i am a raging fire
I am a raging fire
With no intention of quelling my burn.
Like a phoenix,
I am born from the ashes of my past,
Now destroyed
Immortal in only my memories until even
They are scattered to the wind.
I rise from the embers of my truths,
Bright and unyielding like the sun's rise
Beacons so bright they burn the back of your eyes.
You cannot escape my light once I decide to let it shine.
I may be human,
But I am also so much more.
My blood is red
A deep scarlet that glows
Magma waiting to erupt and destroy and create.
Too often the volcano is forgotten
Disregarded as dormant, a mountainside,
Idyllic and peaceful
Until even the volcano forgets what it truly is,
The power it holds in its heart
Connecting it to its sisters around the world.
Our world is made of fire
And so am I.
You cannot ignore the quakes beneath your feet
Warning you that I have awoken
That you have awoken me
And that I am coming, with nothing to stop me
You cannot help but watch the smoke, then the fire, then the rain
As, through fire, I wash away your beliefs and replace them with my own.
A volcano is not just a mountain.
I am not just a girl.
I walk through fire
Atop hot coals
And the burn only reminds me who I am.
There is no putting out my eternal flame.
You can only hope and wish and pray
That the next thing I decide to burn
Is not you.
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