Chapter 53 (Embracing Pain)
The Kings, princes and any man of royal birth gathered at the known sacred temple. It was a temple protected by a moat with walls adorned by monumental carvings within its stone. They were large carving and statues of every divine being in their world from lycans, beasts, vampires, to witches. The temple complex included wide towers, entryways, courtyards, ceremonial spaces, shrines, and a maze of vaulted corridors.
It was the place of their birth and considered the most important location in history.
"Is everyone here?" King Derick counted the men excluding the security and military team.
"My son is running a bit late." Raphael apologized with a wrinkled gesture.
"Of course." Max fiddled with a gadget he hadn't yet explained.
Max although of noble birth, cousin to King Darius, preferred to host the games rather than join.
"How about I go over a few of the details? It's always been tradition to gather and battle to award the fittest man. With help from technology I've now harnessed Lucian's ability to teleport each competitor to different checkmarks. You'll have to reach and touch these." He raised a glowing blue block as big as a beach ball. "In order to enter the levels. The locations are in various parts of the world. The last, winning checkmark is on top of the Egyptian pyramid."
"And remember no one is allowed to use their abilities." King Derick felt the need to add.
"I'd like to enter Vinnicus, my trusted bodyguard, in my place. He's a lycan which I believe will make the competition a little more interesting." Darius patted Vinnicus on the back to show the rest of the royal party how comfortable he was with his decision.
Vinnicus was a large body builder, made entirely of muscle. His skin was brown and golden. His eyes were vibrantly green like the color of moss on a rainy day.
"I agree. I'd like to know once and for all which species is the fittest." Alexander was cocky and extremely confident.
Darius remembered being just as naive as Alexander was. He thought the dominating race was vampire because they were already running the world but in recent years his theory was completely shattered. Vinnicus had joined his army and proved him wrong. Lycans were never to be underestimated.
Darius was starting to believe his father not only massacred the lycans based on revenge for his mother but also because they had the potential to steal power.
"What did I miss?" Sebastian strolled into the conversation.
"The rules." Max raised a cynical brow to convey his annoyance.
King Raphael pulled Sebastian, his son, aside to explain the new updated version of the game.
Darius gripped Vinnicus by the neck and rubbed his shoulders for luck. "Don't let your King down."
Vinnicus had a twinkle in his eyes. He considered Darius more of a best friend than sovereign; although he did respect Darius as a King as much as he would an Alpha. The lycans had Adamarius as an Alpha but he had been absent for years. Many of the lycans had turned to the hybrid Queen and her King.
Vinnicus believed it was the greatest decision of his life.
"Will there be a punishment if I do?"
"Yes." Darius grinned. "You'll have drill duty early in the morning for the rest of the week."
No one liked waking up at the butt crack of dawn. It was definitely a good form of motivation.
The royal members participating in the game and Vinnicus readied themselves on the starting line. Darius had never felt so pumped to get it over with. He wanted to go home to his wife.
The courtroom was filled with many skeptical people and their quick sense of judgement. It was easy to accuse a person for an offense they may not have done. It was also a ridiculously easy walk in the park for a vampire to get away with a crime they may have committed. Their quick abilities and years of immortal life have equipped them with the uncanny skills to lie through their teeth like it was the truth all along.
Deva was used to reading between the lines and finding the truth written across the convict's face. Her abilities had grown so sharp in the last ten years; it felt as clear as her reflection in the mirror. No lie had ever gotten past her. She could never accuse an innocent person.
In her ten years of reign, ruling beside her greatest love, Deva modified quite a few things around the castle. One major alteration she enjoyed was moving the courtroom, where all the trials were held, to the highest tower in the castle. She tore down the walls so that the vision of the kingdom could be appreciated. She marveled every day at what was hers, at what she was destined to protect.
Every trial and every verdict weighed on her shoulders. The view of the kingdom between arched columns reminded her of the responsibility she owed her people. She needed to judge according to them.
Morbid grey clouds were blocking the usual vibrant sun but that meant it was close to sundown.
A man was kneeled before her, pleading his innocence. "My Queen," his voice sounded like rich liquid. "I am but a man; a man who has been falsely accused. Please dear merciful gracious Queen. You must see that I have done nothing wrong."
His unnatural green-yellow eyes were the perfect picture of purity. In all sense of the word the man did sound innocent. He played the part tremendously well but Deva could see through the disguise. The mask he was wearing wasn't thick enough to hide the guilty rhythms in tone of his voice.
Deva slowly got up from her delicately crafted throne chair. It was black, black painted wood, black leather; even the entirety of the room was black. The dark marble floor had a hit of white swirls that contrasted the inner silver roman pillars. Yet other than that Deva kept the throne room a dark foreshadowing for the convicted few.
The clicking of her high heels echoed throughout the quiet room as the crowd anticipated her next deliberation. Her deep, stern gaze left every one of her victims too frightened to even look up at her.
"You have been brought here on counts of murder. A lycan has been killed and by the evidence only a vampire could have been responsible."
Deva hated the thought of another death brought forth because of the difference in species. She knew it would be difficult for the vampires to adjust to lycans inhabiting their land but after so many murders it became unethical. She loved her people; vampire and lycan.
"Tell me dear faithful subject of mine," she deliberately taunted. "Have you ever taken a life before?"
His facial expressions creased with confusion. "Yes, my Queen."
It was typical for a vampire of his age to have at least one kill to his name.
"Did you enjoy the savory feeling of satisfaction when you heard the last heartbeat of your victim's life in your hands?"
The man swallowed with hidden fear. Deva was calm, much too calm.
He couldn't tell a lie. Deva wouldn't allow it. She now stood only a few inches away. The man reeked of sin. It was like an awful taste in her mouth; the way she could sense his guilt.
"Why did you do it?" Deva dropped her head in disappointment, not able to stand the sight of his face.
The man grew defensive. "But I did n-"
Deva silenced him with her ability to cause immense pain. She watched with disgusted eyes as the man's life/youth was sucked from him. She wanted to kill him; everything in her nature was telling her to do so.
"There is no point in trying to cover it up." She leaned down to whisper into his ear.
The man was clinching tightly to his body like he was afraid he might shatter to pieces.
"I know you're lying. It's like a disgusting after taste in my mouth."
His eyes were blazing with pain and disdain towards her.
"I know you killed that lycan and that you loved every minute of it." She could hardly get the words out properly because of how quickly her anger was growing.
"I did," the man confessed, the pressure of her mind tricks finally breaking him. "Lycans don't deserve to live. They are foul creatures who corrupt our lands and disturb our peace. We weren't meant to live together. It is a mockery," he shouted through the torment she was inflicting on him.
"AND WHO SAYS IT ISN'T MEANT TO BE?" She yelled, losing all self-control. "Many centuries ago vampires and lycans lived in peace. It is because of minds like yours that we can't fulfill that life again."
Her frustration and anger had taken over. Soon the guilty felon was turning into bone. To kill him would not be justice. No, she wanted him to suffer.
"Take him to the dark room where he will be left with nothing but the walls of his cells to comfort him. He will be kept on the point of starvation for the rest of eternity."
She sentenced him to a life of no end and no future. Her deliberation was law. The guards roughly yanked the blameworthy vampire to his feet. His weak body was barely able to stand on his feet.
"Your walls will crumble down and your conscious will be eating away at you like a ravenous dog clawing for a way out. But that will be your solitude. Inside your mind you will find no peace because all you will be thinking about is the hunger and pain consuming all that is left of your pathetic existence."
Her words were cold and emotionless. She felt no sympathy for him. He was getting what he deserved. The two massive guards dragged his feeble body out of her sight.
Deva took a much needed breath to calm her nerves before turning on her heels and heading back to her throne. The crowd watched as she composed herself like the gracious Queen they knew her as.
Seconds later Elle came to sit next to her in the King's chair. It wasn't unusual for her sister to do so.
"Who's winning?"
Elle flashed a beaming grin. "Vinnicus."
Deva couldn't be prouder. Vinnicus was a lycan solider sworn to protect her husband.
"Aren't you glad we placed that bet?"
King Darius, his brothers, and the royal males from the other kingdoms were participating in a competition amongst each other. It was done every decade to award the fastest and strongest royal. This year was an exception because Darius wanted to enter a lycan. Deva figured none of the other royals would object. They were too cocky to deny the challenge of betting the opposite race.
Deva turned her gaze back to the crowd. She felt something odd; something she couldn't quite explain. There was a familiar essence in the room. Deva scanned the faces for the source of the disturbance.
Familiar green-gold orbs eclipsed her vision and flashbacks of the past clouded her mind. It was an overload of memories and mixed emotions. Her heart dropped.
But it can't be.
He was wearing a hood to conceal his face but there was no hiding from her and he knew it.
"Leave. Everyone." She demanded and in no time the room emptied out.
The hooded figure stood his ground and waited for the others to leave as if reading her mind. She wanted him to stay. Something was pulling her to him. There was this energy surrounding her that wasn't there before.
Deva glanced back at Elle's still form. She wasn't moving and by the confused look on her face she wasn't going to leave without a good reason. But Deva gave her sister a stern look only a Queen could use; a look of authority where there was no room for arguments. Elle took the hint, even if she did not want to obey it. Two seconds later her sister had disappeared from sight.
Deva wondered to the back exit of the room. He instinctively followed her. They needed to speak but in private.
Jonathan and Henry, her trusty bodyguards for years now, followed close behind acting as a shield against the stranger. Yet Deva wondered if they recognized her guest.
"When my husband and the princes arrive please inform them we need a family meeting."
"Yes your majesty." They continued to follow her towards her favorite study room and kept a watchful eye on her unannounced guest.
They stood guard at the door while she and the hooded figure entered. Weary but cooperative of her request to privacy. They knew their Queen's power was no match for anyone.
The room wasn't extravagant or large. It was Deva's sanctuary and she had decorated it to remind her of home or her precious life. Personal pictures of her mother, father, and siblings recovered from her childhood home hung about the burgundy walls.
She started to wonder if it was a good idea letting him wander into her personal space.
The new intense atmosphere warping around her made her feel off balance.
What was she to say? Her mind was a cloud of dark emotion.
"Why did you take my memories?" His beautiful velvet voice brought chills to her skin. She hated the effect he still had on her even after so much time.
But Deva was at a loss for words.
Adamarius took two large strides and contained his urge to touch her. "I keep dreaming of your face. Deva. A Queen, I supposedly never met."
He had changed. No longer was he clean cut and almost identical to his half-brothers. No, he looked rugged and edged with years of tolerated torment. The last ten years without him had been a lot easier for her to bear since she had Darius to fill the void.
He wasn't supposed to remember anything so how could he even dream of her?
"What are you talking about?"
His eyes were lost but driven with anger. "Stop. Stop lying to me. I want the truth. I need the truth."
He was desperate and watching him in anguish was breaking her heart.
"How did you know to come here?"
Adamarius froze, shaken by a dreaded fear or sensation. "Kaia, my dearest friend; I'd tell her about you. I could always tell when she was lying to me. She was compelled not to tell me anything but I tortured her anyway. I nearly killed her just to know why I couldn't stop thinking about you."
Kaia was the witch sent by King Derick to watch over him while he was in the human world.
"The only thing I got out of her was hybrid queen. It was the only information I needed in this world to point me in your direction."
Her heart was pounding faster inside her chest. "Why are you here?"
He took a step back, hurt and insulted. "You have no idea the misery and hell I feel everyday knowing there is a part of me missing. You're my soulmate. Aren't you?"
Could she lie about it? No. Even standing a foot away the static connection was drawing her to him. It was in their blood.
"What happened?" He spoke so softly and innocently. "I've read old newspapers. I've been here; I've lived here with my brothers, sister, and mother."
"Yes." Deva almost choked on the word.
How much did she deprive him of punishing him? She banished him from his own family. The guilt seeped into her like a poison.
"What happened?" He pleaded for an explanation.
"You saved my life. I was dying of cancer but instead your mark saved me. I am a hybrid because of you."
She could see the shock in his eyes. He truly didn't remember.
"You're married." His pitiful voice suddenly rained with gloom.
"I fell in love with Darius before I met you."
Adamarius leaned into her. The close proximity sparked an old flame. Her lycan was happy to see him.
"You choose him."
That angered him. "Why take my memory? Why send me to another world?"
"Let's wait till Marcus gets back and I'll ask him to restore everything." She meant it.
"How can I trust you?"
That stung more than it should have. Deva reached for his hand and put it between hers. The small gesture immediately calmed him down.
"You have my word as your soulmate."
The door slammed open and Deva quickly dropped her hands.
A tiny frantic boy who was no older than five came rushing in. His bouncy brown locks and dark chocolaty eyes were scanning the room for one particular person.
"Momma," his fragile little voice cried out.
Yet before he could jump into his mother's arms a woman in black snatched him up and protectively held him. She darted her eyes at the stranger.
"It's alright Zara. This is Prince Adamarius, Alcide's uncle."
"I have another uncle. No way." His cheery voice was embedded with mischief.
"Can you inform Marley of his arrival so she could make up his room?" It wasn't much of a request.
Zara was as antsy as a warrior on a battlefield. She was tall, naturally tan, bulky, and most definitely lycan. She unhinged her military trained crouch and placed Alcide on his feet. She wore black, lite metal armor over her chest and shoulders.
Zara, the beautiful ethic Indian, bowed. "Yes your majesty."
"Momma," Alcide said poking his head out to get a better view of Adamarius. "Is he really my uncle?"
The little boy curiously examined Adamarius like he was a science project and Adamarius did the same. Alcide was the spitting image of his father but those eyes. Those dark bewitching eyes that could wrap any heart around his tiny little finger was definitely his mother's.
The warm blood, flush in his cheeks, and the unnatural rapid beats of his heart only confirmed one fact; Alcide may be a vampire but he also had lycan blood in his veins.
"Where has he been hiding?" His delicate voice questioned.
Adamarius brought his gaze back up to Deva, wondering how she would answer.
"The human world."
The truth was better than a lie for her five year old.
"Really?" Alcide's big eyes lit up with excitement. "That's so cool."
Alcide immediately went to stand in front of Adamarius. He politely stretched out his hand. "Hi. I'm Alcide."
Deva knew, with every fiber in her being, that Adamarius was no threat. He would never hurt her or her son because he couldn't. He would destroy himself.
Adamarius bent down to level with his new acclaimed nephew. "It's nice to meet you Alcide. I'm Marius."
Alcide's huge heartbreaking smile almost melted Adamarius to pieces. It reminded him so much of Deva's smile.
"Marius," he played the name on his tongue. "Do you have a special power too?"
Adamarius chuckled. The kid was quick to the point. "Yes and perhaps I'll show you it one day."
"Really?" Alcide turned to look up at Deva with hopeful eyes. "Can he momma? Can he show me now?"
Deva shook her head. "No. It's time for bed now."
"Aww but momma, please..."
Deva was used to her son's heartbreaking puppy eyes pleading for every little thing. Those pleading eyes always seemed to work on Darius and everyone else but Deva was just immune to them at this point.
"No baby. Perhaps another time."
Alcide spun back around to face Adamarius. "Will I see you again?"
Adamarius instinctively gazed up to see Deva's reaction. She gave nothing away. "I would like that."
Alcide nodded before opening his tiny arms as wide as they would go and engulfed Adamarius in the tightened hug he could muster. Adamarius couldn't help the smile on his face. It was the first time in a long time he had ever felt a little happy.
"Goodnight Marius," Alcide whispered before letting go and running into his mother's awaiting arms.
Deva held her son close. "Jonathan will show you to your room. I'll find you once Marcus gets back."
It surprised her how calm and understanding he was being. Perhaps Alcide's presence was holding him back from interrogating her and demanding answers. She owed him answers.
The little boy waved goodbye before disappearing down the hall.
Deva felt the uneven beating of her heart. Luckily with her son to hold for comfort she could push aside her fears until later. She gently placed Alcide in his bed, tucking his superhero blanket around his chest.
"Momma why hasn't uncle Marius been here before?" And now the bombarding of questions began.
"Well baby uncle Marius wanted to explore the world." She lifted the blanket higher to cover his neck. "It's time to sleep. You can ask him all about it tomorrow."
Alcide began to pout. "But when is daddy coming home?"
"Soon, very soon." She leaned in and kissed his forehead.
Alcide yawned. "Where's Magnus?"
Magnus was a beautiful purebred wolf. He acted as pet and guardian to the little prince. Deva had the authority of an Alpha therefore could control anything with a wolf gene. He was spoiled in the castle.
"Magnus went for a run. He'll be back soon. Now sleep baby."
They grew up together and Deva knew the wolf would protect her son at any costs.
She had convinced Darius on Alcide's first birthday that a wolf as a pet would benefit his security.
"Do I have to? I don't want to sleep. I hate sleeping."
At first Deva thought it was a normal thing for children to hate sleeping but once Alcide began to have his nightmares she knew there was something more.
"It's okay baby. You don't have to be afraid. I'm here." She sat in his bed and cradled him.
"I'm not scared for me momma. I'm scared for you."
In the night he would wake up screaming for Deva. It was always her in his dreams/nightmares. She wished there was something she could do to stop him from having such horrible dreams about her.
"It's okay Alcide. I'm fine. Everything is fine. I promise." She felt him curl his tiny little fingers into her long hair.
"I don't want you to go away."
"I know baby. I'm right here."
They lay in bed with silence filling the night.
"Yes momma," his tired voice replied.
"Remember what I told you. The things you see about me are a secret. You can't tell daddy." She hated keeping things from Darius but this was something she had to do. Alcide had an incredible gift, among other things. He could also shield his mind from Darius.
Alcide nodded in agreement. "Okay momma."
A few minutes later and he was fast asleep. Deva quietly and gently maneuvered her way out of his bed without waking him. Alcide was all she held dear to beside her loving husband. She couldn't ask for a more wonderful life. She had everything she ever wanted.
She couldn't afford the downfall of Adamarius' arrival. She needed to handle the situation very delicately.
A female in the same black armor as Zara stood guard by Alcide's room.
"Let me know if he wakes."
The female bowed. "Yes your majesty."
"The King and his brothers have returned." Henry announced.
"Where are they?"
"Waiting for you in the family meeting hall."
The family meeting hall wasn't as big as the grand hall or throne room but it was the most beautiful and enchanting. The walls were made of thick magical, titanium stone looking metal. It was soundproof for private family conversations. There was an opening, no window, but a large floor to ceiling opening with a river of water flowing down it. The room was under a waterfall.
Inside there was a massive, round mahogany table in the center with luxurious grey armchairs for every member of the family. Five chairs were already occupied; Darius, Marcus, Lucian, a pregnant Julia, and Elle. The King was in front of her in a flash, welcoming her with a kiss.
"Vinnicus won!" Elle clapped at the victory.
Deva smiled but it wasn't good enough to fool her husband. "What's wrong? Why have you asked us here?"
"Adamarius has returned." She said bitterly.
His brows furrowed but he remained calm. The rest of the room fell silent for a solid minute.
"He doesn't remember anything. He says he gets dreams of me. His curiosity led him here. He read articles and pieced together a few things. I promised him we'd restore his memory."
"Are you sure that's wise?" Lucian, always the particle and sensible brother, inquired.
"He's lived 10 years knowing something was missing. You'll understand why we must when you see him. It's been torture for him."
"I think he deserves to know." Elle added her opinion.
"Me too but I want to leave our romantic past out of it. Can you do that?" Deva directed the question to Marcus who nodded.
"Yes. Everything is still stored in his conscience. I've only blocked it off. I'll uncover the necessary details and keep the intimate stuff hidden."
She breathed a sigh of relief. "Thank you." Deva didn't need him to start unraveling feelings.
"How is this going to work? Will he be living here? Is he still Alpha?" Julia raised the rest of the concerns.
"I didn't speak to him long. I believe he only came for answers. He seemed too lost to focus on anything pertaining to the kingdom."
"Technically he is Alpha."
They wondered if it would shift the dynamic of their already peaceful ranking. Most of the lycans had accepted Darius as their king and chosen Alpha.
"I asked Marley to makeup a room for him."
"I don't want there to be bad blood. We've finally accomplished a balance and peace. I don't want anything to ruin it." Darius broke his solemn silence. "I suggest we alter the truth a little."
"Like the reason he left? Technically the kingdom believes he was on holiday." Lucian wasn't against the idea.
"No one really knows the details of Deva and Adamarius' past. They we only rumors to the public." Julia was also giving her approval.
"I can plant images in his head." Darius turned to his wife to see if she was on board. "He saved your life, there grew a connection, but in the end you choose me. He was heartbroken and couldn't watch you marry me. So he left."
Elle raised her brows, impressed with the logic. "That could work."
"I'll even add we worked together to take down my father. We were a team, real brothers, a family."
"You want to fake a good relationship with Marius?" Deva was surprised he was willing to.
"If it will ensure peace, of course. We've worked too hard to build this kingdom. United as a family we can do more for our people. I don't want our personal vendetta to tear down our kingdom."
"Ok let me get this story straight." Julia dove into the fake history. "Adamarius saves Deva, they have an innocent lycan/soulmate attraction but as soon as Red is out of the picture she chooses you?"
"Correct." Darius confirmed the new draft of their story.
"Then we plot to get rid of father with the help of our hybrid brother who we all happen to have a wonderful relationship with, including you?" Marcus revised.
"And once I agree to marry you Adamarius wants to leave because I broke his heart. I make the decision to take his memory without him knowing because I believe it will be easier for him." Deva finished their plot.
"Do you really think it will work?" Lucian, like everyone else, had a tiny doubt in the devilish plan.
"It's worth a try." Julia rubbed her plump belly, thinking of a peaceful world for her daughter. "Like Darius said we need to stand united. I think Adamarius was an honorable man. He loved Deva and the lycans. He wouldn't jeopardize what we have for selfish reasons."
"She's right. Once he sees how happy Deva is being a wife and mother he wouldn't care what role he'd have to play as long as Deva is happy." Elle seconded that point of view.
"Agreed." Lucian and Marcus spoke in unison.
"Deva?" Darius questioned.
She nodded. "I think this is the best way. Another necessary lie."
"I should tell Izzy." Lucian was the only one who could reach her quick enough. She was in the human world on vacation.
"I'll go with you." Elle took her husband's hand and they disappeared.
"I'll go attend to our guest then." Marcus bent over to give Julia a sweet kiss before leaving.
Deva was torn between going with him and staying put. Was it wrong for her to want to be there for Adamarius? Was it a soulmate thing? Or was it guilt? Darius made the decision for her. He intertwined their fingers and led her to the exit.
Deva was overwhelmed with tearful emotion. Years of being King had given Darius patience and an unfathomable range of understanding.
Adamarius was put his old room. Everything was the same. The room was untouched for years but frequently cleaned.
"Does this look familiar?" Deva whispered so she couldn't frighten him.
Adamarius was so deep in thought and engrossed within the scenery from his balcony he didn't turn to greet them.
He dropped his eyes to Deva and Darius' hands laced together. She felt the twinge of pain it caused him through their link. Now that he was close their shared lycan connection was trying to reconnect.
"No." He responded sadly.
"Perhaps I can help with that. I'm Marcus." He stretched out his hand and Adamarius took it but reluctantly. He didn't trust his family.
Marcus cocooned his mind around Adamarius' to weaken his defenses. With a little struggle Marcus managed to subdue Adamarius, putting him in a tiny coma.
Minutes went by and Deva braced herself while Darius joined Marcus in carving out memories and implanting new ones. When it was over they placed Adamarius on his bed.
"He'll be out for a bit."
Two men were posted outside his door for precaution. They didn't know what Adamarius might do once he woke with renewed memories.
In the privacy of their own room Darius ' urgent lips began tracing a trail of kisses down her neck to the base of her throat. Shock waves ignited every fiber of her skin.
"Darius," Deva moaned.
Darius swung her body around and devoured her lips with his own. This was what she lived for. Deva could feel the love and need Darius had for her through every touch and kiss. They had only been apart a few hours yet every caress was showing her how much he missed her.
"I love you." She barely got out in between kisses.
Darius' lips went down to her throat once again. "I love you." He took hold of her shirt and effortlessly torn it in half.
His hands massaged her skin with sensational tingles. His blue-grey eyes were clouded with lust and need.
Darius was like a drug to her. She just couldn't get enough of him. Deva couldn't refuse him or deny the fact that she wanted him now more than ever.
Deva crushed her lips to his while gripping his shirt and tearing it apart. She threw it on the floor like a useless rag before rapturing her claws over his glorious body.
Darius cried out in pleasure when he felt her nails draw blood on the skin of his back. Nothing and no one was ever going to change the way they felt about each other.
Plot twist. What do you think?
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