5. Ice Cream With a Vampire
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Once again Deva woke up to the sun's rays peeking through the window. Bringing her hand to her face she rubbed the sleepiness away. Deva unwillingly sat up and was greeted by a happy looking Lacey. She was staring at Deva with anxious eyes.
"So," she asked. "How was the date? Was it good? Did his beautiful luscious lips kiss you goodnight?" Lacey threw out, slightly jumping up and done.
Deva shock her head with a smile on her face at the girl's curiosity. "It was nice Lace. He took me to a restaurant. We ate and danced once then we came back. There was no goodnight kiss."
"What?" Lacey exaggerated with a long face. "No, goodnight kiss? He honestly struck me as the type who would.”
"Nope didn't happen." She said thinking to herself that if she could help it, it would never happen. She did not want these brothers playing or messing around with her.
Lacey's gaze dropped and she stood up. "Well maybe you're not his type." She said a little hopeful. And Deva saw a small hit of satisfaction in the girl's eyes as she basked in the idea of Deva not being the prince's type.
"Yeah, maybe you're right. He's all yours Lacey. Good luck competing for his heart."
Lacey smiled shamelessly and walked to the table of food. Deva could care less if she was the prince's type are not. She knew she wasn't going to be here for long. There was no way she was going to become the next queen to their vampire kingdom.
Deva throw the covers over her head still feeling really tired but then her eyes catch a glimpse of a shiny object on the bed stand. She reached over and held up the IPod. It was silver and looked new. Then she noticed a piece of paper lying next to it.
'My dearest sweetheart,
After leaving your doorstep last night fairly disappointed I knew I couldn't leave you without some form of entertainment. This place can get a little boring so I got you what you requested. I added a few of my favorite songs to start you off. Enjoy and this just goes to show you not everything comes at a price.
Always your prince charming,
She smirked, Prince charming alright. She hesitantly got up and made her way to the bathroom. She took a towel off of the posh sink. The whole bathroom was huge with marble tan colored tiles. It had a vanity, a white vintage tub, and even an enormous shower that had glass doors and could easily fit ten people inside.
She striped her clothes off and entered the shower to wash the sleepiness away.
After a ten minute shower she walked into the fully stocked closet and pulled out a pair of skinny black jeans and a plain blue and red shirt.
Walking out she found Lacey on the old style Victorian couch reading a book. Lacey looked up, "We're supposed to meet up the brothers in a few minutes just to let you know."
"Thanks for the heads up."
Deva sat down at the table and started eating a fruit salad and bagel. She made a note to herself to visit the chief again and thank him for all the good food he made them in the morning.
Amy showed up some time later and escorted the girls to the study room. Arriving inside the old fashioned study room Deva easily spotted Julia who had the biggest smile on her face.
"I assume you had wonderful time last night with the Prince of Darkness," Deva commented coming up behind her friend.
"It was great Dev. How was your night?"
Deva turned her head and spotted the brothers. She saw Darius mockingly smiling in her direction also waiting for her response. Deva shrugged. "It was memorable."
"Right, just memorable my butt." Julia said but leaving it at that.
"Ladies," they heard Darius' voice say over the other voices. He smiled as he scanned the room of faces. Every girl was now staring at him. "I hope you are all doing well today. We have asked you up here this afternoon to clear a few things."
He paused and walked closer to the girls. "My brothers and I understand the confusion you all must get when it comes to telling us apart. So in order to straighten out some of the confusion we have decided to dress in different colors that will help distinguish us apart."
Deva wanted to laugh so badly but she kept it in. She couldn't believe he was actually going for her color coding idea. She honestly only meant it as a joke.
"From now on I, Darius, will be wearing blue shirts. My brother Marcus will be wearing green and Lucian will be in red."
Thinking out loud Deva commented, "Or you could wear name tags on your foreheads."
Lucian rolled his eyes at her and she smirked.
"Today we will be spending time with as many of you as we can. We want to personally get to know all of you wonderful ladies and we will have plenty of time to do it. There is no rush. Your time here for this week has no time limit. So we look forward to getting to know you."
Deva watched as the brothers made their way to the crowd of prince crazed girls. The girls were practically throwing themselves at the devilishly handsome brothers just trying to get their attention.
Deva had to admit they were everything a girl would want. They were powerful, rich, on occasions kind, and they were princes for heaven sakes. But Deva didn't want to waste her time trying; she didn't want to set herself up for disappointment. She was never going to be the next queen and she knew it. It just wasn't in the cards for her. There was no point in trying to convince the brothers otherwise because she didn't have what it took to be a vampire queen.
Deva quietly walked out not looking back. She decided to explore the large mansion on her own. It was a beautiful and mysterious place and she thought of it as an adventure. Walking down the hall she spotted one of the butler's that help her before to get to the kitchen. The tall man smiled as she approached.
"Is there anything I can help you with my lady?"
She flashed in a warm smile showing her gratitude for his kindness. "What is your name?"
"Jeffrey, my lady."
"Jeffrey do you think you can show me around? Everyone seems occupied and I would wonder off in the mansion on my own but I really don't want to step into a room I'm not supposed to be in."
Jeffrey smiled showing his teeth, looking rather pleased at her request. "That is very wise my lady and I would be honored to show you around."
"Please Jeffery call me Dev."
"Well Dev shall we begin this tour."
He started down the hall Deva following close behind. Jeffery explained to her the history of the castle; the people of still lived in it, and the rules everyone had to abide by. He showed her the grand ball room that was the size a house. It was beautiful and elegant. The side walls were covered in breath taking gold colored statues of roman sculptors. The windows reached from the tall ceiling to the bottom of the floor which also had red curtains hang on the sides of each window. Deva couldn’t believe how grand and charming the whole room was. It was like being in a dream or inside the beauty and the beast movie. It all felt surreal to her.
Jeffery went to library where she knew she was going to spend the majority of her time. She loved books and was hoping that the library had more information on the history of vampires because all she knew about them was what she saw in movies. The library was big with two floors to it. The wooden spiral staircase leading to the upper books is where Jeffery said they keep most of the family's history books. She made a note to herself to remember that.
He then showed her the workout room full of equipment. She wanted to ask why a bunch of naturally strong vampires would need a workout room when Jeffery explained it was for the humans that worked at the castle. It wasn't used much. Not many humans worked at the castle like they used to.
The room had every modern equipment she could think of and more. She silently thanked God. It had been awhile since she had a good work out and she honestly just wanted to let all her stress out. The punching bag on the end corner was seriously calling her name.
They left the room and it felt like they had been walking and talking for hours. Deva didn't keep track with time anymore and since she didn't have her phone she didn't really care.
Making their way down the corridor Jeffery's phone began to beep. He answered quickly and spoke lightly. He ended the call and looked at Deva with disappointed eyes.
"I'm sorry Lady Deva but I must go. It is an urgent matter."
"Oh no don't be sorry. You were such a wonderful help to me. Thank you Jeffery."
"It was my please my lady." He said before dropping his head and walking the other direction.
She turned the other way and stared down the hall and felt a weird sense of familiarity. Then she remembered it was the same hall Darius took her through when leading her to the garage. She began walking toward the familiar door and smiled as she entered the garage. The lights automatically turned on as she walked inside to get a better look. The garage like the whole house was huge and fully stocked with cars and a few motorcycles.
Everywhere she looked she found sports car after sports car after luxury car. It was a site to see. Deva knew her brothers would die at the site of them. She wasn't much of a car person but even she had to admit these cars were truly tempting and irresistible not to love and want.
She advanced towards them and unconsciously began to graze her hand lightly over the shiny new cars.
"Trying to escape?" She heard a husky voice from behind her. She literally jumped back, startled by his voice.
"No," she exclaimed turning towards the voice. "And don't ever do that again. You practically gave me a heart attack. Stupid vampires and their inhuman speed." She mumbled the last sentence.
Marcus chuckled. "Sorry love I didn't mean to."
She narrowed her eyes at him. "Sure you didn't. What was your intention to scare me to death cause I'm human I'm still alive not like some people I know?"
He flashed her a wicked smile. "If I wanted to kill you love you would be dead by now."
"Yeah or maybe you're one of those killers that like to torture their victims before they do the dirty deed."
"Your imagination is really something."
She dropped her gaze back to the very new white Mercedes. "Don't blame me. I can't help where I inherited my genes from."
"So true. And I don't blame you cause quite frankly I enjoy your active imagination. It's like watching a wild animal go free, you never know what's going to happen next."
"Did you just compare me to a wild animal?"
"Yes I did." He said with a cocky expression across his face. "Because you're practically untamed."
She huffed. "And it's staying that way."
"I like it that way." He replied stepping closer to her. She could already smell his Guess cologne and it was making her uneasy.
"Do you want to go for a spin?" He asked.
Surprised, he raised his brow. "On what?"
"Which car is yours? Or do you all share."
He snickered. "Guys never share cars. We all own several cars of our own. My personal favorite," he said point to a midnight blue one. "Is the Porsche 918 Spyder."
Deva nodded. "I agree. She's beautiful. How fast can she go?"
"She hits 62 mph in less than 3.2 seconds and her top speed is about 198 mph."
Deva's mouth dropped. That is a very fast car. She had never really been in a Porsche before especially one that fast and outrageous.
"So what do you say love? Care to join me on a night drive?"
She nodded her head. "I'm only going for the Porsche so don't think you're special or anything."
Marcus had to laugh at her constant denial. "Whatever you say love."
As soon as they got in the car Marcus peeled out of the garage, clearly enjoying himself as well as the amused face Deva was wearing.
"You like?" He asked.
"I'm in love."
"Aww love I knew it was bound to happen. I'm just glad you’re finally admitting it now."
Deva rounded her eyes at his cocky smile. She turned up the volume on the stereo and her ears catch hold of techno.
"You like techno."
"I'm in love with it." Stating her words from before. "Do you?" He asked curiously.
"Yes. That's all my brothers and I listen to. We blame it on our European roots."
Marcus raised his brow, not understanding what she was saying.
"We're Romanian foreigners living in America," she kind of giggled to herself. "Europeans love techno. All Americans listen to is rap and country."
He laughed at her small remark. "I guess I see your point. You’re Romanian?"
"Yes sir. Julia is too."
Deva sighed; of course he didn't remember her name. He probably didn't know any of the girls’ names because he was too busy checking them out in their booty shorts the other day. That was probably the reason he used the nickname 'love' because he couldn't remember.
"Yes, prince oblivious. Julia is the girl I was talking to at the gazebo then you interrupted us."
He face slowly raised in recognition as his smirk grew wider. "The girl's pants you were trying to get in."
Deva laughed only guys would remember that kind of conversation and forget the names of who were talking. "Yes and she was willing," she joked.
"I'm willing." He paused and turned to her. "With both of you."
Deva didn't hesitate to smack his arm which only made him laugh. "Perv. That will never happen so stop playing that scene in your head."
"I'm sorry love I can't help it. You gave me the material now I'm using it."
Deva rolled her eyes for the hundredth time since she met the brothers. Marcus just couldn't help himself could he she asked herself. The city streets were quiet in this part of town. It was a bit farther away from all the city ciaos and Deva was grateful for that.
Marcus finally pulled up in front of a small ice cream shop. It was cute and quaint. It was nothing like Deva expected out of a vampire infested town. It actually looked like a normal regular ice cream shop. She silently wondered if it tasted the same as well.
"We're getting ice cream?"
"Yup." He said sliding out of the car and Deva quickly following his example. "I haven't been here in a while."
He came around the car and took her hand. She didn't protest because there really wasn't any point. He was stronger than her and he wasn't trying to hurt her so she went with it. Entering the shop Deva felt it reminded her of a local ice cream shop she had back home called 'Sweet Ce Ce's. This shop had bright colors covering the walls with yellow drapes hanging from the windows. Marcus led her to the ice cream machine and handed her a bowl to fill herself. She instantly went for the red velvet cake ice cream and then the dark chocolate flavor. They were both her favorite, then talking over to the other stands she threw on a few raspberries, Oreo crumble, and cookie dough to the mix.
Marcus didn't even have to pay. He was prince and everyone wanted to be in their good graces so the Princes were used to not paying for things. The red headed girl at the cashier took one look at him and practically drooled. It was rather amusing. Deva turned to Marcus and asked, "Is she going to be okay?"
"I think so." He took her hand and led her to an empty table towards the back were they could have some privacy.
She sat down and attacked her bowl not even caring that he was obviously staring at her. She finally looked up. "What? Never see a girl appreciate ice cream before?"
He chuckled and shook his head. "Not like that."
"Just because you're a prince doesn't mean you're getting special treatment from me. You get that enough as it is."
He stared into her eyes, really holding her gaze. "And I wouldn't want any from you. I like the fact that you're not afraid to say it how it is. So many people around me tell me what I want to hear because they fear what and who I am. Don't be like them Deva."
She melted at his words and smiled warmly at him. "As you wish prince."
He smiled too and for a second it reminded her of Darius' smile. They were too similar and she prayed that she would never mix them up. They ate their ice cream with light conversation and jokes. They ended up making small sarcastic comments about the people in the shop. Laughing at what others were wearing or coming up with a story to go along with a person's persona.
Marcus' soft low laughter filled the small shop and Deva couldn't help laughing too.
"You are one strange character love." He said short out of breath.
"Me?" She exaggerated. "You were right behind me coming up with all those strange ideas and theories."
"Yes, love but who comes up with the idea of a vampire Men in Black agent who is waiting for an alien attack to happen at an ice cream shop."
She threw her hands into the air. "Who else wears an all-black suit to an ice cream shop?"
"How about business men that try to rekindle there olden days?"
She leaned back crossing her arms over her chest. "Now where's the excitement in that?"
"You know love, vampires can be boring."
"I'll say."
"And what's that supposed to mean?" He said leaning in placing his elbows the small table.
"I don't know. I guess I've watched too much of the Underworld movies cause I pictured vampires kicking werewolf ass and just being vicious. Never would have I expected to be eating ice cream with a vampire and having a laugh over dumb stuff."
He couldn't help it Marcus let out a good heartfelt laugh. "You're too much. But I understand were that's coming from. Hollywood has been feeding you these tales and you just go with it because you know no better."
"Exactly. I'm so glad you understand the matter." She said with a bit of sarcasm.
They finished their ice cream awhile back and were now just staring at each other. Taking in her surrounding she had one question that was eating her alive that she wanted to ask Marcus, specifically.
"Yes love." She was getting used to his petty nickname.
"Can I ask you something but in return I want your true honesty?"
"Of course Deva," he stared seriously into her deep brown eyes. "I'll try my best."
"Why did you bring me here? Why me, Marcus?" She stopped and dropped her gaze to the table fiddling with her hands. "I'm not as pretty as the other girls so I know you didn't pick me for that. I'm not that athletic, I don't do so well with making friends, I'm too loud sometimes, and I know I get on your guys' nerves because I do it on purpose but yet I still don't understand why I'm here." She finally held her courage and brought her eyes back up to meet his beautiful grey-blue eyes which were melting into hers.
His hands reached over taking hers in his. His hands were somewhat warm to the touch which surprised her.
"Deva you are beautiful. All the girls look different and I don't see how you don't see your own beauty." He raised his hand to brush a strand of her hair back. "Your hair is so soft; your eyes are so warm. You have eyes that seek the true and that is something that the other girls don't have. You are so beautiful inside and out."
She felt him rub circles on her palm as he continued. "I chose you because of the life I saw in your eyes and the personality you showed. You're not afraid to live life the way you want to live it. Even now knowing that we could easily kill you for the slighted disrespect yet you still voice your opinion. Oh and what opinions those are." He softly chuckled to himself. "I love your mind and the way you think. I chose you for your witty comments and carefree attitude. You live as if you were to die tomorrow. You live life in the present, in the now."
Deva nodded her head taking it all in. It made sense in a way. She wasn't like all the other girls expect for Julia which they did have some similarities. She understood now why he had chosen her but she wasn't sure if she liked it or not.
"So you like wittiness. You don't think I talk too much?"
His eyes grew playful. "I love your mouth they lead my eyes to the best part of your body."
"Yeah what's that?"
He leaned so close that their faces were literally two inches apart. "Your lips."
Deva shook her head while leaning back. "You're such a player."
"Hey," he said getting up and grabbing their empty bowls. "I resent that. It's not called playing when the opponent is willing to play as well."
Deva rolled her eyes and watched him walk away to throw away their garbage. Her gaze slowly shifted to the couple only a few feet away. The guy was incredibly handsome. He had dirty blond hair and brown eyes that were staring at the girl in front of him with lust. The girl was staring back at him with a lovey dovey expression. She was taken by the handsome man/creature in front of her and Deva couldn't blame her.
Then the man reached over and took the girl’s wrist placing it in front of his lips. He placed a kiss over her wrist then dragged his nail across her veins. His cut was deep and blood quickly came out. The girl softly groaned but did not pull away. Deva didn't know what to think or even do. He squeezed her wrist forcing more blood out as it dropped into his ice cream bowl. Then the man loosened his grip and stared back at the girl’s face. She smiled weakly but she didn't look upset at his actions at all. He licked and kissed her wounded wrist before letting it go. She pulled her long sleeve over the cut and went back to eating her ice cream. Deva couldn't believe that just happened. The man did the same, bringing the deep red liquid from is bowl to his awaiting lips. He closed his eyes, savoring the flavor.
Deva should have been repulsed by the scene and possibly should have puked but she didn't feel any nausea at all only a small pit in her stomach. Her eyes just didn't want to believe it.
Deva felt warmth of a body pressing against her now open thighs. She was still sitting down but Marcus had now positioned himself between her legs. His face was hovering over her and she looked up to find his curious eyes searching hers.
"What does it feel like?" She blurted out without thinking. She just couldn't comprehend what was going on in the girl's head. The girl showed no real fear and in a way enjoyed feeding the man her blood.
Marcus leaned his head down to her neck. She could feel his lips brushing across her skin.
"Would you like to find out love?"
"No, not tonight."
He pulled away just enough to examine her face. "But there will be a night?"
"I'm not sure Marcus because I don't know what tomorrow brings."
He stood straight flexing his broad shoulders. "No I guess no one knows." He extended his hand and she took it without even protesting. She didn't mind his touch or company anymore.
"God knows."
Making their way to the exit he stopped abruptly. "You're a Christian?"
His comment made her smirk now. "Ironic isn't it? But yes I am."
"You, my love, are getting more interesting by the second."
They got to the car and rode home. Deva felt comfortable in the ride back to the castle. Marcus was a very easy person to get along with. The night was fully upon them and walking her back to her room Marcus said his farewell.
"May you sleep well love now that your stomach has enjoyed the delights of vampire ice cream."
"Oh yes indeed I will. And you dear prince may you dream of sugar plums and Men in Black agents." She giggled.
"I wouldn't dare dream of anything else...well expect for you and Julia plus me minus the cloths-"
She cut him off, "Only in your dream prince, only. Now good night." With that she closed the door and he walked away with a very happy grin on his face.
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