Chapter 37
Deva was relieved and oddly grateful Adamarius hadn't told anyone of her secret. She figured he was waiting for the most opportune time to use it against her. Whatever the reason she didn't trust him regardless but she had no choice.
The sun was in the sky when she finally decided to join the others on the back patio. The usual people were there; Marcus, Julia, Izzy, even Max, but when Deva saw the impression of fizzy red hair she immediately regretted her decision.
Watching Red coon over Darius was definitely not on her list of enjoyable activities. She couldn't let it control her. Her emotions were too dominate. It was time for her boss up and harden her heart.
"Deva," Julia spoke enthusiastically. The thrill in her best friend's voice made Deva feel guilty for not spending as much time with her as she used to.
"Juls," Deva walked over to hug her.
Darius let his eyes cascade down her body. He could never truly express how much he missed her.
"Deva you look lovely today." Izzy intruded.
"So do you. Hello Max. It's good to see you again."
Max gave her a dashing smile and returned the greeting. "And you my Queen."
"Oh no. Not yet. You don't have to suck up to me just yet."
Marcus stood up and motioned for her to take his seat so that she could sit in between him and Julia. Deva made a note to thank him because the only other available seat was next to Red.
"Thank you Marcus," Deva took the seat as Marcus leaned in to kiss her cheek.
"It was no problem love."
Adamarius was more vigilant around her lately. His smirking had actually turned into a flirtation.
"So you're the future queen?" Red's bothersome voice broke through the air.
Deva didn't want to waste her breath, she merely nodded. Red knew that bit of information. She was bringing it up to aggravate her. Red concealed a cricked smile underneath her hand.
"Oh, nothing."
Deva had no willingness to endure more lies. It seemed like everyone was trying to sugarcoat things for her.
"What were you insinuating?" Red would be the only one stupid enough to insult her.
"How unfortunate for the kingdom." Red swallowed her tongue, startled by her own statement like she didn't mean to say it out loud.
"No, how unfortunate for you."
There was no way Deva was going to let Red live her life in blissful peace. Darius was faking it with her. He had to make her complacent so she could remain healthy for their baby.
Deva promised to go easy on her for Darius but once the baby was out Deva was going to show little Red just how powerful she was. Deva also felt responsible for creating the monster. She had picked on Red from the very beginning.
It was mostly her fault they were so nasty and cruel to each other.
"I seem to have lost my appetite."
The reality was she had no future with Darius. She was supposed to let him go so he could move on. So they could both move on. Why couldn't she just let him go?
She had to find a way.
Julia quickly grabbed her wrist before she could walk off. "Where are you going? You just got here."
"She should leave," Izzy said glaring at Red with hatred.
"I promise we'll catch up soon."
She had abandoned her friends to return to her solitude. It was a sad form of ease she had grown accustom to.
"Deva wait." His soft voice was everything she wanted to hear. He used his vampire speed to catch up to her and make her halt.
"Dar," she cried, "just let me go."
"I'm sorry for her behavior."
She hated that he was the one to apologize.
"There is something I want to talk to you about," he dragged her into his spell.
She was defenseless when it came to him. "What is it?"
"I want to show you something. Follow me." He took her hand for security purposes and led her in the direction of the garage.
They approached a black Cadillac and she found herself asking, "Why this car?"
"It's bullet proof and pretty much vampire proof, the place I'm taking you isn't exactly safe."
She trusted him with her life. Darius would never lead her into harm's way unless it was necessary, unless there was no other choice. It must truly be important to him. Darius was hitting the roads at 110 mph.
When the car finally slowed down Deva was heartbroken at what she was seeing. It was an old poor beaten down neighborhood. Graffiti covered walls and abandoned and bordered up homes and buildings. A few people wandered the streets all dirty and homeless.
"Darius what is this?"
"We are in the west poor side of our kingdom." His mirrored reflection was just as lost and broken as his people's.
It had never occurred to her that the most powerful creatures could exactly be in poverty. The street people were thin, skeleton like and engraved with dark hollow eyes.
"They look hungry, thirsty." She stated.
"They are. It's hard for them to gather or find food."
"What do you mean?" She was held under the dark for too long. She wanted to know the condition of her kingdom.
"They have no accesses to the human world. Only vampires with royal blood can cross over through worlds. They have no way to get blood."
"Only if you bring them some."
Darius lowered his head in guilt. "Yes. Humans are transported over regularly but usually go to the highest bidder."
"I see. Your father serves the rich."
"He serves himself. Even with human reproduction it's not enough to sustain their lifestyle." He knew she needed to know. "The rich have an abundance of blood supply. They would rather kill their food than share."
"You only need a little blood to survive, right?"
He rejoiced in her understanding. "A pint a week."
"The problem seems so simple."
"Exactly." He grasped her hands tenderly. "Soon you are going to be queen. I wanted you to see what kind of kingdom this is and what needs to be changed."
The passion he had for his people only confirmed her opinion that he would have made a wonderful king.
Darius parked next to an old torn down warehouse. She didn't even bother to ask why. She knew his intentions were insightful and for her benefit. He led her into the debris of concrete, stone, and metal.
"This used to be the grandest hotel. See the emerald marble." He pointed to a small opening.
Behind the dust was exactly what he described.
"I wanted to make this a shelter with a blood bank for those who really needed it."
"That's a good idea."
He nodded. "I planned on doing that if I ever became king. That will never happen now." Darius brought his gaze back up to her face. "That is why I am showing you. Soon you will have the power as Queen to see this plan through."
He directed their walk towards the once lavish staircase that somehow remained stable and intact. The few flights of stairs led them to the very top, just in time to catch the sunset. The sky was changing colors as they went to go sit on the very edge of the building.
"It would have been you." She kept her eyes glued to the sky.
Darius turned to look at her but found it disappointing; she was avoiding him.
"I'm sorry."
She took a deep breath. "I am too. We'll both be living completely different lives than the one we planned for each other. I would have chosen you to be my king. You would have seen this project through yourself." His eyes faded into the ocean of his own self regret. "Now I will have to watch you be a father to another's son and you have to endure me living the rest of my life with your brother."
The pain would always be there and it would always remind her of what could have been.
Deva did her best avoiding Adamarius. What made it all the easier was the fact that he was avoiding her too. Each new day Deva was thrown into new forms of queenly duties. She was dragged to meetings and forced to listen to lectures. For the most part Deva keep her poise and accepted her fate but she also noticed something else getting in her way of concentration.
Her sickness was beginning to hit her all over again. She randomly had short piercing episodes where she would feel tremendous pressure or pinching pain absorb her body. Deva silently bared the pain to conceal as much of it from the family. At moments she would even wish for her death. The likeliness of actually turning into a vampire wasn't very promising. Yet the risk was something she was willing to take.
Walking down the hall Deva felt a sharp pain run up the side of her stomach. She groaned as she bent forward hoping to dull it somehow. Hearing footsteps, she came up an excuse; blaming craps for her terrible mood. Another sharp pain drizzled through her body and she hissed. Before she could even register her surroundings, she was lifted into a pair of strong inviting arms.
His warm embrace was pleasant to the touch that it almost made the situation better. She rested her head on his chest and took in his erotic scent. But the scent she was expecting to smell wasn't there. It was replaced by a deep musk of lemon and lavender.
Blood drained from her face and her head began to spin with boiled distain.
Adamarius had a stern look to his eyes a
"Let me down."
"We're almost to your room pet just hold on a bit."
The sudden urge to put as much distance between them struck as her feet touched the floor of her room. She practically ran out of his arms as if he were diseased.
"Your pains have gotten worse."
"No," she exaggerated through her teeth. "I'm just not feeling well. It might be from what I ate."
He laughed, not believing a word, while crossing his arms over his chest. His massive flexed arms captured her wondering eyes. She was, against her better judgement and her heart, incredibly attracted to the beast.
"You're going to have to lie better than that. Have you lost your touch puppet?"
"Shut up and get out of my room."
He raised his hand towards his chest, in a hurt motion. "Aww is that anyway to thank the man that helped get you safely to your room?"
"When that man is you, yes."
He began to pace around her, stalking her. "Pet, you know the pain will only get worse." Her denial made him continue. "You don't want to die, do you?"
Her soft whisper barely made it to his ear. "Not anytime soon."
"And you're afraid of the transition, becoming a vampire?" He stopped in front of her fragile body, her eyes were cast down. "With your cancer you will only have a 50/50 chance of surviving."
"Thank you for reminding me because it's not nearly enough on my mind," she scowled and he chuckled.
"What if I know a way to get rid of the cancer and you're guaranteed to survive?"
Her enormous brown eyes searched his. Was he being serious? By the looks of it he was telling the truth but it couldn't be that easy. Could it?
"What's the catch?"
"Catch?" He underestimated her cleverness.
"Yes catch. You don't expect me to believe you would do something out of the kindness of your heart. Wait, do you even have a heart?" She rubbed her chin and tilted her head as she examined his body.
Adamarius developed a chill of pleasurable delight in the fact that she was checking him out.
"Oh pet you have no idea." If only she knew the contents of his heart.
"So what is it?" She placed her hand on her hip in an impatient gesture.
"There is none pet..." He leaned closer to her ear. "Because you have everything you need."
"What?" She let out a low hesitant breath.
He smirked, tracing his lips up and down her jaw line. She knew she should have pull back but something was keeping her planted in place. His sensual lips were teasing her skin and leaving behind a trail of combustible and unpredictable bliss.
She hated herself for feeling this way and for letting him make her feel this way.
"You are more extraordinary than you think."
How was he suddenly a different person? This was not the same guy taunting her in the beginning. Could his beautiful lies actually be true or was he trying to pull her under his spell like he was doing with the rest of her family?
There was no way he would be this kind to her if he didn't want something.
He felt her hesitation and stiffness and he quickly brought his hands up around her neck and waist to firmly have a better grip on her.
"You're lying to me."
Adamarius bore his soul to her through his passionate green/gold eyes. He needed her to believe him, to trust him.
"You are special," he leaned into her neck where his lips settled between her shoulder blade. "You are unique."
The sweet softness of his seducing voice enchanted her under his spell. Then with no warning Adamarius seized her shoulder. His sharp teeth piercing through her delicate skin caused her to whimper in pain. It was like tiny needles stabbing at her shoulder.
She tried to push back but he held her still within his caged arms. The precious blood pouring down his throat tasted more divine and purer than anyone else'. The blistering ache was promptly replaced with wonderful dreamy sensations.
She curled her fingers through his hair giving into the sweet temptation. She was lost and so was he. They were swimming in the depths of a blazing euphoric ocean.
Her mind jolted awake forcing her to focus. Somehow she successfully pushed Adamarius just enough to escape. Instantly the pleasant feeling was gone and she was hit again with a hundred times more pain. She groaned in agony as she clutched her stomach.
"What did you do to me?" Another shock of throbbing pain hit her and she almost fell to her knees.
Adamarius licked his lips of her ruby blood and spoke in a gentle voice, "By biting you I have awakened the lycan blood inside of you."
Her eyes fiercely shot daggers to his face. "What are you talking about?"
"You my pet are a descendant of the very first lycans. It has always been in your blood but was sort of sleeping till this point."
"I don't believe you."
"Pet my bite has awakened your senses and like I promised it also cured your cancer."
She flung her hands up in an attempt to stop the pounding inside her head.
"The excruciating pain you are feeling now is your lycan side coming alive and fighting off the cancer cells."
"UUUUggh. Why did you do this to me?"
Her fierceness had turned into a fallen hope. She was miserable and in agony but there was nothing he could do about it.
"I gave you another option instead of death." He pleaded with her but nothing would make sense inside her chaotic mind. "The pain is just part of the process it should fade soon."
Suddenly like on command, the pain faded. Every blaring aspect of her previous torture had dissolved to oblivion. Deva panted, clearing her burning lungs.
Once she settled her nerves Deva straightened and glared at Adamarius.
"Why didn't you tell me? Why didn't you give me a warning?"
"So everyone can talk you out of it. The King hates lycans. They would have convinced you to risk your life."
"It was my choice and you took that away from me."
She knew she could never trust him. Deva frantically ran out of the room and headed for the garage.
Adamarius was calling her name but made no attempt to follow her.
Deva grabbed the keys to any random car and happened to choose the red and black Bugatti Veyron. She hopped in and roared the engine to life with the turn of the key. Not caring about anything or anyone Deva stepped on the gas and peeled out of the driveway.
This can't be happening.
Everything she knew, everything she felt was right was not anymore. How could she be a lycan?
Ancient blood of the first lycans. There was no way. Adamarius was manipulating her.
Deva drove down the winding streets and felt extraordinary power and strength rejuvenate her. The foreign stamina consumed her and she knew it had to be from Adamarius' bite. The electrifying strength was coursing through her veins, overwhelming her soul.
The roads were deserted at least that was what she thought. In the far distance she spotted a figure purposely standing in the center of the street. She contemplated on whether she should be turning or pressing the brake but she was already going 230 mph. She couldn't understand why the figure wasn't moving until she clearly depicted the culprit as the only man she would ever truly want to hurt.
Adamarius stood calmly and unmoving as the car sped closer to his death. Deva even pressed the gas harder just to make an impact. On the last second Deva reared to the right pressing the brake and the back of the car hit Adamarius full on.
The car spun uncontrollably and eventually the damaged hunk of metal fell into a ditch. Deva thrust open the caved in door with no difficulty. There was no pain to the blood and bruises she bore. She was driven by malice and revenge. With impressive speed she strutted to Adamarius who was already healed and getting up from the pavement.
Blood ran down his face and all Deva could think about was making more blood come out. She raised her fist and rammed it against his strong jaw. She knew that if she was really human that the punch would have shattered every bone in her hand but it didn't even hurt. So she raised it again and felt determined to hit every inch of his beautiful face till he was black and blue.
He stumbled back but eventually composed himself before blocking her blows and grabbing her wrists. That was when she used her legs to kick him off balance where he hit the floor and dragged her on top of him.
"I hate you," she yelled while fighting for freedom.
She screamed in anguish so he spun them around where he maneuvered himself on top. Her feverish thrust to escape was doing more harm than good.
Adamarius saw tears run down her flushed face.
"Deva stop." He shouted, raising her hands above her head. She rocked, jerking her head feverishly from side to side in agony.
"No, no. Get off me."
"Not until you calm down." He knew the consequences of turning her but didn't expect her to run off. It was too dangerous for her to be out by herself in such an unstable condition.
"Deva," he cooed using her real name.
Her name rolling off his tongue grabbed her attention and she desisted.
"Deva calm down, please just calm down." His sweet, gentle, kind pleading made her want to believe in his genuine concern.
"Please get off. I can't...I." Her voice was strangled in between tears.
"Deva," he spoke, stroking her soft cheek with the back of his hand. "You need to breathe."
She did as he said and closed her eyes, taking deep long breaths. Her head began to clear and the realization of her new life came into focus.
"I hate you," she repeated through the pit in her stomach.
"Deva I was only trying to help. This way you don't have the consequence of dying."
He had the urge to justify his actions and sooth her worries.
"Why do you care what happens to me? You'd rather see me dead anyway."
He shook his head, his eyes pure as gold. "That's not true."
She couldn't believe him, she just couldn't. There was no way she was falling for his trap. She struggled beneath his grip and he let her.
"Get off me."
He untangled himself from her despite his unaltered feelings. She rejected his out stretched hand.
"Deva," he spoke again as she dashed past him. He wanted so badly to hold her back and make her listen.
"Don't. Don't you dare say my name." Her venom was harsh and promising.
Strutting back to the car a sudden jolt of immense pain struck her side causing her legs to give out.
"Marius," she whispered and before she hit the ground Adamarius rushed to her side and held her in his arms protectively. "It hurts again."
Her agonizing voice filled him with pity and remorse.
"I know pet. It will pass. I promise." He tried easing her discomfort. Luckily she was engulfed by the darkness which reduced her suffrage.
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