"It seems so... shallow... to still adore this girl who,
undoubtedly, left me three years ago." -Park Jimin
Eun-Byul placed her hands in her white coat, the stethoscope placed gently around her neck. She gazed out the palace, seeing the kids of Gwacheon play happily.
"Hey, Miss Sightseeing," Someone called out to her, the girl sighing playfully and spinning around.
"Nice to see you too, Namjoon." She replied, strolling over to him. "Where's King Seokjin? Still doing his royal checks around the kingdom?"
"You think I'm some kind of busybody?" Seokjin scoffed, coming around the corner. The best friends both snickered, watching as his crown was crooked upon his head.
A lot has changed over the years. Gwacheon had expanded, all thanks to their present king, Kim Seokjin. His father passed away a year ago, and Seokjin knew it was his turn to rule the land his father had created. Namjoon gave Eun-Byul the chance to become their royal doctor, which the medical student gladly agreed to. She was quite popular from all the stories the kids and the maids would tell about her, the kindness from her spreading around the kingdom swiftly.
Namjoon still had feelings for the independent girl, but knowing what she went through three years ago, he kept it a secret. He knew she was still scattered upon the events. Eun-Byul acquired a lot when she lived in Gwacheon, especially about the other kingdoms. Aside from being a doctor, she was brought along by the king to not only save royal commanders but to subside documents and royal decrees.
"Of course not, King Seokjin." She bowed teasingly. "Where's the youngest?"
"He's out with the horses. You know, him and his obsession with being quite the prince." Namjoon chuckled, Eun-Byul raising an eyebrow in response.
Taehyung had gotten closer to the girl, both of them sharing a love for kindness in their kingdom. He had been there for her, especially after leaving Busan. All three Gwacheon princes hadn't gone to Busan since the paradise-troubles, and haven't talked to the princes since.
"Anyways, are you free tonight?" Seokjin asked, making Namjoon snap his head towards the king.
"What? We're celebrating!" He exclaimed. "All of the townspeople are coming! It's the sixtieth anniversary of the kingdom, stupid. I'm not asking her out."
"Whatever," Namjoon mumbled, grouchy. Eun-Byul just shook her head gently, snickering to herself.
"I'm afraid not," She said, shuffling her hair. "I'm going to visit... my family."
"In Busan?!" A voice called out frantically, the speeding youngest seizing her arm as he practically sprang on her. She nodded, shrugging.
"It's not like I'm going to see the king. I'm just visiting them for the night and then I'm coming back. Namjoon's coming with me, so I think I'll be just fine."
"You better not see him," Taehyung complained. "Tell me if he lays a hand on you, I swear I'll-"
"Alright, Prince Taehyung." She interposed, patting his shoulder. "If he lays a hand on me, I'm a doctor. I could do worse things." The four all grinned, strolling off to the banquet room.
However, in Busan, there were more critical things.
"Father..." Jimin lamented, seeing the past King's eyes wince open. The brothers all gathered around their dad, wondering how it all went wrong.
Jimin had become the King a few weeks after the departure of Eun-Byul, and he was completely ruined. Having to run this low-status kingdom would be troublesome without a person beside him. However, he reminisced on all the girl's taught her, and he ran it smoothly. He became a distant king once again, resisting against all the requests to become Queen. He let the people of Busan equally have the same status, all living now in the same houses and town. Everyone respected it peacefully.
A year ago, their father became ill. Jimin had no idea how to come along, or where it would go. They did countless checks and their royal doctors couldn't do anything; they weren't skilled enough. So, for the countless months that their father stood strong, Jimin and the Park's couldn't help but mourn. Even... Mrs. Park.
She hasn't heard of Eun-Byul since, but even now, she regrets terrifying her away so much. It left her children and even, her husband, to be cautious out of spite. Jimin hasn't spoken much to his mother, even the rest. They were all in a terrible state.
"Jimin," His father let out, the boy sniffling in response. "Promise me something."
"Yes, what is it?"
"Whatever chance you get, take it." His father smiled pitifully. "Because something's coming."
"...Okay, father." It was all Jimin could choke out. "Go rest now, we'll be leaving."
"Okay." His father whispered, closing his eyes easily. The family left, Jimin keeping the stern look on his face.
"Jimin." The feminine voice called out, his eyes glancing towards his mother. "Could we talk?"
"I'd prefer not to," Jimin muttered, rolling his eyes. Jungkook nudged the other two, the three swiftly speed-walking off.
Jimin stopped abruptly as Mrs. Park did the same, her eyes filled with worry.
"Why won't you ever talk to me?" She asked. "I know you're mourning over your father, but-"
"You know exactly why, Mrs. Park." He seethed the name, his fists starting to clench.
"The past is the past-"
"I damn loved her, mother!" He roared out, startling the past-queen.
"Well, what'd you want me to do?! She was disturbing you from your actual duties, Jimin!" She raised her voice. "Look now, you're finally focused on being King!"
"Can't you see?!" He roared tears in his eyes. "You made me senseless, numb! She was the girl who I wanted to lead with, who I was ready to depend on. She's so much mightier than me, yet you took her away as you took away my freedom." Jimin shook his head. "I only took the duty as King because I knew she wanted me to! It seems so... shallow... to still adore this girl who, undoubtedly, left me three years ago. But she was the one. You still... took her away from me."
The King stomped away, tears running down his cheeks; yet, he wasn't the only one crying. His mother was, too. She knew how much he loved that girl, but she's still so caught up on the decree. The rules... that struck her soul, too.
Mr. Park was slowly dying, and the kingdom didn't even know. It was terrifying.
"We're back!" She squealed, observing out the window as she saw her house, all shaped and beautiful. 'It seems the King did a lot of good deeds while I was gone. He did... better.'
Once the carriage stopped, she leaped out, knocking on the door. Namjoon just stared at her, before shaking his head teasingly. The door opened, and Ga-Young let out the most high-pitched scream.
"Eun-Byul!" She exclaimed happily, her older sister embracing her tightly. Eun-Byul hugged back immediately, hearing her two parents stepping swiftly down the stairs. As she let go of her sister, She saw her father, standing proudly, free of his sickness, and her mother, still beaming and blithe. She felt tears sting her eyes as she lunged towards the both of them, squeezing her parents.
"What a surprise!" Mr. Lee laughed, pinching her nose. "You didn't give us a call you were coming."
"I wanted to shock you, anyways," The youngest giggled, Mrs. Lee, kissing her cheek.
"I heard from Namjoon you're now a royal doctor. You achieved what you liked, huh?"
"It's all thanks to the three princes, well, two princes and a King." She chuckled, Namjoon entering with all her things in hand.
"How humble of you, Doc Eun-Byul." He teased, making her roll her eyes.
"Such modest words, aren't they, Prince Namjoon." She replied playfully, the two laughings. Ga-Young clutched her younger sister, the two twirlings around.
"I forgot to tell you, I'm going into a fashion-design school soon!" She exclaimed, Eun-Byul gasping.
"Ga-Young, that's pleasant! I guess all the studying paid off, huh?"
"Well, father got me into tailoring and wanted me to help out during his sick-times. After a while, I became a professional at it." Ga-Young boasted, shrugging. Eun-Byul could only flick her sister in response, the eldest groaning. "Hey!"
"Stop being such a brat," Eun-Byul scoffed, chuckling. "Anyways, I'm staying overnight. Namjoon will be visiting..."
"Yes, the palace of Busan." Namjoon sighed. "I have a call from the King he'd like to chat with me. Plus, it's been long."
"Didn't you hear?" Mrs. Lee asked, making Namjoon gaze over as well as Eun-Byul.
"Hm?" Namjoon hummed, before the mother gazed over at her daughter, strolling over to the prince and whispered the dreadful news.
Namjoon widened his eyes, blinking roughly. "Then I must be going. Eun-Byul, I'll call you."
"A-Alright," She stammered, nodding. She was confused, but all she could do was keep this gathering moment precious to her heart.
"Anyways, hun," Mr. Lee said, all four sitting down around the fireplace. "How's Gwacheon?"
"It's such a blissful place nowadays. Everyone seems so joyous and happy, it's good to know that King Seokjin is the one rightfully in place."
"Have you found... anyone?" Ga-Young asked cautiously, making the youngest shaking her head slowly.
"I've been focusing on being a royal doctor, I had no time to meet any citizens. Although, I'm quite a popular doctor there. I'm glad people known me for my modest acts, and not my past." She replied, leaning back into the comfort of the warm couch.
"Have you chatted with him?" Everyone in the family comprehends who 'him' was, and it wasn't a secret. She shook her head, stuffing her hands in her coat pocket.
"I haven't. The Kim's and I haven't spoken to any royal in the palace of Busan." She pursed her lips, biting them anxiously. "Father, how're you not ill anymore?"
"The Park's still aided me after your departure. I was quite thankful." He replied.
"That's good." She sighed in relief. "I'm just glad you three are doing well."
"Yeah, surprisingly," Mrs. Lee giggled. "Your older sister kept snapping around about when you'll be arriving back. Once, she even cried."
"Hey!" Ga-Young fired. "That was a year or so ago..."
"Well, love you too," Eun-Byul said. "Since we're done with catching up, let's have supper, shall we?"
"Agreed." Ga-Young nodded. "I'm hungry."
"You're always hungry!" The rest exclaimed, making her scoff. The family laughed, before heading to the dinner table.
-what's going to happen next?
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