Their hands were intertwined as the two walked side by side through the forest, heading home. The guards had taken their horses back to the castle so they had no other choice but to walk. Luckily Minho knew the forest pretty well and was able to point out what direction to walk in.
Comfortable chatter emerged from their throats as the two slowly made their way past trees, bushes and all different kinds of plants.
Slowly the two neared the castle. The high towers were visible between the tall trees.
"Y'know, Chipmunk. Seungmin and Hyunjin's wedding is in a couple weeks, and im supposed to bring a date. My father is arranging a party next week to find me a girl- or boyfriend from one of the other kingdoms nearby - disguising it as an engagement party. I already know its gonna be hell, but if you came with me to both events it'd way more bearable." Minho said.
Jisung looked at Minho curiously.
"You want me to be your date? But im your servant." Jisung said.
"If I give you both nights off you'd be able to attend the parties together with me, as a date and not a servant." Minho said, looking back into Jisung's eyes.
"I'd be honored to go with you, really... But don't you want a date of your own status and caste? Even if it's just a cover up date to make your father happy."
"I'd choose you over anyone else in this world Jisung. You're the first person to treat me like an actual human being, not just a prince. And who cares about castes and royal stauses, I choose who I want to be with." Minho answered.
Jisung blushed deeply and looked down. He couldn't quite wrap his head around why Minho wanted him there, but no way in hell was he declining such an offer.
"O-ok then. I'd love to go with you, prince Minho."
"You know what Chipmunk, why don't we drop the honorifics? I don't like the way they suppress and raise peopel above each other." Minho said.
"Call me Minho from now on, ok?"
Jisung nodded his head happily.
"Of course, Minho. Whatever the prince wishes for he shall receive." Jisung joked.
Minho hit Jisung's shoulder and laughed silently together with the younger.
Jisung and Minho entered the castle, side by side with their fingers loosely intertwined still. The guards were looking at them questionably, but the two boys just shrugged it off. They were happy, so screw everyone else, right?
"Prince Minho. Your father wants to see you in your office." A guard said, walking up to the two.
Minho sighed and nodded. He turned to Jisung, answering the boy's worried expression with a small smile.
"Go wait in my room, ok? I'll be up in a second." Minho softly said.
Jisung nodded his head and walked off to Minho's room. Minho cursed to himself and hurried along to his father's office, wanting to get his punishment over with.
Minho knocked on the door, entering after being granted access. The king looked at Minho with cold, lifeless eyes.
"Where were you this morning? You were supposed to show up for breakfast with your family." The king growled, walking around his desk.
Minho looked his father dead in the eyes. He had learned how to stand up to his father, a skill that more often than not got him into more trouble.
"I was out with my horse. I wasn't hungry after you threw me in the hole." Minho answered.
The king raised his hand and slapped Minho across his cheek. Minho's head turned back to face his father at the same speed it had been snapped to the side. The king slapped Minho again. His cheek was burning, but Minho didn't back down. After 3 equally hard and painful slaps, the king turned around and seated himself at his desk again.
"Since you apparently aren't hungry any more, don't bother to show up for today's dinner. Dismissed."
Minho quickly exited his father's office, making his way towards his room. His cheek was burning and stinging so bad. Minho was certain a new bruise was forming, growing bigger my the second.
Minho entered his room, making sure to keep his reaction in until door was closed. Once Minho was safely inside his own room, he sighed to himself and closed his eyes.
A second later a pair of arms wrapped themselves around Minho's torso, and a body collided softly with his. Jisung hugged Minho for a second before moving back and leading Minho to sit up againt the headrest of his king sized bed.
Jisung went into Minho's bathroom, soaking a clout in cold water. The servant placed the cloth softly against Minho's cheek to cool down the burn.
"Thanks chipmunk." Minho said, looking at the younger with soft eyes.
Jisung smiled in return while brushing the messy hair out of Minho's eyes.
"What happened? Did he hurt you anywhere else?" Jisung asked.
"He yelled at me for not eating with them this morning, and told me not to show up for dinner tonight. All he did was slap me like 5 times, don't worry." Minho said.
Jisung frowned.
"Minho that's still not ok. He can't refuse you eating and hurt you. What kind of father does that?"
"Dont worry about it chipmunk. I'm used to it. I grew up with it. I don't mind, really. Its totally fine."
"That's even worst Minho." Jisung said with a chuckle, making Minho giggle as well.
Jisung sighed while watching Minho's red cheek.
"Is there anything i can do for you?" Jisung asked, running his hands softly through the elder's hair.
"Cuddles?" Minho asked, making Jisung laugh.
The younger plopped down beside Minho, laying his legs across his lap and burying his face in his neck. Minho left a soft kiss onto Jisung's head, getting a peck on his neck in return from the younger.
The door to Minho's room opened, and worried voices filled the air. Minho wrapped his arms around Jisung's waist in a rush, scared that the boy might move away. To his surprise, Jisung didnt care. He stayed still, just enjoying Minho's touch.
"Where were you this morning Minho? Why weren't you at breakfast? Why did the guards say they found your and mom's horses in the forest an hour away from here... And what the hell is this all?" Felix asked, gesturing towards Minho and Jisung.
"I took chipmunk out to the water in the forest before breakfast and stayed for a few hours." Minho answered.
"That doesn't answer my last question. What the hell are the two of you doing?" Felix said.
"Oh gee Felix I don't know, we must be harvesting corn from the feilds of Equador. What does it look like we're doing?" Minho said, making Jisung giggle.
Minho moved one hand to run it through Jisung hair while leaning his head against Jisung's.
"O-ok then. W-we'll leave you two be." Felix said before pushing all his brothers outside and closing the door.
Jisung and Minho giggled together.
"Hes weird." Jisung whispered.
"Facts, babe." Minho answered.
"Straight up facts."
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