Chapter 40
Kissing Adamarius felt like a dream. The man she thought was her enemy had saved her life and stirred up a tidal wave of emotions. Their undeniable and inconceivable chemistry was beyond her control. The only obvious and ludicrous explanation was his bite mark. It had a possessive hold on her.
She shut her book in frustration because she just couldn't concentrate on the poetic words anymore.
"Someone's in a bad mood," his deep satin voice came from the open door.
Adamarius' broad smile was toying with her.
"What are you doing out this late? Did someone leave your cage open again?"
His alluring grin turned into a chuckle. He moved in front of her and bent down to have his face just inches from hers. His spearmint breath tickled her face and it was extremely inviting.
"You're like a cup of sunshine; you know that." His words were laced with sarcasm and she wanted to laugh.
Yeah she knew she was mean, what else was new.
"I just want to drink you all up." He teased leaning in to steal a kiss from her pink lips.
She reacted instantly by pushing him away even though she was dying to get a better taste of him.
"Not here," she didn't want anyone to find out about them.
He quietly groaned before standing straight again. He watched as Deva's wondrous eyes moved to the window. She was staring out but he could tell that her mind was somewhere else.
Adamarius took her hand and swiftly tugged her up off the small couch.
"What are you doing?"
"Kidnapping you," he responded pulling her towards the door while she resisted.
"What? Why?"
"Because I want to. Now are you going to be dragging your feet the whole time?"
"Maybe," she bolted her feet in place bringing him to a halt. Adamarius cursed her stubbornness. Why couldn't she cooperate for once?
Instead of arguing with her Adamarius simply threw her petite body over his shoulder like she was a potato sack.
She squirmed, smacking his back a few times. "Marius put me down."
He paused momentarily. "Do you promise to cooperate?"
"No," she scuffed.
He lightly smacked her butt with the palm of his hand. She fumed while he enjoyed every second of her reaction.
"Fine, fine I'll do whatever you want." She fidgeted; satisfied he actually listened to her.
Adamarius put her down and she marveled at how discrete he was. They were standing somewhere in the woods next to a cliff. She tore her eyes away from the beautiful scene and narrowed unpleasantly towards Adamarius.
"If you ever do that again I will chop off your hands."
"You don't like when I touch you?" His lips lightly brushed her temple.
Deva shook her head dismissively. "I didn't say that."
Adamarius took a step back and went towards the cliff. "Do you wish I was him?"
Deva swallowed the lump in her throat. Why was he bringing up Darius?
"No," she whispered into the cold air.
Adamarius had his back to her when he asked, "Do you still think about him often?"
"It doesn't matter anymore. He and I will never be together."
It was silent for a moment and all that could be heard were the gentle whispers of the wind flowing through the trees. Adamarius' head was facing up to the moon and Deva could see his beautifully sculpted features from the light descending from it.
"Do you want to know why dogs, wolves, and lycans howl at the moon?"
She stayed quiet because in all honesty she had no idea. Adamarius opened his mouth and let out a howl that would even put wolves to shame. It was a sound so animal like that it was hard to believe it was coming from a human body.
Deva couldn't help the laugh that escaped her lips once Adamarius finally turned to her. "Was that your mating call?"
His devious smile appealed to her.
"How's that working out for you?" She teased once he was in front of her.
"I got you, don't I?"
She shifted her weight on one leg. "Are all alpha lycans as cocky as you?"
"I haven't met another alpha lycan."
She felt somewhat bad for even mentioning it. All his people were wiped out by his mother's husband.
"Why do they howl at the moon?" She wanted to change the subject quickly.
"The moon is like a light in a dark tunnel. When a creature of the night, of the nature feels lost, alone, or even thankful they raise their head up toward the glowing light and sing it a song of howls."
"Which one are you then: lost, alone, or thankful?" Deva was intrigued to know his answer.
His green orbs were glowing as he spoke, "Thankful, definitely thankful."
Adamarius cupped her face and pulled her closer. "That I finally have you." His words brushed against her lips.
Deva ran her hand up his neck and forced his head closer so their lips could finally touch. He smirked through the kiss as the thrill of sensations filled them both.
His warm body and sweet touch was turning into an addictive drug to her. She never thought she would get this close to anyone after what she and Darius had but this was definitely something else. It wasn't anything like what Darius made her feel but this feeling was just as enticing.
Their lips parted and Deva bowed her head. Was it wrong to feel this way?
"You were such a douchebag to me."
She often wondered what it would have been like between them if he was just nice to her from the beginning.
"When I saw you I felt drawn to you." He hesitated, clawing through his sculp. "My lycan wanted to claim you so bad."
Deva rubbed her temples. There were so many lycan things she didn't know about.
"What does that even mean to claim me?"
"Most, not all, lycans meet in their lifetimes their one true mate that they want to spend the rest of their lives with."
She raised her brow. "And I was yours?"
"Yes. Once I bit you we connected and share this unbreakable bond."
Deva's hand flew to scared mark on her neck. "So we're connected now? I have no choice?"
He knew she'd be mad about it. "That's why I was such a jerk in the beginning. Deva, I was suppressing my feelings. I wanted to give you a choice."
"What changed your mind?"
His eyes resembled the night. "You were dying." Adamarius took her hand and played with her fingers. "The cancer was spreading. I couldn't risk losing you if you chose to turn into a vampire. I'm sorry I didn't consult you but I wasn't sure I could live with myself if you refused my help and died."
Deva had no words to describe what was flowing through her mind. She couldn't hate him.
"What am I to you?"
He smiled and traced the mark on her neck with his thumb. "Everything."
Deva sighed. "How? How is that possible? You don't even know me."
"Close your eyes." Their kind of bond was meant to be felt. He intertwined their fingers and pressed his cheek to hers. She subconsciously synced her breathing to match his.
It was like her body was accommodating to his.
"What do you feel?"
"Hot." She was a skeptical realist with pessimistic tendencies.
He was going to have to work a little harder for her to open up and accept their supernatural connection.
"What else?"
She undid her disposition. "Safe."
He encouraged her by squeezing her hand. "What else?"
Deva vanquished her paradox of resentment. He wasn't her enemy. "I don't feel alone anymore."
"I'm not going anywhere." Adamarius sealed his promise with a perplexing kiss.
Deva may not have understood the depth of his promise but she was aware of how much she needed him. She knew he was telling the truth. She could feel it. Adamarius seemed like a completely new person. He wasn't hiding from her anymore.
They stared up at the sky, star gazing practically the whole night. It was like time had stopped and nothing else mattered.
"What's one thing you miss as being a human?"
It only took her a second to think of something. "Being around other humans. I miss my best friend Julia. I don't want to hurt her and I'm afraid of losing control around her."
"The trick is to feed your appetite. Satisfy your hunger so it won't have any power to take."
His tip was greatly appreciated.
Deva only hoped she could do it before Izzy's birthday bash. Julia was bound to accompany Marcus.
Deva watched as Izzy twirled in the mirror. Her luminous face glowed with excitement and beauty. She played with her riffled shirts and spun again for the fifth time.
"You don't think it's too much do you?" Suddenly Izzy's doubt was ruining the mood.
Deva shook her head. "No. The dress is perfect and the color looks stunning on you. You may put up a tough chick act but deep down you're definitely a girly girl."
Izzy exhaled as if Deva's opinion was gold. "You know what I'm not even going to deny it. Thank you again for doing this."
"Of course." Deva hugged and kissed her cheek. "Since the moment I met you, you have been nothing but kind to me. Izzy you're my best friend. I love you and I'm so thankful to have you in my life."
Tears ran down both their cheeks. Izzy waved her hand and giggled. "Don't say such things when I have ten pounds of makeup on my face."
Deva wiped her tears and nodded. "I'm sorry. You better get going. Your guests are waiting."
Izzy dashed to the door. "What about you?"
"I'll be there."
Alone in the room Deva took her time getting ready. She didn't particularly like the big fancy balls especially after the last one she attended. Amy had almost stabbed her to death.
Before leaving her room Deva remembered one last important accessory she needed to wear. It was a bracelet given to her by the Queen who insisted that she wear it everywhere she went. It was a queen's heirloom bracelet that was passed down from generation to generation.
A larger hand covered her own before she could clasp the bracelet. Deva felt another arm wrap around her waist and someone's hot breath running down her neck.
The bewitching warmth surrounded her like an endearing eclipse.
"Guess who?" His voice was a smooth as silk.
"Ummm Marcus?" She joked and he gently bit her earlobe before a small growl escaped his lips.
She giggled. "Okay I guess not."
"Don't make me punish you."
Deva turned in his arms and buried her face in his chest. She was freezing and tried to steal as much warmth as possible.
"I'd like to see you try."
He only chuckled because he knew he could easily bend her over his knee and show her a few things on manners.
"Mmmm you're warm." Deva rubbed her nose against his shirt and he shivered.
"Deva why are you so cold?" He lifted her beautiful face and confirmed his suspicion of hunger.
Deva's new velvet eyes were colored in with a red rim. The red was a visible sign of hunger.
"Deva you haven't been feeding have you?"
She had other things on her mind and every time she thought about feeding she replayed the murder scene. Even though she wasn't a fan of Evie she didn't want to become that monster every time she was a little hungry.
"I feel fine. I didn't realize I was cold until I touched you."
He rubbed her icy arms. He couldn't be mad or disappointed. It was a new experience for her. He would have to be more attentive to her needs.
Adamarius sighed. "Deva you are a hybrid and your urges are much stronger. If you ignore those urges the hunger will take over."
She nodded submissively which he responded with a kiss. The bittersweet whirlwind left her brimming with desire as he pulled away.
"Don't move. I'll be right back."
She finished fastening the bracelet around her wrist by the time he got back.
"Here pet," he handed her a glass of thick red liquid. "Drink this."
She didn't need him to tell her what it was because she could smell the blood as soon as he entered the room.
"Better?" He asked when she licked the last drop.
"Yes. Thank you."
He kissed her knuckles. "You look stunning."
She wasn't a fan of halter dresses but wasn't going to argue with Izzy. The dressed was specifically picked for her by the birthday girl. Adamarius compliment was admired enough to have her stomach invaded by butterflies. Adamarius was wearing classic black dress pants and a dark purple button up with a black skinny tie. No doubt Izzy put him up to it as well.
"Purple? Are you sure you're confident enough with your sexuality to wear that color?" She teased.
Adamarius smirked with delight. "Well I feel confident but there's only one way to find out."
He kissed her, sweet and gently.
"You should go in first and I'll follow after. We wouldn't want to start a scandal."
She nodded and got up on her tippy toes for one last longing kiss. "That was for luck."
Her heels clicked loudly in the empty hallway leading up to the ball room. Every door in the palace was monitored by security and footmen.
Deva held her breath as the large doors opened for her. The room was packed and decorated to fit Izzy's style. It was beautiful with silk red and black fabrics hanging from the ceilings and far walls. The music was anything but classical. Everything in the room represented Izzy's personality and everyone seemed to enjoy it.
Deva had no chance of conspicuously sneaking in without any grand entrance. The blur of faces were always the same.
Everyone was nice and gracious of course. After all Deva was going to be their new queen. Everyone wanted to be in her good graces. Frankly Deva found it quite obnoxious and wondered how the Queen did.
How were she supposed to trust anyone? They were sucking up to her out of fear.
Deva couldn't take her eyes off of Adamarius once he entered the ballroom. The guests were in awe and complete devotion to their new gossip subject.
Queen Emma met her son halfway and he escorted her back to her throne chair where she took it upon herself to announce him as her son. Rumors were bound to spread like wildfire.
She kept the backstory simple. She lied, claiming she was raped. The child was taken and she presumed he was dead. The rest of the night Deva answered curious questions about the mysterious lycan brother. She was elated that for once the questions weren't about her.
'Dance with me,' she heard a low voice whisper into her thoughts.
Deva searched the room for the familiar voice and spotted Adamarius marching towards her. She tried to conceal her burning blush from the circle of people around her.
Why was she even blushing? He was starting a fire.
The group greeted him with friendly compliments, flirty eyelashes, and respectable handshakes.
"Prince Adam-Adamari-"
"Adamarius." He corrected before the woman officially butchered his name.
"It's very unique." She scurried closer. "It's so crazy how much you look like the other princes."
Adamarius retracted his sharper lycan teeth to distinguish one of the biggest differences. "Yes, only minor dissimilarities."
Apparently he hated being compared to them. Deva took his hand and tugged him in the direction of the dance floor. "Dance with me."
He placed his hand on her hip and lead her into the music; whisking her off her feet like prince charming. For a lycan, living in the human world, with a tough upbringing she was impressed by his graceful technique. Where did he learn to dance?
"You're supposed to show them how civilized lycans can be. Flashing your razor sharp teeth isn't helping." Deva was now on the same side.
She wanted Adamarius accepted especially since the King was so against him. The lycans needed to come back to society.
"Sorry. She was the fiftieth person to mention the resemblance."
"Is it such a curse to look like them? I think they're kind of hot."
"That might be the problem." He didn't want her to assimilate him with Darius in any form.
"So this whole whispering in my head thing is part of our bond?"
He smirked, slowly swaying them into pattern of dancers.
'Yes. It's our link. It's kind of like the link my brothers share. We can have conversations in each other's minds.'
She concentrated and tried talking back to him telepathically.
'Can you read my thoughts?'
'No. Don't worry. We're not that advanced...yet.'
Deva gulped. She liked having her mind to herself.
'What happens if we stop all communication? What if one of us moves away, far, far, away?'
Adamarius dipped his head closer to hers making sure she saw the seriousness in his eyes. 'It would weaken us. Slowly it will take away our energy.'
'Because I am the one that awakened you. It is my mark you bear. My energy is your energy.'
Adamarius was a package deal. They initially needed each other to live. It sounded like an unbreakable bond.
How could it work with her royal duties? How could she marry Lucian when she had a blood connection to his half-brother; very intimate blood connection to be exact?
No one else in the family knew. If the King knew he would have stripped her title and Darius probably would have started a war.
"I don't blame him?" She tilted her head to see who Adamarius was talking about.
"Darius can't seem to take his eyes off you and he envies me right now."
Darius stuck out from the haze. He was abducted by her presence but even more so disheartened by her company. She wouldn't let his reflection of disapproval govern her life.
It didn't surprise Deva that a good percentage of the women were already trying to sink their claws into him. Adamarius was beautifully constructed and there was just something about his piercing eyes. He was being tossed around like a new toy.
Deva walked onto the balcony admiring scenery. The sky was completely dark except for the bright stars hovering over the castle.
"It gets better and better over the centuries." She heart jumped at the sound of his voice.
Lucian was smiling and gazing up at the sky.
"Loosh it's so good to see you."
"And you. How have you been, with the transformation and all?"
Deva half smiled. "Sometimes I want to just pop some pills and drown to the bottom of every liquor bottle in the castle."
His lips curled even wider. "That might take you days with father's fine liquor collection."
"The thought gets better and better."
Lucian hovered closer. The obvious worry of his nature was giving her a bigger anxiety rush.
"There's no need to worry over me anymore. I've heard I'm twice as strong as you; I just haven't put it to the test yet."
His expression softened. "But you're itching to?"
He knew her too well. "What do you say? Want to get your butt kicked by a girl?"
Lucian laughed. "Perhaps when you aren't wearing a gown, we wouldn't want to cause a scene."
"How has your search been going?"
"Good. I've made some interesting discoveries." He didn't want to say too much. He couldn't be certain who was listening.
"Have you found him yet?"
With his brow raised Lucian asked, "Who?"
"Adamarius' father. I know that's who your father wants."
"You know you're too smart for your own good. No, I haven't found him yet but I have a lead. I actually came back to take Darius with me. I could really use an extra hand with tracking."
Deva closed her eyes for a brief second and swallowed the lump in her throat. "Have you found other lycans?"
"Yes." He patted her hand in a comforting fashion to sooth her concerns. "Don't fright Deva. Father has no authority to kill them again."
She was a little hurt that he thought she was naïve enough to believe him.
"I really want to stay and talk to you some more but I haven't even seen the birthday girl yet." He kissed her cheek. "Until we meet again."
"Loosh be careful."
"Always," was the last thing he said before vanishing.
She stood outside mesmerized by the view until soft footsteps accompanied her loneliness. It took Deva one whiff of the air to sense the person approaching was human.
Julia's meek voice sounded like a siren in her ears. Deva's new body allowed her to drown out the obnoxious sounds of the party goers so she could selectively pick out what she wanted to hear.
Before turning around to face her best friend Deva took one big breath and held it for dear life.
"Juls, I've missed you."
Julia was aware of her delicate condition and cautioned herself to leave enough space between them.
"It gets pretty lonely without you around." Julia admitted with a giggle.
"I'm sure Marcus keeps you busy."
Her glowing smile was evident of that fact. "He has. How have you been?"
"Decent. It just gets hard sometime." Deva felt the need to explain her distance. "It's like fighting off the incredible Hulk. I don't want to lose control around you."
"Don't," Julia shook her head. "Marcus painted a vivid picture of what you're going through. I understand. I'll be around."
That was why Deva loved her so much. "Maybe I'll write you letters or something; like the olden days."
Julia nodded with excitement, agreeing to the idea wholeheartedly. "Yes like Pride and Prejudice days."
"I'll start tomorrow," Deva promised.
"Goodnight Deva."
There was a huge part of her that felt extremely accomplished for having a full conversation with a human and not tearing their head off.
"Someone looks satisfied." Adamarius came from the dark corner of the entrance.
"Did you see that? She's still alive."
He shared his pride. "You're a lot stronger than you think."
Fear was her biggest demon. She wasn't ready to take any risks with her friends. What made her feel more secure was that Adamarius was standing by just in case she did attack. He was giving her a sense of protection and care like no one else could provide her with.
He was gradually turning into the rock she didn't know she needed till now.
Adamarius dropped the drapes, separating them from the rest of society and their preying eyes. No one else was on the balcony.
"You seemed comfortable in the mist of all those cougars."
In her eyes every vampire over the age of 50 was a cougar, which was probably every single woman invited.
"I'm not much of a cat person." He came up behind her, rubbing her arms to cause some kind of friction to warm her up.
"Lucky me."
He pulled the hair from about her neck over so he could press his lips to her neck. Deva subconsciously tilted her neck so he could better excess her yearning flesh. The burning trail of fire his kisses left was more satisfying than any liquor she had ever drunk.
"Yes, Deva. Lucky you."
Deva curled her hand back and made a fist in his hair. She tugged just enough to pull his lips to hers.
It was like the air stilled and the night coiled them up into a bubble of their own pleasure. It didn't take much for him to make her feel undeniably possessed in bliss.
It was a magical possession like he was made perfectly for her. Everything he did felt right and natural.
And just like that the captivating moment was ruined by one's conscience of other people's feelings.
Deva didn't unwrap her arms from around Adamarius' neck once Darius' presence was acknowledged.
Instead she linked their fingers together and decided she didn't have to fight this battle alone.
Darius clinched his jaw and fought to keep his wits. To witness Deva cocooned in another man's arms was worse than having his eyes gouged out. That other man being the very man Darius despised the most added fuel to his raging cause.
"Are you alright Deva?'
Darius' rigid stare was somber. He was trying his best not to kill Adamarius with his bare hands.
"I'm fine." Her voice was sedated. She knew he wanted an explanation but he had no right to ask for one.
He hesitated. "So he's not bothering you?"
Deva knew it would break his heart to hear her answer either way; but what did he expect? She was bound to move on with someone. Eventually he would have to suffer in torment watching her with Lucian. That was the deal. In order for her to be queen she'd have to marry Lucian. So why did it matter to him?
"No." Deva tightened her grip on Adamarius' hand.
The surge of assurance was what she needed to ward off any emotional guilt she felt for Darius. After all, how many times did she have to endure agonizing reality when she was forced to watch him with Red?
"May I speak to you in private?"
She wanted to refuse. Nothing he said or did would change their situation. Why give him the chance to criticize her new choice of lifestyle?
'You don't have to say yes. You owe him nothing.' Adamarius tried backing her up.
She knew she didn't but she wanted to make a few things clear.
'I know but I want him to know the rules.' She was done letting others tell her how to live her life.
'Goodnight.' He whispered through their mind link.
The warmth of his body leaving left her with a strange hollow sensation. Was she getting too attached too quickly? Deva was convincing herself it was some supernatural force that was bonding her to him. Technically he did warn her about that.
"Not here." She was already pulling back the drapes and walking into the crowded ballroom.
Everything and everyone was moving along smoothly. It was a nice change to have everyone oblivious to her business.
Once they reached the empty corridors Darius couldn't keep his silence.
"What are you doing with him?"
Deva walked faster, stomping her heels in the process.
"That's none of your business."
He wanted her to know how serious her personal affairs were.
"You are my future Queen. Everything you do or who you do is my business."
Deva twisted around and swung her fist across his face. The fuming anger boiling through her veins was his entire fault.
"I've never asked for your agenda and you have no right to ask for mine." Her life was her own.
Darius' eyes turned completely grey and intense.
"You are to marry a prince, one of my brothers, who I assume will be Lucian. What do you think will happen when people find out about your rebound love affair with the half-blood mutt?"
Deva continued walking but no distance was far enough from the world. She was done worrying about what everyone thought or expected of her.
"To hell with this kingdom. I don't give a shit anymore."
Darius' footsteps grew harsher with speed.
"You can't say things like that. You're already wearing the crown sweetheart."
Deva laughed opening the door to her sanctuary, incandescent room.
"I warned you all from the beginning I wasn't your queen. You should have listened to me."
"Ahhh," Darius slammed the door shut with his fist.
His sudden outburst surprised her, causing her to back away as he pursed forward.
"I know you're mad and furious with me but don't confuse that anguish with your feelings about your people. This kingdom needs you. It needs a ruler who understands the meaning of good will towards men."
His passion outweighed any of his flaws, too bad it wasn't enough to save what they shared.
"Am I not allowed to have anything for myself?" She broke down.
The sacrifice she had to make was far greater than most could handle. The path she had gone through to get where she was, was filled with tears of broken dreams.
"I'm sorry Deva. I'm so sorry. I don't know how many more times I can say it."
She closed her eyes because his pitiful excuses were heard too many times.
"Then don't say it again. I'm done Darius. Please get out."
When he didn't more Deva gave him a moment to gather whatever he had left.
"I just want to know one thing. Why him?"
She owed him no explanation yet she wanted him to know why.
"He saved me-"
"Deva that doesn't mean you're indebted to him." He cut in and that really pissed her off.
"I know that," she yelled back with fierceness. "He saved me and freed me from the chains you and your family had put me in. I judged him before I had the chance to really know him. He can't hurt me, not like you did."
Darius was awestruck with unbelievable numbness. How could Adamarius have blinded her? Darius felt like Adamarius was putting every one he loved under a spell.
The uneasy gut wrenching pain was swallowing Darius into a new reality. This was his life. This was what he made of it. His mistakes have led up to this. He wasn't sure if he could take watching the love of his life fall victim to Adamarius' demise.
"Deva you're smarter than this. Don't let him pull you into his web of lies."
"Nothing coming out of your mouth will convince me. I'm done listening to others. I'm the future queen and soon no one will have the authority to control me."
Darius sighed. "Deva that's never what we-"
"You manipulated me. You filled my head with promises and stupidly I let you. Stop worrying about me and go back to your red headed puddle."
He made no incline to move.
"I'm listening to my own heart and I finally see that we were no good for each other. It was disastrous from the start." Deva turned her back on him, heading to her closet. "Goodbye Darius."
"Deva," he surrendered, "your direction is determined by the destination you choose."
When she turned back Darius was gone. She was left alone to determine where her destination lay.
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