Chapter 34
Deva could not comprehend the events circling about the castle. The tension that clouded each room the lycan was in was unavoidable. King Asher stayed far away or busied himself so that he may never bump into their guest.
Deva was beginning to miss Lucian. He reported back with brief visits. So far his quest was a dead-end. Something on the back of her mind made her question the King's real intentions for scouting the kingdom. She wanted to demand answers from him, after all she would be his Queen one day.
The King's door to his study was already opened ajar when Deva entered the room. There were thick ancient gold inscribed books stacked upon his desk. Two of them were spiraled open and she found herself leaning over to see what they were about.
She heard a throat clearing and quickly straightened her posture before turning to face what she assumed could only be the King. He fiddled with his tie and unbuttoned his suit jacket in order to take his seat behind the desk.
"Deva, what a pleasant surprise."
"Is it?" She was getting a sketchy vibe from him and couldn't fully trust anything he said.
He gestured to the seat directly in front of him. "Please by all means sit with me."
She did as he said to get the ball rolling.
"Now," he asked pouring himself a cup of brandy then handing her one in the process. "What is it you want to talk about?"
Her first reaction was to take a sip of the brandy. "It's about the lycans." His facial expression didn't alter so she continued. "I was curious if you ever killed the alpha, Adamarius' father."
The King placed his half full cup back on the table as if the word lycan didn't bother him. "No we didn't. There were so many but I know for sure that I didn't see his face among them."
"Is that why you sent Lucian back out there? You think that if this mutt is still alive that possibly the father is too?"
"You shouldn't medal into affairs that don't concern you?"
Would he always treat her like a little girl? If this was his intention on how to guide their future Queen then why choose her?
Deva was getting frustrated with their attempts on shoving her to the side and claiming it was for her protection.
"This affair does concern me like anything else that is whispered in this castle." Deva rose to her feet. She felt like the height gave her a bit more leverage. "Have you forgotten I was chosen to be queen one day? Oh no. I'm sure you haven't. I'm quite certain that fact runs through your mind all the time."
King Asher tilted his head and observed her raw disrespect with a firm tight jaw.
Deva could feel the tension of his anger as every muscle in his body stiffened. He was keeping most of his aggression locked away but she knew he hated being undermined. He was exactly like his son Darius in that way of authority.
"You're right princess. One day this," he motioned to everything surrounding them, "will all belong to you and whoever you choose as your king."
His eyes cruelly judged her.
"Have you even thought about that yet? Well really you only have one obvious answer because we both know you wouldn't dare separate your dear friend Julia and Marcus."
Marriage was the last thing on her mind. Why did she have to have a deadline? Picking her husband shouldn't be taken lightly. Deva expected to at least love the man she was going to marry.
Was Lucian that man for her?
"Then why do you even bother asking if you know the answer?" It was to spite her.
"Lucian will make a wonderful king. I saw to that myself. You're just lucky he loves you."
She wasn't sure if that was what she would call luck.
"Yes, I suppose I am."
His eyes were blocked off and Deva sensed something hidden behind them. She knew he wouldn't tell her. Whatever he was keeping secret was going to stay there. She would have to find another way.
"Whatever you're not telling me, I will find out. Everything has a way of surfacing."
It wasn't much of a threat than it was a warning. The King was too sure of himself. One day his world would come crashing down and Deva would be there to take over.
She walked out more annoyed than she walked in. Deva was certain King Asher wasn't giving up his rule without sheer certainty. It was no hidden fact that Lucian was his favorite son. Deva had no choice to begin with. She was betting King Asher was the one who sabotaged her chances with Darius. She couldn't exactly prove it but if she was right she was going to find a way.
Passing each room in the corridor Deva overheard a woman's laughter. It sounded like the Queen but she couldn't be positive.
Deva's curiosity forced her to take a peek into the sun room and immediately regretted the action. The Queen was giggling her head off at the man Deva acknowledged as nothing but scum.
The Queen noticed Deva's head pop in before she could conspicuously hide her presence. She waved Deva towards them.
"Um no I can't I have other things to do." She uncomfortably said, avoiding the smirky stare she was getting from Adamarius.
"Nonsense. Come have tea with us."
"Ah yes we won't take no for an answer," Adamarius chimed in and Deva narrowed her eyes at him.
"No," Deva refused. "Honestly I hate tea."
The Queen frowned but wouldn't take her rejection. "Coffee then?"
Deva sighed in surrender. "Sure of course who am I to refuse a Queen."
The Queen clapped her hands together in joy. Deva had never seen the Queen so happy before and what made it more bazaar was the thing or creature causing her that happiness.
Deva took the seat across from Adamarius but focused her attention on the Queen who was ushering one of her maids to bring them some brewed coffee.
"Adamarius was just telling me about his conquests," the Queen said like a proud mother.
"What kind of conquests? Wait let me guess doggy paddling across the ocean, slaughtering villages with the swing of your claws, or perhaps chasing little girls with red hoods?"
He didn't look phased by her smart comment. "No dear pet those days are over for me. Now it's all about putting the puppet in its place."
Deva's scowl was more than piercing; it was life threatening. His puppet and pet remarks were seriously scratching the surface of her patience.
"So tell me Adamarius where have you been all this time? Digging for bones?"
He smirked and she found it quite different from his brothers'. "No dear pet I was actually living in the human world for quite some time."
"Really? Where exactly?"
Adamarius' hooded eyes patrolled her closely as he replied.
"I mostly stayed around the small town of Portland Oregon."
Deva almost choked on the coffee in her mouth but she quickly covered it up. His eyes looked amused by her action. "What were you doing there?
"I was looking after someone."
He wasn't making any sense. That was part of his disguise. Adamarius wanted to remain mysterious. Holding things in the dark only meant no one could dig up his past.
Deva did fall anxious under his small revelation. She was from Oregon.
"Like a stalker?"
He shook his beautiful head with a corky smile playing on his full lips. "Not exactly."
"Why did you leave then? Did that someone break your heart?"
He leaned in, playing with his tea cup. "No, my heart's as hard as stone."
"And cold as ice," she added in.
Adamarius laughed. "Actually I'm all warm. I didn't inherit the cold touch trait like vampires."
"Aww that means you're more of a mutt. Maybe you'll be a loyal dog yet."
"Deva," she heard the Queen raise her voice in disapproval.
"I'm sorry I must have left my manners at the door." She stood. "If you'll excuse me. I don't want to take time away from your mother son bonding time."
As soon as she thought she was out of the clearing she heard Adamarius' voice speak again. "Oh pet try not to trip over your manners on the way out. We wouldn't want you to fall and break your little fragile human neck, now would we?"
His tone was hidden with sarcasm but deep down she knew better. There would be nothing more he wanted than for her dead.
"Of course we wouldn't."
The rest of her day consisted of pillaging her mind with thoughts of hopeless love. A love she would never have. Yes she loved Lucian but after experiencing the love she had with Darius nothing seemed to measure up. She didn't want to be one of those girls who always went back to their first loves. She didn't want her future husband AKA Lucian to be her rebound. Yet that was exactly what it felt like to her.
Life was complicated and love was even worse. Deva was better off just living as a spinster.
She found herself wondering the halls till she reached the library. Darius would often go there so it was easy for her to guess that was where he would be.
Darius was on the phone talking in a hushed tone while pacing the room. She slipped in and quietly waited for him to finish. She was grateful Red was nowhere in sight. Deva would never admit it but she truly missed having Darius around.
He finally noticed her sitting on the couch and ended his conversation a few seconds later. Leaning on the desk Darius let out a sign.
"Is everything okay?" Her soft gentle voice had caught him off guard. He forgot how much he loved and adored her voice.
"Everything is fine."
She nodded but knew he was lying. If he wanted to talk about it he would. She wasn't going to push him.
Darius watched her bite her lip sheepishly and comb through her long dark hair. He wasn't sure why she was there or why she came to him but suddenly his anxiety went away.
"Deva are you alright? Did you need something?"
"No, no I just...I missed you I guess." After almost losing him Deva kept imagining life without him and it was a nightmare.
He lavished in her sweet confession. Darius could never sincerely express how much he missed her. Everything about her still powerfully drew him in.
He knelt before her. "Deva I never got to thank you for saving my life."
"There's no need. I couldn't just let you die."
"I don't know what possessed you to do what you did but you saved me." His gentle whispered caress was a temptation to her soul.
His gratitude was too much. She grabbed his long hands and held them in her own.
"I can't image what would have happened to me if you had died." She leaned closer to drown in his wonderful wood citrus scent. "I couldn't let you die."
He cupped her face with his right hand. "And you didn't. You could have. God knows after everything I put you though you could have."
"Don't. Don't think like that. I don't hate you." She leaned her forehead against his. "I could never hate you that much."
"You're too good for all this. You don't deserve a life like this." His whisper was weak with sadness.
"Darius I'm not too good for anything. I don't regret being here. It brought me you and a whole new family."
They closed their eyes and didn't say anymore because words were just not enough. The warmth of his skin was enough. It was enough to keep her sane for a little while longer.
Walking through the doorway after a gruesome workout Deva felt dread fill her at the sight of 'him' in her room.
"I thought I smelt dog."
Adamarius smiled viciously from the chair he was sitting in.
"What, can't I stop by for a chat or perhaps a hello?"
"Quit chasing your tail around and get to the point?" Her patience with him was getting to a boiling point.
Yet he didn't say a word; he only sat there staring at her with a deep severe stare. It made her uncomfortable but she tried not to show it. Why was he looking at her like that?
"I just don't see it?" He finally admitted.
"I'm sure you don't see a lot of things with that uncomfortable stick up your ass."
He just laughed it off like she didn't really mean it. He stood up from the chair with his statue like physique towering over her even with him being a few feet away from her.
"I don't see what it is about you that my pathetic little brothers can't get enough of."
His words stung. "Shut up and get out of my room." She stalked over to her closet, in hopes of hiding her wounded ego.
"Did I say something to offend you?"
"Oh of course not. You don't have to say anything because your mere presence offends me." She pulled out a purple sweater and threw it over her t-shirt.
"Oh but you must tell me how you did it because you seriously have them going. You have one sent away after breaking his heart and the other you're hanging by the leash."
"You don't even know what you're talking about." She walked back into the room to find him casually leaning against her bed post.
Not only was he insulting her but invading her private domain where she thought surely she could be alone.
"Actually I do. I feel and hear everything they do."
"What are you talking about?"
He was only their half-brother. Their blood link wasn't even that pure.
"They are my brothers after all. I didn't even know I could get into their heads until I met them. Apparently we all share a bond, a special link."
"Well I feel sorry for them."
The door to Deva's room flung open. Julia and Evie were beautifully dressed with faces painted on.
"Deva can we-" Julia's sentence froze in her throat once her eyes fell upon Adamarius.
They both stopped to admire the attractive creature in Deva's room, practically sculpting out his body and undressing him with their eyes.
Deva rolled her eyes at Adamarius' pleased expression at the attention he was getting.
"Well hello there?" His velvet voice sang to them.
"Wow you must be the other brother." Julia blurted.
He chuckled. "Yes, I'm Adamarius but you can call me Adam."
"Or mutt but he's not very good with tricks." Deva could hardly tolerate boosting his ego.
His eyes sought Deva's. "Give me a treat and maybe I'll cooperate."
"Drop dead." She spat back.
"What will you give me for it?"
"How about a scooby snack?" Their staring contest was getting hot.
"I'm Evie," she said biting her lip trying to look innocent.
His eyes twinkled with entertainment before taking her hand in his and bringing it up to his lips.
"Careful he has fleas."
Adamarius placed a kiss on Evie's hand and she didn't seem to mind after Deva's comment.
"Fine. You guys can occupy my room. I'm out," Deva said walking past them. "But I warn you two he's not what he seems."
"But I thought he was stable after getting that shot." Julia asked.
"Not mentally," Deva shouted.
Adamarius let out a small irritated growl that made the girls jump back but Deva was already used to his little tantrum moods.
"Aww did I offend the little mutt? Who cares," she said walking towards the door but quickly throwing more words over her shoulder. "Cause I don't."
"Have any dreams lately puppet?"
Deva contemplated on whether she should still be moving or not. "Not recently but thanks for your concern," and she reassumed walking.
"That's because your nightmare has become a reality." He was referring to himself and Deva felt a strange chill run down her spine.
"Deva why are you leaving?" Julia asked, releasing some of the tension.
"There's too much dog breath in the air. Its making me gag." She walked out without looking back.
It was pitch black outside but that didn't help Adamarius sleep. It was hard for him especially when it was his nature to be alive at night. His lycan side craved the night and worshipped it with every fiber in his body. So when it was obvious he wasn't going to get any rest Adamarius decided to roam the castle grounds.
He heard shuffling coming from one of the back doors leading to the patio. His curiosity kicked in and he went to see what it was about.
Izzy was heading towards the door, cautiously. She looked like a small schoolgirl trying to sneak out of the house without her parents finding out.
Adamarius stood back and watched the show as one of the guards approached her. Izzy rolled her eyes at the guard, annoyed.
"Lady Elizabeth, it is late. Is something the matter?" The guard was only doing his duty.
"No. Everything is fine. I'm just leaving the castle."
The guard shook his head. "No, my lady. We have strict orders to not let you leave without a bodyguard."
Izzy tried to keep her cool. "That won't be necessary."
"But my lady-"he insisted but she ignored him.
Izzy stepped closer and locked her gaze on him. "You will not follow me or tell anyone you have seen me on this night." Her voice was laced with persuasion.
Adamarius smirked. Perhaps that was her ability. Perhaps she had the ability to force people to do as she wished. It was quite impressive, Adamarius was impressed.
The guard left her sight, still mesmerized by her command.
Izzy wasted no time opening the door and rushing out. Adamarius followed close behind. She was already on the other side of the patio.
"Isn't it a bit late for a stroll?"
Izzy stopped in her tracks. It surprised her out of all the people that Adamarius would catch her sneaking off.
"It depends on your perception of late." Izzy used her wit to get her out of trouble.
Adamarius crossed his arms over his chest. "I'm not here to bust you. You're a grown woman. You can do as you please. But I am a bit curious. Why are you sneaking out?"
Izzy took a deep breath and laughed. "I am 423 years old and I still have to sneak out of the house. It's very sad isn't it?"
"It just intrigues my curiosity. Why are your parents and brothers so protective of you?"
Izzy turned her gaze to the stars. Should she tell him? She barely knew him yet she felt like she could. Was he trustworthy?
"The way you persuaded that guard must have taken decades to master. Your ability is quite remarkable. It even makes me kind of jealous."
He knew about her ability. Izzy swallowed. No one was supposed to know about their abilities. It was the way the royals protected themselves from their enemies.
"I don't know what you're talking about."
Adamarius chuckled. "There's no need to lie to me. I know about your powers. I am after all related to you now."
Izzy exhaled. "They don't trust me anymore. My family doesn't trust me. I have a hard time controlling my ability."
Adamarius could see her struggle and felt sorry for her. "I don't believe that."
Izzy laughed. "Well you should. I used to roam this world without supervision. Ah yes those were the days."
"What happened?" He knew so much already, why would it matter if she told him the whole story?
"I met this guy."
Adamarius smirked. "Yes, bad things always happen that way."
Izzy laughed. "Yes well this guy was supposed to be my everything. He was my second love. You could say I fall easily but what girl isn't a hopeless romantic? He ended up breaking my heart. I couldn't help it after that. I lost control of my ability and started a massacre. I was on a rampage. I wanted nothing but the pain to go away. Nothing stopped it though. My brothers came to my rescue. Ever since that moment in my life they won't let me out of their sight."
"Yes, I've noticed."
Her sad smile was nothing compared to her broken remains. "It's not all bad. It used to be worse. They trust me around men again but the extra eyes are for me. They don't want me to plunge into that dark hole again. I hated myself. Even thought of suicide when I replayed the faces of the innocent people I killed."
"You have a family that loves you. That would be blessed in my eyes."
She had almost forgotten about Adamarius' experiences. He never really had a family.
"Sometimes I feel like a burden."
"A burden they gladly put up with. We all have a past. I know better than any what it's like to lose control."
"Yes I suppose you do." It was a relief to have someone who understood, who could truly relate.
"I won't stop you." Adamarius encouraged. "I'll cover for you while you're gone, but be careful."
Izzy kissed his cheek. "Thank you. I won't be long."
No one was meant to be kept caged up. He knew that better than anyone.
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