Ok this is totally fake...
1. What's your name?
2. How old are you?
Ten thousand
Two hundred thousand
-I explerded-
No I'm not telling you
3. Do you like being that age?
Yeah why not
4. If you could choose any age, what age would it be?
5. Do you have any siblings?
No, unless you count the boy in my house who makes me call him "bro"
6. If so, do you like them?
7. What's your favorite food?
Edible ones. NAH jk it's cheese. And bacon.
8. Can you cook that food for yourself?
Yeah. Eggs and bacon. Yum
9. What country do you live in?
10. If in the U.S., what state?
11. Would you like to move?
12. Do you like snow?
Well, I haven't ever seen any or played with it, but I think I'd like it very much.
13. Do you like summer or winter better?
Again, never experienced them because of my beautiful tropical country, every time is the same: hot, humid or rainy
14. Spring or fall?
Falling spring?
15. What's your favorite holiday?
Christmas, because people are happy and we get to spend time with cousins and relatives. Either that or Chinese New Year, because we get money.
16. What's your favorite number?
Nine. Wait no, it's 9.
17. Favorite letter of the alphabet?
V. Idk whyyyyyy don't ask
18. Angel or devil?
Uh, I guess I'm both sometimes.
19. Fly by plane, or go by boat?
Plane, because there's air conditioning and nice seats, but on boat you can see ducks and birds and nature up-close
20. Do you like flying at all?
Kinda. There's this thing called iFly, there's this gigantic fan blowing air and you're wearing red or blue fluffy suits and you float and its really fun
21. If you could travel anywhere, where would it be?
England, because my cousins and niece live there, and there are SEAGULLS. FLIPPIN SEAGULLS!!! So yeah. And the people there are very nice. Once I was at the beach and this couple let me play with their dog
22. What language do you wish you could speak?
Larf. (Lee's language)
23. Rock climbing or wind surfing?
Rock climbing, because I've done it before and it isn't scary.
24. In colour, or black and white?
Colour of course! Or else what would be the point of rainbows?
25. Most memorable moment?
When I tried remembering the most memorable moment
26. Do you wear perfume, cologne?
A little bit of perfume, but very rarely.
27. Are you allergic to anything?
Yes. My brother.
(I'm also allergic to stupid. I break out in sarcasm.)
28. Ever play truth or dare?
Yeah. It's really fun!
29. What brand of shoes do you wear?
Flip flops
31. What's your favorite colour?
Black and smokey blue
32. Do you like stuffed animals or beanie babies?
STUFFED ANIMALS FOR LIFE! Nah just kidding, but 1) I grew up around them and 2) I haven't got the slightest clue what beanie babies are
33. Jigsaw puzzle or rubix cube?
Jigsaw, and though they are a little tedious, once you've learnt the ways of a rubix cube it isn't fun anymore
34. How long is your hair?
Maybe two-three inches past shoulder length
35. What colour is your hair?
Darkish brown
36. Have you ever dyed your hair?
37. Do you have your own computer/laptop?
Yeah, but it has no games
38. Are you a good or bad person?
I am a glad person. Nah jk jk I'm good sometimes but mean a little
39. Ever been suspended from school?
40. What's your favorite book?
if i stay by Gayle Forman, although it is a little depressing. The sequel is Where She Went
41. What's your favorite TV show?
I don't watch TV very much, but I enjoyed iCarly and Fairly (or Fairy) Odd Parents
42. Do you play any sports?
Table tennis, aka Ping Pong
43. Do you have a cell phone?
44. Have you ever been stalked before?
Um... I hope not
45. Pepsi or Coca-Cola?
None. I don't drink sweet drinks. What about water? I like that. (I'm not saying this to be a goody-two-shoes or anything, I just generally don't like carbonated or sweet drinks.)
46. What colour are the walls in your room?
I'm planning on painting my room that I'll get a smokey blue, but currently, in my room that I share with my mum, its a light lavender
47. Do you have any pets?
Yeah. Two birds (African Grey and White Fronted Amazon), a tortise and a guinea pig
48. If so, how many, and what were they?
Look above
49. Do you get along with your parents?
Yeah, but it's this bro I don't get along with.
50. Are you listening to music right now?
Well I wish I was. Music is awesome
51. Do you text or call more?
Text. Mainly because it's free
52. iPod or MP3?
53. Harry Potter or Twilight?
I've never read either, but from what I hear Twilight sucks
54. Necklace or bracelet?
Nit a jewelry person, but necklace
55. Dog tags or chains?
I don't have dogs, but I think tags would be better
56. Lefty or righty?
57. Glasses or contacts?
Glasses, because it's weird to take them out or adjust them while in public or school
58. Shorts or pants?
Shorts as long as they're at least ten inches down the thigh, and pants that aren't too long
59. Do you listen to the radio?
Yeah, but not always
60. When you're bored, do you ever write on yourself with a pen?
No, I'm too clean for that. I write on others (lolololol)
61. Are you sarcastic?
62. Do you sing in the shower?
Yeah. But I stop because this brother of mine will kick the door til I stop
63. Do you ever dance randomly?
Nahh... -plays harlem shake and dances-
64. Have you ever been caught dancing randomly?
No... -hides picture which friend took of self dancing to harlem shake-
65. Did you perform in a school talent show?
Nope. But the people who perform SUCK! (no offence, but they do.)
66. Did you ever crack your fingers?
Yeah. It's become a habit.
67. Do you have any cousins?
Tons! They're all pretty nice
68. Have you ever rain into a screen/glass door?
Nope. Never got the chance to. They always open!!
69. Have you ever broken a bone?
Nope, and I'm not planning to.
70. What colour cast would you have?
Uh, a skin coloured one? Seems morbid-y cool
71. Ever sat on a tack?
72. Ever pulled a prank on somebody?
Yeah. But I think this is called mean. So girl stands up to adjust uniform. Teacher talks on about some random thingy, I pull away her chair and BOOM. she lands on her butt and everyone laughs.
73. Can you multitask?
Well, can't everybody? If not, what's listening to music and doing homework supposed to be called?
74. Play cards?
Yeah! Uno, blackjack, solitaire
75. Ski or snowboard?
Haven't done any. But I'm going to Japan in December, so I might try skiing!
76. Swimming pool or ocean?
Pool. The ocean is big and I don't want to contaminate it with dead bodies
77. Blind date or actual date?
Can I choose no date? No? Aww. Fine, actual date, because the blind date guy/girl might actually be blind
78. Single date or double date?
Single, because double sounds a little competitive
79. Flowers or chocolate?
80. Do you watch the news?
Yeah, but only some.
81. Are you worried about the future?
82. Day or night?
Dawn, because it's cooler than twilight
83. Cold or warm weather?
Warm, because I don't have a heater but I have an air conditioner. And lots of ice. But I'm not a cold weather person
84. Ever been on a cruise?
Yeah! A few times. No wait only once. It felt really shaky
85. Sun or moon?
86. Do you find some people annoying?
It's possible not to?
87. What's your favorite music station?
Ones that play songs I like, such as rock (I like Metallica) , pop and some calm pop rock like Gone, Gone, Gone by Philip Philips
88. If you had a certain power, what would it be?
That I can block out people's annoying and loud voices in change for music
89. Being able to fly or teleport?
Fly, but teleporting is faster, though it takes away the joy of the trip.
90. Dark or light?
Light, because I can draw and play in the light but not in the dark
91. Cats or dogs?
Cats. CATZ
92. Ever went on a school trip out of state?
93. Do you use photoshop?
94. Brownies or cake?
Brownies! I like those sticky ones. I think it's called brownie fudge
95. Favorite thing for breakfast?
BACON AND EGGS AND PANCAKES WITH MAPLE SYRUPPPP!!! sorry, I overreacted a little there.
96. Do you get mad often?
No... maybe a little
97. How late do you usually stay up?
On weekends about eleven, weekdays only until nine to nine thirty
98. Have you ever beaten up somebody?
Nope. Don't want to do it to anyone. Just hurt them til like they go away, but not do damage enough to scar them for life
99. Have you ever been beaten up?
No, unless you count the times brother has bullied me
100. How many times has your family moved?
Never, and I like this place that I live in.
101.Are you an organized person?
No, sadly.
102. Do you lock the door to your room?
When I'm changing or doing something private
103. Do you have a sign on your door?
No. If I did, it'd read "SIAM LAH" ('lah' is a Singaporean slang, 'Siam' is dialect for go away but in a rude way)
104. Do you know who Dane Cook is?
Nope. Does he cook great danes? Because then I wouldn't be interested
105. Do you like going to the doctors?
Who does?
106. What sickness did you have last?
Yesterday; sore throat
107. Do you like roller coasters?
Not a big fan of them
108. Would you get in trouble if your parents found you up late?
I think so. I haven't got in trouble before, but I also haven't been caught before
109. Will you go to high school prom?
We don't have prom here
110. Have you ever climbed a mountain?
There aren't any mountains in Singapore. Maybe trekked a hill with my uncle
111. Ever sing karaoke?
Nope. But I've seen it being done
112. If you could have any wild animal as you pet, what would it be?
A vulture! Or a bald eagle, or an ostrich or emu. Or a panther, puma or penguin.
113. Sweater or hoodie?
Hoodie! Because they're usually thicker
114. Do you like bugs?
Only the non-creepy ones
115. Milk or chocolate milk?
Milk, and I hardly ever drink chocolate drinks
116. Chocolate chip cookies or Oreos?
Chocolate chip cookies because oreos has nore sugar (I think)
117. Water, fire, earth or wind?
Hmm... I seem strangely attached to fire, but I'll say wind. Because wind can make water and fire move, and earth doesn't need to be moved
118. Do you like rain?
Yeah. I like electrical thunderstorms because they're loud and people tend to shut up when it's going on
119. Ever built something?
Would a DIY count?
120. Ever built a snowman?
Sadly, no snow = no snowman, snow angels or snowballs
121. Ever been to six flags?
Nope. I have no idea what or where that is
122. Do you like rainbows?
Yeah, but not those creepy ones with the eyes and really big smile, just regular rainbows
123. Do you like anime/manga?
Not really
124. What was the first anime/mange you ever watched/read?
Hmm... Naruto was the first, follwed by Avatar the Legends of Aang (but I don't know if its an anime or not)
125. What's your favorite anime/mange?
Don't have one
126. Do you draw?
127. Would you ever fly up to the moon?
No. I'd rather the moon fly to us
128. Have you ever embarrassed yourself in front of someone you like?
No crushes, so nope
129. Are you a good speller?
Not out loud, but I make some mistakes, but better than most people in my class (nit the best)
130. What colour are your eyes?
Dark brown
131. Ever saw the movie '300'?
THIS. IS. SPARTAAAAAA (actually I thought the movie's name was "Sparta")
132. Do you have and use a webcam?
133. Are you into photography?
134. Do you go on 'Photobucket'?
Have no idea what that is
135. What's your favorite candy?
Is Snickers counted? Because I love, love, LOVE them
136. Sour or sweet?
137. What instrument do you wish you could play if you can't already?
Piano? I'm not really into instruments
138. Do you believe in love?
True love, maybe
139. Do you believe in love at first sight?
No, but it happens sometimes. But love at first sight just equals to looks, not personality
140. Ever had a heart attack?
No, it sounds scary
141. Ever broke somebody's heart?
I've broke their paper heart
142. Ever been to the Grand Canyon?
143. Ever been to LA?
144. Ever been to a concert?
A- no
145. Ever kept a secret journal/diary?
146. How many pillows do you sleep with?
147. Is your bed up against a wall?
148. When listening to music, does your head or feet move along to the beat?
Head. But only if I'm not concentrating on what I'm doing besides listening and if the song's catchy
149. What's that hidden talent you have?
I can sing
150. Do you believe in ghost stories?
151. Have you ever been camping?
152. Have you ever told or listened to ghost stories while camping?
Uh uh uh
153. Watermelon or strawberries?
154. Iced tea or green tea?
No tea
155. Rock or country?
156. Febreze or Glade?
I've only ever used Febreze, so that
157. ROLF or LMAO?
158. Ever think of your dream wedding?
Yeah! You know what happens? We get married!
159. Do you have your class ring?
Don't know what's that
160. Do you think rain hides your feelings?
No. It washes away the pain but doesn't help. It's like a painkiller
161. When was the last time you yelled?
162. When was the last time you said "I'm sorry." to someone?
163. Do you have any tattoos?
Yeah. On my forehead is a tattoo of the national flag
164. Ever gone ice skating?
165. Do you get physically hurt often?
Maybe not often, but I do thanks to my bro
166. Do you like marshmallows?
YEAH! Love them.
167. Do you like s'mores?
Haven't tried any, but they look really niceeeee
168. Ever roasted a marshmallow?
Over a campfire? Nope. Over a grill? Yep
169. Ever sat by a campfire?
170. Have you ever been to the beach?
171. Sharpie or pen?
Thick pen, because Sharpies have smell
172. Pencil or highlighter?
Pencil, because you can't erase highlighted, and even if you could, it'd look ugly
173. Would you rather have blue eyes or green eyes?
Blue-green eyes
174. Ever ate sushi?
Yeah. I don't like it... I vomited. Well, almost
175. Ever been to Japan?
176. Do you watch videos on YouTube?
Every. Single. Day.
177. Do you go to school?
No! I stay home and play games and get no education whatsoever! Yes, I go to school
178. Pudding or applesauce?
179. Do you like ice cream?
Yeah! I like salted caramel
180. Target or Walmart?
181. When you were little, what was your dream job?
To be a vet. But now, (after hearing Hannah's reasons why) I'm older, the animal's life is in your hands. If you screw up, they die, you lose. So there. Sorry for destroying any of people's dreams.
182. Shampoo or conditioner?
183. Do you watch Myth Busters?
Yes!!!! I'm so sad that Kari, Grant and Tori had left the team! The were awesome! I watched them when Grant hadn't joined yet
184. Do onions really make you cry?
No, the really don't make me cry.
185. A Wii or PS3?
186. Do you usually keep you room clean or messy?
Messy, as always
187. How many DVDs do you have?
A few.
188. Have you ever used a compass?
Yeah, but I never got lost in a jungle before
189. Ever slept in a sleeping bag?
190. What is your favorite flavour of jam?
191. Have you ever watched the movie "Titanic"?
Rose and the other guy could've stayed alive. THE MYTH BUSTERS PROVED SO
192. Ever been on a road trip?
193. Do you believe in UFOs?
I believe that u are an fo! (Nah jkjk no offence given)
194. How long does it take to read a book?
Depends on how good it is
195. DirectTV or Dish?
Idk. DirectDishTv?
196. Most watched channel in your house?
The news channel
197. Does your family own a gun?
Yes! Big, orange, plastic ones. I think my dad calls them Nerf guns
198. Do you believe in dinosaurs?
Yesh wai naught
199. Do you believe there is a north pole?
I believe there is a gigantic magnet in the middle on the earth and it wants to be found
200. Can you play the piano?
FINALLY!! Now you know where I live.
I nominate:
to do the challange! Have fun!
(Ps: media is the tattoo i have)
So this chapter is chaoter 111. And mt favorite band is called Area 11. Area 11. So I've dedicated this to them, it being the 111th chapter. ALL HAIL THE ASTERISK!!! S*
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