Ross's POV
Me and my mom are currently in the car driving to Susie's house. There's a dance at Roy's school and me and Robert were invited to go. But Roy told us we needed dates, so I asked Susie and she surprisingly said yes.
Although, I was going to ask Robert if he wanted to go with me but it would've been weird. I say that because I think I like him. I discovered this last year and came to the conclusion that I'm bisexual. Though it would've been nice to have been dancing the night away with Robert... holding hands... leaning on his shoulder... and then maybe kissi-.
"Honey, we're here!" my mom yelled, snapping me out of my thoughts. "Do you want me to drive you guys there? Or are you walking?"
"We'll walk." I answer while leaving the car.
"Okay honey, love you and see you later!"
I said I love you back then she drove off. I walked up to Susie's house and knocked on the door. Pump opened the door.
"Oh hey Ross! What are you doing here?" he asked.
"I'm here for Susie, is she ready?"
"Wait here, k?" he said as he ran to Susie's room.
A few seconds later I heard her yell. "How many times do I have to tell you not to come into my room?!"
I heard Pump tell her something then she quickly stomped to the door. "Hey Ross. I'm not ready yet so do you want to come inside and have a snack while you wait?" she asked.
"Sure." I answer.
I walked inside and sat on the couch. "We have chips, icecream, and cookies, pick one." Susie says.
I told her chips then she walked away to get them. I pulled out my phone to text Robert and Roy I would be a little late. I waited for a response but only Roy responded to me:
Ross: I'm gonna be a little late, Susie's not ready yet, sorry
Roy: Tell her to hurry the hell up then
Susie came back with the chips then went back to her room to get ready. I would scroll through my phone while I wait but my phone is on 20% and I don't want to waste the battery, so I just sat on the couch in thought.
I couldn't stop thinking about Robert though. I've always thought he was straight, whenever me and Roy would talk about girls he would sometimes chime in and agree. But now that I think about it, whenever he did talk about girls, his face would look awkward. And once when we were talking about a guy character from a show we watched he slightly blushed. Could he possibly be interested in guys? Maybe after the dance I could tell him I'm bi, then maybe if he's interested in guys he'd tell me. "Ross." But what if he thinks I'm weird for telling him I'm bi at a school dance? "Ross." What if he isn't gay? What if- "ROSS!" Susie yelled.
I jumped and looked behind to look at Susie. She looked annoyed.
"Sorry, I got lost in thought." I said walking to the door.
She followed behind and put on her shoes. When she got them on she said bye to Pump and her grandpa then left.
We were walking to the dance in silence when I noticed Susie glancing at me. I looked at her back and she quickly turned her head. That's weird.
"Is something wrong?" I asked.
She looked back at me. "Sorry, it's just that you seem kind of out of it. Something on your mind?" she asked, concerned.
Should I talk to her about it? Maybe she'd understand.
"I- I'm trying to figure out if Robert might be into guys because I- uh- like him. I wanted to go to the dance with him, no offense to you, but I'm just not sure how to go about this."
My face got red from embarrassment so I looked down for a bit. I heard Susie laugh so I looked back up at her.
"Wh-what's so funny?!" I asked, confused.
"Ross, in my opinion, Robert is sooo into you! Like, head over heels into you. I say ask him out." she says.
"What makes you think he's into me? And even if I did want to ask him out, what about you? I invited you here as my date."
"Well for one, he gets flustered anytime you, specifically you, make physical contact with him. And two, he definitely has a thing for that guy in that show we watch because his face gets pink when he's on screen. As for me, don't even worry about it, I don't really like dance's. I'll go with you for like 30 minutes then make an excuse to leave. Just y'know, give me 25 bucks back since I still have to pay for the ticket."
I smiled at her. I really hope she's right.
"Thanks Susie. Didn't expect you to give such good feedback." I laughed.
She rolled her eyes. "Mhm. If you two do get together just keep your lovey-dovey shit away from me."
We both laughed and continued walking.
About 10 minutes later we arrived and purchased our tickets. We walked inside and scanned the room for Robert or Roy. I saw Robert walking towards us and blushed instantly.
God, he looks really nice. And neat. He was wearing a red-velvet colored suit top with a green flower and puffy sleeves, a little top hat on the side of his head the color of his suit with green feathers, and his usual jeans. He also attempted to do his hair, it still looked a little messy but I like how he did it. Susie saw me blushing and smirked. Then Robert finally got to us.
"Hey dude!" he says while we hand shake.
"Sup! Has Roy arrived yet?" I asked.
"No, neither has Vivi."
Vivi? Who's Vivi? I looked at Susie and saw her face turned blank.
"Oh right...Vivi. I thought she declined you..! Heh." she says awkwardly.
"Nope, she accepted yesterday. Can you text and ask her where she is?" he asks.
"Um, sure.."
Susie pulls out her phone and starts typing. I let out a sigh. Robert has a date? How am I going to ask him out? Wait if he has a date, and it's a girl, doesn't that mean he's not into guys?! I take a quick glance at him and noticed he looks a little upset. Strange..
Susie looks up from her phone and looks at Robert. "She'll be here soon. She's stuck in traffic. Anyways do you guys want to-"
She was cut off by someone that had crept behind her and grabbed her by the shoulders. She screamed and turned angrily to see who it was. It was Roy. We all started to laugh and Susie's face got red with anger and of embarrassment from letting out that scream.
"You douchebag! Why would you do that!?" she yells at him.
Roy tried to answer but was dying of laughter. Finally after about a minute of laughing, he manages to muster something up.
"Hah! You should see how red your face is!"
He kept laughing and Susie let out a grunt then walked off. I tried to remember who Vivi was but it just didn't hit me. I was also getting upset the more I thought of Robert with whoever this chick was so I tried to think of something else.
"Hey Roy, where's your date?" I asked.
He stopped laughing and rolled his eyes. "She's not coming, she doesn't want to be seen with someone as 'immature' as me. It's fine though, I'll just stick with you guys!"
I gave him a thumbs up and we all walked to the snack table to wait for Vivi and chat.
As we were talking I noticed a girl with black hair in a ponytail and a long white and black dress with a pearl necklace walk in. Then it hit me. Vivi Barbalae, the daughter of the town's richest couple. More rich than Roy's. I can't believe she's here, and especially as Robert's date. Not only is she known as the richest kid in town, but also as the most annoying and spoiled kid in town.
There's no way Robert likes her. I look over at him and notice his face turn pink and sweaty when he realized Vivi was here. He actually likes her, I can't believe it. But now that I'm thinking about it, I remember one time I overheard Vivi talking about her crush to Susie. It was Robert. Of course they came to the dance together. But now what?
I thought about it for a minute and came to a conclusion. As upsetting as this is, I decide I should tell Robert to go for it. I want him to be happy and they both like each other, I should help them out I guess. I put on a smile and tapped Robert on the shoulder. He turned to look at me.
"Y'know Vivi has a big crush on you right?" I said, keeping my smile.
"Oh, really? I didn't know." He said, looking away.
Roy started to make "Ooo"-ing noises and laughed. "Ooo, are you gonna make a move Rob?" he asks.
Robert ignored him, laughed it off then served himself another cup of apple juice.
"You should go for it dude! Vivi's really pretty and you two would make a good couple." I said.
He took a sip of his apple juice and I noticed Vivi walking towards him so I got ready to leave. Me and Roy walked away when she grabbed him by the arms and I gave him a thumbs up when he turned to look at me.
We ended up walking to Susie, who was sitting on a chair near the dance floor. She looked at Roy and rolled her eyes. I guess she's still mad at him.
"Hi Susie." Roy said teasingly while making a small wave.
She ignored him and looked at me. "Where's Robert?" she asks.
"He's with- um- Vivi. I think they like each other." I answer.
We both frowned. "Sorry, I forgot to tell you Vivi was going with Robert."
"It's fine I guess."
We stayed in silence for 10 seconds until Roy broke it. "Uh, what's up with you guys?" Roy asks.
We forgot he was there.
"We just can't believe that Robert would actually go with Vivi! Y'know? It's unexpected!" Susie says quickly.
"Well that's true I guess. Never would've thought spoiled annoying brats were Roberts type." he responds.
We all laughed and started talking about how annoying Vivi was for a bit. I ended up looking at Robert to see how he was doing. Vivi and him were dancing, but Robert really sucked at it. I laughed to myself and kept looking at him. He didn't look like he was enjoying himself though. I got lost in thought while still staring at him until I noticed he was also looking at me. Crap! I tried to look away but just couldn't find myself to do it so we ended up making awkward eye contact. After a couple second's Vivi grabbed him by the chin angrily and forcefully turned him away. She started yelling at him so loud I could almost hear her from across the dance floor. That bi-!
"Ross why are you staring at them like that?" Roy asks.
I looked at him and Susie. "Did you see that?!" I ask angrily.
Roy looks at Susie and both say no.
"That bitch just yelled at Robert for no fucking reason! And she's being way too controlling of him! She doesn't deserve him and Rob doesn't deserve to be fucking treated like that! She needs to be put in her fucking place now!" I yell.
I start to make my way towards them but Roy grabs me. I turn to look at him and both him and Susie had widened eyes and shocked expressions on their faces. I guess I went a bit overboard, I never yell curses like that.
"Dude, you need to calm down! Vivi probably got jealous or something! And even though we all agree that Vivi doesn't deserve him, we need to be there for Robert and support hi-" He stopped talking and gasped while looking at where Vivi and Robert were.
"What?!" I yelled while looking behind me.
And what I saw shook me. Vivi was leaning into Robert while holding his hand. My face immediately turned red.
"Fuck!" I yell while I storm off.
I ended up sitting at an empty table near a window at the entrance for a bit to try and cool down. But I just couldn't. Did nobody notice how Vivi was acting to Robert? How could Robert let her treat him like that? The more I thought about it the more upset I got. I suddenly felt a tap from behind me on my shoulder. I looked behind to see who it was.
"Are you good?" Susie asks, concerned.
I let out a sigh of frustration. Susie then pulls a chair to the table and sits down across from me.
"They didn't kiss." she says.
My face immediately went blank. "What? What happened?"
"Robert didn't want to kiss her. He pushed her away then ran."
I stayed silent for a few seconds, trying to think of an excuse for why Robert would do that.
"He was probably just embarrassed. Or maybe he just wasn't ready to kiss." I finally say.
I was about to start ranting about Vivi again but Susie cut me off. "I don't know if I saw wrong, but when he ran off he had tears in his eyes. He definitely didn't want that kiss."
I thought about it for a minute. There's no way. "But I thought he liked her, when she arrived I saw his face turn pink!" I say in denial.
"Y'know people can blush when stressed or embarrassed, right?"
"So are you saying that he doesn't actually like Vivi?"
She nods her head yes. I can't believe this. Thank god he actually doesn't like that attention seeking bi- witch. Wait, so do I still have a chance with him?
I tried scanning the room for Robert and saw him with Vivi again. He had spilt a cup of punch on her dress and she had a furious look on her face. She ran off and Robert smiled while he walked to the snack table. I definitely have a chance with him. But how should I go about this?
"You should ask him to dance, the slow dance is about to start." Susie suddenly says.
I look back at her. "That's a good idea. So I guess you'll be leaving then?" I ask.
She laughs and holds her hand out. "Not until you refund my ticket."
I rolled my eyes and handed her 25 bucks. Then she got up. "Good luck Ross!" she says while walking off.
I look back at Robert and think. I can't just go and ask him to dance, I have to make it seem like I don't know what happened with Vivi. I get up and walk to the snack table, Robert and Roy were chatting. I look at Robert for a sec then looked down at the cookies and took one.
"What are you doing here? It's almost time for the slow dancing. Aren't you going to dance with Vivi?" I ask.
"Well what about you, where's Susie?" he asks back.
Crap I need an excuse! "She forgot she made plans to livestream today so she left." I say quickly. Good thinking to me.
"Oh." he says quietly.
We sat there in silence for a while then Roy got up. "Well then, I think I'm going to go break in Susie's room through the window and crash her stream. You two have fun. See ya!"
He looks at Robert and I think winks at him before running off.
About five minutes later the announcement for the slow dancing came on and everyone flooded the dance floor.
"So, did something happen between you and Vivi?" I ask while eating the cookie I took.
"I spilt punch on her dress so I doubt she wants to see me again. It's fine though, she was annoying anyway." he answers.
I laugj. Now I'm really sure he doesn't like her. I'm definitely gonna ask him to dance.
"She is really annoying. And spoiled." I say in agreement.
We watched more people go on the dance floor for about a minute then I stood up and held my hand out to him. "We paid $25 dollars to be here and I don't like wasting money. So do you want to dance?"
We both start to blush a little. He nods his head yes and we walk to the dance floor holding hands.
We try to get into the dancing position but Robert was struggling.
"So um, how do you wanna do this?" he asks with a chuckle.
"You don't know how?" I ask, laughing to myself.
He shakes his head no then so I grab his hands and place one on my shoulder and one on my waist. I did the same and we start dancing. This is really fun, even though we both suck at eye contact and are smiling awkwardly. I can't believe I got the guts to ask him to dance.
After a few minutes the song stopped and we look at each other. I feel like I should tell him something.
"Hey, even though both our dates are gone, I'm having fun hanging with you. Maybe more fun than I was having with Susie." I say with a smile.
He chuckles. "I'm definitely having more fun with you than with Vivi."
We laugh then go back to dancing, as the next song had just started. This time we were surprisingly able to keep eye contact. But after a few seconds I noticed Robert's smile slowly starting to fade.
"Ross, can I tell you something?" He asks, nervously.
"Course dude!" I answer.
"Well the truth is, I actually wanted to come to the dance with you. Not Vivi. And-"
I quickly look away before he could finish what he was saying. It caught me off guard and I could tell my face is covered in blush. I don't want him to see how red I probably look.
"Ross? Crap, I'm sorry, I-I shouldn't have told yo-"
"With me? As in be your date?" I ask, still looking away.
"Y-yea. And I-"
I squeeze his shoulder lightly to catch his attention and look back up at him hoping my face isn't too pink anymore. "Let's go outside." I say.
If this is going where I think it's going I don't want it to happen in front of all these people. He was hesitating so I grabbed his hand and took him upstairs to a balcony. There was a bench so we sat down. We looked over the balcony at the view.
"It's a nice view from up here." Robert says awkwardly. I didn't respond though.
We looked at the view for a few more seconds then I spoke up. "So, what were you saying?" I ask.
He starts to sweat which made me a little nervous. "Before I say it, I don't want our friendship to change. We've been such good friends for so long and I don't want what I'm about to say to affect that." He takes a breath and continues. "I'm gay. And I've had a crush on you since middle school. I'm so sorry I didn't tell you sooner and I understand if you don't feel the same way. But like I said I don't want this to change our relationship as friends and if you want I- ''
Holy crap, he likes me! I can't believe this is happening. I place my hand on top of his without thinking about it to catch his attention. He looks at me.
"I uh- want to tell you something too. Can I?"
He nervously nods his head yes and I start to talk. "I also wanted to go to th-the dance with you. A-and-''
I stopped to take a couple breaths. My stupid stutters. I try to start talking again but stop fast because of my stutters. I let out a sigh of frustration.
"You don't have to tell me yet. Or just take a moment to calm yourself down. I don't mind waiting." he suddenly says while giving me a thumbs up, which makes me blush even more then before.
He's so sweet, who wouldn't fall in love with a dork as sweet as him?
"I- uh- ''
Seeing as how speaking is going to get me nowhere, I place my other hand on his cheek, looking at his eyes to his lips. Maybe he'll get what I'm hinting at? He stared at me in shock for a few seconds then slowly leans in a little, trying to figure out if he got my hint right. I lean in a bit too, to show him he got my hint. We stare for a few seconds more before we both slowly start to lean into each other. Eventually our lips clash together into a kiss and pull apart after 10 seconds to stare at each other again, trying to process what we just did. But it felt amazing.
Robert continued to stare at me with widened eyes. I feel like I could speak now so I did.
"I- um- like you too. And I wanted to tell you after the dance that I'm bi. But I guess now is a good time, heh." I say to him, flustered.
We chuckle at each other. "Is now also a good time to ask you to be my boyfriend?" he asks jokingly.
"What do you think Rob?" I laugh.
We both lean in for another kiss, more passionate then the first. I'm so happy and grateful I get to be the one with him. I should've confessed sooner.
We eventually pull apart and I stand up, holding my hand out to him.
"I could still hear the music from inside, you wanna dance here?" I ask.
He stands up in front of me and gets in the position I showed him. Though since we're a couple now, I want to try a different position. I take his arms and place them on each of my shoulder.
"Wrap your hands around my neck. I wanna try it this way now. Since most couples do it like this." I suggest.
He nods in agreement and wraps his hands around my neck. I did the same and pull him closer to me so I could rest my head on his shoulder. I hear him chuckle to himself then we start to dance.
We dance for about thirty minutes until I felt like someone was watching us. I looked at a nearby window and noticed Vivi was watching us through it. She jumped when I looked at her and turned her head to make it look like she wasn't looking, even though it was obvious she was. I decided I should show her how to really treat a guy.
The song that was playing ended and I took a step back to look up at Robert.
"Y'know, you look very handsome today. I forgot to tell you when I saw you." I say smiling.
I guess I caught him off guard with my comment cause he immediately got really flustered. I chuckle.
"O-oh, really? Thanks!" he says.
I start to play with his hair. "Your hair also looks nice, and neat. You did it differently right?" I say, running my fingers through his hair.
He starts to smile really big, probably out of embarrassment. But it's cute. I start to rub his neck then slowly moved them up to his lips. "
Your smile is my favorite. It could light up a whole city." I say while looking up at him.
He laughs out of embarrassment. "Hah, Ross, stop it, you're embarrassing me!"
I smile and get on my tip-toes so my face is near his ears. "You're cute when flustered." I whisper.
He immediately gets chills then pulls me away from his ear to lean in for a kiss but was cut off by sudden yelling coming from downstairs.
"Boo, corny! Are you guys done?!"
We walk to the railing of the balcony and look down. It was Roy.
"Shut the fuck up Roy!" I yell. "I thought you went to go bother Susie!"
"You do realize it's been an hour since I left, right?! Her 'livestream' ended dumbass! But you guys are too busy being all lovey-dovey up there to have noticed!" he yells back, exaggerating on 'livestream'.
I realized he probably figured out there was really no livestream. I stuck up the middle finger to him and look back at Robert.
"Let's get outta here. But before that-"
I pull his collar down so his face is at my level and give him a quick kiss. We smile at each other then walk out of the dance holding hands.
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