The Creek And The River
Robert's POV
"I'll see you guys tomorrow." Roy grumbles under his breath, upset that he can't tag along with us because of his parents. ( Again.. ) We were standing in front of our school, other teens crowded behind us while Roy's car was in front of us. Roy's mother was looking at us menacingly through her window, I could tell Roy was clearly upset. Anytime we have plans his parents get in the way, it's like they're eavesdropping or something on our plans! Roy was staring at the ground, an upset look on his face, he tried to have more of a pissed look but we could both clearly tell that he was sadder than mad. Me and Ross looked at each other before I walked up to Roy and pulled him into a hug, he looked shook for a second and opened his mouth but nothing came out. Ross joined and hugged too and we could both see Roy's face flush red from embarrassment. "We'll plan something tomorrow, give us a text when you get home." I said, whispering to Roy so his parents couldn't hear. "See you tomorrow dude, we'll sneak over if we have to." I could hear Ross whisper. Roy stood there for a second or two before pushing us off "Okay you homos! I'll see you idiots tomorrow." Roy said, trying to hide his embarrassed face with his hat. "Cya dude." Ross spoke as we watched Roy hop into his car, we could hear Roy's mom complain about how Roy got hugged and now he has to take a shower when he gets home and she has to wash his clothes. As Roy's car was driving away we could see him wave goodbye quickly from inside his car.
"Ready to go?" Ross turned to me and asks, offering me his hand. I smiled before placing my own hand in his and letting our fingers intertwine. "Yeah, let's go." Me and Ross made our way through some kids walking by and went down a street that was filled with bushes and trees. We were gonna go explore this creek and river all together before Roy's parents ruined it, but that wasn't stopping me and Ross from going to get a look at it. We soon snuck our way into a trail and wandered off into the forest, Ross knew where we were going so he was basically leading me all the way before we stopped at a steep hill with old broken-down trees and sticks bent over while trailing down. And below all of that was a small creek with flowing water, Ross let go of my hand and turned to me. "Ready??" He asked, with a light smile. "Yep!" I said back quickly, I would be lying if I said I wasn't a little nervous, it looked kinda.. Scary? I guess the fact that we're in a forest and that we're going down a steep hill is kinda weird, well to me at least. Ross slowly slid down first, grabbing onto branches and taking small steps before sliding down completely, somehow keeping his balance and landing carefully. He looked up at me and I started fiddling with my hands nervously, how did he make that look so easy? "C'mon, Rob! If you slip I'll catch you!" He said reassuringly, I didn't wanna leave him waiting for me so I took a deep breath and slowly slid down to where I grabbed onto a branch, slowly making my way down, the branches basically being my only support because I was taller and bigger than Ross so sliding down wouldn't be so easy for me.
I took my time making my way down and grabbed onto another branch, but once I got ahold of it and started making my way down it snapped on me, I lost control of myself and started sliding down on my feet fast. "Shit!" I shouted that quickly made Ross alerted, I was leaning back trying to stop myself from sliding down so fast, but that was pointless. "Don't worry! I got you!" Ross shouted while I slid down with his arms open, god this was gonna hurt. I saw a sudden realization on Ross' face before I slammed into him, making him fall back, he probably forgot that I was bigger and taller than him. I fell on top of Ross making him fall back into the small flowing creek, we may or may not have accidentally bumped heads, which made me dizzy for a second. "Owww.." I said as I slowly got my head off of Ross' chest, before setting into a panic. "Oh crap!! Ross are you okay?" Ross was rubbing his forehead while laying on his back groaning before looking up at me and smiling, which made me confused for a second. Ross started laughing that kinda put me in shock, he rested his face on his hand trying to stop himself from laughing but couldn't. I smiled and started laughing along with him before he calmed himself down and looked at me. "That was sick!" He says with a smile on his face, along with a little red mark on his forehead from us bumping heads. "Ross you're in the creek!" I said, slightly laughing still. Ross' whole back was now soaking wet from the creek, while my knees were wet from it also, Ross tries to get a peek at his back before noticing that his shirt was now soaking wet. "Oh, well would you look at that!" He says, with a sarcastic tone.
I get up off of him and offer him my hand, which he smiles before taking and getting up from the creek, water slowly trailing down his back as he gets up. "Gross." Ross unbuttons his blue button-up shirt and rings it out from any access water before wrapping it around his waist. He was wearing a light grey shirt under his button-up, and the back of his shirt was slightly wet from it seeping through his button-up. "Ready to go?" Ross asked, giving me a little nudge on my shoulder. "Ready than ever," I said with a smile as we started walking through the forest. I was picking up things from off the ground that I found interesting, from shiny rocks, snail shells, leaves, and just random basic junk I found off the ground, and shoving them into my pockets. Ross was admiring the nature around us and he even stopped me for a second to look up where we saw a raven sitting in a tree before it flew off, being outside, in nature, and just with Ross in general was really nice. We finally made our way to a river with a small island in the middle of it, I was pulling up the leggings of my pants to get ready to play in the water before Ross stopped me and pulled me down behind a bush. "Ross wh-" Ross covered my mouth with his hand and shushed me, "Look," Ross whispered to me, peeking over the bush and seeing a dear and its fawn on the little island in the middle of the river. Ross took his hand off of my mouth and I peeked over the bush, it was a mother deer and her little fawn, eating some grass from off the island.
Ross' POV
I slowly took my hand off Robert's mouth and watched them be mesmerized by the deer, I've seen deer a few times when I used to go hunting with my dad as a kid but I was never this close to one, they were always far away, and normally always males too. Robert's face was priceless, he was surprised but you can also see pented up excitement on their face. I smiled and looked back to the deer before it perked it's head up quickly and started to run away with it's fawn, fading away into the other side of the forest that we haven't explored yet, me and Robert sat there for a few seconds before they couldn't keep their excitement pent up anymore. "That was so cool!!" Robert shouted loudly with a huge smile on his face, "I've never seen a deer before, and we were so close to it too! Wow!" Robert said as they put their hands on their face amused about what he just saw. I smiled letting out a laugh and stood up with Robert standing up with me. I walked towards the water and took off my shoes so they wouldn't get wet, with Robert following behind doing the same, I pulled up my pants' leggings so the water wouldn't make me fully soaking. Before I could get my other shoe off Robert was already in the water. "It's kinda cold." He said as he was picking up rocks from inside the river and looking at them before throwing them back. "You're pretty quick with this," I said with a smile and getting up, making my way into the water with him. The water was kinda cold, but not cold enough to make you freeze. It felt like a nice spring breeze, but if it was water.
I was making my way over to the small island in the middle of the river we saw the deer on, there was a tree along with a few flowers while the whole thing was surrounded by rocks, it looked kinda muddy because of all the water surrounding it. Before I could make my way to the island Robert shouted and caught my attention "Dude! I caught a crayfish!!" I turned back and Robert was holding a big crayfish in his hands, pinching onto it's back so it couldn't pinch him with it's claws. I walked towards Robert to get a good look at the crayfish, Robert had a proud smile on his face. "That's sick! I didn't know crayfish were in these waters, we should catch a bunch!" Catching animals was my favorite thing growing up, I would try and trap birds, squirrels, bugs, and almost anything that got in my way so I could see them, it never worked of course but this was our opportunity to do that! Robert smiled and put the crayfish in his pocket ( like a maniac ) and started digging a big hole with his hands on the muddy land, I tilted my head confused as I watched him dig the whole, the mud was super easy to rip out of the ground so Robert already had about a foot or two of deepness into the ground, "Here you go little buddy." Robert said as he took the crayfish out of his pocket and put it in the hole.
"There! Now they have their own little hole that we can put them in when we catch them!" I smiled at Robert who was now covered in mud, so much for trying not to get dirty. I let out a chuckle before speaking, "Rob, you're covered in mud!" I said, as Robert looked at themself and noticed all the mud on his hands and clothing. "Nothing a little water can fix!" Robert said, flopping into the river on his back, making a splash that slightly got some water on me. "Pfft- Dude!" Robert smiled and his hat came off of his head, slowly flowing down the river which made Robert get up quickly, but before it could go too far I grabbed it and handed it to him. "Might wanna put this aside." I slightly laughed at my words, and Robert smiled and took it, putting it aside with his shoes and deciding to also take off his jacket since that was wet, and also getting in the way. He wore a red t-shirt from under his jacket and ran back to me so we could start looking for crayfish, Robert was somehow good at finding them pretty fast and catching them when they tried to get away. I caught one but it pinched my finger and made me throw it, "Ow! Fucker!" while the crayfish was still in the air Robert caught it "Nice one Ross!" He said, I looked over awkwardly and gave him a quick thumbs up, before we continued to look.
Robert's POV
Me and Ross decided that was enough crayfish catching for today, we both looked proudly into the hole of crayfish, we caught at least about 18 and watched them crawl on each other. "Ready to let them go?" Ross asked, "Yep!" I picked up a handful and let them back into the water, while Ross only picked up a few. "Goodbye, crayfish friends!" I watched them all slowly go into the water and disappear quickly before grabbing the rest and setting them free. I sat in the water as I watched the water slowly flow and the crayfish vanish from my eyes, hiding under rocks and swimming away. Ross sits down beside me and speaks, "That was super fun, it's getting a little late now though by the looks of it." Ross looked up at the sky and I looked up with him, the sun was still there but you could tell it was slowly setting as we could see that the orange sky was turning into more of a pink color. "Yeaaahh, let's do one last thing before we go." Ross turned to me, "And what's that?" I smiled and splashed him with the water, "Aw dude!" "SPLASH FIGHT!" I said as I started splashing water at Ross and he tried covering his face from the water. "Okay, you wanna play that way? Let's play that way!" Ross said standing up quickly and kicking a bunch of water into my face since I was sitting down, my puffy hair was now slowly starting to get wet. I laughed and got up and we started splashing each other, the sounds of our laughter, water getting splashed, the slow-flowing river, and the birds in the background filled the air.
I was splashing Ross and he was laughing trying to get close enough to me to splash me back, but Ross ended up slipping on a rock and fell on top of me, we were in the water, Ross' head on my torso while my back was up against a bunch of wet rocks. "Heheh, you okay?" I asked, Ross looked up at me for a second, before putting his head back on my torso and giving me a thumbs up. I started to giggle and he started giggling along with me, "Okay, Okay." Ross said, getting up off of me, and sitting up straight in the water to look at me. "Ready to head to my place? You need a shower." Ross said, looking me up and down. "Yessirrrr!" I said before getting up, water trailing off my wet clothing and dripping back into the river. Ross got up and started making his way to where we put our stuff and started putting on his shoes, clearly not caring that they were wet. I followed behind Ross and put on my shoes too, I picked up my jacket and my hat, placing my hat on my head since I didn't wanna hold it while we had to make our way back. Suddenly I remembered that we slid down a steep hill, how the heck were we supposed to get back up? I turned to Ross while he was trying to ring out his beanie from all the water that got on it, "Ross, how are we gonna get back up?" Ross stopped ringing out his hat and stared blankly into the distance for a second before his focus got connected back to me and he looked at me, putting his beanie back on. "I think I have an idea, hurry let's go before it gets too dark out." I smiled and took Ross' hand into mine and kissed it before we started walking, he smiled and we started making our way back.
Ross took his keys out of his pocket, the sun was almost completely gone now, he was kinda shaking and messed up a few times before he put the key in the keyhole and unlocked his door, we walked inside and took off our shoes. "Aw man, it's nice and warm in here." Ross said and he leaned against the wall. I laughed and Jaune walked out to welcome us, "Hi boys! How was your- ROSS GET OFF THE WALL YOU'RE COVERED IN MUD!" Jaune said to Ross who was leaning against the wall tiredly, he got off the wall and looked to see a big mud mark on the wall from Ross' back, I started laughing and he gave me a little punch on the shoulder "Dude!" Ross said slightly embarrassed. "You boys need to get cleaned right now! I'll get some towels, stay here and DON'T lean on anything!" She said, pointing at Ross, Ross let out a small chuckle before turning to me. "Moms, am I right?" "Pfft- Shut up dude!" We laughed and Jaune came back with towels, "Dry yourselves off first, and then get up there and take some showers." "Okay, mom." Ross said as we made our way upstairs to Ross' room, "You take a shower first, you're still wet you idiot." Ross says as he's trying to dry off his head, "You sure?" I asked, Ross looked pretty cold. "Positive, now hurry before you get my floor wet!" He said with a smile, I laughed and quickly headed to their bathroom and started the shower for myself.
I put on a light green hoodie that I had kept in my bag along with some light grey sweatpants, my hair dried quickly as I ruffled it with my towel and it puffed up. I walked out of the bathroom and headed to Ross' room, Ross was sitting down on his bed on his phone with a towel underneath him. "Showers free!" I said as I made my way over to Ross and placed a kiss on his cheek, "Now go get a shower you stinkbug!" I said jokingly, Ross laughed and grabbed his towel before mumbling. "I'm not a stinkbug." And went to go get a shower, I smiled and sat on a beanbag Ross had in his room, it was nice after being dirty and cold to clean and warm, I took my phone out of my pocket and started texting Roy, we were talking about what we should do for tomorrow without his parents finding out, and if things go wrong and they do, me and Ross can always just sneak over at his place. After around twenty minutes I could hear footsteps near Ross' door and it slowly swung open, Ross was standing in his doorway with a tired expression on his face, he wore a dark blue hoodie and black sweatpants. "Sup stinkbug, Nice and clean now?" I asked and he nodded, slowly making his way toward me. Ross got down on his knees and flopped down on top of me, his head resting on my chest while the rest of his body was slightly dangling off, besides half of his torso. He closes his eyes and wrapped his arms around me, I was kinda shocked for a second because this was so fast, but I guess he was just tired after a long day. I started running my fingers through his slightly damp hair while I held my phone in my other hand texting Roy. "Tired?" I asked, gaining a hum from him in response, I let out a small chuckle and gave Ross a kiss on the forehead. I snapped a picture of Ross cuddling into me and sent it to Roy, and Roy texted back with "God you losers are so FUCKING GAY"
( SORRY THIS WAS WAY LONGER THAN MY NORMAL WRITING RAAHHHHH, surprisingly this only took me two days and a half woah )
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