Chapter 2
One day Wendy was doing her chores and humming to herself. She went over to the wishing well to fetch more water and talked to the exceeds sitting there. Besides the servants the exceeds were the only people or cat she would talk too. She loved them all equally but she really was more comfortable with an exceed named Carla. Wendy raised Carla from an egg when she found her in the forest one day and the two have been best friends since. Carla looked at Wendy and said " child what are you humming about now" Wendy looked up dreamily and said " Oh just a song from my dream last night it was really good Carla there was this handsome prince and he was singing to me". The other exceeds sat there and listened in Wendy always told them about her dreams Carla snorted " Child your to young to be having such dreams". " I know Carla but I can't control my dreams" Wendy said and it was true she was just 12 years old she was still so young. While they were talking a young prince was riding Nearby and heard Wendys sweet voice his name was Romeo and he was the son of king Macao. He stopped his horse near where the castle wall is and climbed it then he snuck up on Wendy and the exceeds and startled both. Wendy started running for the castle but Romeo called out to her " wait I won't hurt you " Wendy stopped and looked at the strange boy and said " you won't you promise you won't " Romeo was a little taken back by how pretty she was up close and said " I promise im prince Romeo may I ask who you are" wendy feeling less scared answered " my name is princess Wendy". While the little prince and princess was meeting Angel was heading up to her mirror room there she looked at her mirror and asked " magic mirror on the wall, who's the fairest of them all" instead of getting the answer she wanted she got a different one. " My queen though fairest you be Wendy is more fairer than thee" overcome with rage Angel ordered her best huntsman to take Wendy into the forest and kill her. Angel gave him a box and told him " make sure you cut out her heart and bring it back to me in this".
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