Chapter 54
Every morning the Ironside family would have their breakfast outside on the terrace. This particular morning was no exception. The sun was bright but the cloth tent provided the perfect shade. It was spring and the flowers were all in bloom. The scent of roses were stronger than the rest. Since they were Deva's favorites Darius had the gardeners plant them closer to the castle along with rows of pink cherry bloom trees at the entrance of the woods.
The family waited anxiously for Adamarius to make his appearance but before he joined them Lucian had brought their little sister back from the human realm. Izzy was dressed for winter in a thick stylish petticoat and carrying big shopping bags.
"Aunty Izzy!" Alcide screamed jumping out of his seat and into her arms.
Izzy spun him around, squeezing him to near death. "Oh I missed you. Look I brought you gifts." She waved to the five large bags.
"These are all for me?" He shrieked in blissful joy.
Izzy nodded and Deva frowned getting up to greet her sister in law. "You spoil him too much."
It was a fact. The entire family spoiled him.
Izzy giggled. "He's a prince though." They hugged and she went around to the rest of her siblings.
"Is he awake yet?"
Izzy folded her coat over a chair. "Ok. I have a ton to prepare for. We're going to have to welcome him back publicly before rumors surface."
Adamarius had already been spotted by several people. He had done research in the local library before visiting the castle. His face was too fame and similar to his brothers for certain people not to notice. They were already rumors.
Izzy had formulated a calculated speech for him to rehearse.
"That's if he wakes with the proper personality." Marcus was confident he would but Adamarius had a strong and difficult mind.
Tapping into his thoughts and converting some of the truth was like breaking through stone and piecing it together with superglue... very very strong superglue.
"He's here!" Alcide pointed to Adamarius who was descending the stairs with two guards in tow.
Darius pulled his son protectively into his lap just in case something went wrong. Deva's heart stopped. Adamarius' rugged beard and tossed, messy mane added ten years to his immortal youth. It was evidence of ten miserable long years without his family and soulmate.
The back splash of dark grey stone and the high, swerved entryway emphasised his serious demeanor. Adamarius remained expressionless until he finally reached them. He studied his family and then smiled, a smile of genuine happiness.
Izzy was the first to hug him. "Its good to have you back."
"It feels good to have a home again."
"Welcome brother." Marcus joined in on the bear hug.
There was never ill will or tense between the three of them. Izzy and Marcus were fond of Adamarius from the very beginning.
The three identical brothers cautiously tapped into their long lost brother's mind to get a picture of what he was really thinking. Adamarius had left his mind open for them. He wanted to show his brothers he had nothing to hid. He truly missed them.
His expression changed to a somber sadness as he dared glance at Deva. "I'm sorry."
"What do you remember? About Asher and about leaving?" She needed to know if their plan had worked.
Adamarius tilted his head in awareness that every pair of eyes were on him. "I found out Asher wanted to kill you so we devised a plan." He nodded to his brothers. "We took him down together."
Deva sensed he believed his truth. He was believing the lie.
"You chose Darius and I left."
Deva put her acting skills into action. She took his hands out of sympathy. They hadn't touched in ten years. The tingly sensation was an arousing renew for her lycan.
"I'm sorry I took your memory. I thought it would be easier for you. I was wrong."
"No. It's alright." He knew her intentions and wanted to believe she couldn't hurt him; the way he couldn't hurt her. "I don't blame you."
Darius entered his brother's mind. His intentions were pure and innocent for the time being. As they predicted he was just happy for Deva's success and happiness.
Adamarius turned to Darius as if suspecting something. "Your majesty is a lucky man."
Darius laughed pulling his half brother into his arms. "You're home. That's all that matters."
His performance was good, perfect. Adamarius warmed up to him like their differences never existed; their fight over Deva never existed.
"I want to pledge my allegiance to you. I've heard the great things you've done for the lycans. You are a worthy King. I want to help in any way I can."
Darius couldn't describe how much that meant to him coming from an Alpha. He truly did care about the lycan race.
"You'll have time to do that in front of an audience once I get invitations sent out." Izzy winked, planning royal events was her specialty.
"What do you mean?" Adamarius hated royal functions just as much as Deva did.
"We'll need to celebrate your return with the other kingdoms. They'll want an explanation. Don't worry. I'll coach you on what to say."
Adamarius knew he couldn't say no. Izzy was resilient. If this was his sacrifice to stay with his loved ones then he would gladly pay it.
"Oh and an interview. You'll be on the front page of Vogue. I've got a lot to do."
"You've missed your minions didn't you?" Marcus teased.
Yes, Izzy loved bossing people around. She glanced down at Julia and gasped. "You're so big. How did I miss so much time? Did you paint the baby room yet?"
Julia's pregnancy was an easy thing to forget when facing the Ironside family drama.
Darius gripped Adamarius by the shoulder. "Come. I have so much to show you."
Lucian and Marcus followed. Deva could assume they wanted to show him their military improvements. Adamarius glanced back one more time to admire Deva before letting his brothers whisk him away.
"Are you alright Deva?" Elle noticed her fidgety behavior.
"Fine. I'm going for a walk. Can you watch Alcide?"
"Of course."
Deva dashed into the woods. Bursting out of her clothes to shift into her lycan form. She needed release. She needed...
Darius introduced Adamarius to his praise worthy troops. The soldiers that were lycans immediately recognized him as an Alpha; not necessarily theirs but they sensed his Alpha blood. In order for Adamarius to rule over them as Alpha they would have to agree to join his pack.
But he was not looking for members.
"The real question is can they fight as good as they look." Adamarius smirked walking confidently through the rows of men and women.
It brought him great pride to see the blend of species united and working as one.
"Can they beat a hybrid?"
Adamarius was volunteering servitude. Darius liked the idea of a challenge. It would also give Darius a fair idea of how strong Adamarius' strength had developed over the span of ten years.
"Vinnicus, Petra give my brother a taste of what you've learned here."
Their combination of training was mastered under all three of the brothers. Now it was Adamarius' turn to sculpt and push the kingdom's soldiers to another level; to fearless warriors.
Even outnumbered by three Adamarius managed to kick their asses. He had twice their strength and speed but it was good practice. He wanted to prepare them for unknown enemies.
"I think that's enough for today." Darius interrupted but could admit he enjoyed the lessons. "Let's talk inside."
Darius continued to play friendly and brotherly. He didn't act threatened or intimidated. He would remain so until Adamarius gave him reason not to be. Darius wanted this new, fresh start.
If Asher hadn't of forced their mother to give Adamarius up then maybe their bond as brothers would be different. They never would have been cutthroat rivals.
The castle had incredible changes done to the interior. Black stone, marble, and even dark metal formed character to the castle walls. The vaulted ceiling radiated a violet glow the exact color of Deva's lycan eyes. It was the only source of light beside the aqua blue marble floors that also seemed to be dimly glowing.
They entered Darius' private study. He had it built after his coronation and designed to fit his personal style. The walls were painted in a hue of blue. The furniture was gold to add a dash of contrast.
Adamarius took the seat adjacent to his brothers. "I like what you've done to the place."
It was obvious they changed nearly the entirety of the decor in the castle to rid it of Asher and Emma's influence.
"Thank you." Darius poured his brothers congratulatory drinks. "To family."
"To family," they chanted together and burned the liquor down.
Even with the time apart Adamarius didn't feel like a stranger. His brothers were the only ones who shared his blood. They could understand, to an extent, what he was going through.
"I also came back because of the Relic Moon. I didn't want to be in the human world when it happened." Adamarius was ready to explain in full detail what it was.
"We've been preparing for it." Lucian surprised him with his knowledge of the ancient curse.
"Ofelia and the lycan council have been informing us all about lycan experiences. Max has been building steel, titanium shelters away from the major cities where the majority of vampires live." Marcus continued.
"There will be a curfew for vampires that entire week."
Adamarius couldn't be more grateful. Under the relic moon lycans couldn't control their actions, let alone their hunger. Their hunger during the relic moon was for nothing but vampire blood. Their desire and thirst take over.
Since the resurrection of lycans in the kingdom, the moment Deva was crowned Queen, the lycan population tripled. Many came from other kingdoms to follow the hybrid Queen.
If not monitored the casualties, the damage after the relic moon could be disastrous for the lycans. Vampires would demand blood for their loss. It could cause a war.
"A large portion of lycans have chosen to live in the woods; not completely secluded but weary. Everyday is a struggle. The vampires are still getting used to living in peace."
"I can imagine. The woods are a natural habitat for us. It calms us. It feels like home, safe." Adamarius explained.
"Perhaps once you've settled and after your welcoming home party we can discuss your role here in the kingdom."
"My role?" Adamarius repeated.
Darius nodded. "I want you involved. I don't want you to feel excluded. They are your people too."
Adamarius bowed his head with honor. Darius wasn't sure how to take his new behavior. He was acquainted with the hostel version of his brother who was constantly fighting for the affection of his greatest love. What would it be like now for all three of them?
"Thank you. I promise I haven't come to cause trouble."
"I believe you." Darius was constantly searching through his mind and examining his thoughts. Adamarius wanted to see Deva but there wasn't any evil plot to steal the kingdom or control the lycans.
"I think it would be a good idea to have you work with Max to build the bunkers for the relic moon. Maybe there is something he hasn't thought about. Your input is needed." Darius suggested knowing Adamarius would graciously agree.
"Yes but not today." Izzy intervened barging into her brothers' sancuary.
A short blonde woman in a suit followed her in with a Ipad attached to right hand.
"I'm stealing him for the rest of the day. You have an interview tonight. We need to prep."
Her assistant lowered her gaze and jotted a few things into her device.
"You waste no time. Do you?" Marcus laughed, pointing his finger annoyingly into his sister's ribs.
Izzy smacked his hand away. "To be honest I kind of missed this. I like being in charge."
"You missed this?" Lucian waved to her quiet assistant. "But not us?"
Izzy grinned, devilishly. An expression she perfected from her brothers. "I missed my nephew and sisters but you guys..." She shrugged. "Nah."
They ganged up on and Izzy out smarted them by using Adamarius as a shield. He was the oldest and strongest.
"You have to protect your baby sister. I came home for you." She pleaded.
Adamarius snickered. "Can I shower before we prep?"
"Yes. Please do. Anya, get him something to wear. Black. Black is his signature color."
Her assistant nodded and they walked out together.
Adamarius was under Izzy's strict supervision for the next two hours. She judged and drilled Adamarius till he knew every one of the answers to her questions by heart.
"I kind of like the scruffy look on you. It's growing on me."
He fought her on the facial hair. "I'll trim it but I want to keep something for myself."
She agreed.
"These answers are really vague." He felt his people needed a more serious and in depth explanation as to his disappearance.
"The reporter will only ask you these questions. Otherwise she'll deal with me."
"Can I tell them Deva is my soulmate?"
She was taken aback. "That's something you'll have to ask Deva."
"Ask me what?" Deva stood by the threshold wearing a simple tight red dress and a long black blazer that past her knees.
Her presence took his breath away. Even though their link was barely visible anymore she still stole his heart. He was thankful he could suppress his feelings and keep them hidden from her and his brothers. It was embarrassing.
She was Queen now. She was happily married. He could never express his deep feelings for her. Although he knew she could probably guess them.
"I want to tell the people the real reason I left. The lycans will understand what the bond means and why I couldn't stay and watch you marry Darius."
It was very personal information. Would the lycans hate her for rejecting her soulmate and marrying a vampire? It was a risk she was willing to take for him.
She thought about the real reason she made him leave. Adamarius was partly responsible for her parents' deaths. She couldn't trust him anymore. Even if he didn't intentionally mean for it to happen; he could have possibly prevented it. If only he would have sought her out. If only they were as close a family as they were in their to him.
Maybe then her parents would still be alive. They could have all worked together to take down Asher.
But it was more complicated than that.
He was right though. The lycans would understand the soulmate thing. She had heard many soulmate love stories from the lycans in her community. It was a beautiful and sacred act between them.
"If you really want to I'm okay with it." She couldn't deny him that respect.
He wanted the love of his people. Who could blame him?
"Truly?" Even Adamarius looked shocked as Izzy asked for confirmation.
Deva nodded. "I owe you my life. I want you to be happy and loved here. I think the lycans will see reason if you tell them. "
"Thank you."
Deva stood behind the scenes as Adamarius gave his interview. He looked dreadfully handsome and almost like himself again; the Adamarius she fell in love with. He was the tan, badass, hybrid dark prince every girl fantasized about.
The interview was conducted in the throne room where the answers were echoed. Her anxiety peaked at the mention of her name.
"Deva is my soulmate. But I was too late. She was already in love with my brother." He told the reporter whose mouth was watering with the juicy gossip.
'Scandal' Deva could already see it in the media. Good thing Izzy was the best PR.
"Soulmate? What is a soulmate?" The pretty reporter used air quotes.
"Lycans in their lifetime have one soulmate. If they are lucky they met them. I was fortunate enough." He directed his glance past the camera man and at Deva. Her heart was pounding with nerves.
"Having a soulmate means nothing if you don't bond. To bond one must mark or bite the other. I didn't come here eleven years ago with the intention of marking her."
"Marking her?" She asked all the obvious questions.
"Marking your soulmate, biting their neck, starts the connection. It forms an undying link. Our life source is then shared. It literally feels like we cannot life without each other."
"So you marked our Queen?"
"She was hardly a princess back then. Deva had cancer."
Deva was reliving the moment in her head. It was so long ago.
The reporter sat back stunned and wide eyed.
"Everyone knows cancer in the blood only gives a vampire transformation a 50% chance of success. But Deva is a descendant of lycans; so faded and distant that she couldn't possibly transform into a lycan without her soulmate's bite."
"You marked her in order to save her life?" She spoke with hopeful romance in her voice.
Adamarius scratched his stubble and nodded. "I couldn't live in a world where she didn't exist."
Deva intented to leave before getting swept up in emotions but couldn't move. Not even time could kill the depth of emotion she felt for him.
"I remember the rumors of your courtship. How did she feel about you? Was the soulmate bond not equal?"
By nature reporters were nosy but for once it was genuine curiosity. Deva couldn't let him take all the heat.
"Adamarius saved my life." Deva walked in front of the camera and kept her gaze neutral. A chair was already set out for her right beside him. "The bond was like nothing I had ever felt before. I knew with my entire being Adamarius was solely mine, made for me."
"Soulmates are made for each other. It's a bond where you give the entirety of your mind and soul to that other person."
"Why marry Darius then?"
Deva smiled, a smile perfected over the years of constantly being in the spot light. "It wasn't a choice. I love him. I loved him before meeting Adamarius. Darius was already my world. I couldn't live without him."
I could feel the sting of my words as they hit Adamarius in the heart. He didn't like reliving it anymore than I did.
"Wow. Your majesty. This is truly a modern day tragic romance. So why leave if you can't live without her?"
"Hybrids are stronger than both races but even I couldn't watch the love of my life marry my brother. I planned on coming back. I knew I couldn't be away from her for too long."
Deva and Adamarius were sucked into a deep stare.
"How will this work?"
"Adamarius has the whole family's support. We are happy to have him home." Darius popped up out of nowhere. He stood behind his wife and the reporter bowed her head.
"Your majesty."
Before she could bombard him with her own questions Darius took the initiative.
"There is no rivalry with us. Adamarius is an honorable man and brother. I trust him with my life and with my wife." Darius was extremely confident and assured.
For once Deva couldn't tell if he was sincere.
"We will work together and build this kingdom into a new prosperous era where lycans and vampires can live in peace."
"So you don't see your brother as a threat?"
They presumed she meant threat to their marriage.
"No." Darius spoke smoothly and calmly. "That's enough questions for today."
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