Altar of Mortis
Mystery on Mortis! Sent to discover the origin of a mysterious distress call, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker, and their Padawans, are stranded on a distant planet. There, they discover three beings more powerful with the Force than any Jedi have seen before. A father keeps a fragile balance between his daughter, who allies with the light side, and the son, who drifts ever closer to the dark. With his strength failing, the father asks Anakin to stay and take his place,
preserving the balance between light and dark. But after passing a perilous test, Skywalker refuses. Now, we find our heroes about to depart for their journey home. Or so they think.
Roxanne's POV
"I cannot wait to be free of this place, it gives me the creeps" I tell Obi-wan (dad) as we pilot the ship. Anakin is resting and Ahsoka is somewhere else on the ship.
"Don't worry, we'll be gone so enough" he assures me.
"Do you think our dreams could have been real?" I ask him. "I mean the force was very strong there, what if they were?" I ask him.
"It does well not to dwell on dreams" he tells me. "Besides, nothing will happen to your mother or your home. I promise" he says. I give him a grateful smile as we hear Anakin wake up. "If you're done napping, I could use a little help here" he tells him. "Roxanne, go rest" he says.
"I'm coming" Anakin says. We hear a commotion in the back and Anakin runs into the cockpit.
"What's going on?" Obi-wan (dad) and I ask him.
"The son took Ahsoka" Anakin tells us as he takes my seat.
"What in the blazes are you talking about?" Obi-wan asks him.
"Move, let me fly" Anakin snaps and makes a u-turn. I fall into an empty chair.
"Strap in" Obi-wan tells me and I do so. As I see the Son ahead with Ahsoka. Why would he take her? We end up crash landing in our pursuit of the Son. "I didn't think you saw it" he says.
"It was a giant tower! Of course I saw it!" Anakin snap.
"Are you ok Roxanne?" Obi-wan asks me.
"Fine, any sign of the Son or Ahsoka?" I ask as I remove the straps. We exit the ship.
"No, but I think it's obvious where he's taken her" Obi-wan states. Looking at the tower.
"We must hurry" Anakin states.
"Anakin, this wasn't a mistake. He brought us here for a reason. We must not get involved. Any conflict here could have dramatic repercussions for the universe at large" Obi-wan tells him.
"I don't care. He's too powerful for Ahsoka. I won't leave her alone" Anakin tells him.
"He's right, we have to save Ahsoka" I agree.
"We are in the middle of something we don't truly understand. We'd be wise to confer with the father first" Obi-wan tells us.
"There's no time" Anakin and I tell him.
"This is what he wants, to divide us" Obi-wan tells us.
"It's my fault he took her!" Anakin snaps.
"You both must feel how strong this part of the planet is with the dark side. The father will know what to do" Obi-wan tells us. I take a moment to feel the force around me and cringe. He's right.
"He can't help us" Anakin says and leaves.
"Dad, what do we do? Ahsoka is my best friend and Anakin can't face the Son alone" I tell him. He sighs and looks at Anakin.
"Go after him, I'll find the Father. Do not leave Anakin's side" he tells me. I nod and run after Anakin.
"What's the plan Master Skywalker?" I ask.
"The plan is we rescue Ahsoka and get off this planet" he tells me. "Where's Obi-wan?" he asks.
"Looking for the Father" I tell him. "He told me to go with you and not leave your side" I add. He just nodes and we continue to the tower. We soon reach it and begin the climb. We soon reach a court yard and see Ahsoka kneeling before a tree. "Ahsoka!" I cheer and go to run to her. But Anakin stops me, by placing an hand on my shoulder.
"Ahsoka! It's me and Roxanne. You're safe now. Let's go" Anakin tells her.
"Are you proud of me, master?" Ahsoka asks in a strange tone.
"What? Of course, Snips. Of course I'm proud of you. Now let's get out of here" Anakin tells her. Ahsoka turns to face us and I see her eyes are a different colour, there are black veins all over her body.
"He's right. Right about everything. You must join him. He only wants what's best for the universe" she tells us. Acting innocent.
"Ahsoka, what's happened to you?" I ask her.
"I've seen the truth Roxanne, you should join also. We can save your mother and home planet, don't you want to protect them?" she asks me.
"Of course I do, but joining the dark side isn't the answer" I tell her.
"What's wrong with you?" Anakin asks her.
"Always with the criticism, Master. Never really believing in me, trusting me. Well, I don't need you anymore" Ahsoka states.
"Ahsoka, listen to me. He has done something to you. Snap out of it!" Anakin tells her.
"He's right Ahsoka, snap out of it. Come back to us." I tell her.
"This isn't you, Ahsoka!" he snaps.
"Isn't it?" she asks us. "I feel more like myself than I ever have.He asked me to give you a message.He said if you don't join him,he will kill me" she says laughing.
"I won't let him" Anakin tells her.
"He means we won't" I add drawing my light-saber. No one hurts my best friend and gets away with it.
"Then you both will be forced to kill me!" she shouts and attacks. I block her blow.
"Anakin, this isn't her. It's the Son, you must find him and have him break the hold he has. I'll hold her here" I tell him.
"You can't handle her alone!" he shouts. "Besides Obi-wan would kill him if anything happened to you" he states.
"Enough talking!" Ahsoka shouts and pushes me away from her. She goes after Anakin and he starts to fight her.
"I don't want to fight you Ahsoka" Anakin tells her and she disarms him.
"And now the student will kill the master" she says and I block her again. "You're in my way!" she snarls.
"Fight this Ahsoka, come back to us" I plead with tears in my eyes. I never thought I'd have to fight my best friend.
"Move or die" she tells me. And kicks me hard, sending me flying. She goes for Anakin again and he blocks her with his saber, which he'd retrieved while I distracted her.
"Getting ahead of yourself, aren't you, Snips?" he asks her.
"Don't call me that! I hate it when you call me that!" she shouts. I tackle her and she loses her saber. I pin her arms behind it.
"Snap out of it Ahsoka!" I shout.
"Roxanne" she says sounding confused. "What are you doing?" she asks me.
"Ahsoka, is that you?" I ask relaxing.
"No Roxanne, don't!" Obi-wan shouts and Ahsoka sends me flying. I hit the tree hard, hitting my head and my world goes dark.
Third Persons POV
"Two Jedi. Finally, a challenge" Ahsoka say activating both her light sabers. She attacks Obi-wan and Anakin. They start to fight as Roxanne lays unconscious by the tree.
"Any suggestions?" Anakin asks Obi-wan.
"Yes! We cut her free!" Obi-wan says pulling out the blade the Daughter had lead him too.
"What is that?" Anakin asks him.
"It can kill the Son" Obi-wan tells him.
"Where did you get that? Give it to me!" Ahsoka shouts. "Or I'll kill her" she says looking at Roxanne. Before she can do anything, the Son and Daughter are thrown into the courtyard our the window by the Father. They all look at them.
He lands in front of Roxanne as the others get to their feet. "So glad you could make it to our little party, Father" Son sneers.
"You will stop this" Father tells him.
"You are too weak for me, old man. You mean nothing to me anymore" Son tells him and they start a battle of the force. The Son was winning.
"Anakin, now!" Obi-wan shouts tossing him the blade. Only for it to be intercepted by Ahsoka.
"Everything has transpired exactly as I planned" the Son states. "Give it to me, child" he says and she hands him the blade. "Thank you. Your usefulness has come to an end" he says and Ahsoka falls to the ground beside Roxanne.
"NO!" Anakin yells and the Son sends him flying. Before turning to face Father.
"The Jedi have brought me the dagger, and you have brought yourself. Now, Father, you will die" Son says and goes to kill Father. Except Daughter intercepts, taking the blow. The Son leaves. Anakin and Obi-wan rush to their padawans sides.
"Roxanne" Obi-wan says. He sighs when he feels a pulse and realizes she is just unconscious. He looks at Anakin and Ahsoka.
"Can you help her?" Anakin asks the Father gesturing to Ahsoka.
"There is no light. The evil has been unleashed, and the dark side shall consume her" Father explains.
"You must help her!" Anakin tells him.
"I cannot undo what is done. There is no hope" Father tells him.
"Yes, there is! There's always hope!" Anakin tells him. Daughter touches her Father's cheek and looks at Ahsoka. Then back at him pleadingly and he sighs.
"Then let my daughter's last act be to breathe life into your friend" Father states. Anakin acts as a connection between the two. It worked, Ahsoka was saved. Obi-wan picks up Roxanne. "As the balance in this world crumbles, so shall war escalate in your galaxy. As my son has descended
into the dark side, so have the Sith gained strength" he states. He tells them to leave and they return to the ship.
"Is Roxanne ok? What happened to her?" Ahsoka asks.
"She'll be fine, she just needs some rest" Obi-wan tells her. "She hurt her head again" he adds.
"Seriously? She needs to be more careful" Ahsoka states. They reach the ship. "Did you have another crash landing Sky-guy?" she asks.
"Wasn't my fault" Anakin denies. "Go check out the damage Snips" he tells her. She goes to the engine room while Obi-wan placed Roxanne on the bed. While Anakin goes to inspect the cock-pit for any damages. Leaving Obi-wan with Roxanne.
Picture above of Son in his gargoyle form.
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