Chapter 43
++++ Warning this chapter is a little rated-Rish+++++
"Why do we have to have a ball every week?" Deva whined as they made their way down the majestic trail leading to the garden maze.
Adamarius kept a fair distance behind her, not able to control his prying eyes from admiring her swaying hips.
"This ball isn't like the others. This one is specifically a celebration for the other Kings to finally meet you."
She hated being the stoplight. "What if I happen to be sick that day?" She would honestly do anything to get out of another ball.
Adamarius tapped her nose playfully and kissed it afterwards. "Oh pet that excuse won't work anymore. You're a hybrid; you're stronger than anything that exists on this planet."
She pouted.
"Once you become Queen you can control the amount of balls you celebrate."
That put a smile on her face. Adamarius shook his head at her instant simple joy.
"I thought girls loved to dress up and dance with their prince charming."
Deva snorted. "You try wearing high heels longer than two hours."
Adamarius smirked and laced their fingers together before pulling her along the path again. They sat on the wooden bench located at the entrance of the maze.
"Have you met the other Kings?"
She had heard of his travels when Izzy used to brag about it but never had Deva asked Adamarius.
"The other kingdoms are more lycan friendly. I've only seen two of them from afar. I'm a subject, that's not important enough to meet them."
"Just imagine if they knew you were the bastard of Queen Emma and ..."
Adamarius proceeded to finish the sentence for her. "My father's name was Agron. He was an Alpha."
"Define Alpha."
"He had all the control. He could bark any order and lycans are forced to do it, like it is physically impossible not to do as he demands."
Deva scrunched her face in repulse. "That's not fair. Whose Alpha now that he's gone?"
"No one in these parts but that rein would have been passed down to me."
Her lips curved at the irony. "Aren't we the lucky chosen ones?"
"You have the harder job." He said turning the spotlight back to the ball.
"Yeah, trying to impress three really old vampire Kings. No pressure."
He could sense her discomfort.
"Beautiful listen to me," Adamarius' hand went up around her neck to force her to look at him. "They are vampire Kings who worked for centuries to bring fear into their people with the whisper of their names. They like to intimidate people because it is in their nature to have power. And you..."
He paused to kiss her mocking lips.
"You are Queen. You are the new generation. Don't let them frighten you. Show them how powerful and fearless you can be. You can't let them push you around."
Deva's brow rose in a devious fashion. "You don't think I'm scary?"
Adamarius kissed her forehead and started to walk again. "Oh yes. I'm petrified by your red colored nails; cherry glossed lips, and curled hair. You just ooze 'fear me'."
His playful sarcasm would not go unpunished. Deva jumped on his back and tightly wrapped her legs around him. Adamarius laughed, hoisting her up to get a better grip.
Her lips found his ear where she bit down, hard.
"Is that any way to speak to your Queen?" Her soft seducing voice whispered.
He chuckled. "You're going to have to do better than that."
Darius stood from afar and watched Deva and Adamarius' playful exchange. He wanted to rip his eyes out for even looking their way. He still had an ache in his heart every time he saw her with Adamarius. He wanted her to be happy, she deserved it but Darius couldn't help the way he boiled up every time he saw them touch.
He watched as Adamarius tackled her to the ground and began to trail kisses against every inch of her neck. It felt like someone was slowly and agonizingly tearing his heart out. He remembered the way it felt to kiss her soft skin because nothing felt more close to heaven. And when he held her in his arms everything else disappeared. He hated himself for letting her down and not being the man she needed.
Eventually a member of the staff broke up their little playful attack. Deva was asked to help pick out a few things for the ball arrangements. She reluctantly followed but with a frown on her face. It made Darius smile to see that Deva still despised playing dress up and entertaining a crowd.
Adamarius knew Darius was watching them and decided to rub it in a little more. Darius had averted his eyes but heard Adamarius' heavy footsteps advancing closer. Darius stood tall, waiting for his half-brother to finally reach him.
"Do you enjoy gawking at things you can never have?" Adamarius queried, drilling his brother with endless aggravation.
"Not as much as I enjoy punishing those who deceive and hurt the ones I love." Darius did his best to control his raving temper.
"Does that include yourself as well, little brother? After all you did deceive the one you loved, now didn't you?" Adamarius put smugly.
Darius glared furiously at his enemy. "I don't know what kind of game you are playing but if you hurt her I will kill you."
His threat hardly scared Adamarius.
"You would like that wouldn't you. But I'm not like you. I don't hurt the ones I love and disappoint them countless other times."
Adamarius' comment stung like a blade piercing the skin and for some reason all control was thrown out the window. Darius raised his fist and crushed it against Adamarius jaw.
Adamarius responded quickly and jabbed his knee towards Darius' stomach. Slight pain shot through both their bodies.
"You're a manipulative bastard. You don't deserve her." Darius shouted and moved to attack again.
Adamarius blocked Darius' fist.
"And you do?" Adamarius laughed before punching Darius square in the nose.
Darius took a step back and placed his hand over his bleeding nose. It was broken; he jerked it to place it back correctly.
"Have you forgotten how you broke her heart? There is no hope for you two. She will never trust you again," Adamarius taunted.
Darius bit back the pain of his truthful words. She would never want to be with him after all of this.
"And do you think she's not smart even to see through what you really are?" Darius stated. "You both hated each other now all of a sudden you are in love with her."
Darius took a leisure step forward. "You want the throne. I see that and I'm sure as hell she'll see that too. She's using you as a rebound, nothing more. She can't be with you either."
Adamarius charged knocking Darius to the ground. They wrestled for minutes till they mutually parted.
"She will never love you, dog. I will always be in her heart."
Adamarius growled and he felt his patience come to an end as his lycan was clawing to get out and show Darius a few things. His body began to shake from the rage but before Adamarius could shift into his lycan Deva came running towards them.
She placed her hand on Adamarius' chest and felt the vibrations of his rapid animalistic intentions.
"Marius you need to calm down."
His eyes were zoned in on Darius. Deva ran her hand up and curled her fingers in his hair to yank his head down to face her. Their eyes finally locked and Adamarius took a deep breath to suppress his beast. She felt compelled to help him since she could feel his tyrant struggle.
"Marius, please..."
He focused on her plea and suddenly his tense body eased. Adamarius' hand instinctively wrapped around her waist. Somehow her presence cleared his mind.
"I'm sorry," he whispered. "I couldn't control it."
She could feel his chaotic nerves as they tried to assemble themselves. She knew exactly what it felt like getting lost in the moment.
"What happened?"
Adamarius exhaled his pride and gave her the honest answer she deserved.
"He thinks I'm using you to get the throne and that you're keeping me around as a rebound."
Darius was having as much trouble as she was at letting each other go. She never believed Darius would ever be happy or even content with her wanting to spend time with Adamarius. She couldn't blame him for looking out for her. He still loved her but eventually he would have to stop. He couldn't dictate her whole life. Even if his accusations were right she needed to learn on her own.
She glanced around but couldn't find Darius anymore.
"I believe he went inside," Adamarius answered her unspoken question.
"What were you thinking?"
She was furious with both of them even though she knew Darius had instigated it.
"You're older, stronger you should have better self-control." She didn't mean to be so harsh but the fear of losing one of them taunted her.
How did she get dragged into another brother love triangle?
"He should have a better grip on his mouth and his emotions. I'm tired of watching him pour out his heart every time he sees you." His head drooped. "I feel like I'm still competing for your affection."
Her love life was a mess. The man she thought was the love of her life she couldn't be with anymore. And now she found her soulmate but couldn't be with him either because she had to choose Lucian for the kingdom.
"I can't erase my past with him. I'm sorry you don't trust my loyalty. I knew what it feels like to be cheated on. I promise I wouldn't wish that pain on anyone. You started off as a rebound but I don't know anymore. I don't know how much longer we can keep this up. I'll have to marry Lucian eventually."
She wanted to be honest with him yet he should have already known. She was the future Queen. It was her duty to marry a prince.
"I know but Deva it's your life."
She shook her head and forced the tears back. "It's not that simple."
"What if it can be?"
Why was he giving her hope? Her life was already planned out. She was constantly fighting it and he was making it more difficult. He wasn't supposed to do that.
"You were just supposed to be a distraction. This wasn't supposed to become real."
There wasn't supposed to be strings attached.
He lowered his head to hide his real emotions but came back up with a cold mask. "What do you want Deva? Huh. What do you want from me?"
"I can't do this right now." She couldn't because she didn't have an answer.
Deva left him there. She wasn't sure what she wanted anymore or what she could really have.
The door to Darius' room was already open ajar. Darius was pacing his room practically burning a hole in the rug.
"What were you thinking?" She half yelled.
Darius' eyes shot up. "Deva he's not what you think."
"Don't start this again Darius." She warned.
He moved closer and began to plead. "Please Deva don't, just don't be with him. You deserve so much better. He is so wrong for you."
"I'm not going to talk to you about my personal life. You can't go around picking fights with lycans. He could have killed you. Do you understand that? He is a hybrid with more power than you."
"Deva-" His blue eyes softened but she refused to fall victim to their charm.
"No Darius. He could have hurt you. If I hadn't come..." She focused her gaze so no tears would fall. "He bit you once and he might do it again if you're not careful. You don't get it. Controlling a lycan..."
There was more at stack. What if her blood couldn't save him again? She wasn't human. Her bite was also supposed to kill him now that she was half lycan.
"What if I can't save you like I did before? Darius I would die if anything happened to you because of me."
Her open announcement sparked a yearning fire in his soul. She loved him despite everything. To be reminded of that fact awakened his dying heart.
"Deva I'm sorry. I wasn't...thinking."
She shut her eyes. "Why do you have to make this hard for me?"
He closed the small gap separating them and she knew he wouldn't stop there.
"Dar, please..." The words were stuck in her throat.
"Deva," he seduced her, "I need you."
"We can't." She choked out.
He let another second go by without holding her. Darius cupped her face and took in the scent of her vanilla lavender that he missed so much.
"I can," he whispered before crushing his lips to hers.
She wanted to draw back but the love and lust of shock waves were flooding through her and holding her hostage. She could feel and taste the want and need of desire he possessed.
She hated herself for not wanting to stop. She thought she was stronger. She thought she had changed but it seemed like Darius was still a weakness.
The trivial and treacherous guilt helped her shove him back. Deva collected whatever dignity she had left and disappeared.
Soulmate, Adamarius was her soulmate. Their lycan connection was impeccably strong and real. There was no way he was just a distraction. He was a guardian without her knowledge. He watched over her when she was younger and in the human world. Then he saved her from death. Adamarius meant more to her than she was allowed to admit.
She summoned him to the indoor pool area through their mind link. She made sure they were alone and no one would disturb them. He tried picking through her brain for a reason but she was a vault.
"Why did you come back here? Was it for them or me?"
He first declared it was for family. He supposedly wanted to reunite with his long lost mother and siblings.
But the circumstances changed. She wasn't in the dark anymore and he didn't need to lie to her.
"I had centuries before now to reunite with my blood family. The real reason was you. I came, knowing King Asher's hatred for me, because I needed you."
"How did you know I was here?"
Adamarius was ready to pour out his secrets. "You never came home. I interviewed witnesses from the other abductions. They saw men that looked just like me. I assumed and came here to find out for myself."
"You had trouble turning back into a human. How? Why did Lucian have to get you from somewhere else?"
Why didn't he come directly for her?
"Asher has spies everywhere. He would have taken one look at me and slaughtered me like he did with the rest of the lycans. He sent his sons and I was able to persuade them to take me here; captive and alive."
There was a cloud of questions and fears dictating her emotions.
"Is this soulmate thing real? Did you bite me so you would have some kind of sick power over me? So that you could, I don't know, potentially get to the throne? Are you using me to be king as some revenge plot against Asher?"
"I could never be king. Deva, think about it. Asher would never let it happen." Adamarius went to her and touched her cheek, knowing she was on the verge of tears. "I didn't come with the intentions of claiming you. I didn't know you were dying till I tasted your blood. I wanted to win your heart the old fashion way because I knew marking you wouldn't have made you mine."
Adamarius didn't want to take her heart; he wanted her to give it to him.
"I wanted you to fall madly in love with me. Then we would have made the decision together." He brushed his hand over her mark causing an eruption of chills down her spine. "This mark bounds me to you. I didn't want it to feel like chains; trapping you to be with me."
His mind, heart, and soul were bare for her. He wanted her to explore everything of his so she would have no doubt of his love and devotion.
"But it is. We're connected. We can't survive apart. I don't know what I'm going to do. I have to marry Lucian but I need you."
Adamarius hugged her, cocooning her in the blanket of his securing arms. "We don't have to tell anyone. I know you'll want to be a faithful wife. I'll stay for you. We don't necessarily need a sexual connection."
Deva couldn't believe what he was saying. She jumped out of his arms. "You'd watch me live my life with your brother?" She felt like laughing.
"It would nearly kill me but we need each other. I'd have to fight the urge to kill him. My lycan won't like seeing you with him."
She was so stupid and naïve if she really thought Adamarius was just someone to pass the time. It was much, much deeper than that; bigger than she could have ever comprehended.
He would always be there, in her mind and slowly but surely her heart. She couldn't put him in a corner.
"Am I your only soulmate?"
"You can only have one lycan soulmate in life." And without a doubt she was his.
She was going to put it to the test. Deva proceeded to undress never taking her eyes off him. Adamarius remained poised but not without difficulty.
"Deva, what are you doing?"
She had stripped into her bra and underwear. Adamarius had balled his hands into fists struggling with the beast within.
She unclamped her bra and dropped her lace panties. His eyes couldn't resist the temptation any longer. His golden shade had morphed into a forest green as he traced the voluminous curves of her body.
"Your turn."
Adamarius didn't understand what kind of game she was playing. But in order to grasp any idea he had to play along. He tossed his shirt and before he could undo his jeans she stepped towards him.
Her fingers ran over the plains of his becks, chest, and abdomen. Her touch had awakened more than just his beast, but fragments of his lost and empty heart.
"You would be more than just a shadow." Deva's thumb lingered on the edge of his pants. "With this feeling, this connection I wouldn't be able to be a faithful wife."
The truth hurt because now she couldn't overlook it. Lucian would never be able to make her feel anything close to what she felt with Adamarius or even Darius.
She turned abruptly and dove into the pool to cool off her temperature rising body. By the time she got up to breathe Adamarius had already joined her in the water. They swam towards each other; clashing into one another.
Their lips collided into a chaotic gust of monumental passion. It was an out of body experience. Something, or she could only guess her lycan, was taking over. She needed be consumed by Adamarius.
He pressed her into the tiled wall while she circled her legs around him. The water felt like lava dissolving them in a blissful ecstasy.
Before they could explore anymore of each other the pool door unlocked. Izzy stormed in and gasped when she saw them naked in the water.
"I'm sorry. I didn't realize. Ummm." She turned her head in a different direction. "Deva I need you."
Deva pried her lips from his enticing seduction so she could answer, otherwise Izzy wouldn't leave.
"Okay. Give me a minute."
"I'll wait for you outside." Like a hall monitor Deva thought.
Adamarius was sucking on her neck, so vigorously she moaned in unexpected delight.
"I should go."
"We should finish." Although he knew Izzy would waltz back in but he didn't mind an audience.
"Not tonight." She pushed him back to stop his relentlessness.
Adamarius forced down the whispers of his inner self so he could attend to her needs. Deva swam away from him to fetch her clothes. Her naked body had opened a new challenge for him, a new level to his claim over her. Now he wanted her more than ever.
"Tomorrow at the ball maybe you should talk to other girls." She said it casually as she zipped up her pants.
He swam towards her. "You want me to be around other women."
"Let's see if we can even do what you proposed. Can we be with other people?" Would he honestly be content if she married Lucian?
"If that's what you want me to do."
It wasn't like a life's sentence. How could a man be so bitter about his soulmate giving him permission to be with other women?
Like promised Izzy was waiting just outside the door. She was relieved Deva had decided to join her.
"Don't." Deva didn't felt like hearing a lecture sober.
"I'm not against it. I'm team Deva all the way. I just want you to be careful. They are my brothers and they have hearts, for you it seems."
Everything was already picked out for her; her dress, her shoes, how she would style her hair.
Her dress was black and she deemed it appropriate since it matched her mood. It had long lace sleeves and a low open back with a revealing slit on the front left side. Her long hair was curled by experts and fashioned with a stunning sliver tiara.
"You're a princess now. It's time everyone knows it."
King Asher appeared from beyond the door frame of her bathroom.
"You know how every little girl dreams about being a princess one day?"
He grinned. "Let me guess you weren't one of those girls."
"Nope. I hated the idea of being saved by a prince. I wanted to save myself."
"Having someone save you is a reminder that you're not alone."
Deva shook her head smiling. "You know you're not as bad as I thought you were."
"Neither are you. I don't hate every lycan. I'm cautious. This kingdom is everything to me and I know it will be in good hands when you take over."
Hearing Asher complement her was a wonderful shock and exactly what she needed to hear to survive the rest of the night.
"May I escort you in?"
"I would be honored."
He looked dashing in his black suit almost as attractive as his sons. Asher was an immortal but with a curious age. He didn't exactly look youthful like his twenty year old something sons. Asher looked to be in his late thirties. It was an age that complemented his Kingly title.
With his support Deva didn't even feel out of place anymore walking into the ballroom. She belonged and she welcomed everyone's inquisitive stares.
Asher had introduced her to two of the other kings and their wives. Their stench of power and royalty was meant to intimidate anyone surrounding them.
Deva spotted from the corner of her eye Darius next to Lucian and he was talking to a pretty blonde. The portentous vixen was leaning intimately close to Darius while covering her mouth as she laughed.
"Deva," she heard someone pulling her attention back to the guests. "Deva this is King Raphael."
King Raphael exuded a manner of prestige. His intrusive hazel eyes were outrageously penetrating to the depths of her character.
He extended his hand and she took it politely.
"My, your beauty is beyond words Princess Deva."
Suddenly bashful, Deva's eyes drifted to the tall dark figure standing next to the King. He was looking at Deva with a different kind of strange interest.
King Raphael noticed this and introduced his companion.
"Princess may I introduce to you my lycan guard Tybalt."
"Lycan?" She repeated.
Tybalt's low chuckle echoed as he too extended out his hand in greeting. "It is a wonderful pleasure to meet you Princess."
Deva shook his hand. They told her briefly that there was a possible chance a few lycans may be present.
"It's nice to meet you both." Deva turned back to the King Raphael. "Is your wife here tonight?"
He turned to the direction where Darius was. "She is currently occupied."
"She's the blonde? She looks lovely." Deva cunningly censored her actual thoughts.
His warm smile expressed the adoration he had for his wife. Then as if hearing the gossip about her the blonde made her way over to King Raphael's side.
"Princess Deva this is my wife Queen Sheena."
The blonde threw on a fake smile before batting her eyes at Deva. "I've heard so much about you, Princess. And I've read your magazine interview. Quite the commotion you have caused here."
"As much commotion as any would cause." She responded with subtle harshness.
The Queen's lips curved. "I beg to differ. That was a beautifully racy spread. Those photos captured an amazing chemistry between you and the hybrid prince. What does that make, four? You have caught the attention of four princes. That's hardly common commotion."
Her dark eyes narrowed in on Deva's appearance, critiquing every visible flaw, while she managed to take a sip from her glass.
Deva didn't appreciate the bitchy attitude but she tried remaining tolerant and friendly.
"It wasn't intentional."
"Oh, of course it wasn't." The Queen made her out to be a lair.
Deva gritted her teeth but it didn't stop her violent thoughts from emerging.
Another figure joined their circle. He towered over Deva like a protective shield. His hand ran down the small of her back and she tried to forget her agitation.
"Dance with me Princess Deva." He wasn't asking.
She took his out stretched hand and followed him into the crowd.
'Are you alright?' Adamarius asked through their mind link.
"Peachy," she mumbled under her breath. 'What's the punishment for murdering a queen?'
He frowned. 'Death I think.'
Deva's feet suddenly planted to the floor causing him to halt. Her face crinkled up debating the idea.
Adamarius pulled her deeper into his arms and rocked her back into the motion of the music.
"It's not worth it." He squeezed her hip to pull her out of limbo. 'I would never let you commit suicide.'
The true sadness in his eyes was hard to look at. Her hand grazed his tight set jaw. He was upset with her.
'Don't worry Romeo.'
The song ended and a gorgeous chesty Latina woman, that gave Deva insecurities just looking at her, tapped Adamarius on the shoulder.
"I promised her a dance." He explained.
Deva dropped her hands and stepped back. "Right."
The Latina took her place and Adamarius led them into a spiraling dance. Every twist, every sway the Latina would lift her skirt, sexualizing the entire dance. Adamarius would say a few words making his new partner flirtatiously laugh, which also meant rubbing her hands over his chest.
Deva compressed her lips. It was her bright idea to have him socializing with others. It was a horrible idea that she was hating by the second. Deva resorted to her old habit, drinking till her feelings went numb.
Izzy found her at the bar and dragged her into a group of familiar faces.
"Must be tough adapting to the rich and famous?" Johnny winked at her.
"I'd gladly take the poor and hopeless." At least then she wouldn't have to wear heels all the time.
A young man in a waiter's outfit came around the corner carrying a tray of champagne glasses filled with red liquid.
"Would the princess like a drink?"
He didn't even have to ask. Deva helped herself and the waiter disappeared.
She pressed the edge of it to her lips but before she indulge it was snatched from her hands.
Deva jerked her head to the culprit and found Adamarius holding the glass tightly in a fist.
"What was that for?"
He ignored her completely while he carefully examined the blood, sniffing the area above the opening.
"Who gave you this?"
"One of the waiters. Why does it matter?"
Adamarius looked up, haunted by worry.
"Deva this glass has a poisonous substance in it that could kill a lycan within its reach."
She was silenced by the shock.
"Someone tried to poison you."
Izzy grabbed the glass from her, mortified by the attempt on Deva's life. "Are you alright? Did you drink any of it?"
Deva shook her head, not able to use her voice yet. She had been close to death before but she knew exactly who was stabbing her. This time her assassin was hiding.
Her titanium of emotions stared to flood to the surface. She was a future queen; a queen some might not approve of. Her life would always be a target.
"Someone tried poisoning the princess!" Izzy shouted to alarm the guests and alert the guards to seize anyone suspicious.
The tornado of hurt and raging emotion collided with Deva's lycan defenses. She stared into the crowd with dark purple eyes ablaze.
"Where is the waiter that brought me my drink?"
She was calm but a very scary and dangerous calm.
There was soft shuffling through the crowd but no one came forth.
"Where is he?" Adamarius shouted with such animalistic rage that most of the people backed away until the culprit was pushed forward.
Every instinct in her mind was telling her to detach his throat from his body. Should he be offered the chance to beg for mercy?
Unless it wasn't him at all who wanted her dead.
"Who gave you this drink to give to me?"
The man fearfully dropped his gaze to the floor so she could extract information from him. "Noo..No one." He stuttered.
The crowd parted as the rest of the royal family came to her rescue but she didn't want them to get involved. It was her time to stand up for herself and prove her worth to the rest of the kingdoms.
"I know a man of your stature doesn't have the intellect to sneak in something as clever as poison in such a guarded castle." Deva stalked closer to him and watched as the man cringed. "Who gave you the poison?"
He stumbled over his words. "I don't know your highness."
The truth was written in his eyes. She turned to look at Adamarius who was searching for her reaction. He looked just as determined as she was to find the real culprit.
'It has to be one of the Kings.' Adamarius give her his theory.
But she got no such vibe from the three Kings. Her eyes darted to the blonde who was standing next to King Raphael with a fabricated act of astonishment on her red lips.
Deva used her inhuman speed to wrap her hand around Queen Sheena's neck before anyone could try and talk her out of it.
The blonde yelped and fought to loosen Deva's hold but Deva had unexplainable strength that everyone was underestimating.
King Raphael, her husband, was outraged by Deva's behavior but was forced back by both Adamarius and King Asher.
King Raphael fought. "What is the meaning of this?"
"Why don't we ask your wife?" Deva knew who tried to kill her now she wanted to know why.
The blonde's face grew pale.
"Was it you who tried to have me killed?"
The whole room went quiet with anticipation. The blonde struggled to keep her secrets inside but Deva's ability to seek out truth was too strong.
"Yes. I did it," Queen Sheena spilled.
The crowd of guests flustered about in gasps and shock. King Raphael surrendered, staring at his wife like a stranger. The betrayal made his seek answers.
"Why would you do such a thing?" The blonde just kept her eyes locked on Deva, like she hadn't heard her husband speak.
Deva's grip tightened around the Queen's neck digging her nails into the layers of her skin.
"Why," Deva pressured.
The Queen quickly swept her eyes towards Darius and Deva felt her heart fold into agonizing knots.
"Answer me!" She shouted.
"Because you do not deserve him," the blonde finally admitted shamelessly. "He was mine way before you. I loved him..." She spoke, forgetting her place. "I was going to find a way to be with him again but his feelings had changed. It makes me sick to see the way he looks at you."
Deva turned to face the source of the whole problem. Darius stared back at her, his expression blank.
King Asher stepped forward, tending to handle the matter and guide Deva into her next step.
"Queen Sheena has gone against her King and husband and has also attempted to kill another royal. Her punishment is death." Asher gave Deva an encouraging nod.
It wouldn't be the first person she killed. Deva had to handle the assassination like a true future queen.
She couldn't stop herself from glancing at King Raphael as she placed both hands around Queen Sheena's face.
Deva jerked the Queen's head to the side with precise force; her neck snapped and her head came right off her shoulders. The headless body trembled, toppling over and splashing blood all over the ballroom floor.
King Raphael made no attempt to stop Deva or go to his wife's aid.
Deva covered her despair with a mask before evacuating. She was tired of her royal social life; tired of assassinations on her life. She was tired of being a princess.
Darius was on her tail calling her name in the corridor. She made it to her room without lashing out and didn't even bother to close the door knowing he would come in regardless.
"Deva I'm sorry. I can explain." He felt guilty for what happened.
"Darius just stop I don't want to hear it."
But of course he continued. "Deva I had no idea-"
She was done feeling; she was banishing her emotions for once. "I knew you had a past Darius. Of course you have a past; you're over 500 years old." She took a deep breath to calm herself. "I'm just wondering how all your past mistakes keep coming back to bite me in the ass."
Darius paused not knowing how to answer her.
"I'm sorry. I never thought that something like this would happen." He exhaled and surrendered. "What can I do or say to make this better?"
He was unintentionally hurting her and he didn't know how to make it stop.
"Stay away from me." Her cold piercing stare made him feel like she was a complete stranger.
She turned her back to him. "Leave."
He swallowed his regret and abided her wishes, closing the door behind him.
She was mad a Darius but for different reasons. He ruined their chances and now they were both suffering the consequences. She was being forced to marry his brother Lucian. Then to top of her crazy life she added a lycan soulmate into the mix.
From her window she had a clear view of the ballroom's balcony. Adamarius' silhouette was staring off into the garden when a woman approached him, another beautiful foreigner.
She tried to seductively touch him but Adamarius dodged her completely. As if knowing Deva was watching, he looked up into her window.
"I wouldn't try anything if I were you. I belong to Princess Deva." He declared.
The woman immediately vanished and Deva smirked. The fear was real. Adamarius got on top of the railing, jumping onto the wall of the building she was at. He climbed and within seconds he appeared at her window.
"You shouldn't have let me spoil your fun."
Instead of dusting off his suit Adamarius took his suit jacket off. "So you don't mind seeing me with other women?"
He was inside her head and sensed her dismay when he was with them. She didn't like it but he wanted her to admit it.
"No." She was holding up a front. Her emotions were sedated because it was the only way to protect herself.
She tried walking away but Adamarius grabbed her wrist and forced her back towards him.
"You can't lie to me." He cradled her face and cursed her stubbornness.
"How can you let me be with Lucian but not expect me to let you see other women?" It was a sick compromise.
"I just want you."
She let out a breath and held onto his waist for support. "Every time I fall deep into your eyes it feels like a sin. It's a good thing I don't mind falling into sin."
She raised her chin to kiss him; his soft inviting lips warming her to the core. "If it's for you."
He pulled her into his embrace. "I could have lost you today."
"You saved my life again."
"I'd die without you...literally." He would never let any harm come to her. In his arms she felt safe and for once whole.
Her fingers started to undo his tie. "I'm not married yet. Right now I'm soulfully yours."
"What do you want Deva?" It was rare for her to have anyone ask her that.
Usually it was everyone else telling her what she wanted and needed.
"I want you. I want to forget that I'm a princess with a kingdom on my shoulder. I want to forget how much I used to love Darius. I want to forget everything except you."
His kiss indescribably brought her back to life. He was resuscitating whatever was left of her broken heart. He was the new reason for the glimmer of happiness in her life. Adamarius was unconditionally hers.
Her lycan raptured in the seduction of his feverish hands running down her body. She fumbled over his buttons till the nuisance took too long to untangle. Deva ripped his shirt apart and he chuckled.
She traced his dimples and he lost himself in her affectionate touch.
"I love you." His emotions overpowered his nerves. "Deva I love you. I have never said those words to anyone before. You have possessed me from the moment I laid my eyes on you."
She couldn't detect an ounce of untruth. Suddenly, she was at a loss for words. Love was a scary and powerful thing. The last person she loved broke her heart. How was she guaranteed it wouldn't happen again? Their relationship was more doomed than her and Darius' was.
Deva swallowed his breathtaking sentiment and responded with a kiss. "Show me. Show me what it feels like to be loved."
He happily devoured her mouth as well as her mind. He would have no trouble showing her the depth of his love. His hand found her slit, brushing it aside he hoisted her up. Her legs coiled around him as he gripped her ass to lay her carefully on the bed.
He removed his shirt and she took control in order to satisfy her lustful fantasy. She whipped him around throwing his back against the bed. Her mouth latched onto his chest, where she began to lick and suck her way down the ripples of his abs.
Adamarius tugged her hair into his fist, moaning in the pleasurable wet sensation of her tongue. With wolf like sharpness her teeth sank into his flesh. He flinched and she sat up biting her lip like a devilish vixen. Adamarius rose biting her lip for her.
She liked inflicting pain but he had a suspicion she liked receiving pain even more. His skillful tongue swam in her mouth massaging the curvature of her appetite. His large hands fondled her ass making her entire body hot and incredibly bothered.
Deva lifted her dress to dispose of the fabric separating their flesh. She wasn't wearing a bra. Adamarius flipped them over crushing his weight on top of her but she loved it. His hot, burning bare chest was pressing against her breasts in a blanket of exhilaration. Her heart was crashing like waves against the ocean.
He ravished her neck with lustrous kisses blazing a fire down between her breasts. He paused then his lips were gone.
She was addicted to the sensation; it was assaulting her, paralyzing her. "Don't stop."
Adamarius swallowed her nipple, sucking and flicking his tongue to exonerate the buildup of pressure holding her prisoner.
"Fuck," Deva cried curling her fingers in his hair.
Her other hand impatiently tried sliding towards his zipper. He grabbed both of her wrists and pinned her hands above her head.
His body slid up in the process and she felt his huge bulge dig into her sex. She shuddered in unadulterated bliss. He rotated his hips sinking deeper between her thighs. He wouldn't let go of her hands no matter how much she whimpered.
He thrusted his hard bulge into her, rubbing it against her eager sex. She ravaged his mouth to keep from crying out his name. Her ambition tongue played his like a violin. She rocked her hips adding to his momentum causing him to groan, so male and primal.
The climactic motion sped up since he was drowning in his own masochism. He wanted to slip out of his pants and peel off her panties but he sustained from the pleasure; from the raw physical pleasure. He wasn't convinced she was ready for it.
He pounded more fiercely till he heard the rectifying release of her climax. Her chest rose pushing up against his in the sweet heat of the orgasmic moment. Adamarius slid his fingers into her lace panties. They were soaked and she was pulsating.
He held her trembling body in his arms and his breath warmed the nape of her neck.
She was flushed and her bottom lip was bleeding from holding in the tension. Adamarius kissed her sensually, sucking the blood.
Her erotic brown eyes sought his, her pupils growing larger.
"I won't make love to you until you feel the same." It was an unexpected promise.
"You want to hear me say it first?" She panted.
He nodded but he wanted her to do more than just say it. He wanted her to actually love him.
Deva snuck her hand inside his pants softly stroking his swollen erection. He tilted his head back in painful pleasure.
"Are you sure I can't change your mind?" She could see his defenses writhing.
He let out a hushed moan as her shaky fingers wrapped around his hot length. He took in a breath that rattled his chest. "No."
"Marius I want you." She moaned softly, gently squeezing him.
He was throbbing in her hand. He looked into the liquid pool of her eyes; she was so striking, so seductive. He fought the powerful desire and focused on his goal. He wanted Deva's heart and he wanted it the right way. He couldn't complicate their connection with his own physical ache.
He gripped her hand to release her hold on him. "Not like this. Deva you're killing me here. I want you. I want you so badly but I need something more than just this."
She pulled her arms to her bare chest and spun around, embarrassed. "I'm scared. I'm afraid of loving any one anymore."
"That's why I need this more. I need you to know I'm not going anywhere. I can't be with anyone else. Deva I need your love just as much as you need mine."
She grabbed his hand that was laying on her hipbone and pulled it to her lips. "Stay with me tonight."
He kissed the back of her head. "I'm not going anywhere." He would repeat himself until she finally believed him.
Ok guys what do you think?
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