017 Backstory
017 Backstory
February 14
Alex POV
I walked over to the little garden I didn't realize was here. It's really cute. The flowers are really colorful still, despite it being pretty dark outside already.
"I'm sorry," I said to Theodosia. She shook her head and smiled. The two teens and John approached me slowly. I put my head in my hands and sighed, thinking about how stupid this whole situation was.
"What?" she asked.
"I'm just going to tell you guys everything." They sat next to me on the ground.
When I was finished basically reciting Click, Boom to them, I looked at their wide eyes and open mouths.
"Shi.......zzle. Really?" Oh Philip, accidentally swearing. Welp.
"Wow. I had no idea."
After all of the remembering stuff and story telling, we went back home and played random board games and all that, as suggested by Pip. We decided to play Monopoly.
"That will be," I glanced at the card, "fifty dollars."
Philip rolls his eyes and gave me the money. I'm like really good at money and banking. "Okay, Theo it's your turn."
She's stuck in the jail. She just needs to roll doubles to get out (I think??). She rolled a six: four and two.
John rolled and landed on "Just Visiting." He jokingly waved at Theo from across the table.
After I won the game, obviously, we cleaned up and just sat in the living room.
"So..?" Philip said.
"So?" I asked
"So?" John repeated.
"So?" Theo repeated as well.
"Nice," I said.
Ok haaaaiiiiiii
I'm so sorry I haven't posted anything in a while. Writers block and bad wifi don't go together.. I have two more chapters coming after this. I did that on purpose ;) ;)
Anyway, SoOo sorry again. Heh.
See ya in Ch 18!
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