Chapter 23: tears
This chapter takes place before Merida came back... •ω•
<• Jack's POV •>
It's cold. and it's dark. I don't like remembering these feelings. those are the first things I felt when I became jack frost. I need the light to turn that around.
But there's no going back right now.
In front of me is a sphere. the only light in the dark atmosphere. but it shows how much I'm hurting my friends. this is not the same light that the moon showed me.
"Isn't this surprising?" a voice cackled behind me.
I growled and clutched my hands into a fist. "pitch.." I grit my teeth together and turned to look at him. "what did you do to me?!"
"Oh don't be like that. we can actually talk without us brawling out like we used to." pitch smirked.
"Who says I won't mess you up?" I look around for my staff, but it was no where in sight.
"Seems like you're only using it outside your body." he cackled.
My eyes widen as I looked through the sphere. "no..."
"So about this talk-" pitch began but I interrupted him by throwing a punch... but it went right through him.
"What the-?"
"Your body is under my control now." pitch sculpted a chair out of black sand and sat down. "that sphere you're looking through? that's one of your eyes."
"Wh-why is it in third person then?"
"Minor glitch in the system. honestly, it makes things more appealing to see you like that anyway."
I had the urge to cry but I couldn't show that in front of pitch. the sphere showed me hurting hiccup. my hand was pressed up against his face. you could see frost spreading on his cheeks.
"Stop..." I sobbed and clutched the sphere as I sank down to the floor.
"You're too far gone..." and with that pitch left me alone in the cold, dark room. with only the company of the haunting light.
<• hiccup's POV •>
Right when I said I was ready. I knew I wasn't. toothless was usually there to have my back but right now he wasn't in the best condition. the mighty dragon was down for the count.
I had to give rapunzel credit. I even admit that she is stronger than me. all I managed to do was shoot dying leaves. she could lift a giant flower from the earth.
Jack's flower began to shake. And out of nowhere, it bursted open in a flurry of icy winds. And now, we couldn't see.
"RAPUNZEL!" I called frantically. but someone hit my arm as a warning.
"Keep your voice down idiot." rapunzel growled and pressed her back to mine. she had a frying pan for some odd reason.
"Where did you get the cooking utensil?" I whispered.
"Did you not notice the bags attached to toothless? there was a lot of stuff in there but this seemed to be the only thing that could do damage."
"Why would there be a pan? it's not like we are going camping or anything."
"Maybe it was-" punzie was interrupted by an ice sphere sailing over her head. luckily she had ducked before any impact.
"Why did you yell my name?!" she stressed.
"Panicked?" I yelp, my voice coming out an octave higher.
The must cleared finally and jack stood in front of us. only he didn't have the creepy grin and wild eyes. he had a look of pure hatred which is worse than before. I admit that it is scarier.
"I had enough of this..." jack growled and walked slowly towards us. "I don't know how you out smarted me, girl, but I'll make sure it doesn't happen again."
Jack's arm started to coat itself in a rigid layer of ice. near his fist was the point, sharper than a sword.
"Let's get this job over with." jack ran towards punzie but I managed to push her out of the way in time....
"You little-" jack glared at me with his yellow eyes and slashed at my forehead with his arm, making a huge, deep cut.
I fell to the ground, my vision blurry and dizzy. and soon, I blacked out.
<• Rapunzel's POV •>
"Hiccup!" I shrieked and stepped away from jack quickly. "how- how could you? This isn't like you jack. guardians are meant to protect people."
"That guy is gone." he gritted his teeth. jack's weaponized arm melted away and he stepped towards me, I quickly backed up.
"You promised. you promised you'd never hurt us." I sob and almost tripped over my hair, luckily regaining my balance.
"I don't care about promises anymore! I changed for the better. join me..." he let out his hand.
"You- you expect me to join you after you just stabbed a friend?! jack... you don't have any control over what you're saying just listen to me, carefully."
Jack growled and pulled his hand away. he cracked his knuckles and stepped towards me. I back up but instead of tripping over my hair, I tripped over hiccup's body.
"If you won't come with me and be safe, then join your friend and be a prisoner. like I care!" Jack towered over me with a raised fist.
"Jack..." I sobbed.
"You have an appointment with the boogyman." he said softly and I swear I saw a tear leave is eye before his fist made contact with my face.
<• jack's POV •>
"NO!" I scream and bang on the orb. my tears fell onto the sphere and they seemed to soak in. looking closely, I noticed Dark Jack was crying. I truly was trapped in my eyes.
But no matter, I hurt two of the people I vowed to protect. but Merida was still out there. I hope that she would just run away, if I hurt her... I wouldn't be able to live with myself.
Dark Jack stood over both of their bodies stretching his bruised hand. regarding his tears, his wicked smile and wild eyes returned to his face.
There was a rustling from nearby and I looked over to see Merida, with a shocked face.
"RUN!" I yell at the orb, more of my tears fall down causing Dark Jack to cry. "run.... Merida please...."
But of course she doesn't hear me. but she looks into my eyes as if knowing I was in here.
"J-jack...?" she stuttered. she looked scared, and frightened. but she didn't dare leave.
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