Chapter 32
No one came looking for her after the incident and she understood why. The entire royal family was probably discussing and possibly arguing about the new member of their family.
Walking down the dreary hall Deva knew for a fact no one was down in the lycan's cell. They were too busy talking about him upstairs. That was why she took the opportunity to sneak down there before anyone caught her.
Once again the room was bright with florescent lights guiding her vision to his chained human form.
She took her time approaching him. He lazily drew up his head when she neared. His back was to the wall and his arms and legs to the side of his body shackled to the ground. Deva hadn't noticed before but his bare chest was massively huge. Even his muscles were bulging out of proportion. Perhaps it was a lycan thing. He was more heavily built than the princes.
They were more lean and sleek while the man in front of her was broad and big. His tan skin glistened with sweat showing off the ripples of his rock hard 8 pack. Even sitting down she could tell they were very impressive. She couldn't resist admiring the beautiful creature.
Her eyes appraisingly scanned every inch of muscle on his body before reaching his handsome face. His light brown hair was a mess of tousled curls and his green captivating eyes narrowed in on her.
"You know drooling is not an attractive quality," his voice was husky with arrogance. He even sounded like the princes.
"This coming from a dog. How ironic?" Deva finally reached the edge of the bar cell. "Plus I've seen better."
"And I bet they were all identical." He flashed his sharp canine teeth with his reference to the three princes.
Irritation would not begin to describe the feeling she had towards him.
"What are you doing here?"
He rolled his eyes from boredom. "Why should I tell you?"
"Don't forget mutt you're the one chained to the wall like a showcased freak not me."
His eyes twinkled, a hint of evil within them. "I won't be chained up for long. I promise you that." He tilted his head to the right as if examining her. "It's funny how you think I'm the showcased one when obviously you are."
"What are you talking about?"
"Tell me princess did you come here willingly?" She didn't respond and he continued to taunt her. "Did they force you to stay?" She remained silent. "That's what I thought. You are nothing but a pet to them. A pathetic little puppet for them to toss around and do whatever they want with."
"You should watch what you're saying; future queen here."
He felt the trickling displeasure boiling inside of her like it was visible in the air.
"Aw pet did I get your panties in a wad?"
"Don't call me that mutt."
"But that's exactly what you are, a weak human that has no better use than to act as a puppet for her King."
Deva paced the small area in front of him. "You keep this up dog and I'll put a muzzle over that fat mouth of yours."
He laughed. Even though the sound resembled the princes' it was completely different in tone.
Deva crossed her arms over her chest and stared him down stopping at his ripped abs. She noticed a faint scare on the side of his ribcage. He dropped his gaze to where she was looking.
"You sure know how to leave a mark."
"Yes but next time I'll try not to miss."
His intense green eyes stared back at her with much amusement. "Aww you still holding that against me?"
She hated his tantalizing tone and yelled, "You tried to kill me!"
He smirked, the corner of his lips almost reaching his eyes. "No."
"Correct me if I'm wrong but having an incredibly devilish beast snapping its sharp teeth towards my face is typically what I call wanting me dead."
"Noooo," he exaggerated. "That was what I like to call love bites."
Love bites she yelled in her head. "I'll give you love bites the next time I get close enough."
"Is that a promise?"
Silence deafened the room. Deva had to stop to collect herself and remember to not let him get to her.
"What are you doing here?"
"I just wanted a little family reunion. Is that such a crime?" His eyes glistened with mischief.
"You really should try lying better because you suck at it."
He flashed her another evil smile that only sent chills down her spine. She didn't trust him, but before he could respond the royal family came barging in. Lucian frowned when he saw her.
"What are you doing in here?"
The lycan quickly responded for her. "We were just having a delightful conversation. Weren't we, pet?"
She raised her brow. "Oh yes. I was teaching the dog a few new tricks. Sit." She commanded and he growled at her. "Now growl. Good little mutt."
Izzy and Marcus both laughed and the lycan quickly turned to scowl them.
The Queen interrupted, taking a step in the lycan's direction. "What is your name son?" Her deep motherly stare and voice softened the lycan's attitude.
The Queen held a warm smile and a soft cry. "Do you know who I am Adamarius?"
"You are Queen of this kingdom and also my mother."
She nodded with encouragement. "Yes that's right but how do you know that?"
Adamarius straighten his back and scanned the room of faces. He showed no sign of hatred.
"I've lived for over 600 years. My father raised me and never spoke of you but one day he disappeared and never came back. I was taken in by my uncle and eventually he told me. I had to force it out of him. I didn't believe it but when I saw the princes' faces in news articles or other medias I couldn't deny the resemblance." His green eyes landed on Darius' face. "Frankly it's incredibly bizarre how similar I look like them."
"What made you come here?" Izzy defenses were up even for a person she shared the same blood with.
Adamarius smiled at her. "Where else was I supposed to go? My people were slaughtered. I have been lost for so long, living in the vampire world. You have no idea how extremely difficult it is to conceal that beastly part of you." He sighed. "Well as you did see. Suppressing that side of me only controls me later."
"But you're a cross breed," Deva spoke up. "How are you even alive? How did you survive the massacre?"
He turned his head slightly with irritation. "My vampire and lycan side are both under control... at the moment. It is when I am emotionally driven that they collide and all goes wrong. That is how I survived the massacre because I can control myself when the need comes."
There was something about his story that Deva didn't like, it just didn't seem to fit. By the looks on Darius and Lucian's faces they didn't believe it either.
"Did the need not come to you when you were attacking us earlier?" Darius wasn't falling for his sappy story.
Adamarius exhaled. "Like I said before the longer I suppress my lycan half the stronger it will become in over throwing my will power. I am grateful you stopped me. I don't know how I'd cope if I really did hurt this poor little defenseless beauty." His deceiving eyes were locked onto Deva.
Oh please, she thought. "So you're here for a little family reunion?" She used his exact words.
"Something like that. I'm tired of hiding. If you want to kill me then kill me but all I truly want is to understand who I truly am." He stared at the Queen with lost puppy eyes, something a child would do. "I've always wondered what you would be like. If I die I can at least go knowing you knew I existed."
The Queen's heart was breaking at the sound of her son's plea. No mother would let their child die before them.
"No one will harm you." She reassured him.
The King clinched his jaw to keep from over ruling his wife.
"He will stay locked up."
Her eyes went black as the night in her fury.
"So you can experiment on him? No. He will not stay here as our prisoner. He has suffered enough."
Deva had never seen her look so demanding before. It was evident that the Queen regretted not having her long lost son by her side. She probably even blamed herself for what he had become.
"He is unstable!" The King shouted.
"And whose fault is that? 600 years ago I had to watch you massacre every last lycan knowing that one of them may be my son. I let you. I let you kill him but now that I know I can have him back you will NOT take him from me again."
It was breaking her heart all over again. The Queen couldn't just stand back and do nothing. She had to do something to defend her son.
"How is he supposed to control his other half if he doesn't know anything about it? You talk about finding a cure and helping the lycans but here is our chance. He is my son and I will help him." Her voice was firm and there was no room to question her. The Queen turned towards a guard standing next to the door. "Get him out of those chains."
"You've got to be joking mother. Have you forgotten he tried to kill Deva?" Lucian bravely went against her.
"Of course not but that was before you gave him the serum. He seems fine now plus there are plenty of guards around the castle if something does come up. Have a guard follow her around if you feel she's in danger."
Deva had to admit that having the lycan out of his cage did scare her a bit even with the supposed guards around to protect her. It just made her sad, depriving the Queen from her son.
"This is insane!" Darius yelled. He knew what the lycan was capable of and he didn't want that around Deva again.
King Asher didn't even try to fight or argue about it. There was nothing he could say to dissuade his wife. She had been deprived for too long.
The guard unlocked the shackles and Adamarius stood up thanking his mother. "It is so good to finally meet you after all these years."
Queen Emma admired her son lovingly. The sight of their affection made Deva sick to her stomach. The lycan was nothing but a big phony actor in her eyes.
"I still think he needs a leash," Deva commented.
She was pleased to see Adamarius give her the death stare. She ignored him and walked past the family reunion.
"Oh pet," she heard his mocking voice follow her. "Try not to dream about me."
"As long as you don't drool over me in yours."
She thought becoming queen of a vampire kingdom was on the top of her list of worries. What was with the family drama? Her life was turning into a soap opera.
She was way too exhausted to even take a shower. She didn't think anything else could feel more heavenly than the soft mattress of her bed.
As soon as her head hit the pillow there was a knock on the door. She swore and got up to rest on her head post before yelling, "Go away."
"Deva, its Lucian. May I come in?" He was determined to see her.
She knew she couldn't get rid of him until he said what he needed to say.
"Yeah come in." She pulled the blankets closer to her chest.
Lucian came through her door with his head dragging to the ground.
"Are you alright Deva, and I mean truly alright?"
"Yes, I'm fine."
He cautiously sat next to her. "I promise I won't let him hurt you again. I don't even know how he got out of his cell."
The mystery conflicted his mind for unexplainable reasons. How did the lycan escape a very heavily guarded cell?
Deva placed her hand over his to give him some comfort. "It's fine Loosh. He didn't get me, thanks to you and Darius. I owe you guys."
Lucian couldn't agree. "No Deva. You don't owe us anything. You saved my brother's life."
Deva played with her fingers to avoid his stare. She was hoping to delay this subject for at least a few days.
"Yeah about that, I have no idea how or what I did to him."
His soft expression was meant to sooth her. "Yes. I figured as much. Whatever you did I am truly thankful. I know my brother and I fight but I wouldn't know what to do without him."
She wasn't sure either. Darius was such a big part of her life.
"Well you shouldn't let anything get in between your brotherhood...not even me."
"You wouldn't be the first person to destroy our friendship." He said forcing out every word like he didn't want to tell her.
"What do you mean?"
He took a deep needed breath before diving into the story. "When we were younger father wanted us to experience life in the human world. He felt it would develop a better understanding for us about how important the human race was to our survival."
Lucian ran his long fingers through his hair. "Darius moved to Paris and after a few years in London I decide to visit him. He was living with a woman by the name Lidia Archov. She was beautiful, quiet, and gentle and she had this presence about her that attracted everyone to her. Over a short period of time I somehow captured her heart. I rejoiced, finally getting what I craved. Darius wasn't mad when he found out."
Something in the way he said it made Deva think he was disappointed his brother wasn't mad about stealing his girl from him.
"Darius was hurt but not mad. He claimed he let her go because he didn't want to keep something that didn't want to be kept. He loved her. I know he did and like the selfish brother I am I took her away from him." His eyes grew sad. "After a time I noticed Lidia change. She didn't have the light that made her glow anymore. Eventually she confessed her regret about leaving Darius. She wanted to go back because she loved him. I couldn't stop myself after that."
Deva knew Lucian had a dark past but never thought anything this dynamic. Lucian didn't strike her as a selfish being. He was always the wise brother, who could do no wrong. Maybe the story was his turning point.
"My anger was burning through my veins like a virus. I have a very bad temper Deva. I lost control and I killed her out of jealousy, hate, and betrayal. I took from her the happiness she was taking away from me. "
Deva swallowed. What was she supposed to say to that? "Does Darius know?"
Lucian nodded in shame.
"Did he forgive you?" Deva could just image Darius' struggle with the realization of Lucian's deceitful actions.
"Yes. He said hating me would not bring her back. I had a new found respect for him after that."
Deva's heart went warm with emotions. She knew Darius was a kind person who had a hard exterior but hearing this story only vindicated her love towards him. Yes she was still mad but Darius wasn't all bad; no matter how much she tried to find ways to hate him.
"I know he never meant to hurt me," Deva said looking away.
"He loves you and I believe he always will."
Deva shut her eyes and for the first time since they broke up she let herself replay the fondest memories she had with Darius. He almost died in her arms. She felt that gut wrenching fear pulling at her soul when he slowly lost his energy from the lycan's bite. Deva couldn't image what would have happened to her if Darius did die.
King Asher watched as his wife fondled over her lycan son. It disgusted him seeing her affectionately treat the beast like one of their own. He vowed he wouldn't let it last long.
King Asher waited patiently in the dark for his wife to come to bed. She had taken it upon herself to see the lycan comfortably settled in his new room.
The door creaked open and Queen Emma easily felt the tension from his deep hateful stare.
"So have you put the dog down?"
She wasn't in the mood for his jokes. "Figuratively speaking."
"You're risking too much on this mutt."
"He's my son not some experiment." She fumed.
She knew no one could understand the emotions she was going through but a mother. A mother loves her child unconditionally.
"He is the spawn of that devil who took you away from me and tortured you." King Asher stood to reduce whatever anger was ailing him.
"Is this your way of protecting me?" She spited him with a laugh. "All you care about is your revenge. Just end it already. You've won."
For years she was forced to watch her husband harden to the bloodlust of revenge and power. It was about dominance with their kind and the lycans'.
"Winning requires having your lover boy's head on a stick."
His malicious voice was intended to keep her from questioning him.
Queen Emma shook her head. Cruelty was a rare thing for them to share but when it surfaced it was usually about the Alpha lycan.
"You condemn me for something you have so often done to me in the past."
The King was nothing short of faithful. She knew it and like any woman in her position accepted it.
"Yes but unlike you I never fell in love with them."
She didn't know how he knew. She had never openly discussed her true feelings for the Alpha before. Sometimes it scared her knowing Asher had eyes and ears everywhere.
"Loving you is a curse and a blessing."
Queen Emma tilted her head to the side. She could say the same about him. She tried walking to her closet but she was frozen in place, paralyzed. She couldn't move any part of her body and she knew who was responsible.
"We're not finished talking dear." King Asher circled around her, practically gloating that he still had motion and power.
He promised her long ago that he would never use his ability on her. Lately he had broken that promise far too many times.
He ran his finger through her silk hair then gripped the back of her head. His rough neglect was due to one cause.
"I know what you're thinking." He leaned in to whisper threats in her ear. "If I find your precious Alpha I'll kill him before you can even whisper his name."
"Father," Darius waltzed in.
King Asher wanted nothing more than to throw his son into a cell along with the lycan for daring to interrupt his talk with the Queen. He knew better than to cause a scene. They had a public image to uphold and there were eyes everywhere.
King Asher released the paralyzing hold he had on her and twisted his attention to son.
"What do you want Darius?"
Darius ignored his question and went to his mother. He was mad at her for keeping the secret but he loved her too much to watch his father make a mockery of her.
"Are you alright?"
Her weak smile said it all. "I'm fine my darling."
She was putting up a strong front like she did most of his life.
"The lycan bite me." He confessed.
"How are you still alive then?" His father mocked from behind him.
Darius directed his heated stare to the only father he had who hated him for the entirety of his life.
"You would have liked that wouldn't you father, to see my rotting corpse burst into ash?"
His mother jerked his chin to look at her. "Don't ever say that."
The only love he had ever known was from his mother and his grandfather. He also had a blissful glimpse of true love when he was with Deva.
"What happened Darius?" Her concern was etched through her attentive features.
"I tackled the lycan to the floor to get him away from Deva. He was a lot stronger than I anticipated." Darius could practically feel his father's judgmental cruelty. "He bit me and I was dying. Then Deva fed me her blood."
"Are you saying her blood saved you?"
Darius nodded. "I was drifting to my death. I never felt so close to it. Her blood... I felt like I was drinking her energy, her life source. It was electricity flowing into my veins waking me up from death."
"She truly is our chosen queen."
Darius couldn't understand it. "How is that possible?"
"Some humans can develop their ability once vampire blood is in their systems. It was not so long ago when you fed her your blood." Queen Emma explained. "It must have triggered her potential for experimental growth. Her new found ability has no limits."
"We'll have to keep a close eye on her."
Darius knew that tone in his father's voice too well. "You will not monitor her like one of your experiments."
King Asher dismissed his son's rant and moved around him. Before he could reach the exit door Darius stopped him.
"I mean it father. Leave her be. I will see to her." His eyes were glowing with warning.
King Asher brushed Darius' hand to the side. "You've made your own personal repellant. Deva won't let you get close enough to witness any of her potential." He opened the door. "It's up to your brother now."
Darius dropped his head. His father was right. Deva would probably never open up to him again. Red and the baby were always going to be a reminder of that.
"Everything will sort itself out." His mother was an optimist.
With his father out of the room Darius felt free to discuss anything. "Why didn't you tell us?"
She signed knowing the conversation was unavoidable. The day was bound to come and that was why she had prepared her words wisely.
"It was never to spite you. I never thought my son could have survived the massacre. The rad was very unexpected. None of the lycans saw it coming."
Darius waited patiently for her to continue. He knew she needed time to embrace the new reality.
"I believe the other true cause your father detested the lycan race is because..." It was hard for her to admit. "In my captivity I fell in love with the Alpha."
Darius would never have believed it if it wasn't coming from his own mother's lips. He always had the highest regard for his mother especially putting up with his father.
"You told father?" Darius figured his mother was smarter than signing her own death warrant.
King Asher was known for his explosive temper and jealousy.
"No." She shook her head. "But somehow he found out. I tried stopping him from killing them off. It killed me to know one of those lycans were my flesh and blood."
Darius pitied his mother after learning the truth. He knew far too well what it felt like to be under his father's wrath.
"I'm sorry mother."
Queen Emma pulled him into her arms and hugged him tight. "No my darling I'm sorry. I know the injustice that falls upon you. We are both just pieces in his game of chess. I'm sorry I couldn't protect you better."
Darius hated that she was sorry. She shouldn't have to protect him from his own father.
"Why does he treat me like dirt?"
She pulled back to look into his eyes. "There was a prophecy about you."
She hesitated. Sometimes it was best not to know the future. King Asher lived by it and it had turned him against his own son. It was a mental disease that triggered fear of the unknown.
"You would bring his end."
"His end?" That was it.
"Prophecies have always been very vague. We don't know if it means end of his reign or end of his life. I suppose your father is anxiously waiting for you to make a move."
With that bit of information Darius was surprised his father hadn't thrown him in the dungeon under lock and key. He was the kind of man to take initiative. Darius' every move was probably carefully supervised.
"Goodnight mother."
Darius was done. Did his father really think he was capable of killing him? Could Darius really kill his father? With Darius' current situation, taking over his father's reign was out of the question. There was no possible way for that unless Red and the baby disappeared.
"Darius please do try and accept your new brother. I know he is different and you were raised to look down upon them but please just give him a chance; for me."
"I will try."
As much as he wanted to blame the disgusting mutt he really couldn't. Darius blamed his father. His lust for power had antagonized the lycan race, forcing them to kidnap his wife. It was his fault his wife fell in love with the Alpha. If he hadn't started the war none of the terrible occurrences would have happened. Darius felt extremely remorseful about their near extinction.
Before Darius could go to bed he needed to check up on one person. If he couldn't reassure himself she was alright he knew he wouldn't be able to sleep at all. Conspicuously he entered her room. Deva was underneath her covers sound asleep.
If it wasn't for her he would have been dead by now. He owed her his life. Darius only wished he could offer her more. She deserved so much more.
Darius quietly backed away vowing one day he'd give her the happiness she deserved.
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