Chapter 20: black sand
<•merida's POV•>
"Jack?" rapunzel spoke softly and waved her hand over jack's head. he just laid there, completely still.
"He's alive..." I say. "he's breathing."
"Mouth to mouth?" hiccup looked around. "anyone?"
"Tempting..." I mutter sarcastically.
"Sadly I don't know how." punzie frowned.
"Well maybe I-" hiccup started but was interrupted by jack. he twitched slightly and scanned his eyes over us.
"What?" he spoke, oddly firm.
"Jack? are you alright?" I ask eyeing his wound.
"I'm fine." he says, unsure of his situation. "why do you ask?"
"Uh... you were kind of stabbed in the heart?" hiccup coughed.
Jack furrowed his eyebrows and looked at us with confusion.
Rapunzel gasps suddenly. "look... the javelin wound."
Everyone looked at it except for jack, who was still dazed.
The black dust started to spread slowly, and it stopped once it covered his torso.
Jack just winced, but did nothing more.
"Jack, listen to me." I bite my lip and look at him.
"All ears." he responds.
"Do you know what pitch did to you?"
He shook his head. "I don't remember, a bit fuzzy."
The dust began to spread to his arms and hands.
"I'm cold." he shivers.
"Cold? but you're Jack Frost." hiccup complained.
The dust began to spread again, working it's way down his legs. Rapunzel whimpered with worry once it hit his feet. the dark magic slowly crept it's way up his neck.
"I don't know what to do." I sobbed.
Jack was shaking uncontrollably.
Once the sand reached his eyes they turned yellow. not like a sunshine yellow, more like a evil tint. like pitch's eyes. and when the sand covered his whole body, it started to sink into his skin. but his eyes stayed yellow.
"What?" hiccup narrowed his eyes.
Jack's hair turned black. "darkness's fear..." he muttered.
"What?" hiccup repeated.
But jack didn't respond with his normal voice. he chuckled and stood up. "idiots."
"Jack..." I say cautiously and we stand up, keeping our distance. "snap out of it."
He cackled and a large wild grin appeared on his face, flashing his white teeth. "I don't know how I possibly cared for you guys." said the menacing voice. you could hear the real jack frost, but there was a raspy growl mixed in.
"Don't listen to him, he's being controlled." I glance at hiccup and rapunzel.
Jack cocked his head to the side, making a cracking noise. "Lord pitch has plans for you three. sadly I can't kill you quite yet but he'd be glad to make you his servants."
"He's gone mad..." Rapunzel breathed. "jack! pitch is using you, you're strong, you can get out of this."
Jack's yellow eyes seemed to glow as he looked at us. his eyes were wide and crazy, and his grin was spread ear to ear and from nose to chin.
"We can't just hurt him..." hiccup looks at me. "What do we do?"
Darkness's fear. it's what jack had said before he changed. But what did it mean?
Jack clutched his staff and chuckled. "I guess ill just wound you." he lowered his head so that we could see just his mouth and his glowing yellow eyes. "I still want to have some fun."
"Guys, keep him occupied, I have to get my powers." I look at rapunzel and hiccup. "I'll be right back..."
"Where are you going?" hiccup asked, a bit worried.
"Darkness's fear. since I'm summer, maybe if I can get my powers I can summon sunlight, it's the brightest thing I can think of."
Rapunzel nods. "go, we will hold him off but be quick, we are just starting off as guardians... he's had experience."
Hiccup looks at me for a moment before nodding. "go, and good luck."
"Good luck to you too." I manage a reassuring smile and take off into the forest.
And before I was out of ears length of them, I hear jack snicker. "so, you're going to fight. you just stepped into your own doom."
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