16. To Defy a Vampire
The next day, Deva spent her time in the gym. All the girls were called to the study room for elimination, but she decided there was no point in going. She didn't want to see the brothers either. She was still upset about their discussion. She knew she went over the top again, but they always knew how to push her buttons. Punching the bag and running till she couldn't breathe anymore, Deva swam into her thoughts.
How could they do this to her? Why would they want her so much? It didn't make sense to her. Ever since she arrived, she had been nothing but trouble. But all her hopes of going home were seriously coming to an end.
The brothers had confirmed her fate, and she wasn't sure if she was ready to accept it.
"Dev here you are!" Julia came running towards her.
"Hey Juls."
"Are you okay? You didn't come down for the elimination." She was sincerely worried.
"I'm fine, and I didn't feel like going. I'm guessing you're still a shoe-in for becoming the next queen then since you're still here?"
"Yeah, and so are you."
"Right," she still couldn't grasp it.
Julia smirked. "Tits got booted off though."
"Finally," Deva exaggerated.
"The queen is having a meeting with the girls still remaining. It's in an hour if you want to get ready or something."
"Yeah thanks for the heads up. Hey Juls, how many girls were cut loose?"
"Just one was sent home this time." They began making their way towards the doors.
"So there are only five of us left." Five potential queens. Deva ended her work out and decided to get ready to see the queen.
The Queen was elegantly seated at the table overlooking the gardens. The sunroom was such a beautiful room to sit and relax; it was easy to breathe in. The girls began to fill in the vacant couches resting on the side walls.
"You all look lovely today," the queen said in a sweet calming voice.
"Thank you your majesty," the group of girls responded.
"I have asked you all here to announce my own challenge I have set for you." She stood up with an air of pure power. "The challenges are typically for my sons' to be in charge of, but some things are better advised from a Queen's prospective."
She stopped to scan the girls confused yet anxious faces. "Being a Queen, you must always support your King in every situation or problem that will arise. It is important for him to know that he has you to come to if he needs the truth or needs comfort. It is the King's nature to believe he is always right; but every once in a while, a moment where the King needs persuasion will arrive. It is very important to make him believe it was his idea to begin with. Making him do something he doesn't want to do is a skill every Queen must master. And in other cases, a Queen must stand up to her King in order for him to see reason."
She paused. "I will be throwing a party in less than three days. During that time you must come up with an idea to convince one of the princes to do something they don't want to do or perhaps be the brave one and stand up to them. My sons may be rather hostile, but sometimes they need to be pushed around. So I advise you to persuade them, push their buttons, and at the party is where the real test will be taken. I will secretly keep watch on everything you do. So I will know if you have performed the task or not. Any questions my dears?"
Red raised her hand. "You want us to stand up to them. Won't they be mad and perhaps hurt us for it?"
The Queen smiled. "Perhaps. If you do your job well enough then they won't want to hurt you. How much faith do you have in your relationship with my sons? I'm not asking you to risk your life. They wouldn't dare kill a potential future queen, and I promise you if anything gets violent I will step in." The room went silent. "I have said what I needed to say. The small party will most likely be in two days. You ladies are dismissed."
Deva and Julia both got up before everyone else and went for the Deva's room. "Hey, Deva thanks for giving me your request."
"No prob. You had better use for it than I did."
"Why didn't you take it?" Julia asked with complete fascination.
"They couldn't give me what I wanted." They walked into the room not saying anything else.
Deva couldn't think of anything for the Queen's challenge. There was nothing she wanted to do to the brothers. She had avoided them for two days already. Julia had requested a boat night date with Marcus, and she enjoyed every minute of it.
Deva ended up hearing what happened on the date with Darius and Deana. Deana wouldn't stop talking about it, giving all the girls every detail on their date. Darius was sweet and kind and took her to a classy restaurant, and then on a romantic carriage ride around the town. Deva wasn't in the least jealous, but when Deana started describing the kisses they shared, she felt sick to her stomach. Even then, she pushed the feeling back like she always did.
Deva walked into the library, not expecting anyone to be in there, but was quickly surprised when she saw none other than the King himself. He was sitting on one of the comfy chairs with an antique looking book in his hands. His eyes shot up, and Deva stopped.
"I'm sorry I didn't know anyone was in here."
"No need to apologize young one." He got up, and when Deva was about to walk out she heard the King ask, "Would you care for a brandy?"
She turned to see him pouring two glasses. "I never refuse fine liquor."
"Neither do I." He handed her the glass and gestured for her to sit. She did without complaint. Who was she to refuse a King?
"Were you just wandering the castle my dear?"
Deva took a strong bitter sip. "Yes sort of."
"Were you trying to avoid someone?" He looked into her eyes like he already knew what she was thinking or planning to do.
"Your sons actually."
"Yes, beastly things they are," he said with a musical laugh. Deva didn't think a man of his kind of position even knew how to laugh.
"May I ask you a question?"
He seemed intrigued and curious. "Of course."
She gulped the rest of the drink and felt the burn as it ran down her throat. That was definitely one of the finest brandy's she had ever drunk. "What is it about Darius that you don't approve of?"
"I've told you once."
"Yes King, but there is more to the story."
He placed his glass on the table and leaned back in his chair, getting a better look at her. "He is selfish and headstrong. He believes since he is first born that he will automatically inherit the throne. His pride is what is tearing him down and holding him back from being a King. He does not think of others before himself. Yes, he can be selfless at times, but being a King is all about putting the people first. For hundreds of years, I have watched him fall into the same situation, failing at every test I throw him. I don't believe he has it in him."
"You don't honestly believe that." Deva blurted.
"I do. He is not capable of wounding his pride or losing a fight. And those are qualities that a King will face at some time or another." He stared into Deva's golden brown eyes. "He claims to care for you, but he has also claimed other things to the other girls. My boys do not know who the next queen will be; so in order for Darius to secure his chances at becoming King, he is wooing all the girls. The future queen will decide who her King will be."
Deva felt hurt and deceived. She knew Darius was talking to the other girls, but being told he was playing all of them was just too much to deal with. "Well, he has tough competition."
The King smiled. "Yes he does. In a way, they are all selfish, and it would be easy to blame it on what we are. Vampires can be very selfish, but we have incredible self-control."
"Really I couldn't tell." Deva sounded a bit grim.
"Now I know why they like you so much, and why they wish to keep you." Deva narrowed her eyes in an accusing way. "I can read their thoughts, dear Deva. I knew what they intended to do to you before they told you. I believe my sons are selfish in keeping you here for themselves when you obviously don't want to stay."
"No I don't. I have unfinished business at home."
"Unfinished business?" The King raised a brow. "I bet you are full of bent up secrets. What are you hiding little Deva?"
There was no way she was going to tell him or anyone for that matter. "I don't feel like saying, but perhaps one of your sons will get it out of me one day."
He sipped his brandy. "Yes, they can be rather persuasive."
They stayed in silence for a while. The King studied her in every way possible from her facial structures to her body language, and she was doing the same.
"King, I believe you are mistaken about Darius."
"Oh, am I?" He was amused.
"I believe he can let his pride get wounded and be okay with it."
"After everything I've told you about my son, you still defend him. He has hurt you and is playing every girl here, and yet you defend him."
Deva nodded. "He does not let anyone push him down. He would kill anyone who speaks against him in anyway." The King stayed silent, interested in where she was going with it. "I believe he can be pushed to the limits and be able to stop himself."
"Are you willing to put this to a test?" He grinned, and it reminded her so much of the princes'.
"Yes. At the party tomorrow night."
"You are a human; do you honestly think my son will even let you finish an insulting sentence about him in public?"
"Yes," Deva responded confidently, but truthfully wasn't sure.
"I accept your challenge young Deva. Your bravery is quite extraordinary, and because of it I will promise you something in return. If you are not the chosen queen by the end of the challenges I will personally see to it that you are returned home."
Deva felt her heart skip a beat, and she was overjoyed with happiness and relief. "You're serious?"
"Yes. I give you my word."
"Thank you your majesty. You seem like an honorable and honest worthy King."
"I like to think so."
Deva knew what she had to do. It wasn't going to be easy, and she wasn't sure if it was worth risking her life over. She believed in Darius, but something about him always seemed dangerous. She could easily make fun of him or push him around when they were alone, but pushing his buttons in public was something completely different. Something inside of her wanted to stand up for him.
She knew what it was like to have no one on your side and having everyone telling you you're not good enough. She just wanted Darius to prove everyone wrong and become the man she knew he could be. The King, his own father, didn't even have the confidence that Darius could do it. Someone had to be on his side, and Deva just couldn't help but want to be.
Deva threw on her elegant one side strap black dress and applied smoky make-up. The party was set to begin any minute and she could already feel knots in her stomach. She noticed Izzy come into her room because of her reflection in the mirror.
"You look beautiful," Deva complimented Izzy's fashionable red dress.
"Thanks and so do you D. How are you? You look a little pale."
Deva placed her hand on her cheek. "I'm fine, just nervous. I've never been to a vampire party before."
"They're the best, I promise."
"I'll be the judge of that." Izzy laughed. "Iz I need to ask you a favor before we head to the party."
"Sure, anything D."
Deva sighed. "Whatever happens to me tonight I need you to hold Lucian back and get someone to do the same to Marcus."
"What are you talking about?" Izzy looked a little worried.
"I'm going to do something that will cause them to get mad. I need you to hold them back when the time comes. And trust me; you will know when the time comes."
Izzy nodded. "I will. I promise. Ready to go?"
"Not yet. How about I meet you down there?"
"Alright." Izzy kissed her on the cheek before walking out the door. Deva couldn't keep the anxiety down, but she couldn't stop now. She had to do it, to prove to the King that Darius still had the potential to become a good king. She also had to prove it to herself.
Making her way down the stairs, she could already hear the small chatter coming from one of the entertainment rooms that was made up specifically for the party. Entering the room, Deva kept her head held high and slightly glanced around. All the girls were already down there, dressed in their finest. The room was filled with a lot of unfamiliar faces. She caught glance of the three princes in a small group, they all seemed to stop and turn to her.
She knew if she stared too long, her cheeks would betray her with a blush; so she quickly bowed her head in respect and walked towards Izzy.
Izzy's smile widened at her approach. "Oh Deva I must introduce you. This is Ryan," she said pointing to a tall and beautiful black haired brown eyed man. He smiled and stretched out his hand.
"It's a pleasure, Ryan." She shook his hand.
"The pleasure is all mine I can assure you."
"And this is Max," Izzy said pointing to a light brown haired man with sparkling green eyes that were dancing with delight.
He went to take her hand and kissed it. "I've heard so much about you."
"Have you?"
He offered her a bright, attractive smile that almost made her blush. "Yes, and I must say it feels like an honor meeting you."
"Yes you should feel privileged."
He chuckled a low and sexy laugh. "Oh I do. Now that I've seen you and have met you I'm quite intoxicated by your presence."
Deva smiled seductively at him while leaning over to take his drink from his other hand. She placed the glass to her lips and swallowed the rest of it down. "Do I make you weak at the knees?" Her voice was soft and alluring.
"And so much more."
She could see the flicker of lust in his eyes and knew she had to put some space between them for the moment.
"Then perhaps I should leave you. I wouldn't want you to embarrass yourself." With that she walked away, hiding herself through the crowd. She went through faces and was introduced to many people.
Towards the middle of the night Deva came across a familiar face.
"Hello little Deva," his gorgeous dimples made her smile back.
"John was it?" She believed he was one of the friends the princes brought with them when they all played the hide and go seek game.
"Yes, that would be me."
Deva sipped her wine and watched as John openly gazed down her body. "See something you like?" It annoyed her a little to have him look at her like that.
"I was just checking for any sharp weapons."
That explained it. Deva couldn't help the laugh that escaped her. "Did I scare you the first time we met?"
"Yes," he replied playfully. "You completely scarred me for life."
Deva innocently raised her hands up towards him. "I promise I'm weapon free, but if you don't believe me, by all means check me."
Her eyes glistened with mischief while he laughed and nodded behind her. "I don't think that is wise on my part. I believe the princes would skin me alive if I tried."
Deva looked behind her and found Marcus and Lucian with furious scowls on their faces. Good she got their attention, but they weren't the right brother.
"Aw yes," she responded. "I forgot how possessive they can be about their toys."
Deva decided not to linger any longer with John and began making her way around the room again.
An hour later she was already tired of the scene. She went through three glasses of wine to calm her nerves. Looking at the King, she knew she had to make her move. It was now or never. So she went up to Max and flashed him a seductive grin, he easily returned it.
"Enjoying yourself sweet Deva?"
"Actually the only good thing at this party is the wine."
He agreed. "You should stay with me the rest of the night I promise to make it all sorts of fun."
"Fun you say. What do you have in mind?"
"All sorts of mischief."
Deva moved closer placing her hand sensually over his chest. "I don't think you have it in you. And I doubt you could keep up with me."
"Do you want me to prove it?" He challenged moving a little closer.
"I don't think so," she heard the all too familiar voice. Standing there beside them Darius looked vivid with anger.
"Darius," she said not moving her hand from Max's chest knowing it was getting on Darius' nerves. "What a not so pleasant surprise."
"Deva," he said with force and complete rage.
"You should probably walk away before you make a scene." Deva said in a warning.
"I think you've had too much to drink sweetheart." He placed his hand on her shoulder, and she jerked his hand off her.
"Obviously you don't know me so well, darling. A few glasses of wine are not going to do anything to me but give me a stronger thirst for more."
"Sweetheart I think you should come with me." He tried to control his voice.
"Why?" She asked innocently as she leaned her head on Max's chest while still staring into Darius' eyes. "Is this making you jealous?"
"Not in the slightest." Darius replied with dark heated flames in his eyes.
She raised her brow. "Oh really?" She stood on her tip toes and leveled her face with Max's. Max didn't move. He was somewhat stunned and didn't know how to respond.
"Don't you dare," he growled as she moved in to kiss Max, but stopped as she heard his command.
"Why should I listen to you?" She stepped away from Max and stood a good foot away from Darius' menacing rage.
"I am your prince, and you will do as I say."
"My prince? What makes you worthy of that title? Being born with a name and fortune does not make you worthy of respect. Tell me oh great prince what have you done to deserve such an honor?"
Everyone at the party now had their eyes on the sudden spectacle. Deva could feel their stares burning wholes to her face but she did her best to keep her composure.
"You will not speak to me like that, human."
"Human? Are you forgetting dear prince that you wish to make a human your future queen? Or have you forgotten that part, when you go through the rest of the girls like paid whores instead of treated like prospects."
He advanced her by taking a step, and she laughed at his sudden impulsive gesture. "Have I struck a nerve prince? Is that how you earn your respect?" She laughed even louder knowing it would only add fire.
"You will not speak like that to a Prince of Vampires," he said through clinched teeth.
"What prince? The pathetic excuse for a royal immortal in front of me is no prince but a coward and a selfish prick who thinks of no one but himself. You are not a prince, and you will never be a good enough King."
His eyes shifted to a dark grey as he took another step towards her, brushing his chest against hers.
"On your knees filthy human. You will fall to the floor and ask for forgiveness."
"I will not bow down to something that does not deserve it. You will have to kill me first." She spat back, and he was already flinging himself at her pinning her to the wall. From the corner of her eyes she could see Lucian being held back by Izzy and Marcus being held back by the King. She had to do this. She had to prove to the King that Darius was capable of mercy and self-sacrifice. Deva didn't care for her life anymore, and for some reason she felt she didn't have to care. She had faith in Darius.
Darius raised his hand to her neck, and she instantly noticed his cold touch. He was hungry. Darius dug his nails into her neck and she felt a sting run down her throat.
"Bow down!" He growled. That was the first glimpse she ever heard him so animal like. He was staring at her like prey, and she didn't like it.
"Kill me first!"
He looked at her with so much intensity as if contemplating the thought. "Do it Darius. You know you want to." His hand tightened around her throat, so forceful she was having trouble breathing. She felt the air gradually escaping her lungs and wasn't sure how much she could take.
"Do it," she choked out. Her eyes flashed with sorrow when doubt that he would stop filled her mind.
Then blinking his eyes Darius released her throat, and she fell to the floor. She took deep breaths, and that was when she heard clapping around her.
"Magnificent performance my dear Deva," she heard the King say.
"And the Oscar goes to," she heard another voice.
"What are you talking about?" She heard Darius' vicious voice yell.
Her face was down cast to the ground, and she was on her knees. I guess he did get me on my knees, she thought, almost laughing at herself. Then the pain on her throat forced her to stop all thoughts of laughing. It was much more painful than she anticipated. She didn't hear the explanations they gave Darius. She couldn't really focus much on anything because a slight dizziness was slowly consuming her. She gradually rose to her feet fighting back the pain, she did not want pity.
"If you will excuse me your majesties, I have grown quite tired." She forced herself to block out her vision of Darius. She did not want to see his face, to know what he was feeling or what his emotions were.
"Of course my dear Deva."
She quickly turned and went for the door. All eyes were still on her, but she controlled her uneasiness and almost made it out, but she heard her name being called out by multiple voices.
"Goodnight," she whispered knowing perfectly well that all the vampires that wanted to hear her had heard her.
Inside the solace of her room, she did her best not to breakdown. Her neck was throbbing, but she ignored it. She was too tired to panic and decided to take her heels off, getting ready for bed. After, she sat on her bed and replayed the moments in her head, doing so she did not hear someone coming inside her room. Forcing her now heavy head up, she saw none other than Darius standing in front of her. His face was sad and distraught with worry and concern. He must have been told everything.
"Don't." She quickly spoke.
He continued anyway. "I'm so sorry. I should have never done those things to you. I wasn't thinking."
"Darius stop I don't need your apology. Remember I provoked you. It is I who should be apologizing."
He shook his head. "I should have known better. You were right; I am no prince with the way I act."
She stood up. "Darius I didn't mean it. I only said it as part of the challenge."
He quickly sped to her and held her soft hands. "I almost killed you."
"Yes, but you didn't."
"I don't want your sympathy or pity. Go back to your guests Darius. You don't have to be here out of guilt. I forgive you so go."
"No Deva," He leaned his forehead against hers. "I've missed you so. I don't want to leave you." The King's confession of what Darius does with the other girls ignited her thoughts.
"Please," he whispered then pulled away and examined her neck. His faced dropped at the sight of it. "I never meant to hurt you." He leaned in and licked her blood and wound making it close up instantly. "Forgive me sweet sweet Deva," he whispered in between the kisses he was placing on her neck. He wanted to kiss away all the bruise marks on her neck that he had created. "I don't want to leave you."
She slowly felt her protest fade as he lifted her into his arms and laid her next to him on the bed. She rested her head on his chest as he tangled his hands in her long hair gently forcing her neck to tilt so he had better access to it. With every kiss he put on her neck he saw a hint of the bruise fade away. When he felt like most of it was gone he kissed her forehead.
"I'm so sorry. I will never hurt you again."
She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. Slowly her vision began to see a scene of a girl staring out of a window waiting for something. Deva smiled as Darius filled her mind with the story her father had told her about, the girl awaiting her prince.
Check out my book "Divine Purpose". I promise its just as captivating as Royal Pain.
Actually read all my books including "Hating you Sweetly"
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