Found you!!!!!!
Sting's POV
It's been forever since I've seen Y/n, I should have bought her with me."Of course you should have". I sigh.
I can still hear her child like voice. "Sting if don't stop talking to yourself I'll punch you in the face!"It sounded so life like.
"I'm sorry....wait... Y/n!!"I yell absolutely stunned.
"What part of SHUTUP! Don't you get!"she yelled and punched me in the face. "Hah! I found you! Also I forgive and miss you."she mumbled the last part.
"Wait a second did you just say miss?!"I yelled hopefully.
"Did not!"
"Did to!"
"Did not!"
"Did -"I was cut of by Rogue.
"Hey Sting whose the girl?" Lector asked.
"Oh she's my twin sister Y/n!"I cheer happily.
"Nice to meet you I'm Rouge,but I bet you Sting has told you nothing about me."Rougue commented causing you to laugh at how true that was.
"Come the four of you,were going back to the guild master waiting!
🔥Timeskip to The Guild🔥
Y/n's POV
"Who is this girl and why have you brought her to me!" The sabertooth masters bellowed.
"This my twin sister and she wishes to join the guild." Sting replying very out of charcter,very...shy.
"Very well then,but because she's a dragon slayer and the sister of a pride of Sabertooth"!
FYI she got the identical guild mark to match Sting's
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