Chapter 16
Since her little display of ability the brothers have been extra watchful around her as if waiting for it to happen again. Deva could feel their guardian eyes watch her like a child and it irritated her. Her dark side should be something to be embraced, not punished. It wasn't like the two prisoners didn't deserve it. Her actions were technically justified. She could still feel their energy coursing through her veins.
The halls seemed empty as she gradually made her way towards her room, in no rush at all. She felt like crap, not physically but emotionally. Everything was piling on and she wasn't sure how much more she could take. Her life was basically a roller coaster that had no direction. Anything could happen at any given moment.
In her room she was greeted by two dark figures lurking the corners. Their faces registered in her head but she never thought she'd see the day when they both would be, by choice, in the same room, not trying to rip each other apart.
"Gentlemen," she nodded to each in passing.
Reaching her nightstand she pulled off her necklace and started to unbutton her sweater. A shower was strongly needed.
"Deva," Adamarius' low voice filled the quiet room but she did not stop to give him her attention.
"Deva," this time it was Darius' voice that was laced with firm worry.
She mentally rolled her eyes and continued to take her sweater off. Again her name was said by both men at the same time. She stopped her movements and stared at both of them; back and forth her eyes went to each one from blue to green eyes.
It's not that she was cold and didn't have any compassion left in her. No, it wasn't that. What was she supposed to say to the two men she cared about the most. What was she supposed to do to soothe their minds of worry? She knew they were fearful of her new ability and how it would affect her in the future.
"What?" Her eyes went up to the ceiling. Having them both so close was nerve racking.
"Deva you need to rest." Adamarius was always telling her what she needed.
"No, what I need is a shower." She crossed her arms and dropped her eyes to lock onto his.
"How do you feel Deva?" His soft caring voice invited her to face him.
She raised her brow at Darius. "Considering I took the energy source from two vampires a few days ago I honestly feel renewed. I'm not even thirsty."
That was what he wanted to hear right, how she was coping. His sad expression made a weak smile appear on her lips.
"I know what I did was wrong. I was just confused and mad and I..."
"You don't have to explain Deva. We understand. We're just worried about you."
"So you've decided to join forces." She wanted to laugh at the ridiculous thought.
Adamarius shuffled his feet. "At the moment and when it comes to you, yes."
She hated herself. Why did she always have to make things worse? "I'm sorry." She whispered in such a soft defeated tone that both brothers took a step closer in hopes of comforting her.
"Princess," Jeffrey's voice came with the sound of a knock.
"Come in," she replied instantly.
The intense vulnerable moment she was having, was not a good idea to have with two men that loved her.
"Princess the Queen wishes to speak to you."
Deva nodded and Jeffrey walked off. The room stayed quiet for a few more seconds till she finally spoke, lifting the dreaded strain on all their backs.
"Can you please keep her occupied till I get there? I need to take a shower." She pleaded in Adamarius' direction.
He hesitated turning his gaze on Darius. 'Don't worry he's leaving too,' she silently sent him through their link.
Adamarius didn't look like he was going to move so Deva crossed the short distance to him and softly pressed her lips against his. The kiss was brief but very persuading.
"Please," she seductively whispered.
"Don't be too long," he kissed her forehead and was gone.
She dropped her arms to the side and exhaled. This was the first time she would be alone with Darius since he had gotten free of Red. And for some reason she was nervous.
"I'm sorry about your sister. I know this is not the life you wanted for her."
Why did the sound of his voice all of a sudden send butterflies to her stomach?
"It's not your fault Dar. Life just has a sick sense of humor when it comes to me."
The room went quiet again and she felt like banging her head against the wall. She finally found the courage to face him. His deep stare made her heart flutter to the pit of her stomach.
"How do you feel Darius?"
He inched closer. "Free."
She swallowed. "I bet anyone would feel that way after being stuck with that red poodle for so long."
"She is no longer a problem."
How long had she wished for those words? In the beginning that was all she prayed about but now, now things were different. Deva believed that all things happen for a reason. Red coming into their lives was not a coincidence. She may have ruined their relationship in the beginning but Deva now had Adamarius. Darius may have been free but Deva wasn't and didn't want to be.
"Well I'm happy for you. She didn't deserve you." Deva bit her lip.
"I'm sorry for the pain it caused you Deva. It was tortuous watching your eyes fill with betrayal. I wanted to die for the agony you went through."
"Darius please stop. It's not your fault. You told me from the start that you didn't remember how it happened. I should have believed you."
He ran his hand through his hair. "Oh God Deva you have no idea what I went through to try and remember. I just couldn't. It's all just a blurred memory that is so hazy. I can't make it out. Not even my ability could help me sort through it all."
It was all so strange and made no sense. How could he not remember?
"Well the past is the past. All we have left to look forward to is the future."
"Deva my feelings for you never faltered. I love you."
His passionate words of love were exactly what she expected. "Darius, this changes nothing. I'm still with Adamarius."
His jaw clinched. "Do you love him?"
Again she swallowed. Did she love him? Darius' grew weary and somewhat hopeful with her moment of lapsed thought. He knew that if it wasn't for Red that he wouldn't even have to ask Deva if she loved another man. There would be no other man in the picture if it wasn't for Red interrupting their lives.
"Darius...please," she begged.
He couldn't find it in him to stop; he needed to know. "Do you love him?"
Still she would not reply. Darius closed the gap separating them and was surprised when she didn't stop him.
"Do you love me?"
Her beautiful chocolate eyes were melting right in front of him. "You don't want to know my answer Dar." Her head shamefully drooped to the floor.
"Yes I do." He cupped her face and lifted it to keep her from hiding. "Tell me what is on your mind."
She took a deep breath. "I think I love you both."
Darius felt his heart warm and tear if that was possible. She loved him but not with her whole heart. He was beginning to blame himself for it. If it wasn't for his stupid actions, Deva wouldn't have fallen for the lycan.
"I'll always love you Deva." He bent down and tenderly kissed her forehead. "There will be no other for me. I will be whatever you need me to be as long as I'm in your life."
Deva wanted to die. Why was it always hard for her? When were the easy decisions coming? Darius' warm hands left her face and she watched his muscular back leave her room.
Now was not the time, she told herself. Deva ran into the bathroom and started her shower. It wasn't ladylike to keep the Queen waiting. She laughed. Soon that principle won't apply to her because in just a few days she would be Queen.
Ugh, that also meant she had to pick a king. It slipped her mind, as she wondered if Adamarius fell under the category of suitable candidates. Could the son of the Queen who happens to be half vampire and half lycan rule a vampire kingdom? Was that even allowed?
She cut the water off and threw on some clothes she thought were worthy of royal company. Deva made it out of the room and almost bumped into Jeffery.
"Princess, your presence is needed in the study room."
That was strange. Usually the Queen liked to meet in the sun room. It wasn't too much of a surprise when King Asher was the one to greet her instead of the Queen.
"I was told your wife wished to see me." Deva asked raising a curious brow.
Asher gave her the once over before replying, "That might be true but I also wanted to speak to you."
His back was straight and his pose looked tense. He didn't seem like his casual self. Maybe he was still upset about their last encounter.
Deva crossed her arms over her chest and stood facing him at an equal level. He was standing behind his desk clad in black.
"Speak to me about what?"
"How is your sister feeling? Is she adapting well to our way of living?"
For a split second she actually believed his sincerity but she knew better. He didn't want her here to talk about her sister.
"She's doing fine and Lucian is actually helping her adapt to this new world."
His face and eyes went cold and dead at the mention of his son's name. "Lucian?"
He conspicuously questioned her information with the toss of his brow.
"Yes." Deva carefully examined his facial features and noticed his hard jawline. He wasn't happy at all about this sudden discovery.
"As a future King it is wise to have hospitality."
Deva wasn't sure if she heard right.
Future King...Lucian. He was insinuating she was still going to pick him.
"I thought the decision of future king was up to me."
His taunting eyes latched onto hers in a heated stare down. "It is. I just figured it was he you have chosen. After all your little fling with that lycan was just a joke."
His audacity was practically choking her midair.
"Have you forgotten I am half lycan too?"
"Oh trust me little one I try to." His cool voice and insulting remark sent Deva off the edge.
"I will not choose Lucian as my king," her stern tone held no more for questioning.
The room was stiff with fierce disposition but Deva could feel the escalading source of rage building up inside of both of them.
His lips finally curved and he tossed his head back before letting out a screeching evil laugh. It gave Deva a chill rocking her back to her childhood nightmare monsters.
"Even after everything I did to ensure you choose the right son you still pick the stray mutt?" He spat in her face.
When he finally dropped his head down she noticed his irises were now surrounded by black rims.
"I knew you were going to be difficult but not this damn impossible." His deadly gaze was really starting to scare her but she decided to suck it up and get to the bottom of his riddle.
"What are you talking about?"
"I was certain in the beginning that your feelings for Lucian were stronger than with the others. But of course like the unpredictable little snake you are, you surprise me by flaunting your affections for Darius around the castle."
Deva swallowed the pit in her throat once the King inched his way closer. "Then of course Amber interfered."
His eyes were blazed; he twisted around and slammed his fist onto his desk. It cracked a bit but Deva stood still. She had never seen him so worked up before.
"Even then it was hard for you to get over him. You just had to ruin the plan."
The air was cut short from her system.
Plan...there was a plan? Her mind was jumping everywhere but suddenly something became quite clear.
"You brought Amber back." The words felt like hot coal coming out.
His devilish smirk was evidence enough. "Darius had to be out of the equation. Once he was out of your range of mind you could finally move on to Lucian. But even that task was too difficult for you."
How could she not see it before? It was all a set up for her to be with Lucian. The rightful son the King chose. No amount of deep breathing would stop the throbbing engulfing her body. It was all unreal.
How could this be?
"With Darius gone, Lucian still wasn't good enough for you."
Deva finally pulled herself out of shock and focused on the King. How could she not notice the black rims on his eyes before? They made him look crazed and dangerous more than ever.
If it wasn't for the King's hate for his son she would be in Darius' arms right now. All the pain and suffering they had both gone through would have never happened. She couldn't understand why Darius wasn't good enough for him.
"Did you send those men to attack my sister?"
She feared the answer but she knew only a royal could open the portal so it only left a few suspects. Asher would have never crossed her mind till now.
"Consider it a small warning little Deva."
He was directly in front of her in a flash. His marble smooth hand went to her cheek. She tried to jerk away but he caught her before she could.
"Forget about this mutt of yours and agree to marry Lucian and I promise no more harm will come to your sister...or the rest of your family."
His sick cynical voice was eating away at her sanity. What could she do? All the deception and lies have led her here, to this moment of true. But only one thought crossed her mind.
"Why isn't Darius good enough for you?"
His pupils shifted a little but revealed nothing. "He wasn't born a king and he doesn't deserve the crown now."
All that could be heard in the room was Deva's rapid heart beating and two different shallow breathings.
"And neither do you," the King murmured before raising a silver dagger in the air and forcing it towards Deva's heart.
"Deva," her name was shouted by the guardian angel she knew she loved.
She saw the dagger moving closer and closed her eyes replaying his voice in her head. Then she felt herself being engulfed by massive arms and when she opened her eyes she was halfway across the room.
Lucian held her back as she fought frantically to get out. She was forced to watch the unrevealing of the scene as Darius took her place next to the King.
"Darius!" She yelled in a panicked plea.
It wasn't meant to happen. Darius wasn't meant to get involved. Yet he found himself clutching onto the silver dagger that was plugged into the King's heart. Darius was frozen as warm blood oozed from his father's chest.
King Asher stared at his son with dreadful accusing eyes.
"Darius," he whispered his last breath before closing his dark animal like eyes.
Darius held his father's body and watched as it slowly decayed into rotten flesh and dry veins.
Deva's heart stopped at the sound of gasps in the room. Somehow during the sudden tragic event every member of the family happened to bear witness to the King's death.
Guilt was quickly seeping in. Deva had never felt so at fault in her life. The King's death was in her hands.
The bone chilling atmosphere lasted minutes in the air. The Queen too stung to gaze at her husband's truly dead body directed her stare at Deva.
Deva's throat went dry from her subconscious remorse and self-blame.
What could she do or possibly say? Darius had killed his father because of her.
What happened next astounded Deva to no end. Queen Emma discharged her discretion by kneeling to her new Queen. The gesture was an act of loyalty. Everyone in the room quickly followed her example. One by one their heads bowed.
Even Lucian let her go in order to fall at her feet like the others, and declare his allegiance.
Deva's eyes madly sought Darius but he was still wearing his mask of no emotion. He went to his knees after only a few seconds.
"Queen Deva," they all said in unison.
The only words Deva could muster up in her mind at that very moment was 'Oh hell no'.
Deva paced up and down a dirty path in the woods, trying to make some sense of what her life had become. It had gotten so out of control she felt like nothing would ever feel normal again.
Why did she have so many people trying to kill her? She was now Queen and there were some who disagreed with her future reign.
She had to get away especially when everyone began to bow down in respect. It wasn't supposed to happen like this. She thought she was going to have more time till she transitioned into being a queen.
The air was clean and crisp but it barely helped calm her rampaging nerves. The King, her thoughts drifted to the deceased vampire. The King was truly dead and it was all her fault. Yes, he was a crazed psychopath with a huge vendetta but she couldn't help feel the guilt seeping in.
Deva heard a bustling of leaves and turned to see Adamarius walking towards her. Slowly, very slowly he came as if not to frighten her off. She shut her eyes to blink away the restless tears. She hated being emotional especially showing it in front of people but she couldn't help it this time.
"Deva," his soft gentle whisper echoed through the trees. She didn't respond so he tried again. "Deva are you alright?"
"No," she choked out. "It's all my fault."
In one swift movement she felt him cup her face and pull her close. She took a deep breath of his distracting scent and slightly calmed herself.
"Deva, I need you to listen to me."
Adamarius' low enchanting voice forced her to open her eyes.
"This was not your fault. The King had this grudge upon his back years before you were even born. You were just a trigger. He was a very disturbed king who wanted nothing more than to get back at all the lycans because of my father."
She shook her head. "He tried to kill me Marius. He wanted me dead for not choosing the right son."
"Shhh my love," he pulled her face to his chest and she wrapped her arms around his torso. "He's gone now. You don't have to ever worry about him again."
"Darius," it stung to even say his name. "He killed his own father. How could he..."
It was hard to stomach down. It was heartbreaking to think about. His father was such a cruel and hateful man and he never showed Darius an ounce of respect. She knew the King deserved it but she had to wonder how Darius was taking it. He always wanted to prove himself worthy enough for his father and then to all of a sudden stab him in the heart. It was the ultimate betrayal.
"He would have killed himself if it meant saving you." Adamarius painfully admitted.
She wasn't worth all the trouble.
He pulled her face up so he could stare into her tear-filled eyes.
"Deva you are the most precious thing in this world to me. If Darius hadn't stepped in to stop him I would have. I'm just so sorry I wasn't there sooner."
"You didn't know."
How could anyone have known?
"I'm never letting you out of my sight," he said already leaning in to press his lips to hers.
She welcomed his soft warm caress. She needed his sympathy.
"Is the Queen mad?" She whispered as soon as she could catch her breath.
"I don't think so."
It was eating her alive not knowing if Marcus, Izzy, and Lucian were mad at her for what had happened. She didn't have time to see their faces because she was out of the door in seconds. Deva couldn't survive if her new family despised her.
"You want to see them?" Adamarius asked already aware of her desire to confront them.
He took her hand and led her back to the castle. There was only one way to ease her mind but once they reached the door Deva panicked.
Adamarius squeezed her hand in encouragement and slowly opened the door. The entire room halted to a deafening silence.
Queen Emma deferentially stood and Deva instantly dropped her head to the ground in guilt. The buildup of anxiety was weighing her down to the ground. How could anyone face their lover's murderer?
Suddenly Deva felt her head being lifted and was met with the Queen's memorizing eyes. They held no anger or revenge like Deva thought she'd find.
"A queen never lowers her head to the ground for others."
Deva could hardly muster a smile. "I'm so sorry my Queen."
The Queen shook her head dismissingly. "Hush my dear Deva. I am no longer queen; you are. Call me Emma from now on."
Deva's trembling lips were just the physical turmoil of her indiscretion. Again she felt the tears come to the surface. She thought about what it would feel like if she lost the love of her life, the loves of her life.
"I'm so sorry."
"No don't be," she replied firmly.
"But Darius, he killed him because of me."
"Darius did the right thing. Darius was protecting his future Queen." Her eyes went soft. "My husband had no right to attack you like that. I'm afraid his grudge had finally surfaced."
Deva swallowed. "He hated me."
The former Queen pulled Deva into a hug. "He hated the lycan in you. Don't let his vendetta stop you from doing what you were born to do. Your people need you now more than ever."
Would her people understand the circumstances? Would they accept her for what she was and not try to hurt her like the King wanted to do?
They pulled away and she noticed Marcus and Lucian staring at her with hidden masks. It brought back old memories of when she first arrived. Lucian was a little more up tight than Marcus but both had their buried secrets.
She swallowed her discomfort and met both brothers halfway.
"I don't know what to say or do to make this okay."
Marcus was the first to astonish her by pulling her into an embrace. "Everything is okay. You're okay. What father did was wrong. Deva we love you."
Deva felt like she could finally breathe again. "I love you. I love you all so much."
Lucian was next to engulf her in his harmless hug and remind her of their cherished love.
"You're safe now. We won't let anyone else hurt you my Queen."
My Queen. She just couldn't believe it.
So let me know what you think so far and remember to VOTE. Tell others about the story. LOVE you guys if you want to find out more about me or my stories follow me on instagram my username is Lbolog
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