The Date (Pt2 of 2)
(I made the intro really long for some reason so if you wanna skip to the date Ima mark it. But the intro is just what Ross is doing before the date)
Ross' POV:
I woke up at 11:00 in the morning and jumped out of my bed quickly. Usually I would've stayed in bed until 1:00, but it's finally Saturday, which is me and Robert's date! I wanna make sure I look good so I'm gonna get ready early. I practically ran downstairs and quickly eat a bowl of cereal then went to the bathroom to take a shower and brush my teeth. After that I went to my room to pick out some clothes.
"What should I wear?" I mumble to myself.
I take a black t-shirt with a skull out of my drawer then take a black and blue flannel out of my closet along with a pair of baggy dark gray jeans. I lay everything out onto my bed to see how it looks altogether and decide it looked good. I put everything on including my usual beanie and look in the mirror to see the final result.
“Nice.” I mumble again to myself.
I put my favorite cologne on then sit on my bed. I look at my phone to check the time. Only 12:30? I still have like four hours to kill, sheesh. I decide to text Robert and Roy to see what they’re up to:
Ross: Heyy guyss
Robert: Wow what are you doing up?
Ross: >_>
Robert: What 🤔
Robert: Oh yeah
Robert: Dang, so you're ready already?
Ross: Yup
Roy: wut wut r u ready 4
Ross: Robert I thought u told him
Robert: Sorry forgot
Robert: Me and Ross are going on a super romantical date today 😏
Roy: …
Roy: ew u guys r so gay
Roy: so we arent meeting today?
Ross: I could hang out with u until 4
Robert: I still gotta get ready so cya guys, Ross just text me where you’ll be at
Ross: Mk cya
-Robert signed off-
Roy: lets meet at the park
Ross: Alright cya there
-Roy & Ross signed out-
I grab my bag and pack it with my wallet, phone charger, and a card I got for Robert. Robert likes the stars and all that space stuff so me and my mom chipped in to buy him a telescope, but of course I can’t pack that in my bag so I’m just bringing him a card that says I got him a telescope and a message inside that just says how special I think he is and how lucky I am to have him. Eventually I leave my house and walk to go meet Roy.
- Magic Time Skip, Ross arrives at the park -
At 12:58 I arrive at the park and see Roy sitting on a bench scrolling through his phone. I figured this is the perfect chance to get back at him for always creeping up on me and Robert. So I creep up behind him and pull him off the swing so he fell on his back. He screams like a little girl, it's hilarious.
I hovered over him. “Hey Roy!” I say smiling and holding back a laugh.
“What the hell?!” he yells while looking up at me. He crosses his arms.
“Aww, little Roy isn’t mad is he?” I tease.
He quickly jumps up from the ground and pushes me, but all I could do is laugh.
“You prick,” he says as Roy picks up his phone from the ground, as he had dropped it when he fell. “I’ll get you back, watch.”
“I’ll be waiting.” I say, still laughing a little.
We both walk to the swing set and sit down.
“So what do you wanna do?” I ask him.
“I don’t know, wanna light stuff on fire and just chat?”
“None of us have a lighte-”
He suddenly digs into the pocket of his pants and pulls out a lighter. He turns it on and smirks.
“Stole it from my mom.” he says smugly.
I stared at him blankly for a minute then decided to just go with what he wanted to do.
"Sounds good then." I say.
He grabs a stick that was laying in front of him and puts it over the fire of the lighter.
"Nice." he says smiling, watching as part of the stick slowly burned.
The way he's watching it is kinda creepy..
"Dude, why are you watching it so closely like that?" I ask in a concerned yet joking tone.
He ignores me and continues watching the stick burn. "Winona Ryder's pretty hot."
- Magic Time Skip #2, time is now 3:40 -
Me and Roy are in the parking lot of the Everything store just lighting random things on fire, talking about anything that comes to mind. I stop for a minute so I can text Robert where I am so he could pick me up:
Ross: Hey
Ross: Im at the everything store with roy
Robert: Okay, also are you okay if my mom drives us?
Robert: My brother has work so he can’t drive us
Ross: Ig thats fine
Ross: Howd u get her to drive us though
Robert: I’ll tell you and Roy when I get there, it’s good news :D
Ross: Ooo okay
Ross: Cya later then ♥️
Robert: Cya ♥️
I put my phone in my pocket and look up at Roy. “Robert says he’s got some good news.” I say.
“Ooo what about?” he asks, smiling.
“I don’t know, I think it’s about his parents.” I answer.
“Man, I hope they’re getting a divorce or something. His Dad is a major ass hole.” he says while rolling his eyes and putting away his lighter.
“I hope so too.. Hey, have you ever met his mom?” I ask.
“No, why?”
“Well we’ve seen his dad, but we’ve never seen his mom. And he never talks about her either.”
“Hmm, that is weird. Maybe the good news is about her.”
“Yeah, and his mom is driving me and Rob to our date so we’ll get to see her.”
We talked about Robert’s parents for a while until a car pulled into the parking lot and honked. We jumped a little then looked at the car.
Robert steps out, and boy does he look really nice. He had a black beret, a long brown turtleneck sweater with oversized sleeves, black flared jeans, and brown boots. I start to blush as he walks over to me and Roy and pulls us into a hug. He has a big smile on his face.
“Hey guys!” he says excitedly.
“Hey, you look mega fancy right now.” Roy says teasingly while backing out of the hug.
“Yeah, I didn’t know what to wear for the date so me and my mom went shopping for some nice clothes for me to wear!” he says.
“That’s cool, so what’s the good news?” I ask.
“Okay okay, so basically my mom is kicking my dad out of the house and filing for a divorce!” he says loudly and a smile bigger than before.
Me and Roy gasp and I pull him in for a hug. “Dude, that's amazing!” I say, also smiling.
“Yeah, we’re happy for you Rob! Your dad was such a douche.” Roy says.
“Thanks guys.” Robert says happily.
Suddenly we hear a car door open and close and see a woman with long brown curly hair walk around the car to us. Me and Roy gasp louder than before when we saw her.
Robert starts to laugh and backs out of our hug. “Yep, that’s why I never talked about her to you guys.” he says.
Roy keeps staring at her and eventually Robert has to turn his body around so he’d stop. “Dude stop staring at her, you're gonna make her paranoid.” Robert says quietly to him.
“Hey not to rush you guys but we should get going soon.” Robert’s mom says.
“Coming mom!” Robert says while grabbing my hand and walking towards the car.
“We’ll see you tomorrow Roy!” Robert says to Roy as we both get in the car.
“Y-yeah see you.” he says while making quick glances at Robert’s Mom and waving bye to us. Robert’s mom gets in the car and we drive off.
Date begins now for those who wanted to skip here
Me and Robert sat in the car in silence for about five minutes until Robert goes into his bag and pulls out a little box.
“I got this for you. Saw it while I was shopping and thought you might like it!” he says as he hands me the box.
I smile at him as I open it. Inside was a black clip on helix earring.
“I remember you telling me your mom wouldn’t let you pierce your helix, so I got you a clip on!” he says, smiling and rubbing the back of his head.
I immediately take the earring out the box and put it on. “Rob, I love it! Thank you so much.” I say.
I give him a peck on the cheek but then realize his mom is in the car and probably doesn't ’t know we’re dating or that Robert is gay. “Oh um- Sorry- I didn’t mean to-!”
Robert cuts me off and starts to laugh. “Dude, it’s okay. My mom knows.” he says, still laughing.
I hear his mom chuckle and which makes me start to feel embarrassed.
“Oh- haha, okay. I also got you something.” I say while pulling the card I got him out of my bag.
I give it to him and he immediately opens it. His whole face turns red as he reads through it and starts to do that smile I love really big. As he got near the end though he lets out a gasp.
“Oh my god- you got me a telescope?!” he asks quickly, turning to me with widened eyes.
“Yeah! Since you like astronomy and all that.” I say with a smile.
He looks down at the card then back at me. “How much was it?!” he asks, concerned.
“It doesn’t matter, I just wanted to get you something I knew you-”
He starts to mumble to himself. “It had to be really expensive. Why'd you buy me something so crazy? You’re probably broke now, I-”
I cut him off by putting my hand over his mouth. “Rob, you’re literally the best guy I’ve ever met and you’re worth spending big amounts of money on. I wanted to get you something I knew you’d really like and appreciate and if it makes you feel any better, my mom chipped in and spent the most on it.”
He gives me a small smile then hugs me. “Thank you Ross, I really like it. I’m gonna take you to go stargazing with it some time.” he says.
I let out a chuckle. “I’ll be waiting.” I say, smiling back.
We stare at each other smiling and start to lean in to each other for a kiss but were interrupted by Robert’s mom. I completely forgot she was here.
“We’re here you two.” she says as she parks the car.
I look out the window and see an arcade that I’ve been wanting to go to.
“Surprise!” Robert shouts.
I quickly grab my bag and get out of the car, Robert does the same. “How’d you know I wanted to come here?!” I ask excitedly.
“I didn’t, I just know you like arcades and this one is really popular and expensive so I figured you’d like it if we came here.” he says. He knows me so well.
“You two have fun, I’ll be here at 6:25 to pick you up!” Robert’s mom says.
“Okay, bye mom, love you!” Robert says back.
Robert’s mom says she loves him too then waves bye as she drives away. We walk into the arcade and everything looked really cool. There's neon lights everywhere and everything just looks really retro. There's a bunch of games that I’ve never seen before and which makes me even more excited.
“I have to go get an arcade card. I’ll be back.” Robert says as he walks off.
I sit down on a bench and continue to look around.
Robert’s POV:
I walk over to one of those machines that give you credit on a card to play the arcade games. I put 100 dollars on it since I knew Ross would probably want to play all the games here and took the card as it came out the machine. I look back at Ross and start to admire how cute he looks as he looks around the arcade excitedly.
I eventually walk back to him and show him the card. “You ready?” I say, smiling at him.
He stands up from the bench he was sitting on and takes the card. “You bet I a-”
His stomach starts to growl which makes me laugh but I could tell he feels embarrassed.
“Maybe we should eat first?” I ask, trying to hold in my laughs.
“I guess.” He mumbles.
We walk over to the food court while subtly grazing our hands together, which makes the both of us blush. When we get in line to order our food I grasp our hands together because grazing them was beginning to get awkward and I just want to hold his hand.
He looks up at me and I smile. “So what do you wanna eat?” I ask.
“Uh- just fries and tenders. With a chocolate shake.” he answers.
“Sounds good, I’ll probably get the same.”
He gives me a thumbs up and moves up the line to order. After we order we find a table to sit at and after about 5 minutes an employee came and serves us our food.
“Enjoy!” the worker says as they walk off.
I look at the table and realize they forgot one of our chocolate shakes. “Wait!” I try calling, but they were already too far away to hear me. “I’ll go to the counter and order another one.” I say to Ross with a sigh.
I was about to get up but he grabs my arm and tells me to sit back down. “Let’s just share it. Less money.” he says while putting the straw in the shake.
I look at him stunned and flustered at what he said. “But there’s only one straw?” I say as if it was a question.
He gives me an “And?” look which makes me sit back down. I take a sip of the shake and as soon as I finish Ross grabs it and also takes a sip.
I stare at him blankly for a minute. “Dude… this wasn’t about less money, was it?” I ask, still staring at him.
“I don’t know, was it?” he says while giving me a smug smirk.
I smirk back at him and take another sip of the shake. Right after he also takes a sip. We ended up going back and forth just taking sips while staring at each other.
“If you wanna kiss me why don’t you just do it dorkus?” I ask as I take another sip of the shake.
Ross takes the shake and moves it to the side while leaning in closer to me. “I am.” he says, which immediately makes me flustered.
He leans in closer and we both close our eyes to kiss but are once again, interrupted.
“How’s everything over here?” an employee asks as Ross quickly sits back down, also flustered.
“Good.." Ross says quietly with an annoyed tone. I couldn’t help but laugh.
“Great, let me know if you need anything!” the employee says and quickly walk off.
Ross looks at me and rolls his eyes as he eats his food.
After 10 minutes we finished eating and walked to the arcade games.
“Finally! What should we play first?” Ross asks excitedly while walking around.
“Ooo let’s play Crossy Road!” he suddenly says, practically running to the game and pointing to it like a little kid.
“Okay okay, chill!" I say to him while laughing to myself.
He swipes the card for the both of us and we begin playing. I got up to 34 and died from a train.
"Damn it, stupid train!" I yell.
I look at Ross' screen and was shocked to see he was already at 97.
"Holy crap dude! You're really good!" I compliment him.
He blushes a little then smirks. "Hah, watch, I'm gonna get to two hun-!"
When he got to 115 he died from missing the log to jump on in the water. He kicks the game out of anger.
"B S!" he yells.
He went to swipe the card again but I stop him.
"Maybe save your points for other games?" I say to him.
He looks back at the game then at the card and sighs. "Ok.. Ooo look, it's that piano tile game! Let's play!" he says as he runs to the game.
I laugh and start running to catch up to him. I could already tell he's gonna drive me crazy with all these games.
We've been here an hour and have already played almost all the games and claw machines. I've been carrying around all the prizes Ross has won all over the place which is exhausting, but so worth it in my opinion. I like seeing him so happy and excited like this. I'm also having fun too though, the games here are pretty cool. The driving ones are my favorite.
"Oh my god Robert!" Ross suddenly yells.
"What is it?" I ask.
"They have a 2 player Dance Dance Revolution! We have to play!" he says as hd runs to the game.
(For those who don't know what game this is:)
He gets up on the pad and swipes the card for the both of us as I put down all of his prizes and get on top of the other pad. I saw him put his hands on the bar behind him so I did the same.
"How do you play this?" I ask.
"You have to step on the arrows that are on your side of the screen. Trust me it's fun," He says excitedly. "Hm, what song should we play?" he mumbles to himself while looking through the options.
I also look at the options but it's all a different language so I can't understand.
"I'm just gonna click on a random one." he finally says then picks a song.
The countdown for the song began and the arrows start to pop up on the screen. At first it was easy to keep up but then the arrows started coming faster which made it hard but still manageable. Ross on the other hand, is going all out. He makes it look so easy. The arrows get even faster and combos start to pop up which made it really confusing. Ross somehow has a full streak and is laughing his brain out. He isn't even holding on to the bar anymore.
The song was really long but I eventually got used to the speed and combos so I also went all out, the games actually really fun once you've got the hang of it. I let go of the bar and just went with the flow of the music. Me and Ross look at each other and smile.
"Wanna try switching pads?!" he yells over the music.
"Sure!" I yell back.
We look at the screen to time when we should switch.
"Now!" Ross yells.
We both spin around each other and land on the arrows that were on each others screens.
"Dude, that was awesome! Let's do it again!" Ross yells while laughing.
We spin around each other again and land on the upcoming arrows. We ended up going back and forth switching pads, it was really fun. We also added in some little tricks like high fives and stepping on each other's arrows. Near the end of the song we started getting tired. We were both sweating and panting a lot, so I ended up taking my beret off.
"One more switch!" I yell at him as the end of the song gets closer.
"Okay!" he yells back.
I watch our screens to wait for a good time then finally yell, "Switch!"
We spin around each other but halfway through it he accidentally steps on my foot, causing me to trip. Before I hit the floor Ross grabs onto the bar behind him and catches me. He pulls me up so I was still kind of below him and holds onto me as the song finally comes to an end. We look at our scores and were pleased. (Idk how the scoring works for this game sorry lol)
"You did really good Rob!" he says, panting and still holding on to me.
"Not as good as you, I didn't expect you to be so good at a game like this!" I say, also panting.
We laugh at each other then Ross looked around. "Think I can finally kiss you without getting interrupted?" he asks jokingly, looking dow at me.
"I don't know, let's see." I say, smiling at him.
We close our eyes and lean into each other BUT were of course, once again, interrupted. This time by two little kids.
"Ayy, it's Ross and Robert!" one of them says as I jump out of Ross' grasp.
We look at the two kids and realize it's Skid and Pump.
"Wh- what are you two doing here?" Ross asks, trying to sound nice but still coming off a little agitated. I laugh at him and he scoffs at me.
"We are playing SpOoKy games because it is a SpOoKy MoNtH!" they both happily yell together and proceed to do the SpOoKy dance.
"It's SpOoKy MoNtH?!" I yell back smiling and joining them in their SpOoKy dance.
"Seriously Robert?" Ross mutters.
He sighs but ends up smiling and joining in on the SpOoKy dance. We eventually stop and let Skid and Pump have their turn on the game.
"This game isn't really SpOoKy thoug-"
They started dancing to that Halloween vocaloid song and were surprisingly really good at it.
"Oh, well that's pretty SpOoKy I guess. Well cya guys!" I say to them as I pick up Ross' prizes and walk off.
"Hey, what time is it?" Ross asks.
I check my watch. "It's 6:13, wow time flies fast!" I say to him.
"I guess that means your mom will be here soon. We should check in the tickets on the card to get more prizes!" he says.
"Sounds good!" I say back.
We walk over to the prize counter and trade in our tickets for more prizes to carry.
"Why don't you put some of it in your bag? And I'll put some in mine." Ross says as he grabs some of the prizes.
"Wow, can't believe I didn't think of that. But good idea." I say, headbutting myself and stuffing my bag with prizes.
"So, should we wait outside for your mom?" Ross asks.
"No, there's still one more thing we gotta do." I say, grabbing his hand.
We walk to a photo booth and go inside.
"Can't leave an arcade without taking some photo booth pics!" I say as I close the curtain to the photo booth.
Ross' POV:
We both sit down on the red bench inside the photo booth and Robert begins to set everything up. I stare at him as he clicks on the screen in the booth.
I've been trying to kiss this dude all day and each time manage to get interrupted, now that we're in a closed space maybe I can finally do it.
"It's all set! 4 pics and 2 copies for the both of us." Robert says as he gets more comfortable on the bench.
The countdown for the first picture begins and we both stretch our mouths with our hands while smiling and sticking our tongues out. *snap!*
For the second picture we both do the white skin stare and put our hands on our chins. *snap!*
And for the third pic Robert makes a gun with his fingers and pretends to shoot me while I dramatically go along with it. *snap!*
"Let's do middle fingers for this one!" Robert says smiling.
I nod in agreement, even though I have other plans. We both stick our middle fingers up and look at the camera. Before the countdown finishes I grab his hands and finally kiss him. *snap!*
I pull away and see he's blushing really hard, but so am I.
He stares at me for a second before leaning in for another kiss. I place my hands on his cheeks and kiss back.
"Hey, is anyone in there?" we hear a girl voice suddenly ask from outside the booth.
I pull away from the kiss to say occupied then lean back in. But obviously they didn't hear because they proceed to open the curtain and stare at us. Me and Robert quickly pull apart and turn to see who's there. And we were shocked to see it was Susie with another girl, holding hands.
"Ugh, what are you guys doing here?" Susie asks while subtly letting go of the girl's hand.
"No, what are YOU doing here?" I ask.
"Well me and my friend were going to take pictures in here and instead have been traumatized!" she yells.
"Not our fault you guys didn't hear me say 'occupied'. And that doesn't look like a 'friend' to me." I say teasingly to her.
Robert laughs and Susie's face gets red from embarrassment. "You-!"
"Susie calm down, let's just wait our turn." the girl says as she leads Susie out of the booth and closing the curtain behind them.
I notice me and Robert's pictures laying on the floor so I pick them up and hand him his copy.
"Last one is my favorite." I say to him jokingly.
He gives me a light punch on the shoulder. "Course it is. Now let's get outta here." he says as he grabs my hand.
I smile at him and we walk out of the booth while grabbing our bags. We eventually make it outside and see Robert's mom waiting for us. We get in the car and put our bags in the trunk.
"So, how was it?" Robert's mom asks as she begins to drive away.
"We had a lot of fun!" Robert says happily.
"That's good." she says back.
I feel tired so I lay on Robert's lap and close my eyes. I feel him put his hand on my head and rub it with his thumb which makes me smile.
- Magic Time Skip #3, they arrive at Ross' house -
Me and Robert step out of the car and I grab my bag from the trunk.
"I had a lot of fun today Robert. Thanks for taking me out." I say as we walk to my front door.
"I also had lot's of fun. Let's do this again sometime." he says with a smile.
I feel like I'm forgetting something.. oh the telescope!.
"Oh Rob, stay here for a minute!" I say as I run inside to grab the telescope.
After about 2 minutes I found it and walk downstairs to the front door with it.
Robert stares at it. "I still can't believe you got me a whole flipping telescope." he says as he takes it from me.
We both laugh and give each other a hug. "Well I better get going, thank you again Robert." I say.
He takes my hand. "Can I kiss you goodnight?" he asks.
"Of course you can!" I answer.
We both lean in for a quick kiss then Robert walks back to the car with the telescope.
"Love you Ross!" he says as he puts the telescope in the trunk and steps inside the car.
"I love you more!" I say back, waving bye to him.
The car then begins to drive away and I walk inside my house.
Ok so I think some people r taking the Roy and Robert mom thing wrong so just to clear it up, he doesn't have a crush on her, hes just kinda shocked that his mom is a celeb. Sorry if I made it seem that way 😓
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