Chapter 13
"Why do we have to have a ball like every week?" Deva whined as they made their way down the majestic trail leading to the garden maze.
Adamarius kept a fair distance behind her, not able to control his prying eyes from admiring her swaying hips.
"You are going to be queen, Deva. Everyone is interested to see you. This ball is for the other Kings to finally meet you."
Deva swallowed and stopped. She hated being the stoplight. "What if I happen to be sick that day?"
She would honestly do anything to get out of another ball.
Adamarius started to laugh as he cupped her face and kissed her nose. "Oh pet that excuse won't work anymore. You're a hybrid; you're stronger than anything that exists on this planet."
She pouted.
"Once you become Queen you can control the amount of balls you celebrate."
That put a smile on her face. Adamarius shook his head at her instant simple joy.
"I thought girls loved to dress up and dance with their prince charming."
Deva snorted. "You try wearing high heels longer than two hours."
Adamarius smirked and laced their fingers together before pulling her along the path again. They headed towards the wooden bench located at the entrance of the maze.
"What if they don't like me?" She barely whispered.
This particular ball was going to have the Kings of the other kingdoms join together.
He turned back once he heard her innocent distraught voice.
"Deva they would have to be blind, deaf, and mentally handicapped to not love you."
Her lips curved up but not as much as Adamarius would have liked.
"Beautiful listen to me," Adamarius' hand went up around her neck to force her to look at him. "They are vampire Kings who worked for centuries to bring fear into their people with the whisper of their names. They like to intimidate people because it is in their nature to have power. And you..."
He paused to kiss her mocking lips.
"You are Queen. You are the new generation. Don't let them frighten you. Show them how powerful and fearless you can be. You can't let them push you around."
Deva's brow rose in a devious fashion. "You don't think I'm scary enough?"
Adamarius kissed her forehead and continued walking. "Oh yes. I'm petrified by your red colored nails; cherry glossed lips, and curled hair. You just ooze 'fear me'."
His playful sarcasm would not go unpunished. Deva jumped on his back and tightly wrapped her legs around his torso. Adamarius laughed, hoisting her up to get a better grip.
Her lips found his ear where she bit down, hard.
"Is that any way to speak to your Queen?" Her soft seducing voice whispered.
He chuckled. "You're going to have to do better than that."
Darius stood from afar and watched Deva and Adamarius' playful exchange. He wanted to rip his eyes out for even looking their way. He still had an ache in his heart every time he saw her with Adamarius. He wanted her to be happy, she deserved it but Darius couldn't help the way he boiled up every time he saw them touch.
He watched as Adamarius tackled her to the ground and began to trail kisses against her soft skin. It felt like someone was slowly and agonizingly tearing his heart out. He remembered the way if felt to kiss her soft skin because nothing felt more close to heaven. And when he held her in his arms everything else disappeared. He hated himself for letting her down and not being the man to needed.
Eventually a maid broke up their little playful attack. Deva was asked to help pick out a few things for the ball arrangements. She reluctantly followed the maid and frowned. It made Darius smile to see that Deva was still the same when it came to those kinds of matters.
Adamarius spotted Darius with no problem, probably because he already knew Darius was watching the whole time. Darius turned the other direction but heard Adamarius' heavy footsteps advancing closer. Darius stood tall, waiting for his half-brother to finally reach him.
"Do you enjoy gawking at things you can never have?" Adamarius queried, drilling his brother with endless aggravation.
"Not as much as a like punishing those who deceive." Darius did his best to control his raving temper.
"Does that include yourself as well, little brother? After all you did deceive the one you loved, now didn't you?" Adamarius put smugly.
Darius glared furiously at his enemy. "I don't know what kind of game you are playing but if you hurt her I will kill you."
His threat was harsh with poison.
"You would like that wouldn't you. But I promise I won't hurt her. I'm not like you. I don't hurt the ones I love and disappoint them countless other times."
Adamarius' comment stung like a blade piercing the skin and for some reason all control was thrown out the window. Darius raised his fist and crushed it against Adamarius jaw.
Adamarius responded quickly and jabbed his knee towards Darius' stomach. Slight pain shot through both their bodies.
"You're a manipulative bastard. You don't deserve her." Darius shouted and moved to attack again.
Adamarius stopped his blow by blocking Darius' fist which was close to his gut.
"And you do?" Adamarius laughed before punching Darius square in the nose.
Darius took a step back and placed his hand over his nose and shifted it to place it back correctly.
"Have you forgotten how you broke her heart? There is no hope for you two. She will never trust you again," Adamarius taunted.
Darius bit back the pain of his truthful words. She would never want to be with him after all of this.
"And do you think she's not smart even to see through what you really are?" Darius stated. "You both hated each other now all of a sudden you are in love with her. Now that doesn't sound right to me."
Adamarius stood frozen while Darius took a leisure step forward. "You want the throne. I see that and I'm sure as hell she'll see that too. She's using you as a rebound. You are a second to replace me."
Adamarius ran towards him but Darius anticipated the reaction and blocked his every attempt. A moment later after their fight they pulled back breathlessly.
"She will never love you, dog. I will always be in her heart."
Adamarius growled and he felt his patience come to an end as his lycan was clawing to get out and show Darius a few things. His body began to shake from the rage boiling inside him but before Adamarius could shift into his lycan Deva came running towards them.
She placed her hand on Adamarius' chest and felt the vibrations of his rapid animalistic intentions.
"Marius you need to calm down."
His eyes were still narrowed at Darius. Deva ran her hand up and curled her fingers in his hair to yank his head down to face her. Their eyes finally locked and Adamarius took a deep breath to suppress his beast.
"Marius, please..."
She could see the struggle he was going through but as soon as the words were out of her mouth his tense body eased. Adamarius' hand instinctively wrapped around her waist and pulled her closer so he could take in her scent which in turn cleared his mind.
"I'm sorry," he whispered. "I couldn't control it."
She could feel his chaotic nerves as they tried to assemble themselves and calm down. She knew exactly what it felt like getting lost in the moment.
"What happened?"
Adamarius exhaled his pride and gave her the honest answer she deserved.
"He thinks I'm using you to get the throne and that you're keeping me around as a rebound."
Deva shook her head disappointedly. She knew Darius didn't agree with her new lifestyle but that gave him no probable cause to throw accusations. Even if it were true he had no say in the matter.
She glanced around and couldn't see Darius anymore. There were plenty of words she wanted spoken with him.
"I believe he went inside," Adamarius answered her unspoken question.
"One of you could have gotten hurt."
She was furious with both of them but for some reason she felt like Darius had instigated it.
"I'm sorry." His head drooped. "Sometimes I felt like I'm competing for your affection."
How could she be mad now? Adamarius was only upset because of the doubt he felt she had.
Deva stood on her tippy toes and centered his face between her hands. She forced him to look into her eyes, her pleading, desperate eyes.
"I can't erase my past with him. I'm sorry you don't trust my loyalty. I knew what it feels like to be cheated on. I promise I wouldn't wish that pain on anyone," she kissed his worries away, "especially you."
"That's good to know."
For a few minutes more they stayed in the small bubble they had created.
"I need to see him but I'll be back soon."
He didn't respond and Deva left anyway. She went to the first place that came to mind; Darius' room. The feeling of being in his room again gave her chills.
The door was already open ajar once she arrived. Darius was pacing his room while clawing at his hair, obviously deep in thought.
"What were you thinking?" She half yelled.
Darius' eyes shot up. "Deva he's not what you think."
"Don't start this again Darius." She warned.
He moved closer and began to plead. "Please Deva don't, just don't be with him. You deserve so much better. He is so wrong for you."
"Darius you can't tell me these things, you have no right. And you can't go around picking fights with lycans." He shook his head so she continued. "He could have killed you. Do you understand that? He is a hybrid with more power than you."
"Deva-" His blue eyes softened but she refused to fall victim to their charm.
"No Darius. He could have hurt you. If I hadn't come..." She focused her gaze so no tears would come out. "Did you not think how I would feel if you did get hurt or killed?" She shook her head. "Darius I would die if anything happened to you because of me."
Her open announcement sparked a yearning fire in his soul. She did still love him. To be reminded of that fact awakened his dying heart.
"Deva I'm sorry. I wasn't...thinking."
She shut her eyes. "Why do you have to make this hard for me?"
He closed the small gap separating them and she knew he wouldn't stop there.
"Dar, just please..." The words were stuck in her throat.
"Deva," his distraught voice was troubled, "I need you."
"We can't." She choked out.
He used his vampire speed to surprise her before she could pull away. Darius cupped her face and took in the scent of her vanilla lavender that he missed so much.
"I can," he whispered before crushing his lips to hers.
She wanted to pull away but the love and lust of shock waves were flooding throughout her body and holding her hostage. She could feel and taste the want and need of desire he held for her all those bent up days.
She didn't want to stop and she hated herself for it.
Deva shoved against his hard chest and backed away. Her shallow breathing was matching his. She didn't want to speak or even think of what she had done because she knew it was wrong on so many levels.
Deva collected whatever dignity she had left and walked out his door.
Guilt was a treacherous traitor invading his mind. A small part of his conscience regretted going against her wishes and taking advantage of her vulnerability. Yet he didn't try and stop her even though it killed him to watch her walk away.
"Marius do I have tooooo," Deva whined hoping she could change his mind.
"Deva you know you have to go." Adamarius said pulling Deva gently by the arm. She had tried just about everything to get out of the event.
Deva tugged her arm back slightly to pull Adamarius to a halt. He stopped only to humor her because in all honesty he was going to do everything in his power to get her at that ball.
"Deva..." he whispered when she seductively trailed her hands up his chest to the collar of his shirt. Her lips began to curve into a beautiful smile that she knew made him weak at the knees.
"Marius, please don't make me go." She twirled her finger through his hair while leaning into the crook of his neck. "How about we go back to my room and I promise to make it worth your wild?"
Her offer was much too tempting but he knew there was no way they could get out of this event without having the others on their backs.
"Deva don't tempt me. You know the only reason the kings are coming to this ball is to see you." Adamarius leaned in and softly swept his lips over hers. Small tingles were placed on her lips as he withdrew from her.
"This sucks." She pouted which made him lean in again to kiss her troubled lips.
"I promise it won't be that bad. I'll be right there with you."
"You better," she said and he laced their hands together.
It was a comfortable feeling having each other so close. Adamarius had grown into someone she could rely on. Despite the horrible feeling of guilt in her gut everything was exactly how she desired it.
She wanted to tell him about the kiss she share with Darius but every time she thought about doing it she chickened out. She knew it wouldn't happen again. She wouldn't let herself get that weak again so therefore telling him was not necessary.
They entered the ballroom and were instantly greeted with inquisitive stares. Many probably believed that Adamarius was just her escort. It was natural to assume because most of society likes to judge a book by its cover.
Was tonight the night to let the world know how she really felt about him?
Izzy was the first to approach them. Her facial expression was subtle but through the façade Deva could see her distinct shock.
"I had no idea you were both on good terms."
For the most part they kept their relationship under wraps.
"Circumstances change." Deva replied with a smile.
Izzy nodded, returning the gesture. "I'm really pleased to hear it. Watching you banter back and forth, some romantic affair was bound to happen."
Throughout the evening they were introduced to two of the other Kings and their wives. Their stench of power and royalty was meant to intimidate. Deva was not one to frighten easily.
The night was turning into a success and Deva had to admit it wasn't all bad but she definitely preferred her bed instead.
She was thankful that Red was not allowed to attend the big events. She was human and no one thought it was a good idea for pregnant human to be in a room full of vampires.
Deva spotted Darius next to Lucian who was talking to a pretty blonde. The portentous vixen began to lean towards Darius, covering her mouth as she laughed.
"Deva," she felt someone squeeze her hand pulling her attention. "Deva this is King Raphael."
King Raphael exuded a manner of prestige. His intrusive hazel eyes were outrageously penetrating to the depths of her character.
He eventually extended his hand and she took it politely.
"My, my your beauty is beyond words my dear Deva."
Suddenly bashful, Deva's eyes drifted to the tall dark figure standing next to the King. He was looking at Deva with a different kind of strange interest.
King Raphael noticed this and introduced his companion.
"Princess may I introduce to you my lycan guard Tybalt."
"Lycan?" She repeated.
Tybalt's low chuckle echoed as he too extended out his hand in greeting. "It is a wonderful pleasure to meet you Princess."
Deva shook his hand. They told her briefly that there was a possible chance a few lycans may be present.
"It's nice to meet you both." Deva turned back to the King. "Is your wife here tonight as well?"
He turned to the direction where Darius was. "She is currently occupied."
So his wife was the blonde who was flirtatiously standing next to Lucian and Darius.
"She looks lovely." Deva cunningly censored her actual thoughts.
His warm smile expressed the adoration he had for his wife. Then as if hearing the talk about her the blonde made her way over to King Raphael's side.
"Princess Deva this is my wife Queen Sheena."
The blonde threw on a fake smile before extending her hand towards Deva. "I've heard so much about you Princess. Quite the commission you have caused here."
Deva took the freshly polished hand of the Queen as humanely as she could.
"As much commission as any would cause." She responded with subtle harshness.
The Queen's lips curved. "I beg to differ. Catching the eye of four royal princes is not just any common commission, my little dear."
Her dark eyes narrowed in on Deva's appearance, critiquing every visible flaw, while she managed to take a sip from her glass.
Deva didn't appreciate the bitchy attitude but she tried remaining tolerant and friendly.
"Actually I only caught the eye of one man," Deva inched closer into Adamarius' frame.
He towered over her like the protective shield she needed to survive the rest of the night. His hand ran down the small of her back and suddenly she forgot all her agitation.
"I see." The Queen finished but Deva heard the double meaning she forced.
Before anymore words could be spoke Adamarius thanked the King and Queen and pulled Deva into the crowd to put as much distance between them as possible.
'Are you alright?' Adamarius asked through their mind link.
"Peachy," she mumbled under her breath. 'What's the punishment for murdering a queen?'
He shook his head, smiling. 'Death I think.'
Deva's feet suddenly planted to the floor causing him to halt. Her face crinkled up debating the idea.
Adamarius cupped her face, pulling her back to reality. "It's not worth it."
She rubbed her chin playfully. "I'm not so sure about that."
"No," he spoke so seriously. 'I would never let you commit suicide.'
The true sadness in his eyes was hard to look at. Did she honestly mean so much to him?
Her hand grazed his tight set jaw. He was upset to say the least but he softened at her touch.
'Don't worry Romeo. Suicide is against my faith.'
In that happy, relief moment he wanted nothing more than to kiss her. She thought he would too but he quickly remembered his surrounds and dodged the thought.
He didn't want to disrespect her and cause a spectacle in front of her future kingdom. He wasn't even entirely sure where they stood as a couple. He felt more like a close confidant and friend; someone for her to talk to or lose herself with.
Her high heels were almost 5 inches tall and yet they were still barely helping her reach his height.
"Dance with me." Her request sounded more like a demand.
It was a demand he'd gladly accept.
His hand fell upon her hip and she had to take a deep breath to exhale the protruding provocative sensations he was awakening in her.
Together they swayed to the melody, molding into the sea of bodies already on the dance floor. Soon enough all eyes were on them, burning wholes with their stares.
Her anxiety was kept at bay as long as she lost herself in Adamarius' glowing compassionate eyes.
Once the music had stopped they were swarmed by the prying hands of the public. It was question after question; greeting after greeting.
Izzy eventually rescued Deva and escorted her to a group of familiar faces.
"Must be tough adapting to the rich and famous?" Donald winked at her.
"I'd gladly take the poor and hopeless." At least then she wouldn't have to wear heels all the time.
A young attractive man in a waiter's outfit came out of nowhere carrying a tray of champagne glasses filled with red liquid.
"Would the princess like a drink?"
She nodded and politely thanked the man. He handed her the glass and quickly walked off.
Deva ran her fingers across the glass as everyone else went back to their previous conversation. She pressed the edge of it to her lips but before she could empty out its contents it was snatched from her hands.
Deva jerked her head to the culprit and found Adamarius holding the glass tightly in his fist.
"What was that for?"
He ignored her completely while he carefully examined the blood, sniffing the area above the glass.
"Who gave you this?"
"One of the waiters. Why does it matter?"
Adamarius finally looked up, haunted and worried etched in his expression.
"Deva this glass has a poisonous substance in it that could kill any lycan within its reach."
She was silenced by the shock.
"Someone tried to kill you with poison."
His words slowly sunk in. Who would be stupid enough to attempt such a task in public place? Her first reaction was to throw every item in the room against the wall having it shatter to a million pieces.
Her titanium of emotions stared to flood to the surface. She wanted to cry but upon all she craved revenge.
Any person in that more could have been responsible for the crime. It was up to her to show them what she was made of. She couldn't let them believe she was weak.
The majority of the guests had overheard their conversation and had seized all activities. Just about everyone was turned, directly staring at her.
The tornado of hurt and raging emotion collided with her lycan defenses. Deva stared into the crowd with dark purple eyes ablaze.
"Where is the waiter that brought me my drink?" The sharp authority in her voice was laced with violent endeavors.
There was soft shuffling through the crowd but no one came forth.
"Where is he?" Adamarius shouted with such animalistic rage that most of the people backed away until the culprit was pushed forward.
Every instinct in her mind was telling her to detach his throat from his body. It was punishable by death to attempt to assassinate the future queen. Should he really be offered the chance to beg for mercy?
Unless it wasn't him at all who wanted her dead.
"Who gave you this drink to give to me?"
The man dropped his gaze to the floor. "Noo..No one." He stuttered out.
The crowd parted as the rest of the royal family came to her rescue but she didn't want them to get involved. It was her time to stand up for herself and prove her worth to the rest of the kingdoms.
"I know a man of your stature doesn't have the intellect to sneak in something as clever as poison in such a guarded castle." Deva stalked closer to him and watched as the man coward down. "Who gave you the poison?"
He stumbled over his words. "I don't know Princess."
The truth was written in his eyes. She turned to look at Adamarius who was searching for her reaction. He looked just as determined as she was to find who had done this. She smiled sweetly at the irony of it all.
'It has to be one of the Kings.' Adamarius give her his theory.
She glanced up towards the three Kings who looked just as shocked as the rest of the crowd. Something told her it wasn't them. Her eyes flashed to the blonde who was standing next to King Raphael with a smirk on her red lips.
Deva used her inhuman speed to race toward the blonde and wrap her arms around her fake neck before anyone could stop her.
The blonde yelped in surprise and tried to loosen Deva's hold but Deva's anger was giving her unexplainable strength.
King Raphael was outraged by Deva's behavior but Adamarius had already forced his hands back in an iron grip.
The King struggled. "What is the meaning of this?"
"Why don't we ask your wife?" Deva questioned.
The blonde's face grew paler than usual.
"Was it you who tried to have me killed?"
The whole room went quiet with anticipation. The blonde fought to keep her secrets inside but Deva's ability to seek out truth was too strong.
"Yes. I did it," Queen Sheena spilled.
Gasps were heard throughout the room and Deva saw Darius from the corner of her eye move closer to them. King Raphael stopped struggling and Adamarius let him go. The King was in complete shock and somewhat outraged.
"What? Why would you do such a thing?" He asked his wife but the blonde just kept her eyes locked onto Deva, not making any attempt at responding to his question.
Deva's grip tightened around the Queen's neck digging her nails into her skin.
"Why," Deva whispered.
The Queen quickly swept her eyes towards Darius and Deva felt her heart drop.
"Answer me!" She shouted this time.
"Because you do not deserve him," the blonde finally admitted shamelessly. "He was mine way before you. I loved him..." She spoke off looking deep into Deva's eyes. "I was going to find a way to be with him again but his feelings had changed. It makes me sick to see him look at you in such a way."
Deva turned to face the source of the whole problem. Darius stared back at her with a guilty expression plastered on his face. She contained the anger she felt for him and focused on the Queen.
Deva leaned in to whisper into the blonde's ear.
"You have gone against your King and husband. You tried to kill another royal and were caught red handed."
Deva placed both her hands around the Queen's neck. "There is no room for your kind in this world."
With that Deva jerked the Queen's neck to the side with so much force that her head came right off her shoulders, instantly killing the her.
King Raphael made no attempt to stop Deva or go to his wife's aid.
Deva covered her despair with a masked smile. "If you all will excuse me, I feel rather exhausted. I hope you enjoy the rest of your night."
She rapidly made her way down the corridor to her room. Adamarius didn't follow her like she thought he would but instead noticed Darius on her tail calling her name.
She opened the door and didn't even bother to close it knowing he would come in regardless.
"Deva I'm sorry. I can explain." He felt guilty for what happened.
"Darius just stop I don't want to hear it."
But of course he continued. "Deva I had no idea-"
She cut him off turning around to face him with no emotion in her eyes. "I knew you had a past Darius. Of course you have a past; you're over 500 years old." She took a deep breath to calm herself. "I'm just wondering how all your past mistakes keep coming back to bite me in the ass."
Darius stopped his approach and frowned because he knew she was speaking the truth. "I'm sorry. I never thought that something like this would happen." He exhaled and surrendered his hands in the air. "What can I do or say to make this situation better?"
He knew he was hurting her and he didn't know how to make it stop.
"Nothing. Don't do anything. Just stay away from me." Her cold stare made chills run down his spine.
She turned her back to him. "Go Darius. Leave me alone."
He swallowed his regret and abided by her wishes, closing her door behind him.
Deva closed her eyes and made her way to the window overlooking the balcony of the ballroom. Adamarius was standing with his silhouette high and firm as he stared off into the garden. He looked like he was deep in thought when a woman approached him.
She tried to wrap her arms around him but he forcefully pushed her away. As if knowing Deva was watching, he looked up into her window.
"I wouldn't try anything if I was you. I belong to Princess Deva." He whispered to the girl.
The girl immediately vanished out of sight and Deva had to smirk. Adamarius' eyes were still locked on her when he moved forward using his incredible strengths to climb the walls and make his way to her window. With no effort at all he was through the window and in front of Deva.
"Soon I'll have to get you a dog tag so people know you belong to me, mutt." She tried to make light of the moment.
His smirk sent butterflies to her stomach.
"And I'll get you one so no one can ever again mistaken you as being my brothers'."
She smiled but it didn't reach its full potential. He sensed her distraught mood and pulled her into an embrace.
"I could have lost you."
She tightened her hold on him and took in his deep woodsy smell. "That's what I get for talking about suicides."
"Deva I'm so sorry."
She shook her head incredibly confused.
"Why are you sorry? You saved my life...again." She cupped his face with both her hands and leaned in. "I'm eternally grateful and completely in your debt, Marius."
He closed the distance between their lips. She welcomed his warm kiss with willing arms. She wanted it and needed it because it indescribably was pulling her back to life. His lips moved slow and tenderly across hers so she took the annotative and bit down on his lower lip.
She traced his dimples with her fingers when his smile appeared. He happily opened his mouth to her but as soon as he did, he took control. She let him devour her mouth as well as her mind. There was nothing else she wanted to think about at the moment. Adamarius was very good at distracting her and keeping her mind occupied on one thing, him.
His hands wondered feverishly down the back of her dress to the slit on the side where he traced his fingers down her leg to her calf. The passion and heat of the kiss was so consuming that Deva didn't even notice him lifting her legs around his torso.
"Marius," her shallow breathing caressed his ears.
He trailed kisses up and down her neck, nibbling at the sensitive spot he found below her ear. She moaned and curled her fingers through his hair.
Adamarius felt sparks of intense pleasure at the reaction he was getting from her. He started walking in the direction of the bed and softly laid her down with him on top, careful to not break the skin contact.
"Deva," his husky voice moaned when he felt her hand snake under his shirt and then trace his abdomen seductively.
Just then at the mention of her name Deva broke the kiss and pulled away.
"Marius we..."
"I know," he said pushing himself up. "I'm sorry I shouldn't have gone this far."
Deva laughed while he held her close. They turned so he was lying on the bed with her on top, her head resting on his chest.
"It's not like I was yelling rape."
He chuckled. "You're right. You're the one to blame then."
She licked her lips. "Oh heck no, it's your fault. You can't just flaunt your hot body around and not expect to get a response out of me."
"Same goes for you then," he replied rubbing his fingers gently on her back.
Deva basked in the warmth of his arms. "Was King Raphael angry with what I did?"
"No Deva. You were incredible and everyone at the ball has a very high respect for you now. King Raphael would have killed her himself if you hadn't."
"Really?" She wasn't too sure about that.
"Yes. Queen Sheena was not loyal to her King and husband. She tried to kill you, a royal. She had it coming."
She snuggled closer to his chest. "Thank you."
"For what exactly?"
She got up on her elbow to better see his face. "You keep saving me over and over again."
His hand cupped her face. "Deva I would never let anything happen to you. You mean so much to me."
She watched as his green eyes went to a golden brown and she traced his jaw.
"I never thought that you could sneak your way into my heart like you did. Marius you picked me up when I needed you. Thank you."
She leaned forward and softly kissed him.
"Deva..." He paused. His lapse of words was replaced with nerves. "I love you."
She really didn't see that one coming. Wasn't it too soon for those kinds of feelings? Maybe it was different for her since she, not so long ago, professed her love for Darius.
"Deva I love you. I have never said those words to anyone before. You are the most amazing person I know. You are kind, gentle, and I can't get you out of my mind...literally."
She stared blanking into his loving gaze but all she could function to do was blink. No words would form into her mouth.
"Deva you don't have to say it back just yet. I just wanted you to know."
Her conscience wouldn't let her believe it. "You can't love me."
Adamarius forced her chin up. "Deva use your abilities if you don't believe me because it is the truth."
She didn't have to use her skills to know he was telling the truth. That was the scary part. There was no evident of doubt in his voice.
"Not long ago we were ready to eat each other alive and now..." She shook her head baffled. This was all moving so fast. "Now you're confessing your love. You tried to kill me the first time we really met."
"Deva," he tried to sooth. "The reason I was so mean and nasty to you in the beginning was because I wanted to get you angry. I wanted you to reach a rage like no other because I thought it would somehow awaken your lycan."
His deep green pools bore into hers with so much compassion.
"I would have never killed you. It was the only way I could think of that might wake up your lycan without having to bite you but it didn't work."
"So that is why you hated me so much?"
Adamarius' weak sad smile made up for the days of torture he had put her through.
"I never hated you and I'm sorry I treated you so badly. You have no idea how hard it was for me to pretend to hate you. Then I bit you because nothing else would work and I couldn't let you die."
She brushed her lips against his and made up her mind. "Marius I really, really care about you."
His defensive walls collapsed at the mention of her affection for him.
"You are like no one I have ever met. You can be incredibly obnoxious and somewhat implosive but when I see the kindness and love you show me I can't help the way I feel."
She wrapped her leg around him tighter. "I love the way you treat me. I love the way you protect me." She kissed him openly and for the first time wholeheartedly. "I love the way you make me feel, Adamarius."
"I promise to never let that feeling leave you."
Check out my book "Divine Purpose". I promise its just as captivating as Royal Pain.
Actually read all my books including "Hating you Sweetly"
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