for loving them both.
“I need some air.” Deva stumbled towards the exit.
The girls didn’t try and stop her.
Deva made it down the hall but halted once she heard their familiar voices. They were in the same room…talking. That was not a good sign. Deva barged into the study and found both Darius and Adamarius a fair distance away from each other, but yet she could tell they were engaged in a heated argument.
“Gentlemen,” she addressed making her way to the liquor table.
“Your Majesty,” they said in unison which gave her the chills.
What the crap? What was really going on?
“You know secrets don’t make friends. And trust me you want to be friends with a powerful queen.”
They were quiet which again scared her in a sense. Whatever they were discussing must be interesting.
“What were you two talking about?”
She took a sip of the brandy and savored the burn. She had almost forgotten the sweet invigorating rush it always gave her.
“You,” Adamarius answered before she could force her ability on them.
She swiftly turned on her heels and headed in their direction. Deva knew this moment would come. Now she had to face it. She went to the small couch and sat facing them.
“Please sit. We have things to discuss.”
The brothers did as she said both sitting directly in front of her with a foot of space between them. This was not going to be easy but it needed to be done.
Her eyes went to Adamarius who was patiently waiting and silently searching her face for some kind of hidden emotion.
“Do you want to be king?”
He replied instantly. “Only if you want me by your side.”
Deva could find no indication of a lie. She turned to Darius. His blue eyes were deeper than the ocean.
“Do you want to be king?” She already knew his answer but wanted to hear him say it.
“I want you.”
At least she thought she knew his answer. He completely threw her off.
Deva shut her eyes and unfortunately it did not solve her problems.
“I hate this,” she confessed. “I hate this decision. I hate the events and circumstances that brought us here. But ultimately I hate myself.” She swallowed back the unwanted tears. “I hate that I can’t make up my mind.”
Her eyes went back and forth from both brothers but stopped at Adamarius. “My feelings for you have not faltered. They have just grown.” She exhaled and met Darius’ eyes. “For both of you. I love you both.”
She could sense Adamarius’ hurt through their link and it made her feel even more disgusted with herself.
“We know Deva,” Darius tried to sooth her weariness. “We know. We never meant to make you feel this way. We know it troubles you and you beat yourself over it. I don’t want you to punish yourself for loving both of us.” He pushed himself closer to her. “You were twisted and pulled and you’re not the one to blame. It was all a horrible nightmare.” Darius blamed his father. “I love you Deva and all I want is for you to be happy.”
She knew it was stupid but for some reason she wanted to cry.
Darius opened his mouth to continue but was stopped when Jeffrey rushed into the room.
“I beg for your forgiveness your majesty but the Lady Emma is leaving and wishes to see prince Darius before she goes.”
Darius’ deep stare was unbreakable and she knew he wouldn’t move unless she did something.
“Darius go.”
He hesitated.
“We’ll discuss this later but now your mother needs you.”
Darius’ quick head nod proved his unwillingness to go.
As soon as the door shut Adamarius stood and paced the wooden floors. She figured he was mad. What guy wouldn’t be after hearing his girlfriend had feelings for his brother too?
“I’m sorry,” her weak answer was hardly forgivable.
He didn’t reply and that hurt even more than him yelling at her. She got up and slowly moved towards him.
“I know you’re mad and I don’t blame you. I’m stupid and-“
Adamarius cut her off by placing his thumb over her lips. “I’m not mad at you.”
“You’re lying,” she whispered through his fingers.
He shook his head and leaned in to press his lips against hers. “Leave with me.”
She blinked a few times but it didn’t help her understand any better. Did she hear him correctly?
“Run away with me,” his sultry eyes and velvet voice tried their best to pull her in.
“You’re not serious.”
“Oh but I am.”
Why was he doing this to her? She pulled away and frowned. Was he serious?
“Deva leave this place. You don’t want to be Queen anyway and all I want is you. We can be together,” his assuring voice was so confident.
“Marius don’t.”
“You know better than I that Lucian would make a great king if you decided not to take the throne. Leave with me and you will never have to worry about the responsibilities of this kingdom again.”
And that was what she wanted wasn’t it?
“You should stop tempting me.”
“Why,” he lifted her face so she could look into his green orbs. “I know you don’t want to be Queen Deva.”
“I can’t do it. It’s my responsibility. I can’t just abandon it,” she raised her voice.
“You were forced into this responsibility. You don’t have to do anything you don’t want to.” He tried to reason with her but she already made up her mind.
She pushed him back. “I may not have chosen this fate but I will not leave like a coward.”
He should have known better. Deva had enough persuasion for one day and turned her back on him.
“Then leave because of me; because you want to be with me.”
His lapse of reason made her pause. “Don’t ask that of me. I can’t Marius.”
She rushed out before anymore words could be spoken. When she reached the staircase leading to the outside patio she noticed Darius approach. He looked worried. Would he ever stop caring for her?
“I’m not running away if that is what you are thinking.”
She refused to be like Aeliana and run away from her problems just because she couldn’t make up her mind.
Darius was in front of her by the time she finished her sentence.
“Are you alright Deva?” He could sense her aggravation.
“No,” she confessed and took a step forward to wrap her arms around him.
Was it such a sin to indulge in the support of others? Was it too much to rekindle her strength from whatever source she could get her hands on? His arms were like her own personal haven. She always felt safe in them.
“I just need to breathe.”
His hold got tighter and just like that he let her go but not before placing a gentle kiss onto her forehead.
“Just be careful my Queen,” he kissed her nose. “My love.”
She reluctantly let him go. Deva went by foot through the woods and towards the city. Perhaps getting lost in a crowd wasn’t so bad. She threw up her hoodie and covered her face just in case anyone recognized her.
The sun had already gone and the moon was up in its stead. A half-moon that looked almost blue. It was something she never noticed before but figured this different world wasn’t as similar to the human world as she thought.
The streets were crowded with many faces. It was easy to scope out the vampires; it was all in the way they smelt. The humans always smelt so sweet, delicious and inviting.
No one gave her more than a quick glance. Deva strolled down the unfamiliar streets and stopped when she came across an abandoned path hidden behind old vines. It was strange and yet enchanting. She had to check it out for herself.
Deva pushed away the frail shrubbery blocking the path and finally reached its end. She couldn’t believe the magnificent sight in front of her. The building was old and ancient, covered with foreign markings and pictures that had worn off over the years.
Large pillars held up the entrance and two wolf like statues surrounded the staircase. Their positions were that of a predators and they looked like they were protecting the building from unwanted visitors.
Deva found herself entranced as she made her way up the stairs. The wooden doors were carved with writing she had never seen before. Opening the door Deva was surprised to find an elderly woman standing in the center of the old dusty room.
The woman had brittle tan skin and eyes as black as the night. She didn’t seem shocked to find Deva entering the room, instead she began to bow.
“Your majesty,” her calm and tranquil voice filled the room.
Deva took her hoodie off to get a better look at the woman. Did she know her? The answer was no. Deva had never seen this woman in her life yet there was something familiar and comforting about her.
“I’m sorry I did not mean to disturb you. I just couldn’t help but admire the building.” Deva gazed around the large open room and only saw old glass mosaics and dark colored walls.
“What is this place?”
The woman gave her a warm smile and that reminded Deva of her grandmother. “This place used to be a sanctuary for lycans.”
That explained the wolves in the front. Deva assumed that King Asher would have torn down any building that resembled what the lycans were.
“King Asher thought that by leaving this place as it is that perhaps the alpha would return,” the woman explained like she read Deva’s mind.
“And did the alpha ever return?”
Adamarius once told her that he hadn’t seen his father since he was a child so the curiosity was eating at her.
“No. Alpha Knight has been gone for centuries and has shown no sign of return.” The woman’s face was cold and distance as she told her.
“Do you know where he is?”
“Perhaps the human world. It would have been the only safe place for him.”
But how could he? “I thought only those with royal blood could go through the portal.”
“Yes this is true but lycans with the alpha blood can also pass through both worlds.”
Deva sighed. “What is your name?”
“Ofelia, your majesty.”
There was something strange about the woman that Deva just couldn’t put her finger on. Her slight wrinkles indicted years of wisdom and life but vampires would age more gracefully. Something was off about her.
“We’ve been waiting for you,” Ofelia spoke moving closer to Deva.
Deva stood still with confusion. “We?”
“Yes; the lost.”
It still wasn’t making any sense. “The lost? And who are the lost?”
The old woman was unveiling years of untold secrets through her eyes. They began to shift from a clover green to a goldish color with a red rim around them. Deva’s heart went silent as everything became clear.
“You’re a lycan.”
Ofelia’s smile turned into a grin. “Yes my Queen.”
A part of her was amazed and happy to find another lycan. “How is that so?”
“We have been in hiding. We have been running for our lives for too long. They have considered us lost because of it.”
The vampires have taken over and forced the lycans to close extinction, claiming them as lost. Deva was sickened at the thought.
“But we hide no longer. You have given us a reason to rise up. You are the hope we have been waiting for.” Ofelia raised her hand to take hold of Deva’s locket. “The mark of Lucretia.”
“It was my grandmother’s. She passed it down to me when she died.”
Ofelia’s eyes grew warm. “Lucretia was the very first lycan female. She was known for her strength and courage. You must possess her blood if you have this.”
Adamarius’ words came back rushing in her head. He told her she had a very ancient bloodline. No matter how much she wanted to leave her responsibilities behind, she couldn’t. Her fate was right there in front of her and she just couldn’t ignore it. So many people were depending on her. She couldn’t abandon them.
“There will be no more hiding in the shadows,” Deva declared. It was time for change.
“My Queen, these papers must be signed.” The sound of one of the council members pulled Deva out of her dream state. She couldn’t stop thinking about the night before with Ofelia.
“I’m sorry. My mind is elsewhere.”
She took a pen and signed her name on the document he had handed her. She didn’t even bother reading it.
Darius noticed her absent attention and decided to cut the meeting short.
“Leave us,” he commanded to all the members in the room. No one questioned him and stood on command; leaving only the two of them.
“Deva,” his voice leaked with concern.
She got up without responding and went to the window. There was still light outside but it was slowly coming to an end. She felt like her whole day had been spent in the study. Document after document, paper after paper; she thought she’d go nuts if she had to read another formality. She could hardly function with the chaotic thoughts running furiously through her mind.
“Why didn’t you deny it?”
She couldn’t exactly explain why she had to ask the question. It was just something constantly haunting her.
His footsteps were quietly closing in on her.
“Why didn’t you deny it ever happened?” She turned to face him. “I would have believed you.”
Red was always fake but if Darius would have just denied the claim she would have believed him. She loved him too much not to.
“Deva I wanted to.” His pitiful pleading eyes searched hers.
“Then why didn’t you?” She shouted, the emotions flooding like liquid out of her mouth.
He took a deep breath. “I’ve never told you but my father had the ability to erase memory and manipulate emotion just like Marcus.”
“He erased your memory. You still could have denied it.” She felt hot tears climaxing to the surface.
“That’s the thing Deva I couldn’t. It was like this strong force telling me it was true. It just fit so perfectly. No one would have believed it was my brothers’. Marcus and Lucian would never jeopardize their rightful throne… but me...” He paused and dropped his head down shamefully to the floor. “Everyone expected it of me.”
A wet tear ran down her cheek. It was all true. The King made sure to cover every detail in his evil plan.
Darius ran his thumb across her cheek to capture the tear. “Once she confessed the child wasn’t mine my memory came back. Nothing happened between us. Nothing happened between me and any of the girls since I met you. I only wanted you.”
She closed her eyes and let herself indulge in the sweet shadow of the love they once shared. He loved her more than his own life and she felt it every time he held her or even looked at her.
Darius couldn’t take the distance much longer and closed the gap separating them. His forehead pressed to hers.
“I’ve missed you,” she whispered.
“As I have missed you.”
His citrus breath filled her nostrils and old memories clouded her moral senses. She needed him and with that possessing her mind Deva crushed her lips against his. He responded quickly; moving in sync with her own rapid urgency.
Shock waves began to hit every fiber in her body just like the first time they shared a kiss. Her nails clawed the skin of his muscular back and he moaned into the kiss.
She didn’t know how much she wanted or needed him until it was at her fingertips. She bit his bottom lip and he opened his mouth while grabbing her thighs and lifting her up to his level.
The simple act sent thunderous chills of pleasure through her body. Her mind went blank as Darius began to massage every inch of her body that needed his attention.
She moaned once she felt his nails dig into her scalp.
“Darius,” it was a cry of unwillingness. She knew she needed to stop but deep down she wasn’t sure if she could.
His sultry lips left her neck and his blue eyes locked to hers. They were purple with a red rim; giving away the lust that was controlling her.
“My heart belongs to you Deva.”
Her palm was flat on his chest where his heart was. Everything felt so surreal but reality hit quicker than expected. She dropped her legs back to the floor.
“Just give me some time,” she whispered running out on him.
What was she thinking? How could she betray Adamarius like that? Oh god, did he sense what she was doing with Darius through their link? Her stomach twisted into agonizing knots. .
Deva sunk to the grassy ground in the garden and began to heave. She was disgusted with herself. This decision was supposed to be easy. She was with Adamarius so why couldn’t she just pick him. Why couldn’t she just stop all thoughts of Darius and be with Adamarius?
Deva knew why. Darius was her first love and he would always have a piece of her heart that no one could replace.
Speak of the devil. Adamarius rounded the corner of rose bushes and bent down to sit next to her. He could feel her distress a mile away.
“You need a distraction.”
She laughed; if only that could solve all her problems. “Don’t tempt me.”
“I have a surprise for you.”
A frown quickly spread across her face. “What surprise?”
“Come with me.”
He took her hand and helped her up. They silently went through the woods. The only sounds were the snapping of branches and bustles of their feet. The moon was now completely taking up the night sky. He led her on till they reached a small open clearing.
Dark figures from every direction slowly began walking towards them. Deva stood still sensing no threat. The shadowy figures one by one started to bow signaling their allegiance.
Then the one closest to her stood. His light pale blue eyes with red rims gave her a warm sense of respect.
“My Queen, we have come to pledge our loyalty to you.”
The lost lycans.
“They are the last remaining lycans that have lasted over the hard years,” Adamarius explained.
“Then pledge me your fates,” Deva spoke to the crowd surrounding her. “And arise for you will no longer live in the shadows. No longer will you have to hide to survive.”
Every single one of them stood and tilted their heads up to the moon and howled. Deva smiled and knew they were howling out of thanks. They were thanking the moon for saving them from anymore suffering.
“I have one more surprise,” Adamarius seductively said in her ear.
He signaled to the two men on the far edge and they brought forth a person. Deva couldn’t believe her eyes. The two men were roughly carrying Red whose wrists were tied up with rope. They tossed her on the ground next to Deva’s feet.
“You all may go now.”
The lycans heeded their alpha’s command and left the clearing.
“I don’t get this,” Deva confessed.
“Deva I can feel the seeping hatred you have for her,” he pushed her long hair back and placed a gentle lingering kiss on her neck. “I know you want to sink your teeth into her skin and feel her last breath.”
Why did he have to know every aspect of her life? Deva wanted nothing more than to end Red’s life for what she had done to her. For the pain she had caused.
“This is your opportunity, my sweet. Rip her to shreds and get the revenge you want. The revenge you deserve.”
Deva’s eyes scanned Red’s face. Her breathing was jagged and the fear was clear to see. She still had a heavy plump stomach and that was what snapped Deva to anger.
“You can’t image the things I want to do to you right now,” Deva’s silky venomous voice was like a toxic poison in the air.
“My lycan is dying to come out and claw at your scrawny little neck.” Deva bent down and Red pushed back, cowering away from Deva.
“You are a pathetic excuse for a human and quite honestly you don’t deserve to live especially after what you have done.”
“What I’ve done,” Red’s voice was shaky with nerves. “I wouldn’t be so quick to blame…your majesty.”
“What do you mean?”
Red attempted to laugh but it was too harsh. “You are surrounded by power driven vampires who would do and say anything to get what they want.” She coughed. “The ones closest to you are the ones you need to look out for.”
Red’s eyes were looking past Deva and towards Adamarius. They were narrowed and hidden with a secret. What was she implying?
“They are the most deceiving,” Red’s tone was concrete with no indication of a lie.
Deva’s rage boiled with her frustration. “What do you mean?” She used her ability to force Red’s mind.
Red groaned from the pressure Deva was using to tap into her thoughts. “I can’t tell you.”
“What do you mean? Tell me.”
With all her will Deva plunged deeper into Red’s head. But Red would not and could not respond. Deva’s overpowering force made Red cry out in pain and blood splatter out of her nose and ears.
There was a barrier blocking Deva out’ but it wasn’t possible. Red was human; it should be easy cracking into her mind.
“He won’t let me,” Red yelled out in pure agony.
Deva finally brought herself to look at Adamarius. “What is she talking about? What don’t I know?”
“Nothing. She’s lying.”
“You’re keeping something from me.” She took hold of his arm. “Tell me.” Deva used her ability on Adamarius. She needed to know what was going on.
“Deva stop.”
She didn’t. His mind was much harder to get into than anyone else’s. It was like trying to navigate through thick mud.
“Get out of my head Deva!”
“What aren’t you telling me?” Her fierce anger was too much to ignore.
Then the pressure began to turn on her. Deep throbbing pressure consumed her mind and then body.
“Marius,” she knew it had to be him causing all this pain.
“I told you to stop.”
The pain was intense and soon her everything went numb. She felt paralyzed and weak.
“I’m so sorry baby. I promise once you wake up you won’t remember a thing. You won’t remember this night.” His smooth voice echoed into her ear like a lullaby. “Just sleep baby.”
And just like that everything went black.
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