Surprise Party
Requested by: Havyshibicustea
Ross' POV:
Me and Roy are currently sitting in the park brainstorming ideas for what to do on Friday. Friday is Robert's birthday and I wanna do something nice for him.
"Restaurant?" Roy asks.
"Nah." I reply.
"Hmm." Roy groans.
We sat there in silence for a bit more until I finally got a good idea.
"Oh! Maybe we could throw a surprise party for him? On Saturday though because we have school Friday." I ask.
"Isn't that kinda... childish? Would he like that?" he questions back.
"Of course he'll like it, you know he likes stuff like this." I answer.
He thought about it for a minute then says, "It is a good idea, let's do it!"
We give each other a high five and I take out my phone to start planning.
- Magic Time Skip to Saturday afternoon -
Me, Roy, Robert's mom and siblings are now decorating around Robert's house. I take a balloon out of the decoration bag I bought from the store and blow it up.
"I think we're almost done," I tell Roy as I finish tying the balloon to a chair. "What time is it?"
Roy pulls out his phone and his eyes widen. "Shit, it's 4:15! He's gonna be here any minute!" he yells.
"What how?! We need to hurry u-"
"Guys he's here!!" Riley yells as she runs to me and Roy.
"W-we're not done!!" I yell, now starting to panic.
Roy loudly groans and grabs me. "Well you're his boyfriend, distract him!" Roy says as he drags me to the front door.
"No- I can't- What will I-?!"
Roy opens the door and shoves me outside. "Roy-!"
"I'll text you when we're done, now go!!" And with that he slams the door shut and quickly locks it. Crap.
I turn around and see Robert walking down the block. I can't let him see me standing in front of his house, he'll know somethings up. It also looks creepy. Thankfully Robert is too busy listening to music and scrolling through his phone so he probably won't notice if I move. I could cross the street then walk up to him from there so he thinks I was heading somewhere.
I quickly but quietly run off Robert's porch and cross the street. I look back at him to make sure he didn't notice then start walking towards him.
When I got closer to him he finally noticed and looked up at me with a smile.
"Hey- uh- Robby, what's up?" I say as we shake hands.
"Robby, that's a new one." he says with a chuckle.
"Ah- Yeah I just thought of it. Not good?"
"No! I like it."
We stood there in awkwardness for a couple seconds. What do I say now?
"Well uh, I'm gonna head inside now, you can come with me if you want." Robert says as he starts taking steps toward his house.
"WAIT!" I yell as I quickly grab his hand.
He turns to look at me and tilts his head a bit in confusion. Damn it now what?! Why couldn't Roy distract him?!
Robert's POV:
"What is it?" I ask.
Ross is acting kind of weird right now and I can't think of any reason why he would be.
"Umm, I need help with something." he mutters.
"With what?" I ask.
He pulls out his phone and shows me two pictures of different hat's.
"Which one do you think is better, this one or," He swipes to the next picture. "This one?"
Is this seriously all he needed my help with? I swear he's so weird and random. I take the phone out of his hands and swipe through to see the hat's. I finally decide on the first one, which was black and had rips with a skull on it.
I give Ross back his phone and tell him the first one was better.
"Thanks." he says awkwardly.
I was about to ask if something was wrong but his phone starts ringing and he quickly checks it. He looks back up at me and was surprised to see his whole mood changed. He went from looking off to... excited?
"That's all, can I come with you to your house?" he asks quickly.
"Sure!" I answer.
"Great, let's go." he says as he grabs my hand and practically drags me to my house.
We walk onto my porch and I take my keys out of my pocket to unlock the door, but Ross snatches them.
"I'll unlock the door for you. And open the door for you." he says.
"Oh, well thank you." I say sarcastically.
He winks at me then proceedes to unlock the door. He holds the door open for me and we both walk inside. I went to turn the light on but Ross beat me to it.
As soon as he turned it on I saw Roy, Riley, Radford, Robin, and my Mom run into the foyer in front of me. Roy and Riley were holding confetti blasters and set them off.
Then everyone including Ross screams, "Surprise!"
I start to shake my hands in excitement and smile really big. I can't believe they did all this for me! I haven't been to or had a party in such a long time because of my dad, it's something I've wanted for such a long time.
My eyes start to tear a little and I give everyone a hug. "Thank you guys so much!"
Ross' POV:
Robert looks really happy and surprised, which makes me happy. I knew he would like this. Somethings missing though- oh right the cake! I run to the kitchen and light up the candles. Then I carefully walk back to the foyer with the cake and everyone startz singing. When we finish Robert walks to the front of the candles and blows them out while everyone cheers.
"I love you guys so much." he says happily.
I put the cake down and ruffle his hair. "We love you too, dork."
Roy jumps and puts him in a headlock. "I think we owe someone 15 birthday smacks!" he taunts while giving him a noogie.
Robert yells no while laughing and eventuslly breaks out of the headlock. He looks at me and smirks.
"Instead of smacks, I think Ross owes me 15 birthday kisses." he says while leaning close to me.
"Uh- No smacks sound better!" I quickly say. I'm not gonna kiss him 15 times in front of his family!
"Ross, Robert's the birthday boy, you better give him what he wants!" Riley teases.
I start to blush hard. "Are you guys serious?!"
"Yes!" they all yell in sync. I sighed.
"Well?" Robert says teasingly again.
"Later." I mumble.
Robert obviously didn't want to wait for 'later' so he grabs my chin and pulls me in for a kiss. I laugh into it and so does he. We pull apart and I grab his cheeks to give him 14 more small quick kisses all over his face. I let go of him and he backs away, wobbling a little.
I laugh at him. "Happy now?" I ask.
"Very" he answers.
"CRINGE!" Roy yells.
Me and Robert roll our eyes at him and walk to the living room so Robert can open his presents
"I hope you didn't get me a telescope." he jokes.
"Nah, I got you something more chill."
We laugh and I hand him my present. He quickly opens it up and his whole face lights up when he sees what's inside.
"A camera?! Oh my god Ross thank you thank you thank you!" he squeals as he pulls me into a hug. "We're gonna take so many romantic pics. And I'm gonna hang them in my room." he says as he admires the camera. I laugh and blush a little.
"Open mine now, cringe lord." Roy suddenly says.
Robert takes Roy's present and starts opening it. Roy smirks evilly as he watches Robert open it. Oh boy, this can't be good.
Finally Robert finishes opening it and stares blankly at it. "...Thank you Roy." he says quietly.
Roy starts to burst into laughter. "Put it on!" Roy insists as he grabs what was in the present and forces it onto Robert. When I saw it I also laughed. It was a white shirt and near the top of it in small black font it read 'im gay'.
"Stop laughing you jerks!" Robert yells.
"Wow Rob, that shirt really- pfft- suits you!" I say, trying to hold in my laughs.
He rolls his eyes at me and Roy. "Ross, I'm gonna buy you a shirt that says 'im bi'. And you will wear it. How's that sound?" He says, sounding kind of serious now.
Me and Roy quickly get serious too and stop laughing.
"Uh anyway! I got you something else." Roy mumbles as he hands Robert another present.
Robert glares at him then starts to open it. When he finishes he gives Roy a smile, to which Roy rolls his eyes in response. It was a stargazing notebook.
"Aww Roy, I love it." Robert says as he gives Roy a hug.
Roy pulls away and scoffs. "Yeah yeah. Glad you like it." he mumbles.
Me and Robert laugh and he continues to open the rest of his presents.
After he opened his presents we went to cut the cake in the dining room. Little does Robert know we have two cakes so we could smash his face in one.
Robert sits in front of the cake and me and Roy sit on each side of him. We give each other a thumbs up and wait for Robert to get closer to the cake.
"Who's having cake?!" he yells out to everyone.
Everyone enters the dining room and sits around the cake. Then Robert leans over the cake to grab a knife but before he could grab it me and Roy smash his head in the cake. We hear him angrily gasp which makes everyone laugh. While me and Roy were too busy laughing Robert quickly lifted his head from the cake and smashed both our heads in the cake. He laughs and Roy grabs a chunk of cake and smothers it on Robert's face. Robert does the same to Roy and we all began to fight with the cake. Until Robert almost dropped the f-bomb, which would've been fine if it was just us three but Riley's here so no f-bombs today.
"You mother fu-!"
"Robert!" Me and Robert's mom yell.
Robert looks at us and we point to Riley, whose just sitting there innocently waiting for a slice of cake.
"Ah, sorry." he says with a little chuckle.
"I'll get the other cake. You boys clean up." Robert's mom says as she gets up to get the cake.
Me, Roy, and Robert then run to the bathroom to wash the cake off our faces.
Robert's POV:
Roy was leaning in the tub and me and Ross shared the sink to get the cake off.
"I can't believe you two did that." I say as I dry my face with a towel.
"Oh please, it was fun and you know it." Ross replys.
Roy and Ross also dry their faces off with a towel and we all run back downstairs, excited for the cake.
"What flavor is it?" I ask as I sit back down in front of the new cake.
"Red Velvet with cream cheese, your fave!" Riley says excitedly.
"Ooo nice!" I say as I grab the knife to cut the cake.
I cut 7 slices of cake for everyone and hand it out. I take a bite and oh my god it's soooooo good. I finished it in probably 15 seconds and took another slice. And after that another, and another, and another-
"Robert chill out, save some!" Roy yells as he sees me serving my fifth slice.
"Okay okay, last one I promise." I say as I put the slice of cake on my plate.
I quickly finish it and take my plate and fork to the kitchen to wash. As I was washing my plate I felt a pair of hands wrap around my waist which made me go red in the face.
"Ross? That you?" I ask.
"Mhm. So, what do you think of my awesome surprise party?" he asks jokingly.
I laugh at him and put the plate I washed in the drying rack. "I think it's amazing. You all really surprised me." I answer as I start washing my fork.
I hear him let out a chuckle and he rests his head on my back.
"Is that all you wanted to ask me, weirdo?" I ask, turning my head a little to look at him.
He looks up at me which makes me quickly turn my head away.
"You got some cake on your face." he says.
"Oh, where?" I ask, turning around to face him so he could show me.
Instead he gets on his tip toes and wipes it off for me. And instead of him throwing it away like a normal person would, he ate it!!
"Dude!!" I say stunned while turning off the sink and facing him.
"What? It's cake." he calmly says.
"You're crazy.."
"Crazy for you."
"Oh my god that was so corny, don't do that again."
We both laugh and walk back to the dining room.
Roy sees us and immediately springs out of the chair he was sitting on. "Guys let's go play Robert's new games!" he says excitedly.
I agreed and dragged them both to my room. They both sit on my bed and look around, it's their first time in my room so I guess they've been curious about how it looks. But they don't look that impressed. I understand why though, my dad never allowed me to decorate my room or get colorful stuff, so my room is just... boring. But since my dad is gone now I'm definitely gonna decorate it.
I set up the games and we all grab some controllers.
"What should we play first birthday boy?" Ross asks.
I look at all the games and decide on: "Mario Kart!"
Ross and Roy nod in agreement and I start the game. I sit down in the middle of both of them and think about the character I want to use. The character list comes up and I decide to choose Daisy, for laughs. Ross sees my choice in character and chooses Peach.
"... Why are you guys choosing the girls?" Roy asks as he chooses Bowser Jr.
I know why I chose Daisy but I don't know about Ross.
"Peach and Daisy are definitely secret lesbians that's why." Ross suddenly says.
Me and Roy look at him in shock. "Get help please," Roy says to him, still a little stunned. "You say the most weird shit, you call my mom a lady of the night and now you're saying Peach and Daisy are lesbians?!"
Ross gives him a thumbs up. "Actually I take it back, Daisy's a lesbian and Peach is bi." he says.
Roy sighs and I laugh. I turn back to the screen to choose the map. The race starts and we all start yelling and laughing at each other for the rest of the day.
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