Chapter 57
The sun blaring in woke them both up at the same time. Deva was now praying for the cloud coverage that she had once wished away.
"I don't want to wake up yet," she whined like a child.
"Then pretend I'm the moon," his husky voice echoed while Darius threw the covers over their heads. "And we're still in the night."
Her lips curved into a smile. It was times like these that made her fall in love with Darius all over again.
Her exhausted body melted into his. "It's not the same."
"I can fix that." He captured her lips and took over her mind.
When Deva opened her eyes again it was dark. Pulling the covers down to look out, she found the moon high in the night sky. Darius had used his ability to pull her into his creative world.
"I love when you use your powers for good."
He chuckled because she made it sound like he was a superhero. "You're everything good about me."
No matter how cheesy his lines were they always made her weak at the knees. "Last night went well."
"Yes. Adamarius always did know how to charm a crowd."
There was a double meaning to his reference. Adamarius had also charmed Deva somehow. Regardless of her resistance in the beginning, he managed to steal her heart.
Deva sensed the ting of jealousy. "We know his thoughts are genuine. With this unity our Kingdom will be stronger."
His piercing eyes mirrored understanding but also confliction. "Will it make US stronger?"
"What do you mean?"
She didn't want to plunge down the rabbit hole by saying the wrong thing that might upset her husband. But obviously he had some deep feelings he wanted to finally let surface.
"You loved him once."
"ONCE," she extenuated.
"I don't want his return-" Deva leaned into his chest and kissed him to cast whatever doubt out of his mind. It stopped his thoughts completely.
When she kissed him with such desirable passion Darius couldn't help but loose himself within her love and security.
"He doesn't change anything. He won't change anything." She promised.
Darius wanted to believe her but with his newer knowledge on the lycans he knew she wasn't always in control. Just like how vampires weren't always in control of their urges. Lycan had their own animalic nature.
"But if he does. I want to know. Don't keep anything from." Even the smallest doubt in his eyes that she might actually harbor feelings for another man killed her. "Promise me."
But Adamarius wasn't just any other man. He was Darius' brother and her lycan soulmate. There was nothing she could do to change that. She might have tried to force Adamarius out of their lives but she couldn't keep him away any longer. Adamarius deserved to be home and surrounded by people who love him.
She didn't want to hurt Darius so she promised. "Alright. I promise."
Things were different now. Time and distance had given Deva what she needed to build a wonderful life with an amazing family and thriving kingdom. Adamarius was family now and she would treat him like another trusted brother.
"What are you doing today?"
"I promised Alcide I would help him make a kite." Darius kissed his wife on the forehead before getting out of bed and stretching. "But I do have a few calls I need to make."
"I'll take a shower then."
The hot water was exactly what she needed to cleanse her nerves. She wasn't sure how long she was in the shower for but when she got out she found Lucian sitting on the couch by her balcony. The sun was also back in the sky.
"Good morning Loosh." Deva finished her ensemble by throwing on a casual black sweater.
He smiled delectably and handed his sister in law her favorite coffee he happened to brew himself. They were truly the only coffee enthusiasts in the family and loved sharing it with each other.
"I added something new. Tell me if you like it."
Deva sipped the drink in a blissful frenzy. "It's delicious."
It warmed his heart to know so. Darius was in the grand closet changing and finishing his calls while they conversed.
"Maybe you guys should take Alcide on a family vacation."
It was a topic out of the blue for Lucian. Deva knitted her brows together wondering where the idea came from. "Why's that?"
"Alcide has barely seen the outside of these walls."
Why did she feel like he had a suspicious motive?
Because it wasn't entirely true. Deva and Darius often took their son out of the kingdom and into the human world. They believed it was safer with less supernatural threats. Not to mention no one in the human world knew they were royalty.
"The Relic moon-" She was ready to spill her excuses for not going.
"You still have time till the Relic moon and I'm talking about like a day or two."
She had to wonder why he was bringing it up now. She knew if they were to leave Lucian was a capable regent. But what was his motive?
"Tell me why, why now?"
Lucian looked sincerely into her eyes. "I honestly think you all should get away for a while before the Relic Moon. We don't know what will happen and..."
He had fears about the aftermath.
She herself couldn't admit that the worst could actually happen. She prayed it would all work out in the end and everything would go back to normal. It had to.
"As much as I love that idea Darius couldn't spare the time right now." The kingdom had a lot to prepare for and it needed its King for most of the decision making.
Lucian defeatedly nodded. "Adam was received well by all. Announcing his return was a good idea. We need to show the world we are a team and each one of us serve the people. Adam's changed. He seems devoted to help."
Lucian's passion and love for the kingdom was something she always admired about him.
"You would have made a righteous king."
Lucian like any man had his flaws and fits of rage and jealously, even with years of accumulated wisdom. He had a wonderful habit of putting others before himself; redeeming him of all past mistakes.
"It was your loss," he joked.
Darius entered their bedroom and greeted his brother with a saucy look. "It was more like her gain."
Lucian smirked and they laughed.
"I'm going to wake Alcide and start on that kite." Darius bent down and kissed his wife. "I'll see you at dinner."
Once he stepped out two of her loyal personal guards came in. She considered them more close friends than security. They were the twin brothers that saved her life, Henry and Jonathan, after she saved them in the trial room.
They were devoted to her and bowed as they approached.
"Your majesty." They said in unison.
She felt surrounded by duplicates. First it was the three identical princes and then her trusted friends. She frequently found herself wondering if she would eventually give birth to twins. The idea of it warmed her heart. She would love to have more of Darius' children.
"What's on my agenda today?"
Henry pulled out his phone and started to scroll down the screen. "Your sister Princess Izzy has arranged a tea party and invited the royal women."
It wasn't too surprising. "When?"
"Right now, my Queen. Most of the guests have arrived and are on the terrace waiting for you."
Wasn't it a bit early? "What time is it?"
"Noon," Lucian answered checking his watch.
"I don't think I'm mentally prepared to greet more guests. Wasn't last night enough?"
Lucian laughed and made his way to the King and Queen's own private bar table in the far right of the room. He poured a multitude of liquors in a glass before handing it to Deva.
"This should help."
Most of her heavy drinking days were over but this moment seemed necessary. Deva drank the burning contents in a matter of seconds. "Alright. I'm ready."
She was escorted down the corridor as it was her usual routine. Henry and Jonathan flanked behind her like protective hounds.
A tent was pitched outside by the garden to shield them from the hot sun. Under it was a large table set with pink and white clothes and decor. Exquisite flowers were placed in clear vases, fresh pastries and china were strategically set in front of each chair.
Deva recognized every face including King Raphael's daughter, Ilsa. Her blonde hair was perfectly curled, her nails freshly polished, and her dress as tight as leather. It was a pink leather in fact. Deva, although hating to, admired her beauty. She was every man's typical bombshell fantasy. Her breasts were large, waist annoyingly small, and an ass as large as her top half. She seemed to have an unrealistic hourglass shape.
"Deva, please join us. We're just about to start." Izzy pulled out a chair for her next to her mother-in-law's sister, technically her aunt, and Queen Rida.
Deva felt obligated to. They chatted lightly mostly about the ball. Deva stayed quiet the majority of the time, commenting here and there to be polite.
"Adamarius seems to be a hit with the singles. He's quite handsome, in a dark ravenous way." The unavoidable subject was finally opened.
There were a few of the single royals interested in Adamarius at the table. Deva was curious how it would play out. She sat back, nibbling on a biscuit, and watched the stories unfold.
Penelope, Raphael's niece, chippered like a bird early in the morning. Her face blushed pink as she grinned child-like. In vampire terms she was nearly a child. She was only 35 years old in a 21 year old preserved body.
"He can carry me into the dark and ravish my body." She clasped her hands together, daydreaming of his face.
"Is he actually single or do you hold some claim on him? I'm not exactly sure how this whole soulmate thing goes." Paige, a royal related to King Derick, directed the question towards Deva.
Izzy had the intention of answering for her but Deva beat her to the punch. "I hold no claim on him. He's a free man and can date whomever he chooses."
"So you're saying if he were to bring 2 women home and have a threesome it wouldn't bother you?" Ilsa vindictively painted the description to get under Deva's skin.
They didn't need a proper introduction. It was now truly evident that Ilsa hated Deva for killing her mother.
"Not at all." Deva tried not to show any emotion.
"What's his type?" Penelope was itching for a tip.
"Oh I heard he likes all types of women. Kind of like his brother." Ilsa was pressing into Deva's personal life.
But was it wise pocking fingers at the Queen's husband? Deva had determined a long time ago that Darius had a wildly complicated past and she made peace with it. It wasn't like he was hiding it from her either. Darius would open up about any part of his past if she were to only ask.
"Now, now Ilsa-" Izzy tried to mediate.
"I'll try to be quiet when he sneaks me into his bedroom. I hope I don't mistaken him for Darius. But I'm up for anything if they are." Ilsa grinned.
"How good is Adam in bed?" Paige blurted out her question earnestly.
Deva clinched her jaw to keep from reacting to Ilsa's insulting comments. Paige's remark wasn't any better.
"Seriously? That's none of your business." Izzy interjected.
"I wouldn't know." Deva spoke truthfully and waved a servant over to bring her wine.
"You've never slept with your mate?" Queen Rida seemed genuinely flabbergasted. She would most likely be the only knowledgeable one on lycan culture. Her kingdom was also a sanctuary for lycans for many years now.
"No. I've only been with my husband." Deva knew she didn't need to justify anything to them but getting it clear and out in the open was better than the world assuming.
"You were a virgin when you married Darius?" Aurora smiled with virtuous eyes of pure romanticism.
Deva nodded and continued to drown the rest of the wine bottle into her cup.
Ilsa laughed mockingly. "We know he wasn't."
Deva clinched her jaw and Ilsa seeing the reaction she caused continued.
"He used to love trying all sorts of...flavors." She chose her words shamelessly. "I wonder how long he'll be stuck on vanilla. You know we don't have that one soulmate thing binding us to one person. Vampires like to-"
Deva rose to her feet, not wanting to hear another word uttered from the blonde's mouth, and calmly waltzed around the long table to where Ilsa was seated. Every pair of eyes were glued to Deva, anxiously waiting and wondering if they should interfere. But the women knew better than to get in Deva's path.
Ilsa mocked Deva with a wicked snare. She showed no fear to Deva's murderous march towards her. Deva grabbed the brat by the throat and jerked her back before hoisting her up in the air. The chair flipped and Ilsa struggled to uncoil Deva's grip from around her neck. Yet no one tried to come to her rescue.
"If you ever disrespect me again I'll show you exactly why I'm a queen and you're nothing but a little princess." Deva release her but only because of her respect for King Raphael.
The frustration building inside of her was causing a massive headache. In her case it was never a good outcome. Most abilities were controlled by emotion. Deva knew she needed to calm herself in order to resist unleashing a plague across her home.
Ilsa would be the first she slaughtered.
Why did she think like that? Deva hated herself for thinking with violence. Ilsa was pissed. Of course, she was. Deva had killed her mother. Wouldn't she act the same to her mother's killer? If he wasn't already dead. Asher was dead and it was justice.
Ilsa didn't feel like she got justice. She was rebelling and most likely plotting.
Deva entered the large eerie study room that once belonged to King Asher and poured a glass of the strongest liquor. Drinking the bitter toxic liquid soothed her nerves but made her head explode even more.
She felt like she was running out of time. The relic moon was coming. It was starting to feel like a sick sensation carved in her bones. Her body knew, even if her mind wanted to deny it.
"Deva?" She had grown accustom to the individual dialect and could tell the brothers apart by their voices.
"I'm fine Loosh."
He quietly came up behind her. She was staring out the wide open window, avoiding him. She had a perfect view of the tent. The women were still drinking tea but Deva noticed how Ilsa was no longer at the table.
"It's okay not to be."
"Not when you're a queen." Her eyes were coated with hidden grief. "Will you take me to my parent's house? I just feel a little homesick."
Lucian sensed her unyielding anxiety and knew the only way to calm her down was to give her what she desired. He would happily take her.
Lucian held out his hand for her and transported to the one place she longed to see. She visited frequently but of late it was difficult to find the time to see her childhood home. It always felt like a dream walking down the driveway of her parent's home. It remained exactly the same except for a few dying plants in the front yard.
Her father was the one to take care of the garden but when he died and her brother took the house he didn't have the passion to keep the plants alive. Deva didn't have much of a green thumb either. She contemplated hiring someone to bring them back to life but for some reason didn't. She regretted it now.
Tears began to stream down her cheeks. She had missed her parents so much. She missed the littlest things like the sounds of their voice, or her mother's home cooked meals.
Deva peered into the window like a strange stalker but was unnoticed. Her family was occupied and gathered at the dinner table. David, her older brother, had inherited the house and she was thankful he didn't try to sell it. She would have bought it if he had.
David was a handsome, younger version of their father. He was sitting next to his beautiful wife and across from them were their two adorable children.
It was heartbreaking for her to check up on them especially when she knew she couldn't actually be in their lives. Deva wanted so badly to be part of their lives. She missed her brothers. She missed speaking to them, asking for advice. She had her sister, Elle. Elle was a blessing but she was still missing a fraction of her family and with her parents gone the homesick feeling grew worse.
Coming back home to her pervious life reminded her of what she lost. It reminded her of the normal life she could have had. It made her feel an incredible pain of loss and love. Her family was a huge part of who she was.
She had rebuilt herself back up with her new family but where she came from was a section of her life she would never have back. It was lost to her for forever.
David had slight gray hairs swept back behind his ears and visible laughing lines on his face. He couldn't be a lycan because he was aging too quickly. A lycan's growth was extremely slow. They weren't immortal but pretty close.
Deva did wonder that perhaps his lycan half wasn't awakened. Adamarius had to bite her in order to unleash her lycan.
"Don't you have two brothers?" Lucian asked taking into account the only brother present.
"Yes." Where is Aden? "Aden's missing."
"We can come back and check again another time." Lucian promised to put her at ease.
"Can you take me to my old room really quick? I doubt any of my things would still be there but if they are I want to get something."
"Of course just picture it in your mind so I'll know where to jump us to."
She envisioned her teenage room. The walls were painted a bright lavender purple; her favorite color. The open closest was overflowing with clothes she barely wore more than twice. The small dark oak desk her father got her from a garage sale was in the corner; numerous scented candles surrounding it. She used to enjoy the different smells as she struggled every night with piles of homework.
The room Lucian had taken her to was not the same room she had dreamed of. It was noticeably different. She didn't expect her brother to keep her room the same. She was dead to him and remembering the dead was too painful. She never meant to cause anyone to suffer.
The colors of the walls were a light pink. The pulled back lace curtains were letting the sun highlight the differences. Her clothes were no longer falling out of her closest and her vanity had no trace or marks of her battle with putting on makeup.
Yet her photos were still intact.
Her old room now belonged to her adorable niece.
Deva didn't mean to snoop but when she notice a box with her name of it hanging in the closet she had to look. She quietly pulled it down and opened it up like it was Christmas morning. Inside were old pictures, trinkets, clothes, and a jewelry box.
The beautifully crafted box was a gift from her grandmother. She stored a collection of things from her childhood and teenage years in it.
Suddenly she heard the voice of her younger brother Aden finally join the rest of the party.
"Hey everyone sorry I'm late."
Without thinking Deva grabbed the door knob to open the door and to see him for herself. Lucian stopped her attempt.
"I just want to see him." She whispered.
Her room was at the end of the hall but if she poked her head out a bit she would have a clear view of him.
Aden had hardly changed. He had let his beard grow out but nothing else about him seemed different.
Deva wanted to laugh and cry at the same time. Her little conservative brother now looked like a lumberjack. How did that happen?
Aden turned and glanced in their direction but Deva had ducked before he had a chance to see her.
"Let me guess you were picking out last minute Christmas gifts." A soft female voice mocked her brother.
"Only you would wait till the very last night to get gifts." David joined in the fun.
Deva smiled. She too was also a procrastinator.
"We can go now."
She cradled the jewelry box in her hands. There was no way she was leaving it behind. Once back in the solace of her room at the castle Deva thanked Lucian.
"Anytime, my queen."
"I didn't realize it was almost Christmas." Deva was devasted.
Lucian shrugged. "We've been busy."
She frowned. "We never miss Christmas."
It was a human holiday but one she swore she would let Alcide experience. It was an added tradition she wanted to share with her new royal family. She and Elle grew up with snowball fights, tree decorating, family Christmas dinner, and waking up to presents. They were some of her fondest memories and she wanted Alcide to have them too.
"We technically haven't missed it." Lucian hinted at.
That sparked the biggest smile on her face. "I'll find Darius and you tell Izzy. I want Alcide to wake up to Christmas morning. I think we can all use a nice break from this Relic Moon preparation."
This year they would also be celebrating with Adamarius and Jaylyn. The holiday was bound to be filled with surprises.
She pulled together her emotions and set the box on her night stand. Her trip down memory lane was enough for one day. She felt the urge to hold her own family in her arms. Alcide should be practicing on the piano so she headed for the music room.
The sweetest and tranquil melody filled her ears the closer she got. Walking into the room she found Darius and Alcide playing the piano together.
She had never heard the song before. It was calm but dark and filled with undeniable passion.
"That was amazing."
They both turned to the sound of her voice. "We wrote it for you," Darius smiled.
His smile was a song to her of its own. It was a wondrous bright light that guided her home. It also pulled her back into a great prospective. She couldn't live without that smile. She couldn't live without him.
"Do you like it momma?" Alcide was jumping out of his seat with anxiousness.
"I love it baby. What's it called?"
"Loving the moon," Darius answered.
Her heart began to melt. She was exactly where she needed to be. Despite losing her parents and brothers she had her own destiny.
She stared into his bright ocean blue eyes. "You're my moon."
His grin grew wider and his light was intoxicating her. She couldn't begin to expression how much love she possessed for him. Darius swept her off her feet and twirled her around as he captured her lips in the sweetest kiss.
"And you're my sun. When I'm lost in darkness you are there to guide me home."
That was exactly what he was to her.
"Is it over yet?" Alcide had his hands tightly covering his eyes.
They laughed in harmony. "Yes baby. You can open your eyes."
His face was scrunched with disdain; the look he usually made when he was forced to eat his vegetables.
"You won't always think it's disgusting," Marcus said waltzing into the room, highly entertained.
"I doubt it," Alcide grumbled.
Darius held Deva tighter while Alcide rushed across the room to a table. He started jumping up and down, just remembering what he wanted to show his mother. He held up the crafty kite with pride and utmost joy plastered on his face.
"Momma look what we made."
It was a simple but beautiful homemade kite. The measurements were precise and equal; color a dark shade of bluish silver.
"But Daddy how is this going to fly? It's just paper." Alcide was not optimistic. He was more of a realist like his mother and couldn't understand the concept of flat paper being able to fly in the air.
"The wind will push it up."
Alcide placed his hands onto of his hips, in a questionable fashion. "How high?"
Darius swept his stubborn son into his arms and tossed him playfully into the air. "So high that the ones who aren't with us will see it."
Alcide's eyes brightened with excitement. "You mean like grandpa and grandma."
Three of his grandparents were dead but he wasn't short of stories about them. Deva made it her mission to keep her parents alive, for her own sake as well. She wanted him to know what they were like and to know they would have loved him.
The retired queen Emma had only seen her grandchild twice since he was born. She spent most of her time in the human world, trying to get away from the past.
"Yes, buddy. Everyone who isn't here."
"It's beautiful baby. They are going to love it." She wanted to cry thinking about her parents.
Marcus hated interrupting the moment but he had his orders. "Hey little man can you help me wrap Aunty Julia's gift? You're so much better at it than I am. It won't take long I promise. Then you can spend the rest of the day with your father."
Alcide's eyes immediately shifted towards his parents for permission and Deva nodded. "Daddy, I'll be right back. Don't go anywhere."
Alcide was on a mission. He loved being needed and that meant always helping.
"Come on, little guy." Marcus took his hand and they left.
Darius waited for his wife's explanation.
"Tomorrow is Christmas." She smiled at his all-knowing frown. He felt terrible for not remembering her favorite holiday. She kissed away his worry. "You're going to keep our son occupied while the rest of us set up the cabin. When Alcide wakes up tomorrow I want him to be wonderfully surprised."
They spent every Christmas in a massive cabin home, secluded and surrounded by snow. It was a vacation home up in the mountains somewhere in Europe.
"I'll keep our son distracted." Darius vowed.
She showered his neck with kisses. "It's your only mission."
Her loving affection was its own distraction. Darius couldn't control the urge to lift her head and kiss her deeply and possessively. If he had the minutes to spare he would rushed her to the nearest bedroom and ripe her clothes off but the sound of their son's footsteps were too close.
"I love you too." She whispered pulling away from him.
He licked his lips and subdued the instinct to rapture her again. He missed holding her even though he held her just this morning.
Deva had to rip herself from the sight of her husband and child. It was nearly painful. Lucian had already teleported most of the family and some staff to the location. The huge, modern cabin was fully furnished but in need of cleaning. With a team of supernatural beings the job was done quickly and very thoroughly.
Alcide was sleeping in Darius' arms when they arrived that night. Deva couldn't wait to see his face in the morning.
The house was decorated in red, green, white, and gold. The tree was bright and decked out in homemade ornaments. It was their own family tradition to make new ornaments on Christmas Eve for the tree.
While sweet Alcide was tucked in bed in his own room the rest of the family was wide awake. They shared wine and conversation next to the warm fireplace. The snow outside was piling up and they talked about the massively intense snow fight they would have when the sun was up.
It was a relaxing atmosphere and Deva was truly shocked by it. She figured she and Jaylyn would always have an uncomfortable tension between them but there wasn't. All afternoon as they spent time cleaning and decorating Jaylyn was polite and very chill. Perhaps it was a front since technically they were surrounded by the rest of the family.
Eventually they retired for bed. The cabin had 12 vacant rooms.
Alcide barged into his parent's room in the morning the moment he realized where they were. He jumped on them with the most blissful excitement. The happiness in his eyes, on his face, and in his voice was enough to sustain Deva for life. She lived for moments like these.
Alcide as if suddenly realizing the perks of Christmas ran down the two flights of stairs where he knew the Christmas tree was on display. It was rightfully tempting and Alcide at the age of five had no patience to wait. There was only on gift under the tree. It was large, almost the size he was.
His parents, aunts, and uncles all gathered around anxiously watching his reaction as he opened his present. Marcus helped him unwrap being the giant kid he was. They both started to pull out stuffed Disney characters.
Alcide loved sleeping with stuffed animals and now he had Mickey, Goofy, and Donald to add to his collections. He hugged them equally as Deva and Darius knelt by his side.
"Not only do you get these new toys but it's a promise from all of us," Deva waved to the others surrounding them, "that we're going to take you to Disneyland...together as a family."
His beautiful brown eyes widened. "All of us? Even daddy?"
He started to jump again from pure excitement. Darius nodded. "Especially me."
Alcide threw himself into his father's arms. "This is the best present ever."
They couldn't agree more. While decorating the night before they brainstormed ideas. What was something Alcide could never get tired of, or get enough of? It had to be more time spent as a family. It was making memories that would last him a lifetime.
They cooked breakfast together, no staff, and ate together before Darius had to return to the castle. He was meant to come back for dinner. Elle was in charge of cooking the turkey, Izzy and Jaylyn the side dishes, and Deva the desserts while Julia bared the excuse of being pregnant; when in reality she wasn't much of a cook or baker.
They played in the snow for hours until the sun began to set. Alcide was so worn out from playing he fell asleep the second he made it to Deva's arms. She put him down for a nap and helped her sisters in the kitchen preparing for the big feast.
The boys had gone off to fetch Darius.
"What about drinks?" Jaylyn asked as she and Julia set the table.
Expensive china and polished silverware was used on the special night along with fresh garland for a centerpiece.
"I'll show you where the cellar is and you can pick the drinks." Deva volunteered.
Jaylyn nodded and followed her down the stairs to the dark cellar. It was maintained but not updated. The walls were made of thick brown stone which added to the bitter cold.
Jaylyn took her precious time scanning the labels for the right addition to their meal. Deva leaned on the door frame, at peace with waiting patiently.
"Is there something you want to ask me?" Jaylyn spoke but without lifting her eyes from the mosaic of wines.
Deva swallowed her pride. "Did Marius tell you about Alcide's visions?"
Another shock, Deva assumed he had. Lately it seemed like they had such a close sibling connection. "Do you know anything about premonitions?"
Jaylyn pulled a bottle off the shelf. "I'm a witch Deva. Of course I know things about premonitions. They aren't always what they seem. They can change. Typically they do come true but it's...complicated." She examined another bottle. "What did he see?"
"My death." The air grew thicker, not just from the dust.
"Ohh," Jaylyn whispered at the sudden morbid topic shift. "I'm sorry." She tried putting herself in his shoes and couldn't imagine the trauma of seeing her mother die at such a young vulnerable age.
"The night of the ball Marius compelled him to stop having the dreams." For the most part it was working.
"It can't change what he saw. Your life is at risk."
As if she didn't already know. "I'm a hybrid Queen. Lots of people want to kill me."
"Apparently one of them succeeds." Silence fell and Jaylyn continued to search the racks. "Does Darius know?"
She was ashamed to admit he didn't. "No. I made Alcide promise not to tell anyone. The vision only started a month ago." She suddenly felt like a horrible mother, forcing her child to keep a secret from his family.
Jaylyn finally made her choices and hugged the three bottles of wine to her chest. She was so tiny yet more intimidating with each step she took towards Deva.
"You're lucky you have one of the strongest families I've ever seen. Every person at that dinner table would die for you; Adam especially."
Was Deva meant to apologize? Was Jaylyn mad or offended?
"Instead of being selfish and hiding such a huge secret why not give them a heads up? They deserve to know. They love you for reasons I can't really understand."
Deva bit her tongue; so much for polite.
Jaylyn smiled, a tad maliciously as if she enjoyed taunting Deva. "Yeah I hope you're mad. Because I'm mad. You put your son under unnecessary stress. He could have had an army of loved ones whispering words of comfort as they promise him they would protect you. At least then he would worry less. But no. You force that wonderful child to endure nightmares of his mother being murdered for what? Why? Why can't he run to his father and beg him to protect you? That is his duty, isn't it? Your husband is meant to protect you."
Deva let the painful blow settle into her bones. "That exactly why. Like you said. Everyone especially my husband and soulmate would die if it meant saving me. This is my way of protecting them. I can't risk them getting too involved. Alcide saw my death, not theirs and I intend to keep it that way."
Deva was swept into a deep emotion of guilt and regret. Was it the best choice for her son? Was it the best choice to save the ones she loved? She couldn't be sure.
A buildup of tears began to accumulate and Deva had to turn away. Letting Jaylyn see her vulnerability was the last thing she needed.
For the slightest second Jaylyn softened with understanding. She turned to walk back up but stopped midway. "Cinnamon," Jaylyn glanced back at Deva to show her cooperation. "Cinnamon will help Alcide's headaches when his visions try to comeback after Adam's compulsion."
"Thank you."
Adamarius had managed to quietly ascend the stairs during their conversation. He looked suspiciously at his sister before daring to lay his eyes on Deva. He knew exactly how Jaylyn felt about Deva. Jaylyn wasn't the type of person to shield her true feeling about something or someone. His sister hated Deva, specify hated her for what she did to him.
"Everything alright?" He was trying to study Deva's face but she was covering it with her hand and turning so that her back was facing him.
"Of course. Why wouldn't it be?" Jaylyn patted his buff arm before continuing her journey back to the dining room when she imagined everyone was waiting for them.
Deva cursed her tears and clinched her jaw but she was still caught in the emotions.
"Deva?" Adamarius' concerned voice grew nearer and Deva panicked.
She didn't want him to see her upset and get the wrong idea. "I'm fine. Just give me a minute. I'll meet you upstairs."
But he didn't listen and traveled the short distance to her. He took one look at her red, sad eyes and swallowed his discontent. "What did Jay say to you?"
Deva shook her head. "Nothing. It's fine."
He took a deep startling breath and asked again. "What did Jay say to you? I'll talk to her."
"So you know she hates me." Deva laughed and wiped her cheek to get rid of the evidence.
Adamarius nodded, wanting terribly to ease her pain. He yearned to hold her and promise her that all would be alright. But she was forbidden. He wouldn't allow himself to plunger into such forbidden territory because once she was in his arms he wasn't sure he could let her go again.
"It's me. She a protective big sister but that doesn't mean I'll let her treat my Queen with disrespect."
The way he said 'my Queen' gave Deva insatiable chills. She closed her eyes to hide. "We were talking about Alcide."
"I promised him I wouldn't let anything happen to you."
Of course she wanted to believe him. If he had that kind of power she wouldn't even question it but it wasn't something he could control or even promise.
She nodded and smiled a little to sustain his insufferable worry. He was just another person who felt responsible for her mate.
"I'm sorry I couldn't promise the same for you."
When they sent him back to the human world they considered keeping tabs on him but King Derick and Kaia, Adamarius' witch friend, insisted it was best if they didn't. They were concerned anything related to her or the family would possibly trigger a memory and make it worse for him. It was worse regardless.
Every day for him was a struggle; he suffered.
"I'm sorry." She felt the need to repeat like he might not have heard it the first time.
"It's fine. It's in the past." His green eyes captured the image of love and sympathy. It was so easy for him to forgive her.
If only she could have done the same instead of casting him off for the death of her parents. It wasn't really his fault. Asher was a cruel man and would have murdered her parents one way or another.
"Deva, Adam are you guys come up or what? We're hungry." Izzy yelled into the corridor, reaching them in the brisk moment.
Tonight was a celebration, she reminded herself. No more thoughts of regret.
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