Chapter 22
It was the night before the talent show and Deva still wasn't sure what song she was going to playing. Her unhealthy obsession of worry for Darius had taken up most of her thoughts. It had been two long days since Darius left to meet up with his brothers; two long torturous days of mental anguish.
These were questions swarming in her head like a disease; a disease weakening her body and mind. She needed a cure and that cure was Darius. Just a glimpse of his face was all she needed to sooth away her unethical desire for resolution. She often wondered if he too felt the same way; in a constant fixation with her well-being.
She wanted to hate herself but was it so bad to care for someone like Darius? Surrendering to her emotions meant giving him free reign over her heart. Was she willing to submit that kind of power to him?
"Not yet," she declared.
It was late and everyone was asleep. She wandered down the dark empty halls and for some reason felt a strange presence about. Like someone was watching her.
She turned every once in a while, but of course no one was there. It was all in her head, but then again she was in a castle full of sneaky vampires. That thought creeped her out even more. She practically ran the rest of the way to her room; shutting the door quickly and placing her head against it.
She heard a sound come from the other side of the room. Her eyes fly up and found a tall dark shadow figure looming over. He took a step forward and the dim light from the lamp on her nightstand cast a glow to his familiar face. She exhaled the breath she didn't realize she was holding.
"Loosh," she flung herself into his arms.
She was grateful for his presence. It meant he was alive; it meant that no longer did she have to suffer nights of no sleep over worry.
"I've missed you," he breathed into her hair. "I couldn't wait to see you."
"I've missed you too. I'm even willing to forgive you for scaring me."
She pushed back to examine his face. His eyes were strangely clouded and distant.
He chuckled. "I'm sorry baby. I didn't mean to scare you, honestly." His gentle touch consoled the creases across her face.
"I forgive you. So you're back for good then?"
He affirmed with a nod. "Yes. We finished what had to be done."
"What had to be done?"
If it were any other girl or person Lucian wouldn't even consider answering, but it was Deva who was asking.
"The villagers were right. We found one lycan in the woods who was hiding in the caves."
"What did you do to him?"
"We captured it and brought it back to the lab for testing."
She scrunched her nose. The idea of any creature being tested on repulsed her. "Like a lab rat?"
"Yes baby. It wasn't our intention at first but the lycan was attacking people. It couldn't even phase back into human form. We're going to help it."
He wouldn't even acknowledge its sex. Lucian continued to address it as an object.
"I'm just glad you all are back and safe." She emphasized the 'all'.
"We promised we'd be but I'll admit your worry is quite flattering." He tightened their embrace. The gentleness and warmth of her arms let him forget his past quandary.
"Is it?"
As she detached herself from him she noticed his somber expression. Something felt wrong. Her fingertips brushed against his cheek as if it could erase the haunting thoughts causing his perplexing affliction.
She was afraid she already knew the source of his dejection. "You're hungry?"
He nodded not so proud of himself. "Yes, I shouldn't have come to you like this. We just finished, and I didn't have time to feed before I rushed over here." He dropped his head in shame. "I'm sorry. I should go."
Her heart sunk because for some reason she didn't want him to go. "No," she quickly replied, and he shot his gaze back up to her. "I don't want you to go so soon. It's been way too quiet these past few days."
He stood frozen as Deva's hands explored his flawless face. Her curiosity was growing with anticipation and expectation.
"Shhh," she placed her fingers over his plump lips. His confusion sweetened her endearment. "Is it painful being with me right now?"
Her blood was tempting, but for a vampire his age with plenty experience, he could handle it. He forced himself to control his thirst.
"I'm fine baby. I promise. I won't hurt you."
She boldly began to move her hair from the left side of her shoulder revealing the bare soft skin of her neck. His eyes instantly caught sight of her pulsing veins; it was instinct to do so.
"Deva what are you doing?"
Her intentions were innocent. "I want you to drink from me."
"No." He wanted her blood. He wanted to rapture her fragile neck and taste what he and his brothers had dreamed about since she arrived. Not only was her presence intoxicating but so was the scent of her blood.
"Loosh you're thirsty, and I am human. You said you don't need much anyway so what is the problem?"
Was he a monster for delighting in her submission, in her pleading?
"I won't do this to you." She was known for irrational actions. Would she later regret it and hate him?
Her eyes had never been more alluring or reassuring. "I trust you Loosh."
He would not let himself get sucked in. Deva was a complicated person. Her mind was focused in the moment. Once her conscience catches up the guilt would settle in and the self-loathing would begin. But she would try not to show it. Instead she'd convince herself to blame it on someone else.
"Loosh if it were anyone else I wouldn't offer. But I trust you. I want you to do it."
Could he live with the side effects? Her unpredictable behavior told him otherwise.
"Please don't ask this of me." He was afraid it would ruin everything between them.
"Don't you want my blood?" She started to take offense in his constant rejection.
Lucian laughed cradling her crazed, distraught face. "You beautiful silly girl, of course I want your blood. I just don't want you to hate me afterwards."
Deva bit her lip. Could she blame him? She knew how unconventional she was. But losing a little blood wasn't going to kill her. She just wanted to help him.
"I promise I won't.." Deva pushed up on her tippy toes to give him better access to her neck. "I want this. Please Loosh."
She wanted to know if it felt different than when Darius took her blood. She was in the heat of the moment when Darius rapture her between his fangs.
Was it going to be an entirely different experience with Lucian? A mindboggling sensations?
Her last plea did it for him. He slowly caressed her soft skin preparing her for his bite. "I'm able to control it so I won't hurt you."
Lucian kissed the spot he was going to bite before piercing her delicate skin with his sharp fangs. He felt her flinch for a second before he calmed her nerves with his ability. Her sweet honey blood filled his mouth and satisfied his hunger like no other had before. He threw in a hint of passion that burst into her veins and exploded her senses.
Her fingers began to curl into his hair as a moan escaped her lips. Thrills of pleasures filled him from the reaction he got out of her. He forced himself to stop before he took too much out of her. He licked the puncture wounds he had formed and they vanished without a trace. Deva's whole body felt like it was on fire but it was a fire she was gladly indulging in.
It was different. "Wow." She managed to breathe.
"A vampire bite can make you feel a great many things." He was also finding it hard to breathe.
She untangled her arms from around him and sensed his slight dismay. He wanted more than just her blood. It was obvious and she was cruel for leading him on.
"Loosh, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have made you do that. Especially knowing the way you feel about me."
A weak smile framed his face. "Don't be. You were curious and I was all too willing."
"Loosh I'm sorry it has to be this way."
Her feelings were all messed up, and even though she did feel things for Lucian she didn't want to hurt him, or Darius. She had grown impeccably attached to both of them. It wasn't like her to lead on two guys, to not make up her mind about who she wanted to be with. They individually stirred up emotions in her that pulled her in completely opposite directions.
"You need rest baby. You lost blood, and you're fighting to stay awake right now." He was sorry too.
If they had met under different circumstances without either of his brothers in the picture Lucian knew her heart wouldn't have hesitated. If she had only met him then she wouldn't have felt so divided.
"Yeah you're probably right." She gave him one last glance before walking over to her bed. "It was good to see you. I'm really glad you're okay Loosh."
"Sweet dreams baby girl." Lucian waited till he heard her soft even breathing confirming she was peacefully asleep.
Deva tossed and turned all through the night. A feeling of short breath finally woke her up from her restless slumber. Her hand instantly went to her throat but nothing was there. There was no evidence of something squeezing her throat to cause her to lose oxygen. That did it; Deva threw the covers to the side and decided sleep was her enemy.
Deva took the shawl off the sitting chair and wrapped it around her chilled body as she made her way down the hall. She wasn't sure where she was going at that hour but it was something to do other than fighting her mind to go to sleep. It was murderously dark in the corridor, and no sound was heard making the atmosphere that much more eerie.
Out of nowhere a sanguine voice spoke, "What are you doing here?"
Deva jumped an inch from surprise and turned to find Marcus looking at her with a cheeky grin.
"What is wrong with you?" Her hand flow to her chest as if to stop her heart from popping out. "You seriously want to scare me to death, don't you?"
Marcus held in his laughter. "I'm sorry love. I forgot how easy it is to sneak up on a human."
Deva huffed and rolled her eyes. "Forgot my ass."
"Love, what are you doing up this late? You do know it's not morning yet?"
She narrowed her eyes in the direction his voice was coming from. It was still too dark to make out his face.
"Yes I know. I just can't go to sleep."
"Do you want me to read you a bedtime story?" Marcus volunteered taking her hand.
"Not if it's about annoying princes." She had enough of those.
Marcus began to guide her through the dark. "Come with me then. We'll stay up and talk gossip. Whatever you ladies do."
Deva laughed and followed Marcus' lead. He was heading in the direction of the study room where he swiftly grabbed a bottle of scotch and opened the doors to the balcony. The sky was navy blue, and the stars illuminated the dark night, but nothing was more magnificent than the moon. It was full and bright which left a glistening glow covering the kingdom's land.
Marcus sat on the windowsill, and Deva maneuvered to a seat in front of him. They gazed off into the night sky before Marcus broke the tranquil silence.
"So love, what's on your mind?" He brought the scotch to his lips and drank.
Deva dropped the back of her head against the window boarder, hard. She purposely wanted to hurt herself for the things she was about to tell Marcus. "Too many things."
"Like," he handed her the bottle in hopes that it would loosen her up.
"This place; it's driving me crazy." The alcohol sliding down her throat was already doing wonders to her conscience mind.
He smirked, seeing through her lie. "Is it this place or my brothers?"
She hated Marcus and his ability to sense her emotions. "Fine, it's your brothers," she unwillingly confessed.
"They can be quite unbearable. Shall I steal you away so that you don't have to ever deal with them again?"
"Ha...that would be splendid actually." Marcus was quietly looking her over like he was waiting for her to say something.
"How," she struggled for the right words. "How do I know this feeling is right...that it's real and not some false emotion leading me to a lifetime of sorrow and regret?"
"Feelings can be very tricky." Marcus spoke with true wisdom. "They can lead you to the best and worst moments of your life."
Deva's head felt like it was about to explode with mixed emotions. "I hate this."
Marcus could feel the twinge of sadness and depth of her heated torment like it was his own. He moved closer cupping her face and forcing her head up to his. Marcus wanted to help heal whatever wound she felt. "Deva you know."
She didn't move or flinch while his eyes unraveled her deepest mindset.
"You try to hide it from yourself, but you know Deva. Don't run away from it. Don't run away from that real feeling just because it scares you."
Deva hated to show weakness, but she knew he was right. She was scared; scared out of her mind for where her feelings might lead her.
Marcus could see the struggle in her eyes. "Deva love, do not worry yourself about hurting them. It is bound to happen. You'd have to choose one eventually and my brothers may be stubborn, but they would with time get over the rejection."
She nodded while listening to his voice of reason because it was ultimately calming down her nerves. Marcus pulled away noticing her relaxed posture and rested his head against the stone wall.
"Why don't you tell her?"
Marcus' brows furrowed with confusion.
"Don't give me that. I know you like Julia." Deva smirked at his discomfort.
Marcus exhaled but remained tense. "Yes, yes I do. I also like you too."
Deva shook her head. "Not like you like her." He didn't speak so Deva did instead. "Marcus come on, you can talk to me. Why don't you tell her how you feel?"
"It's not that easy Deva."
"Yes, yes it is." She fired back, not understanding how men could be so blind.
"It's easy with you Deva. We can laugh and talk and I get that with Julia too, but there's something more there. Sometimes I can't find words or my mind goes blank."
"That's hard to believe," Deva commented.
"I know. I've never been this way before. I don't understand it, and yet I want it, but I don't know if I can have it."
"Marcus you're making it more difficult than it should be. Look I know Julia; she won't confess anything till you do." It wasn't like Deva to play matchmaker, but Julia was her friend, and she just wanted her to be happy.
She cut him off before he could say anything stupid. "I know she likes you too Marcus. So please, please don't let this pass you by. I know it's hard for you to admit something like this, but life is about taking chances."
"Maybe you should be taking your own advice."
Damn. "Maybe I will."
"Then maybe I will too."
They brought their gazes back to the night sky view. "Do it tomorrow, after the talent show. Tell her how you truly feel."
Marcus had for years lived as a bachelor just enjoying life and what it had to offer. "I was never the type to settle down."
"I know Casanova, but eventually living a life without someone to share it with doesn't feel like a life worth living."
He snatched the scotch from her hands and took a big gulp. "You're too wise for your age."
Deva was proud he thought so. "I'll take that as a compliment since it's coming from a vampire."
"Just don't let that wisdom cloud your other senses."
Was he talking about love? Was her stubbornness and experience keeping her from being happy with someone else?
"Deva, sometimes we let our fears keep us down because getting up means we might fall down again. We try to cover it up the best we can with our wise words and our claim of content happiness. Don't ever settle for less than you deserve." His tantalizing eyes held her gaze completely. "And trust me Deva you deserve the world and much, much more."
"I don't know about that."
Marcus shook his head to debate with her. "And why's that?"
"You and Lucian have a habit of putting me on a pedestal. I don't deserve much. I'm cruel."
Marcus laughed at her restless plea. "You are unbelievably blind, my love. You like to use that excuse to shield yourself away from everyone but I can see past those thick layers of stubbornness."
Deva didn't want to believe him. "You don't want to peel back any of my layers. You'll only find darkness."
Marcus leaned closer, and she could smell his peppermint breath. "What is it that you're always trying to hide from us?"
Deva couldn't bring herself to say it. "I can't tell you. It has nothing to do with what we are talking about."
He sighed in disbelief. "Are you kidding me? It has everything to do with this! Don't you see Deva? This secret might be the cause to why you can't open up to us; why you can't trust us. This secret is trapping you and holding you down from actually having a relationship with us, with anyone really."
She rested her head back against the cold tiled wall and closed her eyes so Marcus' deep accusing stare would stop haunting her. "Drop it Marcus...please."
"Deva I'm just trying to help you. I want to see you happy. You were so miserable the first time I brought you here, and all you did was act out and cause trouble. Deva," he spoke so defined that she was forced to open her eyes to him once again. "The truth will set you free, I promise it will."
She breathlessly laughed. "It's too late for redemption."
"Marcus please stop worrying. I'm fine, and everything is going to be okay." Her gentle voice was supposed to calm his nerves.
"Just don't let it shatter you from the inside. I know how that feels. And don't let my brothers pull you into too many directions either." He pushed back a loose strand of her hair behind her ear. "Because I know they will hurt you without intending to."
Deva couldn't help but push herself off the wall and embrace him. She could see through his eyes and words that he only wanted the best for her, and to Deva, that meant the world. She needed someone stable to hold her in place.
"Thank you Marcus for wanting what's best for me. I really needed someone to lean on for just a moment."
He kissed her hair. "I'm always here love. Always."
"I won't break Marcus. I promise." She was strong, and she knew she could get through anything.
"So tomorrow I should tell her?"
Deva delighted in pure happiness. "Yes."
"Alright love only because you ask it of me."
They stayed in the study room a little longer, but eventually Marcus forced her to bed saying she needed plenty of rest for the talent show. Her stomach did a summersault just thinking about it. The best part of the night was when she put her head down on the pillow and she actually fell back asleep.
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