Chapter 9
Running in the dark and stumbling over dead branches was giving her deep fears of what was to come. Deva pushed back the damp leaves and forced herself forward into the unknown woods. She wasn't sure how long she had been running but it was getting harder and harder to breathe with each new intake.
Chills ran down her whole body when she heard the heavy footsteps heading full force towards her. Fear crept inside her every pore as sweat beads fell down her body.
She wanted to look back, but was afraid of what she would see. A loud hiss echoed throughout the dark eerie woods and somehow her legs locked, and she couldn't make herself move anymore. The footsteps behind her had also ceased but only to slowly circle around her.
The time felt endless before she raised her gaze to the stalker following her. His face was all too familiar since she had seen it on three different brothers. His eyes were jet black and clouded, but what struck her were the black veins seeping down the opening of his eyes. His face was solemn and hard as he took in her appearance. The way he was eyeing her body made her skin crawl because it wasn't a stare she was used to. The way he was taking her in was a look of hunger, a look a tiger would give his next meal.
She took a step back subconsciously, and his long lean legs moved forward the exact same time as if he knew she was going to move before she even did it. Her breath caught in her throat when he snared her way, baring his razor sharp teeth.
This was no longer the man she was accustomed to. He was not the man she would sit around with and talk aimlessly about their interests. No. This was no man at all. He was a monstrous creature who had her under a trance as he moved closer and closer.
"Please," she whispered but the wicked smirk that played on his face was only taunting her further.
Before she could make a run for it, he snuck up and pulled her to his ice cold body. He engulfed her tightly so she couldn't move or think about escaping.
She wanted to fight, but as soon as she felt his sharp teeth pierce her delicate flesh she was paralyzed. His large hands grasped her soft fragile neck, pulling her closer so he could have better access. The pain was excruciatingly flowing down her throbbing neck and down her body. When she thought she couldn't take anymore, she jolted awake.
Deva grasped the sheets of the bed in fists as sweat dripped down every inch of her face. Like a reflex, her hand flew to her neck on the right side where she thought she would find some kind of evidence. Nothing was left on her neck, not even a scratch.
"It was just a dream," she whispered exhausted from the fear.
"What was?" Lacey asked from across the room.
The sound of Lacey's voice made Deva jump a little, but she quickly covered it up. "Nothing."
Lacey shrugged her shoulders and went to the bathroom. At the sound of the door being shut, Deva got up and went to the breakfast table. Maybe a cup of coffee will help the jitters go away.
The sip of strong bitter black coffee certainly helped Deva's sleepy eyes stay open. The loud bang of the door opening drew Deva's attention to Julia's concerned face.
"Morning Juls."
"Deva," she rushed over to the table and took a seat across from her best friend. "Where were you yesterday?"
"Oh, yeah. I was with Izzy, the princes' little sister. She's really cool. I had a lot of fun."
Julia made an 'O' with her mouth and leaned back with a sheepish expression. "Getting good with the sister?"
Deva shook off the speculation. "It's not like that. I'm going home." She didn't want Julia to think she was falling in love or anything.
"What did you think about the parents?" Julia asked curiously.
"The mom was decent and the dad seriously knows how to make a kingly impression."
"The Queen seemed a bit too nice, don't you think?" Julia patted the subject while Deva decided to change. "Wear something casual. The princes want us to meet them outside." Julia shouted as Deva entered the closet.
"It's probably because she used to be one of us. Did you know she's from our world?"
"NO!" Julia was shocked.
Ten minutes later Deva was ready to go. The three girls took their time descending the stair and walking out into the fairly warm outside atmosphere. The clouds were covering the sun but all the same it wasn't too cold. Walking forward, Deva spotted like a hawk from the corner of her eye Darius engrossed in a deep conversation with a brunette. Deva tried not to let it bother her, but to see him flirting with another girl after they shared a wonderful night not too long ago really struck a nerve for her.
He had told her one of his secrets, and she thought that meant something. She thought that he trusted her, and for some reason, she thought that also meant he wanted her.
How could she be so stupid? This was a competition; of course he was seeing other girls. She wanted to throw something or punch the living daylight out of something for all the mixed feelings that were going on in her head.
The dream she had was a glimpse of what the brothers were, something she let herself forget. How could she possibly forget they weren't ordinary men; they were vampires. Vampires! It was so easy to forget because of how comfortable they were trying to make her feel with their sweet talk and openness to truth. How could she forget that deep down they were nothing but bloodsucking leeches?
She had let herself fall vulnerable in their presence, and she knew it had to stop. She didn't want to feel comfortable or anything else around them besides sickened. They were monsters, and she was going to have to prove it to herself once and for all.
Marcus cleared his throat, and the girls crowded around him.
"Hello ladies," the three brothers spoke in unison.
"Hello smexies," Stacy spoke back.
Deva rolled her eyes and stayed close to the back, crossing her arms over her chest.
This was going to be so pointless I already know it, she thought to herself.
"Today, we thought we'd have a bit of fun," Darius smooth voice was conniving.
"It doesn't have to be just today. You can have fun with me any night," Red winked in Darius' direction.
Deva noticed then that it was really Darius who was getting all the attention from the ladies. Yes they were all over all the brothers, but it was Darius who was making a lasting impression on all of them.
"We are going to play a little game called predator vs. prey. It's basically hide and seek, but this time you will be playing with vampires." Lucian flashed the girls his Colgate smile.
"Will you be my prey Marcus?" One of the blondes shouted.
What was with all the comments, Deva wondered. They were never this outspoken before. They must be getting really cozy with the brothers.
"Will you all just shut up so we can get this over with?" Deva yelled bluntly. She was tired and more irritated with herself. A part of her was a little jealous which made her even angrier. How could she let herself develop feeling for those deceiving princes?
"To help us out, we've invited two of our friends." From within the woods came out two beautiful tall men. Lucian pointed to the blond one, "This is Mike." He turned to the black haired man with pale blue eyes, "And John."
"Now the object of the game is to be the last one standing. Basically, don't get caught. The girl last to be found will win." Darius explained.
"Win what?" Julia piped up.
Marcus dazzled her with his signature devilish smile. "A kiss from whichever brother you want since none of us had done so to any of you. The winner will be the lucky lady to have the first kiss from a vampire prince."
Deva frowned. That was not a real reward. "Gag," she spoke loudly. "Can I disqualify myself?"
All three of the brothers' heads shot towards her with hard looks on their faces. She noticed Mike and John snickering at her repulse.
"No," Lucian lashed out.
"Before we start, we will be placing bets on who we think will win this little challenge." Darius said turning towards Marcus.
"Definitely Deva," Marcus smirked catching her gaze. They turned to Mike, and he pointed to the brunette who was flirting with Darius earlier.
"I think Julia will win," Lucian stated.
Deva turned to Julia and whispered, "Notice how they don't choose any blondes?"
Their musical laughter together echoed through the trees.
It was Darius' turn to predict his winner. "I believe Amber will win."
Marcus took a step towards his brother and said, "Out of curiosity, why?"
Deva drew her head down from the clouds and gave Darius a deep and cynical expression revealing her hard and cold feelings.
Darius turned his deep piercing gaze to Deva, and they locked eyes. "I would have chosen Deva, but her impulsive and untamed nature, I believe will lead to her slip up. Amber looks like the type to surprise you when you least expect it."
Deva didn't let his words get to her because if he wanted a surprise, she was sure as hell was going to give him one.
"You ladies will have a five minute head start. You're really going to need it." Lucian licked his lips.
"On your marks...get set...Go!" Mike shouted abruptly, and the girls wasted no time.
They all at once scattered towards the deep dark consuming woods.
They really must want that kiss, she thought. Deva didn't move an inch. Julia waited as well until Deva gave her a nod to confirm everything was alright. Julia dashed into the woods and Deva was left alone with the boys.
The boys stayed frozen, watching Deva's motionless figure watching them. She smiled a sick twisted cynical smile as she slowly strutted her way towards Lucian. She made sure not to look at Darius. She knew if she did her emotions would get the best of her and she might punch him in the face.
This was her chance to get what she wanted from them.
All eyes were on her as she leaned up on her tippy toes to whisper into his ear. "Come and find me Loosh." She purposely grazed her lips down his neck causing him to slightly shiver.
She pulled away and brushed her shoulder against his as she passed through them. Again, her pace was calm and not rushed as she went for the forest of trees.
"I'm going to run, run, run as fast as I can but these vampires can't catch me I'm too slick for their hands, "she sang along and heard soft chuckles coming from behind.
Deva stomped onto dead branches and crushed numerous leaves making her way as far as possible from the spot she knew the brothers were at. The woods were strangely damp with moisture, and it made it harder to walk through. The leaves were turning yellow and orange; it reminded her of the fall days back home. How did she end up in all this mess?
What scared her most was how she had forgotten about the little things. She had to prove to herself that they were not what they seemed. No matter how much the princes liked to pretend to be normal, they weren't. Then, images of her dream flashed in her mind. Vampire teeth sinking into her neck made ice chills swarm down her entire body. She had to see it for herself; she had to see the demons they had the potential to be.
A small creek had entered into her vision, and the sound of water was clear. Gray rocks of every size were surrounding the area of water flowing. She spotted a long jagged sharp rock and picked it up. It was very sharp, and she knew it would do the deed just fine.
Without giving it much thought because she didn't want to freak herself out and back down, Deva took the sharp end and ran it deep down her wrist. It stung like hell, but she knew she had to draw blood. There was no other way. Warm wet thick blood began to ooze down her arm and like on cue Lucian appeared from behind the bushes across from her.
His face was hard as ice, but was softly laced with concern. "Deva, what happened to your wrist?"
She quickly tucked the sharp rock into her sleeve. "Would you believe me if I said it was an accident?" She wasn't trying to sound convincing.
"Deva what happened? What are you doing?" He didn't move to help her and by the pained expression on his face she understood why. He was having a difficult time controlling himself.
"Are you thirsty, Loosh?" Her sickly sweet voice was beginning to scare him. He had never seen this side of her before.
"Deva, what did you do to yourself?" He shut his eyes hoping it would also block out the scent.
"I needed to see it for myself, to be reminded of what you really are." She moved closer and hearing her footsteps Lucian moved back. Her scent was now seeping into his bloodstream, and it was calling him to her. He wanted her, but he didn't want her like that. He didn't want to scare her.
She started to laugh a cynical melody at the deep agonizing restrains he was going through.
"Come on vampire. Show me who you really are. I want to see it. I want to know." As she spoke she went closer to him, and he wanted to pull back, but his feet were cemented to the ground.
She watched as small black veins crawled their way under his precious eyes. It had to be Lucian, she kept repeating to herself. She felt the closest with him; so he had to be the one to show her his true and evil nature.
"You want it don't you," she whispered inches from him.
His nostrils flared. "Why are you doing this, Deva? I don't want to hurt you." Typically he was a vampire with a lot of control. Living for over 500 years did that, but for some reason her blood had the sweetest and most intoxicating scent he had ever come across. He couldn't fight off his inner demon much longer if she kept it up.
"But you will because it is in your nature. You are a monster Loosh." She wanted to see him for what he really was, what he was suppressing from her. "Loosh open your eyes."
He opened his eyes and she was taken aback by his extremely dark midnight black orbs. His pained look was sad to see, but she had to force her pity away. "Deva please. Just walk away. Please." He whispered in torment.
"I can't Loosh. Not yet." She inched closer, but as soon as she did a loud menacing growl came from the trees. It was happening so fast that Deva didn't even notice being pushed to the side by Lucian until she stumbled back a few feet.
Lucian had tackled Mike to the ground. Mike's eyes were completely clouded over with black and he was baring his canine teeth in her direction. She saw the hunger clear in his expression, and fear struck her hard. She didn't move because she couldn't.
Lucian held Mike down while Mike chomped his teeth with so much force she thought his teeth would crack. Without warning, Deva was whisked off her feet and she knew it could only be one of three people.
"What have you done sweetheart?" His rigid voice sounded foreign.
She tried to get out of his grip, but it was like having iron steel holding you down. Her back was pressed to his front while he ran his fingers down her arm to the base of her wrist where the blood was still seeping out of its wound.
Darius pulled her hand up to his face and she felt his tongue graze over the blood stains of her torn skin. It sent tiny tingles of immense pleasure through her, and she hated herself for indulging in the feeling. She wanted to hate him, and she did, but having him this close and using his tongue to heal her was not helping her situation.
She watched as the cut on her wrist vanished before her eyes. It didn't feel right being in his arms, so she struggled to get free again. "Let me go, Darius."
"Be still. Don't move," he warned in a harsh but pleading way.
She stopped her struggling and twisted in his arms to face his front. His eyes were closed, and she watched as he battled the fight inside his mind. The dark veins had appeared on his face, and she knew he was trying to gain control. Curiously, her hand went to the dark string like veins that had fallen on his flawless pale skin. Her fingertips tickled the small flesh he was fighting to go away.
A few moments later, she dropped her hand and the black veins slowly faded. Eventually, he opened his eyes to reveal his familiar dark blue-grey shade.
"Better?" She asked.
Darius only nodded.
Deva leaned closer, and her hand ran up his arm but stopped at his bicep. "Good," she whispered before plunging the sharp rock into his bulging muscles. He groaned in agony from the surprising attack.
His grip on her instantly loosened and she turned. Strutting away from him, she noticed Red and another girl looking at her, horrified.
"Are you insane?" Red shouted.
"Maybe, but I promise I don't suffer from insanity. I enjoy every minute of it." She replied with a fake smile.
"Deva," she heard her name from who she assumed was Darius.
She stopped out of common courtesy. "Oh don't be such a baby, Darius. You know your arm will heal in like 2 seconds."
He laughed, but it was a laugh that was mocking her. "You're mad because you know what I said was true. You are impulsive Deva, and head strong."
She turned to face him and noticed his leisure pose. He looked completely fine, and no one would have guessed she stabbed him just a minute ago.
"I never denied it. And you were right Darius. I did slip. At least my hand did, it slipped that blade right through your skin."
His jaw clenched, and she knew she hit a nerve. She wanted to hurt him. She wanted to hate him. He was deceiving her into believing a fantasy life. She was starting to hurt and like he said she wanted to drag him down to her level.
She jogged through the thick forest of trees. She pushed her way through even though she didn't know what direction she was supposed to be going. Somehow she made it to the clearing.
Deva slowed her pace when the view of the castle came to sight. Her head was spinning from all the adrenaline pulsating through her body.
"Deva wait," her arm was forcefully yanked back and she was spun to face Lucian.
His dark features suppressed his anger to a minimum. "What were you thinking?" He hissed in his animal like tone.
She didn't flinch. "I needed to see it for myself. The monster you really are."
He blinked a few times, taking in what she just said. "That's not who I always am."
"No. That is a part of you that you cage in, and it tries to claw its way out." She spat back.
"Deva that is not the person I am. I never wanted to hurt you." He softened.
She yanked her hand back, and he let her. "But that's the thing now isn't it. You can't always help those urges now can you." She tiptoed closer. "You wanted my blood because it is in your nature. How long can you keep your demons caged up, Loosh?"
His jaw tightened. "Yes, yes. It is in my nature."
She felt like he was trying to make her vulnerable. Ever since she arrived, all he wanted was for her to open up and give in to this new world. How could she let herself do that?
She shook her head and continued to walk, but again was stopped by his iron grip. "You know I am a vampire. You knew what your blood would do to me. What were you trying to prove?"
"That you aren't what you seem. You aren't this normal prince who tells stories and opens up in the heat of the moment. You are not normal; so stop trying to convince me otherwise. You guys try so hard to hide what you truly are from us, but I'm tired of being tricked. I don't want the candy coated version of what you are. I want the raw deadly monster that has to live off of human blood." Her words were so penetrating they could cut through glass.
"Why," he tightened his grip on her arm, and she thought for sure it would bruise later.
"Because I was being sucked in. I don't want to feel this way. I don't want to be comfortable when I am around you. It's not right. This whole place is wrong. I don't belong here, and I've lost sight of that." She dropped her gaze. "I needed to see what you truly were so I could be reminded that we don't belong. You are a creature of the night that feds on people like me. You can lose control of your urges anytime. I needed to see the beast."
"So I could scare you," he continued. "So I could disgust you from ever feeling anything for me. You got too comfortable around me and needed something to push you away from me."
She nodded and felt a pit in her stomach at the slight sadness in his voice. She didn't want to pity him, but she was.
"We're not all bad, Deva. You just have to give us a chance." He pleaded.
"I can't."
"Or you won't? Deva we're not all bad. We still have our humanity."
She pulled her hand to her body and stared at him for a moment. "I'm sorry Loosh," with that she turned and headed towards her room. She wanted solitude.
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