"I think this is more comfortable," -Park Jimin
Eun-Byul gulped in anxiousness as she started up at the white-painted building, the big bold letters spelling out 'Royal Academy'.
"I can't believe I have to go to another school again," Eun-Byul stated blankly, sighing heavily. Jimin strolled up next to her, a sigh leaving his lips also. He shoved his hands in his pockets, rolling his eyes.
"The thing is, I've already completed this. Now, I have to go through this... hell all over again because of you." Jimin sighed, putting his lips in a thin line. However, he didn't think it was going to be bad with Eun-Byul there.
It was more of the other princesses that were attending it, that gave Jimin chills.
"Let's get going, then." Eun-Byul scoffed, walking past him and into the room. Jimin followed after her, observing the area that was filled with books and tables.
Pretty girls in poofy gowns and elegant hair swooned over Jimin, and simply glared at Eun-Byul. How nice for the first impression for Eun-Byul.
'They think they're all that. I bet I can be just as pretty as them.' Eun-Byul thought, growling as she reached the front where the teacher stood.
"Ah, hello. You must be Lee Eun-Byul, Prince Jimin's fiancee." The teacher smiled, greeting the two. The girls gasped, starting a type of middle-school drama.
"It's nice to meet you also-" she was stopped by a loud bang, everyone turning their attention to the doors. Namjoon jogged in, giving Eun-Byul a big hug, surprising everybody.
"What are you doing here?" Eun-Byul chuckled, making Namjoon pull back and grin his usual dimple-smile.
"I thought you'd need some extra company. Sorry, I'm late though, I had things to attend this morning." Namjoon bowed, glancing over at Eun-Byul and winking.
Jimin huffed, rolling his eyes in jealousy. He turned on his heel and headed to the back of the room, girls following after him.
"Alright, you can go take your seat next to Jimin. Namjoon, sit in front of them." The teacher stated, making the two nod and head over.
"Excuse me?" Eun-Byul raised her eyebrows, her voice booming. The other princesses look at her, their eyes filled with prejudice.
She narrowed her eyes as she eyed their outfits up and down, sending chills down Eun-Byul's spine.
'I'm never wearing those kinds of dresses...' Eun-Byul thought.
"Excuse me, didn't you hear that I'm supposed to sit next to my fiancee?" Eun-Byul asked, strolling over towards her seat.
Eun-Byul raised her eyebrows, making the girls all move out of her way. She sat down next to Jimin, grabbing his hand and intertwining their fingers.
"What the-" Jimin froze, observing with ample eyes as she raised their intertwined hands. Eun-Byul smirked, showing dominance over Jimin.
"I'd really like to start learning now. The teacher is going to start very soon, so you guys should head back to your seats." Eun-Byul commanded, the other girls frightened and envious of her. They quickly moved back to their spots, making Eun-Byul proud of herself.
She let go of Jimin's hand, only to have Jimin intertwine their hands once more.
"I think this is more comfortable," Jimin smirked, making Eun-Byul roll her eyes and avert her gaze, clearly flustered.
Namjoon watched from his chair, glancing back at the two. He felt his heart throb in pain, but he decided to let it go. He knew that Eun-Byul just wanted to get this done, and having a bunch of girls who feed off of rich men disrupting her, would increase the time.
"Alright, let's start the class." The teacher exclaimed, beckoning everyone to stand up. Jimin and Namjoon sat back, watching as other princesses did as their told. Eun-Byul followed along, her eyes showing focus.
"I want you all to pick up the book from your table and balance it on your head. If it falls, that means you don't have proper posture. All princesses and future queens must have proper posture." The teacher declared, making Eun-Byul nod slightly.
She let go of Jimin's hand and grabbed the book, inspecting it. She eyed how big it was, before placing it atop her head.
The other princesses snickered at her, but only one smiled. The girl walked over to Eun-Byul, grinning at her.
"You seem to be very smart in books and all. It's finally great to have someone who's good in intelligence and not in posture." The girl chuckled, making Eun-Byul chuckle along.
"I'm Min Hyo-Ri, an exchange princess from Daegu. You're the future queen of Busan, correct?" She asked, making Eun-Byul nod slightly, the book still balanced upon her head.
"Wah~ it's nice to be in the presence of a queen. Is it fun learning to be one?" Hyo-Ri asked, making Eun-Byul glance back at Jimin, who glanced at her also.
"Uh- yeah, it's pretty cool." Eun-Byul flashed a smile at Jimin before turning back to her. Hyo-Ri observed the two, thoughts of potential love between the two running across her mind.
"That's great! But, I'm guessing the teacher has more to teach us. I'll talk to you later, or I'll get in trouble." Hyo-Ri giggled before waving slightly and heading back to her seat.
"Everyone may sit down now." The teacher stated, making everyone do as told.
"Hyo-Ri seems like a nice girl," Eun-Byul commented, looking over at Jimin.
"Yeah, I guess." Jimin shrugged, sitting back and just inspecting around the room. He remembered all the horrible memories he had in this spacious room, all because of his mother.
She always forced him to look good in this room, whether or not people cared. So, that's what molded Jimin into a very sophisticated prince...
but was his seriousness breaking? Yes, slightly.
(And it's all changing because of Eun-Byul.)
"All princesses must have good manners. They must also know what utensils to use." The teacher explained, passing out utensils and setting them in their proper places and directions.
"Hyo-Ri, where is the salad fork?" The teacher suddenly asked, taking Hyo-Ri by surprise.
"Uh.. here!" Hyo-Ri pointed to the pastry fork, making every other princess except Eun-Byul giggle and whisper.
Hyo-Ri looked down, humiliated of herself.
"That's incorrect, Hyo-Ri." The teacher stated. Eun-Byul huffed in disbelief, observing all the other princesses who laughed over someone getting something wrong.
Jimin and Namjoon watched as Eun-Byul's nostrils flared in anger, making the two both look over at each other.
Jimin sat up, his eyebrow raised of what Eun-Byul is planning to do.
"How about you, Eun-Byul?" The teacher asked, making Eun-Byul smirk as she pointed to the spoon.
"That's a fork." Eun-Byul proudly stated, the other princesses erupting in laughter. Hyo-Ri smiled at Eun-Byul, getting a sense of what she's doing.
"So what? So what if I'm getting something incorrect? If you haven't realized, your posture was all wrong also. Your hands are supposed to be in front of your waist, intertwined." Eun-Byul pointed out, making them all go silent.
"Did I mention it at all? Of course not. So maybe... keep your mouth shut and we all won't have problems." Eun-Byul snapped, raising her eyebrows. The other princesses faced forward, her words definitely affecting them.
"Thank you for that, Ms. Lee." The teacher smiled at her, making Eun-Byul nod slightly and glance at Hyo-Ri. Hyo-Ri mouthed a 'thank you', making Eun-Byul flash her a smile before returning her gaze back to the front.
"Alright, class-" The teacher got their attention, since their time was almost up.
"Your homework is to learn the first ten rules of being a princess and being someone who may affect their kingdom. I'll see you all in a week." The teacher flashed them a smile before she rung a bell, indicating time was up.
Eun-Byul got up, grabbing the big book and holding it. Hyo-Ri speed-walked over to her, a big grin on her face.
"Thank you for standing up for me. They think they're so amazing and it's frustrating." Hyo-Ri frowned, making Eun-Byul chuckle.
"You don't need to thank me. We all make mistakes every now and then, so it's not right for someone to laugh at it." Eun-Byul replied, making Hyo-Ri giggle.
"You don't know how much I want to hug you right now," Hyo-Ri commented, making Eun-Byul laugh. Eun-Byul placed down her book and opened her arms, making Hyo-Ri squeal and hug her, slightly jumping up and down.
"Oh my gosh, you'll make such an amazing queen!" Hyo-Ri exclaimed, her eyes sparkling.
"Well thank you!" Eun-Byul laughed, letting go of her.
"It's good to know I finally have a friend in this class. Anyways, my family is waiting for me so I'll be off! Bye, Mrs. Park!" Hyo-Ri exclaimed before she strolled off, leaving Eun-Byul flustered over her statement.
'Mrs. Park...?' Eun-Byul thought, blood rushing to her cheeks.
"Uh, Eun-Byul?" Jimin tapped her shoulder, making her let out a squeak and turn to him.
"Oh- sorry, heh.." Eun-Byul chuckled awkwardly, scratching the back of her head. Jimin just chuckled at her flustered state, unaware of Hyo-Ri's comment.
"Let's go. I'm glad you made a friend, but you're standing there and we have places to go." Jimin stated, making her nod. She looked back over at Namjoon, but he only smiled and beckoned them to go ahead first.
She nodded and waved slightly, turning back to Jimin.
"Let's go then," Eun-Byul said, picking up the book and tucking it under her arm. Jimin smiled and the two strolled out the school, going towards their carriage.
"Jimin?" Eun-Byul asked, making Jimin hum in response as he looked around the scenery.
"Did you.. ever make friends back when you started the royal academy?" She inquired, making Jimin avert his gaze and look down.
"No, never. My mother always told me those people would turn their back on you, especially if you were more wealthy than the rest." Jimin huffed, a sad tone replacing his usual happiness.
Eun-Byul frowned, seeing his unhappy state.
So, she jumps over and hugs him by his hips, her eyes fluttering over to look at his face. He widened his eyes as they both froze in place, both of them blushing as their heart rate increased.
Jimin moves his gaze down to her, their eyes meeting.
"You know.. not everything your mother says, you should believe." Eun-Byul explained quietly, Jimin not responding.
They just kept their gaze upon each other, the whole world fading...
as they could only see each other.
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