Chapter 17: only for you
<•Hiccup's POV•>
I wasn't ready for this. last time I was here, nobody saw me. I didn't even see Astrid before. and I'm afraid to see her.
But it was mandatory to come here I guess. Rapunzel found out about her powers near her home. so Merida and I will find out the same way.
But what Merida had said to me, I didn't know how to respond. I just looked at her. now I felt I should have at least hugged her. her story is way sadder than mine.
"So... the forest is my best choice at the moment..." I break the silence and look at jack.
"Lead the way." he nods.
I gulp and start to lead them to the forest entrance. I also tried to avoid looking at any of the Vikings. and I tried to block myself out from rapunzel and jack's comments.
I think Merida was the only one who knew I wasn't comfortable.
"Astrid!" yelled a voice.
I froze in my tracks, which earned confused looks from everyone... including merida. I didn't tell her astrid's name.
"Uh hiccup?" rapunzel touches my shoulder. I quickly shrugged away and looked around frantically.
"Astrid! wait." the voice said again. I didn't recognize it.
"No, just stay away." said a new voice. I turned around to see astrid, just five feet away. my heart skipped a beat.
"Don't you want to find him?" the Viking said. "he might still be out there."
"It's been a year... hiccup would've returned by now. if anyone, toothless would've returned." astrid snapped.
"Astrid, I'm right here." I run to her and try to touch her cheek. but once again, my hand went right through. "please believe me..."
"He's not here anymore... can you just take that in? he's gone!" astrid sobbed and walked away.
"No..." I whispered. "no no I'm here." I felt a tear roll down my cheek. "I'm here."
I fell to my knees and covered my face with my hands.
I knew jack, rapunzel and Merida were watching. I couldn't stop them. I couldn't stop myself.
"Hiccup..." Merida whispered, her voice filled with worry.
"Leave me alone." I say, surprisingly calm. "just... leave me alone."
I stood up and walked away from them, to the forest. and I just sat there. I just sat in the middle of the woods, alone.
Astrid doesn't believe in me. and I know nobody else does either. they would've saw me. they didn't even see jack. I never knew until now... the Vikings don't truly have that loyal heart. I had to show them how nice dragons are. I had to make the difference. I had to be their eyes, and now they don't have me. they are blind now.
There was a snap of a branch behind me and I didn't care to turn around.
"Hiccup, we understand. just let us-" rapunzel's voice started.
"Help?" I stood up, and gave them a fierce look. "help?!"
They all took a step back. "All I ever done in my life is help. I was the ears, the eyes, the mouth, the nose, and even the tongue for everyone! and don't think that they might've helped me in anyway. nobody can help me. nobody understands exactly what I need help with. nobody!" I yell.
"Hiccup..." Merida says.
"Shut up." I growl.
"Listen to me." she continues.
"Just shut up!"
"Hiccup look." she pointed to the trees.
I should've resisted but I looked up anyway. the once green leaves turned into shades of yellow, red and orange. and some started to fall. the grass too, turned a different shade.
"Autumn." jack mumbled.
Nobody said anything else. they just stared at me with confusion, awe, and caution.
"We have to go to merida's home. we know she's the guardian of summer but we need to get her powers." jack broke the silence.
Everyone nodded except me.
"Hiccup?" Merida asked softly.
"Just for you..." I look at her. my voice came out in a bit of a croak. "only for you."
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