Chapter 61
Deva woke with a dry sickening rawness in her upper throat that burned with each movement she took. Her eyelids felt like steel plates holding her vision captive. She clinched her teeth to keep the pain of her aching muscles at bay as she forced herself up.
The weight of the shackles were no longer on her wrists and ankles and the door was wide open. She expected Adamarius to be near but he wasn't in the room.
Fighting through the struggle Deva rose to her feet noticing she wasn't wear pants anymore, only her ripped up shirt.
Deva leaned on the walls for support as she made her way up the stairs. There was no way Adamarius would abandon her.
She needed to find him.
The house was large and moderately empty. It was staged. There was nothing personal hanging on the walls, no photos, no specific decor.
She heard movement in one of the bedrooms and frowned when she did not see him. The windows were open letting in the brightness of the sun and a breeze of crisp air.
The bathroom.
Deva wasn't prepared to see his bruised and scarred face. There were rough marks running from his forehead to chin. Impulse made her want to touch his wounds but Adamarius turned away. He was shirtless and she saw more claw marks spiraled down his back.
“Did I do this to you?” She was ashamed.
“Why aren’t you healing?”
He put on a brave face. "During the curse it's harder for us to heal. I believe we’re meant to feel the pain as we slowly creep to our deaths. It's easier to kill a lycan under the Relic Moon."
"What happened?" Her throbbing headache was blocking her mental capability to recall anything from the night before.
"You blacked out. Sometimes the pain is too much. You might consider it a blessing." The sound of his voice scared her.
Deva straightened her back against the cold tile wall. She couldn't believe she lost that much control. Now she was extremely grateful she was nowhere near her husband and child. She didn't want to imagine what she would have woken up to if she had.
The dark circles under his eyes made her feel guilty.
"How'd you sleep?"
He grinned with a slight wince. "Like a baby. Can't you tell?"
She tried giggling. “It hurts too much to laugh.”
Deva took a small towel off the rack and soaked it in water before placing it on Adamarius' bloody face.
“Marius your face is butchered.”
“Yes I know.” He placed his hands over hers in order to stop her shaking yet somewhat helpful hands.
“I’ll heal in a few hours.”
She gently dabbed at his torn skin. The grinding of his teeth kept him from screaming bloody murder.
“You look like hell.” She hated being the source of his pain.
A chunk of skin from his jaw was hanging off.
"Then you should look in a mirror."
She couldn’t even attempt to laugh at his misery. “Do you have a needle and thread? I think you’d heal faster if your skin was actually attached to your face.”
“You have a point.” Adamarius began digging into some drawers.
“It looks like I wanted to eat you.” His pants were viciously carved, ripped to shreds and stained with splotches of blood.
“You probably did. Your outfit didn’t seem to survive either.” He pointed to her loose shirt.
It was barely hanging on her shoulders by a few threads. He handed her the needle he was going to use minutes before she walked in.
She leaned into him as his arms wrapped around her. Deva kissed his mutilated jaw hoping to dull the pain.
"I'm sorry."
Adamarius remained quiet as she worked. He flinched once or twice as the needle pierced his skin over and over. Deva’s hand was steady and accurate which surprised him.
"You should shower." His fingers began playing with the hem of her shirt.
It just barely covered her butt. Deva took a step back and that simple movement of not having her in his arms saddened him.
She lifted the shirt up and over her shoulders, throwing it on the floor. Adamarius' eyes darkened. He enjoyed her sweet torture but knew it came with caution. Everything was still new to them; her, Darius, and himself. He didn't want to push her boundaries especially when he didn't knew her concept of marriage.
"You need a shower too." She stated.
Her body never looked more beautiful. Her skin was pale but with a tint of bronze that shimmered from the sweat.
Deva came forward to help undo his zipper. Adamarius couldn't take his eyes off her, the smell of her wild hair bringing forth an old dream and a new hope.
She turned and walked towards the large shower.
The view of her naked flesh made his stomach sink to the ground. He wanted her... for so long. He stepped into the shower, the steam from the hot water made a mist around them.
Deva took a bar of soap and started washing herself, scrubbing the dry blood off her hands. They watched each other carefully and longingly as they lathered their own bodies. Deva knew it wasn't the time for it but the temptation was standing in front of her.
She wouldn't allow herself to lower her gaze any further than his waist. She finished quickly and wrapped herself in a towel before scavenging for something to wear.
"Izzy packed you a bag a few days ago with some clothes. I brought it over when I was helping Max."
Adamarius went to the other side of the bed to retrieve the duffle bag for her. They both changed in silence when the phone rang. There was a phone tucked in the side of the pocket.
She answered and an imagine of Alcide appeared on the screen.
"Hi Momma. Where are you?" His angelic voice gave her the sweetest warmth.
"Hi baby. I'm on a little trip with Uncle Marius. I'll be home soon."
"That's what daddy said." His eyes shifted to the left giving his father a look.
"What are you doing today? Are you being nice to Joshua?" She knew he was.
"Yes momma. We're gonna play laser tag with uncle Marcus and aunt Elle today."
"That's wonderful. Go easy on them. Don't make uncle Marcus cry again."
He giggled. "Ok momma. I love you."
"I love you too baby."
Adamarius left the room to give her privacy as Darius took the phone.
"How are you sweetheart?"
She smiled, thankful no real harm was done last night. "I'm good. Honestly I can't remember much of last night. Marius said I blacked out."
Darius nodded. "Yes. I saw. Maybe it's a good thing you don't remember. You put up a good fight with Adam. Is he alright?"
A twinge of guilt made her swallow her uneasiness. "Yes. I nearly ripped his jaw off but I sewed it back together."
"He'll be fine Deva. He's stronger than he looks." Darius grinned, knowing his wife was beating herself up about it. "I love you. I know you're in good hands. Come back to us soon."
"I love you too."
The conversation ended shortly after. Darius was overseeing the reports on all vampires and lycans after the relic moon.
Deva immediately began to smell food as she approached the kitchen. Adamarius was standing by the stove with a spatula in his hand. The crackling of bacon hung in the air. Deva's grin widened as she admired his impressive skills on flipping pancakes in the air.
"Hungry?" He spoke without looking in her direction.
"Famished." She took a seat on the barstool facing him.
Would this have been their life if he had saved her from her past? If she wasn't so stricken with guilt from Nick's accident. Adamarius would have whisked her away. Their lives could have been simple without royalty and duty holding them accountable.
Deva washed the dishes and it was his turn to observe. She felt his heated stare and she shook her head. Why was she suddenly nervous?
She calmly walked about the counter when she finished and sat on his lap. Her fingertips gently grazed over her stitch work. He was indeed healing and it made her happy and relieved.
She kissed his wound. "I'm sorry." And continued to show her sincerity, dragging her lips down to his throat. "Forgive me."
His hands gripped her hips and squeezed. "Let me think about it," he teased.
"Was I that bad?" Her hands crawled under his shirt where she roamed his abdomen.
"You tried biting my head off."
She found a sweet, sensitive spot just above his collarbone and started to suck. She wanted to leave a hickey for no particular reason. One of Adamarius' hands found its way into her hair and massaged her scalp as she continued to blissfully torture him with her lips and tongue.
"Forgive me." She breathed.
He dug his fingers between her hair and pulled her face up, smashing their lips together once and for all. Their thirst for lustful passion exploded into a feverish exploration.
Both sides playing, fighting for dominance.
Adamarius grabbed her by the ass and lifted her onto the table. She wrapped her legs around him, wanting to feel every inch of him on top of her.
"If we go any further I won't be able to stop." He lowered his lips to her neck, kissing his mark. "I want you so bad. I hunger for you. I crave you."
"The feeling is mutual," she moaned.
He smiled and carried her to the back patio. "I think we need some air."
Deva nibbled on his ear as he laid her down on a flat bed piled with blue pillows. The sun beamed so much warmth down on them. Adamarius innocently placed his head on her stomach and she instinctively began combing through his hair with her fingers. The tranquil feeling made their entire situation disappear.
"What was your childhood like?" Deva felt like she didn't know enough about his past.
"My father left me with my uncle so he could go on his own selfish pursuits. Which was definitely a blessing. My uncle is a good man. He taught me about life, creation, appreciation, love."
Adamarius lifted his head slightly to pull up Deva's shirt and kiss her stomach.
"Have you ever been in love... before me?"
"No," he spoke with complete certainty. "Its only been you Deva."
"Then your uncle met Jaylyn's mom?"
Adamarius continued the story. "Yes. I was still very young then. Jaylyn was a lot older than me. She always had the desire to travel but stayed with us because she felt she had so much to learn from her mother. So we grew up together."
It would explain the protectiveness she felt towards him.
"When was the last time you saw your father?"
"He would frequently visit me when I was a child but the older I got the less I saw or heard from him. Last time was 67 years ago."
She wondered what kind of man he was to his son. She knew of him through stories but what was Agron like to the people he personally knew.
"Why did he leave you?" She didn't intend on inflicting any pain of the past but the question was asked before she could stop herself.
Adamarius hugged her tighter and exhaled. "There's an old legend, a forgotten legend. One I doubt the kingdom's library ever recorded. In the beginning of the creation of creatures there was power unlike any before. This ancient magic was possessed by few and coveted by all. It was eventually passed down to Royals. That's why they aren't allowed to turn anyone except for spouses. Our blood can give powers. These magical beings had the ability to take power, energy kind of like what you can do."
He rose onto his elbows and stared down at her beautiful awestruck face. He knew she would love the tale and be intrigued by the mystery.
"What happened?"
"That much power can destroy more than just your soul. They were stripped; a percentage of that power was taken from them and hidden away. My father believed in it so much he spent his entire life looking for it."
"Do you believe it?"
Adamarius nodded. "Yes and I pray no one finds it especially my father."
"What kind of man is he?"
Adamarius couldn't imagine a world without her. As he dove deep into her eyes he knew he would give her his soul and anything else she asked for.
"I don't think he was always bad. As Alpha you grow a connection with your people but somewhere down his path there manifested a thirst for vengeance and power. He hated Asher for the cruelty he bestowed on the lycans. He took his revenge by stealing Asher's wife Emma. Many will claim he was a righteous Alpha fighting for their freedom but my father had a darker side to him."
Deva touched his face. "Did he ever abuse you?"
Adamarius shook his head. "Not physically. You know I'm not even sure my mother was his soulmate. They were together for 2 years, I was conceived and then taken by my father. I never saw them together but..."
He grew quiet and suddenly got lost in her eyes. Deva felt every thought, felt every emotion.
"If he felt even an ounce of what I feel for you he couldn't bear giving her up. You know what it did to me being away from you. It killed me. Deva," he cried. "It killed me."
Deva pushed herself up to feel his lips on hers. The time and distance away was a regret she would have to live with and spend the rest of their lives together making up for.
"I'm sorry." She settled herself on his lap. "Do you want kids?"
He breathed in her scent, everything about her called to his senses. "I want what you want."
She hugged him, wrapping her entire body around him till there was no space between them. "I missed you."
The feeling of fulfillment was overwhelming. To finally have his other half, his meaning for existence, in his arms again made his soul feel at rest.
"I missed you."
Their afternoon was occupied with phone calls and meetings. The first night of the relic moon was a success. No one got hurt and no one escaped.
Deva decided to make them an early dinner since he made breakfast. She made a killer Alfredo sauce, poured over pasta, and complimented with a juicy bloody steak.
Adamarius walked into the kitchen just as she picked out a red wine to go with everything.
"How's red sound to you?" She asked.
To make the night a tad more meaningful Deva put on the only dress Izzy packed for her. It was a burgundy form fitting cotton dress with no sleeves.
His green eyes trailed her curves smiling wider as he reached her face. "Wonderful. You look stunning."
She wouldn't admit it but having his approval and admiration gave her the strongest goosebumps.
"I hope you're hungry." She made plenty to eat.
"In more ways than one." He went over to the table she had set up and pulled out the chair for her.
They ate in a comfortable silence, glancing up at each other every so often. He enjoyed the sight of her just as much as she enjoyed looking at his handsome face. His new scruffy look added to his sex appeal.
Deva walked over to stand in front of him. Adamarius scooted his chair back so she could have room. She started examining his face and smiled with relief that he no longer looked stitched together.
"How are you feeling?"
He took her hand and brought it to his lips. "I'm fine my love. How are you?"
Deva couldn't put into words how she felt but one thing was for certain. She felt safe and like everything would be alright in the end.
"Why did you have to torture me with this dress?" He laughed pulling her body closer to him.
"Sorry. Should I take it off?" She smiled playfully.
He wouldn't be able to control himself if she did. "Deva..."
She knew exactly what he felt and what he wanted to say. "I went to see you, right before I knew I was pregnant."
Shock was clearly written on his face.
She tangled her fingers between his loose curls. "You were in a remote part of Lebanon. Derick was keeping an eye on you for me so it was easy to find you."
"Yes. I was helping the people rebuild; a lot of homes were destroyed."
"Yes. I saw you getting your hands dirty." The memory was so fresh in her mind. "I just want you to know I never stopped thinking about you. I always had this urge to check on you. Even though through our link I knew you were ok. I just wanted to see you."
He understood completely. "How long did you stay?"
Deva knew she was diving in deep water by hiking up her dress and crawling into his lap. His hands rested comfortably on her thighs, her skin soft beneath his touch.
"Long enough to see you," she took one of his hands and kissed it, "feed hungry children, give men the shirt off your back, comfort dying women."
Everything she was naming off was true. Adamarius was like a guardian angel to most of the people he came across in Lebanon. Witnessing it with her own eyes made her fall in love with him even more.
"You have the most beautiful soul." She confessed before kissing him.
She was swept away in the moment, but so was he. Adamarius was intoxicated by her sudden affection. He wanted to finally let himself drowned in it. Yet the edge of caution was there. The Relic moon was upon them and he knew she would have to be locked up again soon.
He lifted her into his arms and began making his way down to the bunker. As if memorizing every step because he couldn't stop kissing Deva. He savored every breath, every lick, every heartbeat.
She moaned the second he pulled away and quickly grabbed the collar of his shirt to pull him closer again. He submitted to her will and deepened their passionate fever by pressing her into the wall.
The heat radiating off both their bodies caused an array of sweat to beat off both of them. It was different than when she was with her husband. Darius was cold to the touch by nature because he was a full vampire. Adamarius was like a warm fire that could grow to a scorching blaze of destruction.
"I love you." The words escaped her lips as he trailed lustrous kisses down her neck.
He paused and looked up at her violet eyes. "I'll never doubt it." He promised.
The fact that he believed in her so much melted her insides. She wanted nothing more than to rip off his clothes but it was not the time.
"Is the moon making me this horny?" She laughed, pretending to wound his ego.
"I'd like to think it's just me doing that." He smirked kissing her once again. "It's almost time pet. Don’t worry. I won’t let you get anymore easy shots to my face.”
“I hated that nickname.” With it came flashbacks.
"Just as much as I loved you calling me mutt."
"You weren’t housetrained back then. You wanted to use my neck as a chew toy.”
His laughter filled the chamber. "Now the roles are reversed."
She jumped out of his arms and stood straight with her wrists out in the open. "I've been a naughty girl. I'm ready for my punishment." She was grinning ear to ear.
His eyes darkened a shade as he dropped his gaze to her body. She was still wearing the red dress. Her breasts pushed out from her vigorous breathing. He wanted to taste them, to thoroughly use his tongue to punish her for always teasing him and never being fully satisfied. He wanted more.
Adamarius locked the chains around her wrists then with one swift motion forced her hands above her head. She looked puzzled but excited when he pushed his body against hers again.
"You're not ready for what I have in store for you."
She moved upwards to capture a final kiss and bite his lip. "I think I can handle it."
He wanted to give into the moment but knew he couldn't. She would be turning ravenous soon. But just as he was about to back away he heard a faint clicking sound. The sheer panic in his eyes made her question everything but there was no time to ask.
In the split of a second an explosion erupted behind them. The wall blasted them forward. The chains holding Deva prisoner were melted and useless. Another explosion went off; this time blasting them both across the room. Adamarius tried holding her in such a way that he took most of the impact.
They were injured and bleeding. Deva could tolerate the pain but the blood lust was quickly escalating. She could smell Adamarius' rich blood, practically taste it on her tongue. She hated herself more for even thinking about it after the chaos and confusion.
"Deva are you alright?" His voice was like a sweet wine.
She took deep, brutal breaths to clear her thoughts and respond. "Yes."
They could both feel Darius hounding their thoughts for answers. The cameras were damaged in the eruption and he no longer had a visual of them.
'She's fine' Adamarius clarified in their mind link. 'Don't come. She's transitioning. Just trust me.'
Darius was tortured with the fear of unknowing, not seeing his wife. Deva could sense his fear so she pushed through the pain to comfort him; sending back vibrations of security. She would be alright. She was with Adamarius.
Tears trickled down her face involuntarily. "Marius I..." the words were caught in her throat.
Her head was ransacked and mutilated with horrible aches. The fresh scent of his blood became too much for her. Her mind was invaded with thoughts of draining him dry.
She turned to the new opening in the wall leading to her freedom, the outside.
Deva began running; her destination was unclear. A jolt of burning fire flared up her whole body. The excruciating pain was a reminder the sun was gone.
"Ahhhh," sirens were going off inside her head and she stopped. They were so loud and prestige, exploding every brain cell she had left. She could also feel the pulsing beast trying to surface.
“Deva!” Adamarius rushed to her aid.
She couldn't respond. The blur in her vision forced her to rely on her memory and other senses. The thick essence of woods filled her nostrils and the purple moon made its appearance into the darkness. The drum beats of her heart were threatening to bust out of her chest. The pain was overwhelming.
Every fiber in her body was morphing and convincing her to sink her teeth in him. The warm blood pulsing through his body was all she could register. The feeling was taking over and Deva froze in place.
The mouthwatering sensation of vampire blood was the ultimate sin to die for.
"Deva focus," Adamarius’ rough arms engulfed her.
She couldn't shake it off. It was burning like hell.
"I can't," she cried as her head split in two.
Adamarius held her hands and pressed her back against his chest more securely. "Embrace it Deva. Embrace what you are. Embrace the pain and it will all go away."
How could that be? The rumbling fire was like acid boiling through her organs. Blotches of her skin were turning into deep blue bruises. The thirst for blood was more intoxicating than life itself. Deva's body rocked with terrible trembles. Adamarius held her as still as he could, locking her with his arms. He wasn't sure how much longer he could keep it up.
"Deva breathe. Let it go. Embrace it. Don't fight it. Let it become a part of you."
Deva bit her tongue and tasted blood. That was all she wanted. The blood went down like silk. Adamarius yanked her face. He couldn't let her drink herself dry of blood.
"Deva, look at me." Her hunger was strong and blinding. "Think of Alcide, think of Darius. They need you. I need you."
Deva shut her thoughts and swallowed the truth. She couldn't be weak. She had to control her urges. Her claws dug into his back and she began to sob. All the pain, all the suffering was finally coming out.
The sun felt like a scorching blaze on her skin. Deva didn't want to move. The aches and pains of her muscles were excruciating still. She felt the grass beneath her and tried to remember the details of that night. It seemed like a blur. Adamarius bent down beside her to lift her into his arms and he began to carry her to the house.
He knew it could still be dangerous especially since they didn't know what or who caused the explosion. Someone was definitely out to get her.
But she needed clothing before they could return home. She curled in his arms and he knew exactly what kind of agony she was going through.
"As soon as you feed most of the pain will go away." He kissed her hair.
She trusted him.
The sun was fading into a hot pink, filling the sky with a rainbow effect of colors.
Lucian was waiting for them by the entrance of the house, his posture stiff and very alert. He dropped his gaze to the ground.
"We're all waiting for you at home." He declared.
"We'll be down soon." Adamarius promised.
Lucian nodded and headed in the direction of the explosion. He was hoping to find some clue or lead as to what happened.
They showered quickly and Deva noticed her aches slowly begin to dull. She was quiet the entire time. Her thoughts in a mess.
Once dressed they joined Lucian who teleported them home. Deva was horrified to hear the faint cries of her son in the distance.
"What happened to him?"
"He had a bad dream about you."
Deva ran to him. He was in her sunroom and in his father's arms. Darius did everything he could to calm him but he was relentless. He needed to see his mother.
Deva went to him and Alcide immediately jumped in her arms. "Its alright baby. I'm here. I'm okay."
His arms were never more tight on her. She couldn't imagine what his dream was about.
"I'm sorry I was gone." She wanted to cry with him.
"Don't leave me momma. Don't leave again." He pulled away from her shoulder and she kissed him.
"Deva there's something we need to talk about." Darius spoke urgently. "Alcide why don't you go with uncle Marcus for a bit?"
The little boy shook his head and Deva kissed his cheek. "Just for a few minutes. Then we can have breakfast together. I'm so hungry."
He wanted to refuse again but Adamarius leaned in and whispered, "You don't need to worry. Momma is safe and you'll see her again very soon."
Adamarius didn't want to compel his nephew but he knew the news was important and Deva needed to hear it.
Marcus took his nephew's hand and lead him out of the room. Alcide looked skeptical at his mother.
Darius pulled his wife into his arms and she felt the pressure of the entire world dissolve.
"Something terrible happened last night." He wouldn't let her go.
She wasn't willing to part with him either. "What?"
"We don't know who caused that explosion last night but we lost the recording of you. I wouldn't see you."
Deva rubbed her nose into his chest, breathing in his musky scent. "I'm sorry you had to worry."
"There's footage of you attacking King Rathguard."
She pulled back from his embrace. "How?"
"They looked like you, in human form. You killed Rathguard and Alexander wants you to answer for it."
Izzy pulled out her tablet and played a video. Deva appeared on the screen next to several other lycans. The video had different camera shots showing vampires being mutilated by lycans. Rathguard entered the shot trying to make peace but Deva tore off his head before he could finish a sentence.
Deva suddenly felt nauseous.
"We'll figure out who did this to you." Darius promised.
"Rathguard is dead?" Her voice cracked.
He nodded. Darius wanted nothing more than to hide her away from the rest of the world.
She could read his thoughts and replied. "I'll look guilty if I hide."
"Darius, Deva... Derick is here." Izzy informed them as she got off the phone.
The gracious King entered, his ensemble completely profession. He wore a black suit that emphasized his tall, lean figure. His beautiful eyes caught Deva and he went to her. His face a picture of love and concern.
"How are you?" He spoke swiftly.
She smiled up at him, pulling away from Darius. "I feel fine."
She knew about his ability and needed him to trust her, believe her. Deva stretched out her hand for him to take. All Derick needed was a touch to see her past. He could confirm her whereabouts for the night.
He smiled down at her. "I know it wasn't you."
"I want you to be certain." Deva had nothing to hide.
He took her hand with the utmost confidence and smiled even wider when he had a visual of her night.
"I'll try my best to convince Alexander and the jury, if it comes to that. Alexander is on his way. Your council is here. We know you didn't do it. You'll have a trial and we'll prove your innocence." He spoke so confidently and determined.
For some reason that calmed her nerves. Having a powerful king like him on her side made the situation less precarious.
"I have my inside informants working on gathering information about last night."
"Thank you. Truly, you being here means the world to me." Deva didn't know how she'd ever repay him.
Sebastian walked in cautiously. His face etched with concern and sympathy. He didn't have to speak any words for her to know he was on her side and willing to assist her in any way possible.
"I'm going to spend the morning with my son. Excuse me gentlemen." She didn't want to waste whatever precious time she had left anywhere else besides with her son.
She knew her husband and mate would do everything in their power to save her.
Alcide was patiently waiting for her in the sunroom. His hands neatly tucked between his legs. It seemed every flower in the room was booming. The smell was euphoric and the sight magnificent to see.
Deva knew that whatever was to come it would hurt Alcide the most. He had been preparing for this moment. He had dreams of her dying but she never thought the time was so close. Not that she expected death but something about the entire situation made her terribly uneasy.
Someone was after her. It nearly got Adamarius killed when he tried to protect her. She needed to find the culprit but there was only one person she had in mind.
They had a peaceful breakfast together. He began spilling tales of his adventures with Uncle Marius, Aunty Elle, and his new partner in crime Joshua. Joshua was still shy and respectful in his new environment but Alcide was doing everything in his power to burst him out of his comfort bubble.
He spoke colorfully about his developing relationship with his cousin. In her heart she knew they would get along. Alcide painted the world with vibrant emotional feelings. He was honest and open to new things, not taking into account that they might hurt him.
That was why he had Magnus to watch over him when she couldn’t.
Alexander appeared at their doorstep with a dozen of his men. They were surrounded and outnumbered regardless. Darius had his entire army at his disposal, waiting for orders.
The future King to his father's throne, Alexander was invited inside on Deva’s command. She was willing to hear him out and try to reason with him.
His face was as cold as ice, unmoving and unfeeling. His piercing light eyes darted towards her. Alexander took no time to mourn his father's death when every cell in his body wanted to avenge.
Deva couldn't see him wanting justice anymore. No. The fierce look him his eyes yearned for revenge.
"Why are you here Alexander? My wife will answer to a court not you." Darius protectively stood beside his wife.
They were in the massive entry. Darius didn't trust him or his man to come any closer. The tall dark walls and marble columns added a depth of shadow to the scenario.
"Oh Darius don't try to act so self righteous. You know if the roles were reversed and my spouse killed one of your brothers you would have slaughtered my kingdom by now."
Deva couldn't even argue it, because she knew he was probably right. Darius had a temper and he loved his brothers too much not to seek revenge.
"If she stays here you'll only hide her, or let her run." Alexander wasn't going to let her slip away.
If she were guilty Darius would probably help her run but Alexander didn't know she was innocent. He would never want to believe she was.
King Derick stepped forward in her place. "Deva will be under my protection and supervision until her trial date."
Alexander stared the older king down with the most unsettling look on his face. He did not want to agree but a split second later he controlled his emotions and complied.
"My father always respected you King Derick. Therefore I will trust you with her custody but I'd also would like to keep a watch on her while she's with you. So I know her lovers won't try to steal her away."
Derick clinched his jaw from slight irritation. "She can wear a tracker on her ankle but that is all I'll allow."
Knowing her location at all times seemed to satisfy him. Alexander nodded and turned to Deva, his ruthless expression digging into her soul. She wasn't scared but suspicious.
"I didn't kill your father." She spoke truth which he didn't seem to want to hear.
"We'll know soon enough, won't we?" Alexander narrowed his eyes maliciously before turning to walk away.
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