Who's my Father?
Roxanne's POV
"Are you ok Roxanne?" mum asks me concerned. "You hardly touched your dinner" she states. As she picks up her glass.
"I'm fine, just a lot on my mind" I tell her.
"Anything I can help with?" she asks me curious. "You know we can talk about anything" she reminds me.
"I know, but you've always avoided the subject" I state.
"What subject?" she asks.
"My father" I say looking at her. She appears surprised. She takes a sip of her drink before putting the glass down.
"What about him?" she asks me.
"You never talk about him" I state.
"That's because he's not apart of our lives" she states.
"But why not? Who is he? Does he even know I exist?" I ask her. "I'm not a kid anymore mum, I want to know who m father is" I tell her.
"Are you sure?" she asks me. "Because once you know who he is, there's no forgetting it" she tells me.
"I want know, my whole life I felt incomplete. Like I only know half of who I am" I tell her.
"Very well, he was a jedi" she states. She takes out a photo from her coat. Offering it to me. "It was about ten months before you were born. He and his master protected me for a year. During the Mandalorian civil war, from those who'd hurt me" she explains.
"Obi-wan" I say looking at the photo. "Ob-wan is my father?" I ask her shocked.
"Yes, we got very close during that year. We knew he had to return to the order and he was never going to leave it. We both wanted to enjoy our last night together, forgetting everything" she states. "It wasn't until about a month later I discovered I was pregnant with you" she tells me.
"And you never told him?" I ask and she shakes her head. "Why?" I ask.
"I didn't want to make him choose between you and the order. But his master knew, Qui-Gon. He visited me while I was pregnant, while Obi-wan was away on another mission with Master Yoda. He knew Obi-wan was the father and he knew what the council would do if they ever found out. So we promised each other to never tell anyone" she explains.
"But when I discovered that you were like Obi-wan. It was Qui-gon who came to me. Obi-wan was still a padawan at the time. He was on Coruscant teaching younglings about negotiation. He promised me that if I let you be trained, Obi-wan would be your master in future" she states.
"So that's way you allowed it" I say and she nods her head. "But there was no guarantee Obi-wan would train me" I state.
"I know, but I wanted you to know him. To learn more about being a jedi, hoping it'd help you connect more with him" she states.
"I just can't believe he's my father and that I never saw it" I say in shock.
"I'm sorry for keeping a secret, I should of told you when you went to Coruscant all those years ago" she says sadly.
"I'm not mad, but now I have even more reason to think about my decision" I say raining a hand through my hair.
"You mean about returning to war?" she asks and I nod my head. "I wish you'd stay, I fear for you constantly while you're away" she tells me.
"As I fear for you, but..." I say trialing off.
"You're your father's daughter" she says with a sad smile. "Obi-wan maybe a general, but he relies more on negotiations as opposed to fighting. When he does have to kill, he makes it quick and painless. He stands by the code and is an amazing jedi. And a good man" she states.
"You still love him" I say smiling.
"I still care for him dearly, he gave me you" she states.
"Are we going to tell him?" I ask her.
"I think it best I did in person, but only if he comes here. Until then, this is our secret. No one can know" she tells me.
"I understand mum" I tell her. "I'm going to take some more time to think and meditate on my decision. I'll let you know when I decide" I state.
"Of course, now I hear you spent time with a certain boy" she says with a playful smile.
"It's not like that" I tell her fighting a blush.
"I'm only teasing dear" she says with a chuckle. "But if you want my honest opinion, I approve. He seems like a good young man" she states.
"Oh if only you knew" I mutter.
"What was that dear?" she asks me.
"Nothing" I tell her. "I'm going to go meditate" I state before kissing her cheek. "Good night mum" I say before leaving.
Picture above of Duchess Satine and picture on the external link of Satine with Obi-wan when they were younger.
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